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Show LEHI NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change or appropriate water in Utah County, State of Utah, throughout the entire welcomed a new son, July 10. year, unless otherwise desigThe baby has one sister, Diana. nated, all locations being from This makes two grandchildren SLB&M. for Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. To Change: Oeneva Steel Com Crabb. Mrs. Lillian Mclff now has 12 grandsons and four grand pany, Box 269, Salt Lake City, ut. proposes to change the daughters. point of diversion of 1 sec.-- ft of water right initiated Ap Stephen R. Adams, 61, is re- plication No. 15415. Thebywater treatment. He medical was diverted from Fillerup drain ceiving at a point N. 230 ft and W. 260 was admitted Monday. it. rrom bE Cor. Sec. 8, T6S, A tonsil operation was per- R2E, and used from Jan. 1 to formed for Betty Ruth Broad- - Dec. 31 in the manufacture of steel daughter of Mr. and Steel productsafterat the Geneva bent, which it has plant, Mrs. John Broadbent. Happening! spital f nd of Mid- j trefltn'c" and K:t P Julv . 5, t . an aniue n automobile reived a . I f Morgan an1 (Grace), tr1 Id of Los "... receiving SLrin a highway . ,t ,fforvi face 8. ne r injuries and a f riest Carol and Ruth Keetch Smith wrist the parents of a new daugh are 62, in the same born July 8. The baby has first aid treat ter, one sister and one brother. Proud it, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Smith now have one grand Powell, 18, son of I Mrs. Shirlef roweix re-- son and three granddaughters. Mrs. Marie Gunther is now July 8, for a to five. Mrs. Jt aa ratoca incurred ury Lake q City fa Roy maternal the grandmother. Crabb' Mclff ions, xjtah LehI, great-grandmot- andBeverlly VISITING FROM MICHIGAN The rodeo and other Lehi Centennial events were of particular interest to Mr. and Mrs. T Slav Kolan, who with their son m:. nJ Ross soent Frank and granddaughter Patsy, l0vable time in star mra. are visiting in Lehi at the home week, visiting m Mrs. of their of mother son, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph iHadderly, and friends other and Li m Local- s- I GARDNER IN led word, L had suffered FALL Angus Gardner Monday, inai Mrs. ex Mrs. 5-i- nd stock-wateri- ng 3-i- catch nnning'to stock-wateri- ng her baby, injury. The itex are now living in Verana H. Curtis Mrs. R are spending a Connie them. with nd stock-wateri- ng stock-wateri- WHEWER yOU ARE-ENJ0- A craving for publicity and attention explains any number of foolish r contained it Japanese shoes smdeB soles and toe straps, two of which were om cherry wood, some pairs of I silk attractive and an gar- - The practicing pg in the shoes, Japanese Mrs. Dorton writes that rainy season is still on in set indoor gardens. for are children p with only Itt Check fit f MIA If"WS O Service automatic Drain, flush and Inspect radiator Drain, flush and refill transmission and differential Cross switch tires and spare, inspect thoroughly, and inflate properly transmission mJrr 'GUARANTEED SUN GLASSES - THEY RE ervice 'II OPTICALLY CORRECf r PROTECTON, FOR SCIENTIFIC SUN West Center Street in Provo 161 FE '50 IB DESIGNED FOE THE TOEifTY" "PHILC PREPARE NOW FOR THESE HOT MONTHS REFRIGERATORS Iff . . . MODELS . . . FROM $199.50 CALL TODAY AND SEE THE MANY NEW MODELS OF 1950 PH1LCO UP... ALL TO BE HAD ON EASY TERMS. mil I'lll'H TWiriCWifH.in! ) to (Ml EPHDLC ZERO ZONE modfern Ad- Freezer vanced Design at a sensational new Locker low price. It's the 7.2 cu. ft. Philco "704 JMGHf TH ) True Philco Today! See Philco before you buy Tw--, now y Service oil filter StandariL 0 YOUR CHEST aX-Ra- J Completely service battery PLUS: A dozen extra safety checks and services. Service to suit your convenience PHONE TODAY I features of G! tt WEAR npirE A CHECK wheel bearings Drain crankcase and refill with RPM Motor Oil GUARANTEED SUNGLASSES. Inspect and re pack front Lubricate chassis correctly STYLISH retiiurc iui uwy of spread spring zest to your driving . . . take winter creaks out of your car, spruce it up, condition it for top performance. Here's how: STYLE WITH brinas vou such Quality and the CHICK-U- P V REFRESHING- - Kolan. Western events, such as rodeos, are never seen in their home town of Bessemer, "One of the world's great thinkers has said: 'Countries are well cultivated, not as they are fertile, but as they are free.' Thafs a good warning for all Only H6HT - COMFORT ANO things. STYLISH an occasional sunshine. of 0' WINTER D "XVII add ;er i month on Mr package d in Lehi for Mrs. Leo Ball. Ellen, Mrs. by her sister Iw Dorton. ng Oh the avehue, at the JAPAN the way, an from Japan SAGE FROM for irrigation use the water will be conveyed to a storage tank and distribution system where it will be used from Apr. 1 to Oct 31 to supply the domestic requirements of 37 families in mountain homes located in Tibbie Fork and emland embraced in SWViSW. braced in Sees. 7, 8, 17, & 18, T4S, Sec. 17, NE'iNEV4 Sec 19, R3E Sec. NWKNWVi, NE4NWK Protests resisting the granting 20, TSS, R1E of any of the foregoing appli21674 United States Depart- cations with reasons therefor, ment of Agriculture, Forest Ser- must be in affidavit form with for extra copy and filed with the vice, Ogden, Ut .05 sec.-- ft domestic use from Tibbie Fork State Engineer, 403 State CapiSummer Home Spring, tributary tol Salt Lake Citv 1, Utah, on to American Fork Creek at a or before September 3, 1950. point S. 5154'E 853 ft from NW Harold A. Linke Cor. Sec. 17, T4S, R3E. From STATE ENGINEER. JuL 7 - A4 the catchment basin at the spring, .7 sec.-- ft from a 4-- in well bet 5Q and 200 ft. deep at a point N. 360 ft and E 1055 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 17, T5S, R1E, and used from Apr. 1 to Oct 31 as a supplemental supply to irrigate 25 acres of -- of us!" RECEIVES BALL LEO Ut 5-- in. a broken the i EES n. nd on the sidewaiK, fall A FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1950 been returned to Utah Lake at a n. well, 96 ft deep at a a point S. 69'4rW 2665 ft from point N. U69.6 ft and W. 669.5 Wy4 Cor. Sec. 5, T6S, R2E. ft from SE Cor. Sec. 12, T5S, Hereafter, it is proposed to R1W, and used from Apr. 1 to divert 1 sec -- ft at a point N. Nov. 1 to irrigate 22 acres of ViTW 2310.67 ft from SE Cor. land embraced in SSEVi Sec. Sec. 8, T6S, R2E, and used from 12, T5S, R1W, and for year-rouOct 16 to Mar. 31 for industrial incidental domestic and and miscellaneous purposes in purposes the manufacture of steel at the 21497 William L. Worlton, Geneva Steel plant, after which Lehi, Ut. 223 sec.-- ft for irriit will be returned to Utah Lake gation use from a well 147 at either one or both of the fol- ft deep at a point S. 1344.6 ft lowing described points in addi- and W. 406.0 ft from NVi Cor. tion to the point of return des Sec. 16, T5S, R1E, to be used cribed above: N. 2515 ft ond W. from Apr. 15 to Nov. 15 to irri 2810 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 6, and gate 2 acres of land embraced N. 874rW 2425.5 ft from NE in SEViNWi Sec. 16, T5S, R1E, Cor. Sec. 18 both in T6S, R2E and for year-rouincidental To Appropriate: domestic and 21179 Lavon Young, Lehi, Ut. purposes. 1 sec.-- ft for irrigation use from 21521 William C. Chadwick, a well bet. 100 and 300 ft. Rt No. 1, American. Fork, Ut deep at a point S. 260 ft and W. .Ufa sec. -- it for domestic use 997 ft from NV4 Cor. Sec. 18, from a 4 in. well bet 200 and Mrs. Sarah E. Gaisford and T5S, R1E The water will be 300 ft deep at a point S. 600.8 family enjoyed a visit from her used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 to ft. and W. 496.9 ft. from NE Cot. son and family, Mr. and Mrs. irrigate 50 acres of land em Sec. 25, T5S, R1E, to be used to C. E Gaisford and son Terry and braced in NWy4 Sec. 18, T5S, supply the requirements of five Mr. and Mrs. Gaisford and son R1E and for year-rouinci families, and for incidental irriMel, all of Inglewood, Calif., last dental purposes. gation and purweek. 21357 Rulon J. Fox, Lehi, Ut poses. Accompanied by Pfc. James E Gaisford, home on fur .5 sec.-- ft for irrigation use from 21617 Ernest Peterson, Lehi, lough from the US Marine Corps, they visited in Eureka and Salt Lake City with relabeachtives and friends. 1 k) " iss rilso t free press, "71 ZERO ZONE 7 FREEZER LOCKER BETTEfll Now fully enclosed. Keep cream ice even firmly froaen. Full-widt- h, LOW COST! QUICK CHILLER It's America's Stores meats bevquick-chill- '.-- desserts ana salads. fPONTIAC FORDOR - motor, new - dio Motor recondi- ower top, automat- - -- "wi.Only .. 1! --PfWn 1 . $1595.00 . ""uai; SEDAN rrTT w& 1J " overhauled, excellent $695.00 lTUC SEDAN ' SHELVES to Arrange them for suit yourself holding foods of any size or shape. $495.00 f5jCKC0NVERT-Ra- Come in Now it... See H, Compare Feature for Feature! EASY TERMS Just packed with Deluxe Featuresl zone for a new extra-col- d storing meats quick chilling beverages, desserts, salads Roomy Door Latch 14 Crisper of Shelf Capacity 7.2 cu. ft. in sq. ft. Five-Ye"4" a of Warranty. the Space Quick Chiller Self-Closin- d. Keeps fruits, Even keeps we cream firmly frozen I Glass-Covere- H CRISPER Glass-covere- ercnt- mii- - s, greens fresh and crisp PHILCO 703 yours for only $224.50 d g ar Never Before to $279.50 Many Deluxe Features for... PHIICO 904 Zero Zone Freezer Locker New Quick Chiller Fully Adjustable Shelves e Huge h Crisper Door Latch Full-Wid- th Full-Widt- Self-Closi- Five-Ye- ar Protection Plan in moist cold. "Oh, Go to Grass for Finest Values Unsurpassed" .- CPEradio and heater -""ge, one owner $1695.00 IRIo MRKOIICO. encan Fork Street- - Lehi FULL-WIDT- n Freeier Locker. ADJUSTABLE seat ent value in ern, refrigerator with true Zero Zone s erages, at New 151 East State Street FREE DELIVERY Phone 218-- W - Lehi |