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Show i FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1950 - "- PS Children Uunder 10 George C. Phillips Asked Not to Report Family For Swimming Class Holds Reunion Open Forum Parents were requested this The presidency ot me family of the late George not to send children under C. week feted Llief Society Phillips : . .1 met in reunion at aru and me vis- - 10 years of age to the swim Wines' Park, Satudray, . July 1 at . pliehtful can. ming classes being sponsored at with 75.' vucvt j. The affair Saratoga in under the summer attendance. An uescenaants Fork can recreation program. enjoyable after noon was spent luncheon weuu, "h iUiia Gurney and Ferrin Gurney, director of the and a social time with totretW M, program, declared that the Am Alice L. 7n rav. ,rin charge. ebb to B I P singing afternoc eroup LVT the fy corsage 01 was Fre presented to were some 30 I in attendance. Mrs.F"-the new presi.f MrQ Arta Smith and as counselors ine r-n- 'Lmde Morten, secretary. "f" dmoiU.oiU. Is Loft fesfiVal punier L 1 most f the time, popular operas hit of the "next TTtv. annual Summer , R is scheauiea i.j . It "r " uounoo tio Unl-- Festi- - uu Tl u iJ5 d. m. opera English, the m ocon future Norman rf Mephistopheles, Dorothy and Jon Lff as Margurite, recog-me- ra are Ail Faust is stars with a fine L in ur Ltnd erican Red Cross, under whose direction the classes are being conducted, will not assume re sponsibility for teaching or car ing for youngsters under 10 years of age at the swimming pool. Mr. Gurney said that the bus furnishing transportation to the pool is extremely overcrowded, so that no one under 10 years will be allowed to ride. Parents who allow their children to ride to Saratoga on the bus are also requested to allow them to return the same way, unless they personally check the child out with Mrs. Lulu Wilcox, transportation supervisor. Mrs. Wilocx must check each child on and off, and a great deal of is worry and responsibility placed on her if parents pick up their children without notifying Directors ask the full her. r i ii cooperation or an parents in these matters, to help make the swimming program a happy and satisfying event. . operatic and con of tort Thedore uppman win FIRST WARD . . . I Valentin. L local singers will appear Ljor roles. Marvin Sorenson 1 portray young wagner, U Johnson, Siebel, and Ruby barrie, Martha. Vu By Frances Martens Services Sunday evening were conducted by Francis Grant, a member of the ward bishopric The choir and congregation sang the opening song, "Do What Is Right." Junius Banks gave the opening prayer. The choir sang the sacrament song, "I need Thee Every Hour." The choir then sang a special number, "Let the Mountain Shout for Joy." The Elders Quorum was respon sible for the remaining part of the program. James Ferrell in' troduced the speakers. William Young and Charles Johnson, both prospective missionaries, were the speakers of the evening. The choir sang the closing song, "Arise O Glorious Zion." Roose velt Smith offered the benedic tion. leU Free Pre Wily newspaper devoted to te interests and welfare of LebiCity Press Friday lered at the postoffice at Lehi, 1 as second class matter under Mished by the Free pishing Co., Every act of Congress March 3, 1879 WllfASSOCIAFION l Russell Innes, Publisher Subscription Year $2.00 advance) (in . war l" a TROUBLE HUT HOT WATER National Farm Safety Week July 23 to 29 To the Editor: This taxpayer would like to ask if the City officials have had time recently to ride through some of the surrounding towns and villages and look over the newly surfaced streets? What consideration has been given to Lehi streets? If other smaller villages can have new ly surfaced streets why can't we at least have some decent patch ing jobs done? Signed, A Taxpayer. Phillips was in charge iangements. Children, grandchildren and great grandchildren made up the group, with family heads as follows; Mr. and Mrs. George mu; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips, Wendell, Idaho; Reunion Abel J- Phillips, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Lists Walter Hunter (Martha), American Fork; Mr. nA Mr v v Anderson (Julia). Oeden- Mr A number of family reunions ana Airs. Wiiliam Chaffin (Jane) were held in Lehi and vicinity oi rayson; Mrs. Laurel Rock the Centennial season and (Leatha), Morgan; Mr. and Mrs during immediately following, with P. D. Christiansen (Ida), Sandy; total attendance estimated over Mr. and Mrs. 1500 persons. Reunions reported (Alice), Vineyard: BishoD and by LeRoy Davis of the CentenMrs. Evans L. Anderson ), nial Committee were as follows LehiBishop and Mrs. June 24, Peter Julius Christof- Warren L. Goates (Marie): Mr. ferson family, at Saratoga; June and Mrs. David Adamson (Ar- 24, Alumni Class of 1933, Amer ene); Mr. and Mrs. Louis Phil- - ican Fork canyon; June 25, hps, Parma, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. James Paulinas Allied family. Jean U Phillips and Mr. and Wines' Park; June 25, Joseph Mrs. Howard Robinson (Ada). Calton family, Wines' Park; June ihe Louis Phillips famliy re 29, Jesse Burgon family, Wines' mamed with his mother, Mrs. Park; June 30, Lehi High School Alice L. Phillips, for nearly a alumni, at high school building week, and Mrs. Chaffin and Mrs. June 30, William Gurney family, Kock also spent several davs Wines' Park; July 1, Jackson here. Mr. Rock joined his wife Wanlass family, American Fork for the return trip to Morgan. Canyon; July 1, John Griggs Chairman Family Gatherings - - (Lili-ane- - Mrs. W. Glen Waddoups of Los Angeles, California, is visiting indefinitely at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J Whipple of Lehi. An election, like a Supreme Court decision, is the final word, whether correct or not lUJJIWWLJlJ..ll.ia.llUIIIMIWl For Expert WIRING and APPLIANCE REPAIR Cal- lALLEN WELLS Phone 150- -J 413 North Center St - Lehi 5, 14 FREE servCE , ........ . The summer sessions of Primary are being held on Wednesdays at 3 p. m. Summer Mutual got off to a start Tuesday evening. good Plans have been made to con tinue Mutual throughout the summer. Officers for the coming year are Mrs. Dean Wilcox, pres ident of the Young Women with Mrs. Douglas Smith and Mrs. Gam Holbrook as counselors and Mrs. Sheral Covington and Mrs. Glen Wanlass as secretaries. Daryl All red is president of the d Young Men with Sherwin and Robert Brown as All-re- It's rather difficult to make a fortune without hard work although the records show that it Not every man who fails to has been done, but not by us. make money in large amounts is a failure. White family, Saratoga; July 1, George C. Phillips family, Wines' BARBARA DENE KLEINMAN Park; July 1, Able Evans fami MARRIES DR. WM. PETTIT Fork Canyon; ly, American Of interest to their many Lehi July 2, John Austin family, Wines' Park; July 9, James acquaintances is the announce Gough, Sr. family, Wines' Park. ment of the marriage of Miss Wedding services were solemnized last week in the St George L. D. S. temple. Miss Kleinman is a daughter of Mrs. W. Glen Daniel Ray Waddoups and Dr. while Pettit is a Kleinman, son of Dr. and Mrs. William A. Pettit well known former Salt Lake City resident The bride attended the University of California at Los Angeles, and George Peterdine College. She is affiliated with Delta Chi Omega. Dr. Pettit graduated from the University of California, and received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a member of Phi Beta Pi fraternity. The newlyweds have been visiting at the home of the brides grandparents in Lehi, enroute to San Antonio, Texas, where they will make their home. Dr. Pettit is stationed at the Medical Air base in that city. New Fall Material For SchoolDresses. Skirts, Blouses Select your school goods now 50c Quality Service Since 1882 HlimlllimtlMlttMTTTTM!TITTITTUITTTTITIIIIllll i K IIH11 SSSVSSSSSSSSSSSSS'.'.SS'.S'i'.'t'i'i'i'itlltlllllltlfl-tltlllfilll-.-.ii-.itin-i-m-- Ill I RID YOUR GARDEN OF PESTS DDT Powder By Carolyn Whipple ELECTRIC llllL.lllll.lIM.lllll...MIIM.I..y,U.JIL.I.,. .J.IUiH! Black Leaf 40 Rose Treatment National Farm Safety Week will be observed July 23 to 29 throughout rural America, ac cording to Four-- H leaders. This farm safety program is carried on by nearly half a million club members between the ages of 10 and 21, and has been in operation for eight years. Their job is to search out the hazards around the farm, and to follow through with the correction of unsafe conditions relating to farm home-livestock, machinery, making, recreation, motoring, and other activities. SECOND WARD ... Barbara Dene Kleinman of Los Angeles, and Dr. William A. Pettit Jr. of South Pasadena. The bride is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Whipple of Lehi 35c 1 $1.00 I - .W and 1.00 Garden Dust 50c Moth Crystals 59c Cenol Spray, quart Larvex Moth Cake 1.50 $1.00 25c -- 50c 1 RLILDKI TWO DAY SERVICE ON DEVELOPING AND PRINTING FILMS NCiSS. fosse! &L mm STATE STREET DRUG all passenger trains and freight shipments follow- ing the end of the strike of the Switchmen's Union of North America. 1 n COOLER BECAUSE r n Freight of all classifications is now being Wator Revolutionary Hoator Warranty ph$ and now low "Magic Cirtlo" Hoat THEY'RE prci - ' J mako Hotpoint buy in history. Now groafit and other perishables. Hotpoint, Amer offers you this great new Ask for Srotection plan. ! New LowPrkel-On- I ly tow MOMl 6 ALIO Down Payment f asy Term c ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS mm iii clothes. Enjoy summer Yes, clean clthes are cool clothes that tivities while looking your best in always smart looking. y n u insist on having your clothes cleaned the BupevmBheen dart? LEHI Phone n 11 P F E Y DRYcomeCLEANING in at 219 State Street at... Astern Auto W Street way I e DOWN PAYMENT are USE THIS LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED METHOD OF DRY CLEANING A NO ac- cleaned regularly and often Having yTur garments makes them feel not only makes them look better, but to us better on you. Bring your summer clothes We every know timelor the best in cleaning and pressing. service. with our complete you'll be well pleased $ 89.95 up Ml 11 ade-quaaccepted for shipment. Refrigerator cars in number will be available for fruits, vegetables te CLEANER ica's leading water heater, BigTrade-InAllowanc- The Rio Grande has resumed full service on Free Pickup and Delivery Service PEIONE 288 Rio Grande passenger service is operating on regular schedules. Travel and space reservations being held will be honored. Check with your Rio Grande ticket agent for information on passenger service in your locality. The Rio Grande is glad it is again serving your freight and travel needs. We regrei that the strike against the principal transportation medium for Colorado and Utah was of such serious cost and inconvenience to the shippers and travelers served by this railroad. DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD |