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Show LE3fl FREE PRESS, LEHL UTAH FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1950 GardVisiting at the Angus Elder was Jack Shill and daughter, Sandra, ner home Sunday of Santa Anna, Calif., a brother- Melvin Whipple, a nephew. The and nephew to the Kirk- - son of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Whipwere hams, Saturday visitors at ple of Las Vegas, Nevada, he Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Trane left Wednesday for the Argenreturned home Thursday after the T. F. Kirkham home. tine L. D. S. mission. a four day visit in Heber at the 444Smith Mrs. Mr. and J. Earl home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. is Pulham Colene Miss weekend in Pocatello, enjoyed a Keith Trane. a sister, Idaho, where they visited with visiting in Oregon with She made moth-Mrs. Jensen. Fern Martha Mrs. Bringhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Trane of Mrs. Smith, and other rel the trip in company with her visited in Salt Lake City, this sister who spent ten days visitweek with their sons, Mr. and atives. ing in Lehi, returning two weeks Mrs. Don Trane and Mr. and of Mrs. Mr. and Jack ago. Torrey Mrs. Ralph Trane and families. Salt Lake City spent Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Glen Chilton reMiss Alice Parker of Ameri- and Sunday in Lehi, guests of from a can Fork visited Tuesday after- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max turned recently a tour through and Mrs.' Idaho visit in noon at the home of her sister-in-la- Hayes and grandmother, Park. They National Yellowstone Mrs. returned Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Annie Fritz. Mrs. Edith were by for few them with a accompanied days' visit Loveridge. Kirkham and Mrs. J. W. Chilton, Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Peet are who visited in Pocatello with Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wilkin now living in their new modern Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Chilton, and (Margaret Keetch) of Salt Lake home on South Second West in Idaho Falls with Mrs. June City, visited with relatives here, Street. They entertained at din- Varney. Saturday, also calling on Mrs. 44 Carol Smith (her sister Ruth) at ner, Sunday, for Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Webb were K. from Allen AriWebb, Mesa, the hospital. hosts at dinner, Sunday, for Mr. zona. 4and Mrs. Allen K. Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Karren Mrs. Marie visitson Kurt, visiting from Mesa, Gunther is (Joyce Wing) returned Monday for several weeks n, in Waup-eArizona; Mrs. Cecil Webb and evening from their honeymoon ing of at the home Weldon, Veann, Joann Wisconsin, children, trip to Yellowstone Park. The her and Mrs. and Mrs. Mr. and and Mrs. Richard, son, Lloyd Karrens are living in American and children, Adams B. Franklin Gunther. of atOne chief the Fork. and Kent, Alene Karen, Freddie, tractions is her new grandson, of Salt Lake City. They spent Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Baird and born June 25. children, Carol and Ricky, of an enjoyable time visiting and Salt Lake City, spent Saturday It Advertise recalling family incidents. Pays and Sunday in Lehi with Mrs. Annie Fritz, mother of Mrs. 3 Baird. R. W. Shill and Mr. and Mrs. About Folks You Know . . . - in-la- Mrs. James P. Christiansen and Mrs. Mayme Fox were Provo visitors, Tuesday. w - - Weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Webb were their daughter, Mrs. Ella Parry and daughter Marilyn, of Riverton. Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Coombs and family of Spanish Fork were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Clara Clover, Sunday. Raymond L. Kirkham and son Tommy, of Los Angeles, Calif., visited last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Kirkham. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wing, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Zimmerman en joyed a fishing trip to Moon Lake this week. f Mrs. James P. Christiansen spent Monday in American Fork with Mrs. Anne Brown and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Sherman Peterson and children of Provo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Giles, Thursday. Sunday guests of Mrs. Dorthea Peterson were Mr. and Mrs. Mario Nielson, a nephew, and Mrs. Etta Nielson, her .sister, all of Salt Lake City. or and Mr. and Mrs. William Giles attended the presentation family U. and family of Afton, Star Cazier the at of "Promised Valley" Lake Wyo.; Mr. and Mrs. Will Salt City, Valley, in of U. stadium a sister to Mr. LehmBlackner, Saturday. 4 berg, of Corvalis, Oregon; Mr. 12th and Mrs. Blaine Cazier and In observance of his Sun family, Idaho Falls, Idaho; Mr. birthday, which occurred inLehmberg's mother, Mrs. Anna day, July 9, Robert Zeigler of Logan; his sister, Mrs. vited a group or friends to his Argust Colo., and home on Friday. They enjoyed Rose Sanders, Denver, Thornton Willa and two Mrs. ice cream and cake after their of Afton, Wyo. excursion to Saratoga. children, JP fjn is J motored Ja Chaffmonh - swimming Vi len .6 tod empl0yedltl .rr eroun phiii, Mrs and Mrs n Ad 7v,a T;t.. numpij .. here from d "a, Idaho. 10-d- ay w, - - W!1 hi To Mrs. Martha Ann Wing, Mrs. Mrs. Rulon Gardner and childUdine Wing and Mrs. Thomas ren Judy, Tony and Barry are Woffinden attended the wedding here from Logan Dell, Nevada, of FJdon Linschoten, son of Mr. house guests of Mr. andMrs. An and Mrs. Chris Linschoten, in Salt Lake City, Monday evening. gus Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Webb Mr. annd Mrs. Glen Crabb left and son, Kurt, are visityag from Sunday for their return to their Mesa, Ariz., house guests of Mr. home in Antimony, after spendand Mrs. E. N. Webb, parents ing the holiday season with his of Mr. Webb. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crabb. Miss Arlee Wright of Salt Lake 4Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vaughn of City, was a Sunday visitor with her 'grandmother, Mrs. Annie Whittier, California, visited this Fritz. Miss Carol Baird is re week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chilton. The Vaughns maining for the week. were enroute to Yellowstone Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Mc National Park. Call of Glendale, Calif., spent f Sunday visiting at the home of Beverly Elton, Barbara Elton and aunt and uncle, Mr. and and Faye Hardman of Cedar Mrs.T. F. Kirkham. Fort left Tuesday by bus for North Hollywood where they Mrs. James P. Christiansen will visit two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Dorthea Petersen vis' and Mrs. Glen Hardman. ited in Provo, last Wednesday, 444with Mrs. Caroline Petersen, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Erickson sister to Mrs. Petersen. and son Harold Erickson of Fair view visited with their daugh ter and sister, Mrs. LaVar Peter son, following the death of her husband, Wednesday. Mrs. Da Christiansen of Mt Pleasant, a sister to Mrs. Peterson, also arrived Wednesday. - - All EVEN BRAKE Hade I and MmZk !EDI and WORK CLOTHING led daugh' ' Here you will find work clothes that are ready to go to work for you. They combine good looks with Yes, mister, it's really great to have all the hot water you want . . , whenever you want it. Whether it's midnight illness at for an afternoon bath, your hot water is there, on tap. wearabili-t- y evtra-ordinar- y they will stand up under the hard knocks S3 sqfr An electric water heater is safe for everyone in the family there's no fire or flame . . , and no blistering, boil' mg water. that are sure to come their way. . It's economical, too only a day for the average family. FIELD BOOTS WORK SHOES 10c Af: I the lersai His. serO with LEO lent ial led Men's Women's and Children's wood? FLORESCENT ANKLETS Work and Diess STRAW HATS (set foi chili PO WE IIS pi siny p IrtAH POWEt frr ra C- - CJ Ma A UOHT CQ. y With Homi Ownanhlp -A TAX PAYING COMPANY - tod Could Ihh Kim offers page after page of suggestions on places to go. It's the most complete volume yet published on the attractions of the intermountain area. A copy is yours for the asking. Just drive in to your nearest Utoco dealer and ask for one. including baaa Irak and road test And of interest to fishermen will be the new Fishing Calendar, available now at your Utoco dealer. This calen-da- r shows you the best days for and it's a handy fishing size for your pocket. Llamas .A, 1 1 ... UMTTO TlMl OUT! work-nonth- lp you'U find this btsf dtoi fat k i Before you leave on any trip, get conscientious service and superior products wherever you sec tie Utoco sign. ft town. r to MPT ttivta tmiT MECHANICS MNUINt FOtO tun Lubricate for safety very 1000 miles Alpine Motor Co. American Fork. Utah 4i Your Superior f U"oCO . UTAH OIL REFINING CO 4ht wit to! son 'J'HIS new edition .djvshMat w Mrs gttour.; Comport quality, and prlct . , h by pair: Mew dan- gerous, can causa accidents. Play it sofa and if your braktt art ailing, last REX asyrn GIVE YOURSELF livable PANTS ; - 1! E DICKIES - Untvtn braktt or - Guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. r delight Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Kirkham last week, included dependence and dauhgter Miss Bonnie Jean Lehmberg, Day Mrs. Everett Walton and the family Kirkham and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mr. and Year of Progress .1 |