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Show LEW FREE PRESS, LEHI, UTAH Average Life of Auto Has Definite Incre&tt Air View of Fort Knox Conservation Corps Camp with some friends where we had the most savory veal A clove of garlic had been cooked a moment in butter and removed. Tlse seasoned meat was then lightly browned in the butter, s bit of water was added and the tiny Veal Paprika and Croup of pan was tightly covered. Tbe meat was cooked very slowly until tender, Tasty Recipe. when cream and paprika were added. Sour cream is perhaps even more deliBy EDITH M. BARKER cious with real than sweet cream when A Dumber of questions about meat used this way. Boiled rice each grain are to be answered this week. The and dry came with the meat separate first la to regard to covering meat and also asparagus with a butter be when roasting it. All meata to sauce. One of those delicious mixed roasted must firm be "seared" vegetable salads followed and browned either In a bot oven, 4'jO to spring then came a vanilla Ice cream frozen 500 degrees F, or od top of the stove In the automatic refrigerator, and an!n a pan over tbe direct heat. food in my favorite unfrosted After tbat tbe temperature should gel This was made especially beway. be lowered to about 3T0 degrees F. If cause I like It so very much. can and be can la tbe kitchen you Tou might like to bear the menu baste your meat with the fat which used for supper the ether night for cooks out of the roast, you may cook ten guests, by a business woman who it uncovered, if you cannot give it so It in record time without any help. much attention, it should be covered got There was a huge dUh of frizzled beef 1 so that It may baste itself. prefer (creamed dried beef) baked potatoes, to roast tender ribs of beef uncovered buttered asparagus, cabbage salad, not to get the brown on top, rare inside, followed by a dessert made by For the rolls, Juicy beef, mhlch I like. beaten egg white with combining which are better tougher cuts, always cream and crashed bananas whipped cooked, a cover should be used. With and Chocolate cookies strawberries. lamb or chicken. It makes less differcamps which Unci and coffee were served with jdessert Airplane view of Fort Knox. Ky.. one of the many civilian conservation corps conditioning I prefer to cook spring lamb ence. A simple, appetizing and satisfying Sam has established throughout the country. The men are forming in lines for "chow." end young chicken uncovered and to meaL cover the less tender cuts. Veal Paprika. A, covered, pan is a 2 pounds solid veal household convenience which can be By Salt used to great advantage for many purL. STEVENSON L. Pepper poses whether you always use the 2 tablespoons butter or drippings cover or not 1 clove garlic A reader asks for a recipe for curarette, doughnut pancake and other Maybe it's their persistency that president brought with him enough 1 cup water Now comes a Toledo Inmachines. ried chicken. Stewing chicken may be him supplied causes them to rise to the top. At wafers, as a gift, to keep sour cream sweet or cup ventor with something that looks pro, used for such a dish or a young for some time. any rate, a friend who has consider1 teaspoon paprika canchicken. If you find a bargain, as you ising. But not to able contact with those of "the Seven ' t others. and Sometimes the may. at. the moment. . Another incident along similar lines vassers, solicitors, beggars Million'' who nave achieved high Cut meat In cubes and meat Is left on the bone and someOn a borne equipped with this deSriee Cook garlic In butter, three minpjaces In the business world, bas a has to do with a big man In the finantimes It Is removed after It Is stewed, utes and remove. Add meat and sear bunch of tales concerning how they cial district who, when he moved his will be a sign: "This bell will not before It Is browned and the sauce ring without inserting a dime. Con office, failed to find his favorite brand to canvassers ir made. When using curry, add a little of cigars In the stores in will not be refunded of the powder at a time and taste your beggars." As the coin drops In plajn that vicinity. lie wrote to the comsauce until It Is Just right Often per-- ' The Baileys at the Fair pany about the matter and, received an sight of the housewife, she can't Se ions who protest that they do not like answer which stated that he must be deceived by slugs. Eave an inclination to write to the Inventor to we f curry powder, really mean tbat they do In error as the brand was sold in sev"rfciTi WHEJZ6 AUAfT SUE SAW not like much of the. flavoring., , The eral adjacent stores. Thereupon, the he can't turn out something alonf ths "SBAMSWPENT MAN, 5HE U1P same discretion should be maintained financial man got the president of the same lines to De attacnea to me tele ' ' in the use of garlic. ; company on the telephone and took phone. WNU Servlt. C. 1931. Bell Syndicate. Tbe other night I went to dinner him from store to store. Having " ' proved his point, he took him to THEN THE FUN BEGAN Now all he has to do is luncheon. send downstairs for his cigars. SUGGESTIONS FOR PREPARING MEATS Mi f til. Mir' W: ' abJS j 2L Mr Face a Sight with Healed by Cuticura ' i My Neighbor Says a pie from the WHEN taking put it on flat surface table to cool, but on a high wire The rack helps to keep tho crisp. i ...... oven of a rack. crust ; , , .; To remove fruit stains from the hands moisten a crust of bread with vinegar and rub on the stains; or grease the hands with Inrd and then wash with soap and water. If a piece of fat about the size of nutmeg Is added to the witter In which any kind of greens are being cooked there will be no boiling over and n stirrlng will be required. ' To remove perspiration stains from white clothes dampen the stalna. with lemon Juice and salt before putting them, into soap and water. on all sides until light brown. Add water, cover and clmmer pve low Are jAdd cream end paprika one hour. and Fruit Vhip. 2 egg whites cup cream, sweetened t cup crushed strawberries 2 bananas, cut flne . . v i - L ? When, you want an, unusual garnish for a salad' bqil two eggs hard, shell and ,'let them stand In vlnegaf that beets have been1 pickled In. They will be a pretty shade of red and when sliced will look nice among green let' : ' tuce leaves.' k ' ' (, t 193 J, by the Associated WNU Servics Nwpapr) " !": ":rr GOOD STIMULANT - , ' . t "o .... t reheat ' i - Salt . ; j i j j ' Beat egg whites. Whip cream and combine. Fold in fruit, add salt and more sugar If necessary. Pile Into glass serving dish and into individual sherbet glasses and chllL i ! " ' Vanilla lee-- 'Cream. !: ' ! milk-condensed ' nip 4 upl water ! 1IU teasDoons vanilla r1 i ) f enp cream ; 1 m vl'v' Mis milk with water, add vanilla and 4 i salt Whip cream until stiff. Fold into Turn into automatic refrigerator trays and freeze from three to mixture. "Didn't tbe mountain alt brace you f '1 up?" Wofidwfull Why, "WonderfuU, after I had beotHhere'for three 'weeks, 1 got so that I coukLpay my bUl with- ' jwi.m aviyorhv Uvon of 'A four hours. ' Coffee Ice Cream Substitute strong coffee for water Burnt Almond Ice Cream Fold 4n one cup "finely" crushed almondr and freeze, ft 191.BeUencllciit. WM: Servtc go about getting what they, want. One has to do with a gentleman In the financial district who is extremely fond of a certain well known sweet wafer, lie sent his secretary out to purchase a supply and the secretary returned with the Information that none of the near-bshops sold the wafer. The business man thet ordered him to keep going until he found that particular brand, also to list the shops where he failed to find It The secretary was gone all morning tut came back with the goods. "Take a telegram," said the business man. He thereupon dictated a slzillng message, setting forth In detail the shortcomings of the wa. fer concern's sales organization. The message was addressed t the president of the corporation. In it was included a list of the stores where the secretary had failed to make a; buy. The next morning the president of the corporation called, full of apologies and thanks. Now every store lb. the neighborhood Is well stocked. rat the business man makes no purchases'. The y :H OW By IT STARTE Jf AM NEWTON d Another Instance of persistency has to do. with a taxlcab driver and a manufacturer. The manufacturer gave the driver an address but 'When It was almost reached,, recalled, that his friend had moved. He then told the driver to turn around and go to another address. The driver, surly and Immediately began to let loose cutting remarks about passengers who were unable to make up their minds. The manufacturer let him rave. But when they were within a few blocks of the second address, he ordered the driver to turn around and go to another. The driver, furious, ordered the passenger out. "Don't act like that," said the passenger gently. "Thls'll be the last time I'll change my mind I promise yon that" "It'd better be," snarled the driver. The address turned out to be that of a police station and the driver spent the night there. That the manufacturer paid his fine the next morning Is beside the point. He was entirely satisfied with his little lesson In civility. Gadgets always Interest me. I've mentioned time wasted watching cig ( v J j Bothered with an erupU on my Xace that, started as phniles with, white centers, . They werJ i blotches about as big as a nlckel jutf had flaky crusts on them. Theyi painful and X spent some mlsenbli nights Thjfc kin was inflamed ka my face was a terrible sight j "I had several treatments m could get no relief, and the troible lusieu aooui mree years Dero tried Cuticura Soap and Oin At the end ef two weeks the tions were growing smaller am three weeks I was healed alto: er.M (Signed) L. W. Cushman, Conn. renvllle, Soap 23c Ointment 25 and Talcum 25c. Sold everywhere, sample each free. Address ? ' enra Laboratories, Dept. R, Mallen, Mass." Adv. PARKER HAIR BALSA Htir ry BeraovM Dandruff Stop. Imparts Color and i j Paid Beaut? to Grey and Faded ue and at unwnttiJ uu - Ideal for nit FLORESTON SHAMPOO connection with Parker's Hair BalaamJlikel tk hair soft and fluffy. 60 centa by mail oritdhf gists. Hiscoi Chemical Works, Patcbocos, ILl Well, we organized our secrpt society tiiis afternon. Hubby Do you expect it to last over night? Wifie Word Decide Will Probate Spokane, Wash. Was It "och" or "ave?" Those two small Swedish words were moot points of contention In a will probate case here of Claes Andren. "Och" means "and" and "ave" means "of." It was finally decided the will written by hand, said "och," so eight heirs Instead of seven benefited from the wllL AMERICAN ANIMALS HAE.VELO0S DrSCOVEBY. lie lellwilf. ery wt man a prospect. Each p&ck&re ve dollars. Agents (men or women) maki blf Send 10c cola for profit. money. 400 SAVE SOK CO, package and proposition. 1020 Valencia bt., Los Angeles, Cakt Salt Lake City's ewest Hotel J 5, 'vaVi , HOTEL MARTEN TEMPLE SQUARE 200 Rooms 200 Tile Bath! Radio connection in every room. RATES FROM 1.50 ' D Jmt oppotilt ilormo Tottrnd ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Up . ; T . r 1 was sea-Son- high-price- Painful Eruptions - house-to-hou- h rj?' demand was claimed to be a marked Increase, both and relative to the total demand 1 was predicted at over 2.000 nog 1927 and over 2,340,000 fr rate at which automobiles of rj years production are eliminate fr use was given as follows- - 0f i 100,000 cars placed la use' cent will still be In use at'theiy of 4.75 years, 50 per cent at the m of 6.94 years, and 25 per cent tt end of 9.2 years. Th is study ra maj! about ten years ago. Eecent fw by the National Automobile ChainiZ of Commerce show for 1931 ( ductlon of 2,389.738. of which 917 were for the domestic mark the number scrapped waa 2,890095' and those listed as scrapped or placed 2,148.181, leaving a 1931 . lstration In this country of 258l4im Detroit News. LIGHTS OF NEW YORK two-Inc- some the average life of motor generally as 7.04 years. Wita . Bite though not a steady from year to year. The replZZ self-bastin- g ( study made A C E. Griffin, professor of at the University of MlchlguT i ; Color Not Significant It Is practically certain that red Has no more effect on a bujl thnn any other folor jWaed In (rontof him. New and Old at the Worlds Fair More Kicks Than Ha'pence iAN you tell us the origin," jtvrltes Vj one reader, for the old saying, "you'll get mora kicks than ha'pence for that?" ; The slgnlflcaace of the expression of course is a "thankless Job," f more kicks than ha'pence," meaning; more pain than pleasure. It Is frequently heard used with reference to people who do their best but are unappreciated, In fact whose 111 fortune toes a step further than lack of appreciation In that after doing their best they are actually subjected to blame or iabuse. The saying la au old one, the allusion being to the treatment of performing monkeys, whose reward for their efforts was often "more kicks than j ha'pence." Beil Syndicate. WND Servlc Man Has a Picnic at All of His Meals - Waterloo. Iowa. "A cherry1 pie, two bottles 4of milk, four four glasses of water and a quart und a' half jof peajches" may sound like a housewife ordering provisions tor a family picnic. It Is a customary1 order for , Bot a between-mea- l for tiuy, Chevlns, express depot miager " I here. to -- be the "Chevlns, who-el- lu largest member of the American wears size 14 t.egton. Is forty-two- , shoes and enjoys eating. jsand-wlehe- I t 40C-pou- Displayed at A Century of Progress In Chicago ere a modern Burlington of the eighties which sydtem locomotive 93 feet 2 Inches long : and the engine line. over the Denver to Burlington train first the passenger pulled Til ENJOY A TRIP AND SALT LAKE NEWHOUSE iiii Hi marten's quicker than THIScatches weasels in one " II a flash, dash. A marten thinks it is no sin To catch and eat his smaller kin, For he is very fierce and savage; His nature is to kill and ravage. He preys on conies, hares, and grouse, And likes a fish or frog or mouse. He's at his hest among the trees, And darts from branch to branch with e.r I wish that I could write a rhyme As fast a9 he can leap and climb! I The ladies think his fur is nice (At least it's rery high in price!) They give it quite another label, For in the stores it's known as sable ( b' P- - VoIUnd C..-V- Service) i KH. WATERS. P '400 Rooms400 Bsthl A a $2.00 fv r 4 to A $5 Family Boom or 6 Personi aa $20 TWO PERSON- S- ff n JO uneica Bit Room srlis,""'L THE HOTEL- - MEWHOUSB IAW ' WNU W LAKE CTTT. t- |