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Show FRIDAY. JULY 7, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Johnson were Provo t'isitors, Thursday. Published by :: : : Lent THE LEHI FREE PRESS was a SunG. R of Bee Provo Mr. Every Friday and of Mrs. John Mr. guest day Phone 8-Lehi, Utah HuU.hlcgs " :: Lehi :: George P. Fric. Manager returned Davis William Mr. Office, 82 West. MUn Street Residence, 2nd West and State Street, this week from a month's Visit in Cali fornia. Lehi. Utah :: Lehi :: Entered at the poalofilce at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Car&ey ot Mid Lent, Utah, aa second vale, were guests of Mr and Mrs. Ray class natter Allred on Monday. :: Lehi :: ADVERTISING RATES Mrs. Mr. and George P. Price and . .30c per inch Display son, Ronald, spent Thursday in Readers 10c per line Provo. :: : : Lehi SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mrs. f. D. Worlton and Mrs. Inei One year in advance $1.00 Peterson were Salt Lake visitors Wed Want Ads 10r Per Line For nesday. First Insertion and 5c per line :: Lehi : : for each additional insertion. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Powell left this week for a visit In California. George Strasburg and Reed Kirkham will take care of the State Street Service in Mr. Powell's absence. :: Lehi : Get a Free Family ticket to Lehi's Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Taylor of Salt finest theatre, the Royal Theatre, with Lake City, spent Sunday In Lehi with each 60c paid on subscription of the :: Leht :: adv. Lehi Free Press. Mr. James Anderson was a Provo Mr. and Mrs. Elwln Beck and Glenn visitor Thursday. Webb of Los Angeles, California, ar :: Lehi :: Misses Doris and. Ruth Taylor spent rived in Lehi Saturday for a two weeks vslt with relatives and friends. Thursday In Provo. Mr. Webb is attending the Marta Oat-ma- n :: Lehi :; Dramatic School In Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Lett of Chinook, : Lehi : Montana, are visiting relatives and Ray'Dunadon arrived home from friends in Lehi. Chinook. Montant, Wednesday evening, where he has been employed in the :: Lehl :: He reported that . Mrs. Eva Oxburrow aiid Miss Lola sugar beet fields. Oxburrow of Ely, Nevada, arrived in Neldon Hansen who has been working Lehi Sunday for a visit with relatives with him in Chinook Joined a reforest ation camp stationed at Salmon City, and friends. Idaho. THE LEHI FREE PRESS W LOCAL ITEMS FECIAL Half Pound Cold Cream and SPECIAL Tissue Special 25c Cleansing 49c Two 25c Packages Ttsh Cleansing Tissue $1.00 Ambrosia the pore-dee- p cleanser and 25c Special 25c Package Cotton 1,00 Ladles' Dressing THE LEHI FREE iRESS Mr7ni Mr. E. 1&33 Comb Special mi- jfe - LLeHni EDiriffl MAIN STREET and STATE STREET Phones Main Street 27 State Street 145 BATTE R Rebuilding and Recharging All Work Guaranteed TERMINALS, CABLES and GROUND STRAPS Ray's Batterv Shoo HAMMER BUILDING, MAIN STREET, LEHI, UTAH 1 Is Professional Permanent Waving A wave that you'll love and want to tell your friends about. Provo Beauty Salon ! nh. ANN MACKAY. EAST 1ST NORTH PROVO. UTAH Waves given by students $1 at the Provo School of Beauty vutiuic 01 mis earae uaaress, ii East 1st North. 11 PRINTING LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES FORM LETTERS CIRCULARS HANDBILLS BUSINESS CARDS STATEMENTS Lehi Free Press Set and Printed in Lehi Build Lehi, Not Another Town j Mrs. William H. Cutler of Salt Lake City, was a guwt at the William Goates home laa week. :; Lehi :: Mr. Foster Merrill of CJiforaU, is visiting Lehi relatives and friends. -- : Lehi :: Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Aiisop, Mrs. Ray AUsop and son, Wayne, were Lehi visitors, Friday Lehi Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dowding of Sandy, were Lehi visitors, Wednesday. : : Lehi : : Miss Mabel Call of Logan, Is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Grace Webb. :: Lehl :: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Goodwin spent the Fourth of July in American Fork Canyon. :: Lehl : Mrs. Eunice Hutchings, Harold and Laurel Hutchings and George Bone spent Saturday in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Krkham, eon, Earl K, and daughters, Bessie and Alice, spent Sunday in Lehl. : . ana Mrs Claude Gray and son. Jack, and Mon- WUliaxn epent and Mrs. H. B. Merrihew daughter, May. and Mrs. after home j returned vale Mid fcrown of day in Salt Lake City. Lehl :: two wks visiting with Mr. of Dr. Mrs. R. J- - Hutchings. Mies Lucille Pagan i a guest Lake j Salt :: of OU : ; Lehl and Mrs. W. A. Mr. of anj Mrs. Alma The family : : reunion at the Lehi : : a family held Beck returned to home of Mr. and Mrs. R-- L. Garriety, Mrs. LaRue Bur-hma Those present her home in Salt Lake flowing in Eureka, Sunday. Lehi. in visit Alma Beck; Mr. weeks several were: Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and and :: Lehi :: Beck Elwin Mrs. of and BarMr. and Mrs. Abe Gudmundson Mrs. Art Beck and daughter, and Mr. of were Mr. guests American Fork, bara, of Los Angeles, California; of and Tuesday. baby Mrs, Andy Trane, and Mrs. Dick Holdaway Chilton Earl Mrs. and Mr. Lake City, Vineyard; Mrs" VVfT Weish of Salt Bert and Faye spent Tuesday and Wednesday visiting and two children, Alma, family. the homeand Garriety Beck Adam3, at the A. E. Lehi :: of Adams Mr. fcnd Mrs. Joseph F. Don Fitzgerald and Ralph Worlton of Mr, were guests Pleasant Grove, arrived home this week from Chinook, on Monday. Adams A. E. and Mrs. Montana, where they were employed. : Leht : : Lehl Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wixom of MRS. LOTT RUSSON BREAKS ARM Alhambra, Californa, are guests of Mrs. Annie Mrs. Wixom's mother, Mrs. Lott Russon fell over a wire n Powell. the yard at the Russon home Thurs breakng her arm in two places. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith of Gar- day was treated at Lehi Hospital. arm The field, spent the 4th of July visitin. with Mrs. Thomas Crabb. JOE E. BROWN A SWIMMER IN "YOU SAID A MOUTHFUL" Verland Miss Faye Beck, Miss of Fowler. Bert Beck and Tom Peck Rogers Again Plays Feminine American Fork formed an auto party Ginger Lead Opposite to Provo Canyon on July 4th. Comedian B. J Mr. and Mrs. Evan Colledge and Mrs. J. L. Barnhart spent Wednesday In Salt Lake City. :: Lehl Miss Jennie Patrick had as her guest on Tuesday Mr, Ferron Miner of American Fork. Lehl :: Miss Pansy Galsford of Salt Lake Mrs. Alton Giles is spending two spent July 4th in Lehl with her City, weeks in Shelley, Idaho, visiting with mother. Mrs. Sarah E. Gaisford. her sister. :: Lehi : : Norma Adamson of Salt Lake, was Mr. and Mrs. Andy Trane entertain visitor this week. Lehi a ed at dinner, Thursday for Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Lott of Chinook, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Gilchrist of Lehi it-- Mr. in Lehl, Robert J. Evans and family of Salt Lake City, spent Tuesday Mr. Gilchrist's Mrs. parents, Logan, spent Monday and Tuesday visiting Brown. James and Mrs. with Lehl relatives. :: Lehl :: Dinner guesta of Mr, and Mrs. Grant Mr. and Mrs Armond Webb and on Sunday were: Mr. and Littleford children and Mr. and Mrs. Schoell of of Pleasant Grove. Deveraux Ira Mrs, Pleasant Grove, spent July 4th in Am :: : : Lehl erican Fork Canyon. Comer enterMr. Mrs. James and : : Lehl : : " dinner at tained evening Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Logsdon and Giles and two Dennis Mr. for Mrs. and children of Los Angeles, Calforna, are of Huntington Park, Caliguests of Mrs. Long3don's mother. daughters Mrs. Emma Wanlass. and fornia, Mrs. Annie Fyffe. --- :: Lehl : : :: Lehi : : E. Littleford spent and Mr. S. Mra. Mr. Samuel Bateman of Magna, In Salt Lake City on business Monday week-end In his Lehl, spent the daugh ter, Maurlne, who has been visiting and pleasure combined, :: Lehi : : here, returned home with him. Mr. Thomas Powers was a business Mr. and Mrs. A B. Anderson and visitor in Salt Lake, Wednesday. : : Lehl : : Mr. and Mrs. Herman Goates and Archie Burton, Dr. Mrs. and Mr. family spent Sunday in Salt Lake City, Mrs. Barlow Fox, Mr. and Mrs. and guests of Mrs. Joseph W. Goates. Irvin Fox and family, all of Salt Lake LEHI City, spent Tuesday in Lehi. Mr. Dee Pierson, daughter, Helen : : Lehi : : and son, Earl and Mrs. Charles Free, . Helen Evans Miss of Logan, was a all of Salt Lake City, were guests of of Miss Marie Robinson on July guest on Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Phillips Friday. 4th. :: Leal :: . : : Lehi : : Mrs. Ellas M. Jones and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Littleford and Mrs. John Southwick spent Tuesday Mrs, S. F. Littleford, were Salt Lake with Mr. and Mra. Henry T. Anderson visitors, Monday. and family of Sandy. :: Lehl :: : : Lehl : : Mahas is the guest of his George Mr. Martell Hutchings who has been Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Litconfined at the Bingham hospital for grandpaents, tleford. the past year, returned home Satur:: Lehi :: day. and Mrs. George Graham of Mr, :: Lehi : : Union, were guests of Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Okrey Mller of Ritter on Sunday and Monday. Pocatello, Idaho, and Mrs. Ray Allsop :: Lehi it-- Mr. of Murray, spent Wednesday, visiting George Harris of Berkley, Cali Lehl relatives. fornia, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harris and :: Lehi :: , Miss Kimball of Magna, were renewing Mr. and Mrs. Afton Peterson enter old friendships in Lehl Thursday. tained Mr. Chris Anderson at dinner, :: Lehl :: Monday evening in honor of his "1st Misses Leola and Blanche Rlchins of birthday anniversary. Pleasant Grove, are spending this week : : in Lehi, guests of Mr. and Mrs. S, F. Lehl : : Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson, and Littleford. :: Lehl :: family of Salt Lake City, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Laird and past week in Lehl, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Johnson and Mr. and daughter, Alice, of Eureka, spent the Fourth in Lehl, guests of Mrs. Alice Mrs. A. B. Anderson--. Tuckfeld and Mr. and Mrs. James :: Lehl :: Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Stone and small Comer. : : Lehl : : son of Vineyard, were week-en- d guests Mrs. Dorothy Jone3 of Salt Lake of Mrs. Enoch Russon. Mr. and Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Russon and Mrs. Donald City, spent Tuesday in Lehl, the guest Nelson spent .Tuesday In the canyon. of her mother, Mrs. Alice Tuckfield. :: Lehi :: Mr. and Mrs. George Muhlesteln and Mr. and Mrs. Art Beck and daughtwo children of Provo, were guesst of ter, Barbara, will leave for their home Mr. and Mrs. James Clark on Sunday. In Los Angeles, Saturday morning. :: Lehi Mss Alma Beck will accompany them Ed Goring and children, Mrs. and spend her vacation in California. Frank Conley and children, Mrs. War: Lehi : ren Stanton and children and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Beck, Mr, and Albert Geitle and baby, all of Salt Mrs. Elwn Beck, Mrs. Orlnda Allred, Lake City, were guests at the Carl Mrs. Jennie Nostrum and two sons, Gunther Mrs. home, Wednesday. Miss Alma Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Goring, Mrs. Conley and Mrs. Stanton Holdaway, formed a picnic party to are sisters of Mr. Gunther. American Fork Canyon, Tuesday. :: Lehl :: : : Lehi : : The family of James Clark met in a Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Dnlton and child family reunion at Liberty Park on ren who have been visiting at the S July 4th, Those present were: Mr. I. Goodwin home for the past week re- and Mrs. James Clark and daughters, turned to their home in Oakland, Cali- Lelth and Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. Leon fornia, Thursday. Mlsa LaPrlel Good ard Clark and two children, Mr. and win accompanied them, and will visit Mrs. Lynn Arnold and baby and Mrs. In California indefnltely. John Peterson of Lehi; Mr. and Mrs. : : Arnold Dransfleld of Ogden and Mr. Lehl: : Mr, and Mrs. A, E. Adams, Mr, and and Mrs. Louis Hardy of Plain City :: Lehl : Mrs. J. T. Winn, Mlsa Dora Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson of Salt Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harwood and daughter, Lark, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Lake, were Sunday visitors at the R Harwood, Mr. and Mrs. Bird and J. Hutchings home. Mrs. Rebecca Taylor suffered a daughter, Betty, and Mrs. W. F. Welsh all of Salt Lake, formed a picnic party painful injury to her hand, Sunday to Ametrcan Fork Lake Resort on when her finger was crushed, in the door of an auto. The Injury was July 4th. I : : Lehi u treated at the Lehi Hospital. :- j Ht-niiri- , j j j Wide-Mouth- STAKE BOARD We fel that tzrtr ia Tf- - J COMT the 6Uk6 hr. ... . has vp extend a ord the stake wei-r- , iry ly r. organization, mittees. St R- - t app-- J,, ward , (, B gERCHAl CI M . Ffauts, and his inr,;. . . son. Frank resort; a. h. Wig, dance hall and dancing; r.,... 1 , , . befP rl scouts, etc.. ho over, a success. We people of the stake eri,..,sa -- -"- first hi , tW u ,ettiier .. ' .. meg.. na if they jMoeof gait L Slanag 1. wun you s.i- a bigger and better omJ in even TK,l Ctrl... uo.e coarfl f y, to j. tlir the n certain jlanatio -- vtftisini the The Blue Bell Camp of the Daughof Utah Pioneers will meet at Wines Park on Thursday, July 13 at 2 p. in. All members are urged to be in attendance, Lehl ters 4H CLUB NOTES , thetfsi PHONE 8-- If yoa ha any news of terest, any advertising, any Job printing: or want anything the printing line. Servict vnth a tmiU. For Efficient Printim See LEHI FREE PRESS Telephone 8-- Guaranteed Radio Tubes 227 226 - 171 45c 60c 245 60O 224 i, , !k Others vortionately low. Your Old Tubes Tested FREE. Free calls ad deliveries. ' Glenn Wing PHONE 47-- W LEHI, UTAH Build Lehl, not another town. A laugh will get more business thu a serious, heavy attempt to gain tentlon. Is your investment protected? L. I. Wardle INSURANCE COUNSELOR Cheapest and Best Insurance Sold LEHI, UTAH WANT ADS The Happy Health 4H Club members and leaders enjoyed an outing Friday afternoon. LOST l Steel Square, return to The girls hiked to the 2 MP M. L. Taylor. Reward. Carter Ranch where swimming games and luncheon were enjoyed LIME FOR SALE Suitable for White Washing, Brick The Busy Bee 4H Club under the Plastering, Work and Disinfecting. Andrew FJled. leadership of Miss Phyllis Smith were entertained, Wednesday by Miss Irene Meiling. The girls spent the afterFOR SALE CHEAP Good 3 burner noon sewing pajamas. Gasoline Stove, Ice Box, medium slie, Model T Ford Coupe. Show and Candy Small The Merry Makers 4H Club met at Cases, 3 Lunch Counter Stools, the home of Miss Evelyn Clark, Thurs Cash Register. E. H. Osterloh. day evening. The girls jude-eth hot plate holders made Paper Hanging, Paper Cleaainf, by their club and Painting done t Calsomining members. reasonable prices. Ralph Hutchings. d'- State Street, Lehi. Utah. The Merry Cookers met at the home 01 meir leader Mrs. A. E. Adams, Wed The Lehi Free Press is the only nesaay. Dora, Adams and Martha paper printed in Lehi which sets and jrmuips demonstrated the "Proper prints their ads, etc, in LeW. ,. CJnii OI lne Dinner Table" and Zada Butter Wrapper printed at 60o P ana ua Webb gave the lesson on the 100. "Value of Cooking of Anytime. Why be satisfied Vegetables." cCis I m anything bat the NOTICE 4-- H atte special le NOTES 1 jertain then ra: .ou D- - U- - P- - slot An mt ed Joe E. Brown is coming to town. Coming to the Royal Theatre next Saturday, Sunday and Monday, in the First National picture, "You Said' a Mouthful." And what a mouthful! He's a marathon swimmer who can't swim! Ac cording to advance Hollywood reports, this wide apertured screen favorite. outdoes in hilarity even his recent laugh hits, "The Tenderfoot" and "Fireman, Save My Child." Mistaken for a swimming champion, Joe Is forced into a marathon race through his love for a beautiful girl and his Inability to explain matters. In deadly fear of the water, and never having tried to swim before except to practice the strokes on dry land, he musters up courage to start when he is presented with what he believes to be a bathing suit. After a series of hilarious incidents in which he is nearly drownel, he surprises himself, and puts one over on his opponents, by winning the race and becoming a hero. Joe is supported by an exceptionally strong cast, with the beautiful and Titian-haire- d screen and peppery musical comedy star, Ginger Rogers, again as his leadng lady. Others include Farina, of "Our Gang'' comedies, who is Joe's mascot and swimming Terry, Guinn Williams, Harry Grlbbon, Oscar Apfel, Edwin Maxwell, Walter mentor, Preston S. Foster, Sheila Walker, William Burre3s and Frank Hagney. The great marathon is swum be tween Catalina Island, off Los Angeles, and the mainland, where the regular marathon swimming cham pionship races are held. There are a score of excellent swimmers, including several professional champions, who compete with Joe in the race, to be outdistanced by the deadly dry land swimmer. This comedy, which is said to con tain a riot of fun, and more hilariou gags than half a dozen ordinary comedies, was written by William. B. Dover and adapted to the screen by Robert Lord and Bolton Malloy. It was directed by Lloyd Bacon. c jamb HHP ft al best LEADERS The selling urge of good advertising Mrs. Amy L. Jones, to boy county project influences people whether leader will meet Lehl what to to buy. and where Club leaders buy ay evening, July 10, lnstead of TYPEWRITER NO. 6 Underwood, luiiusni as scheduled. Good Condition. Priced to sell at tf A Real bargain. H $M-Ca- 8-- w1 |