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Show LEHI FREE PRESS, LEITI, UTAH i College Girl Modes Up-to-Minu- te CHERIE NICHOLAS Bj Curre Wit and Hum i ft JUSTICE A good old Quaker was milking a cow whose lively disposition had often taxed his patience severely. The pail was nearly full of foaming milk, when, In some manner, the cow managed to overturn It The old man In righteous Indignation snatched up a nearby club to strike the exasperating animal when be remembered the precepts of bis religion. He dropiied the stick, and In a voice trembling with anger said: "I may not beat thee, neither may I kick thee, but I will twist thy dura tail." Prairie Farmer. WISE WOMAN j Ky ; plti; - krv. fi.nK v htwi .' - KCI1UUI.UA Y shopping tour now "on." Thrilling events "Why did you pick out su'.h a pret ty cool;?" "My husband Is away a great deal, and I wanted to have police protec- ire they are, especially the excursions which take one Into the college girl's land o" fashion. The styles shown In tier realm are positively exciting, see Ing that they depart so radically from Diodes that have gone before. There's the new silhouette, for In , Stance. fU narrower, taller, broader shouldered with most of the trimming features concentrating above the waistline. And sleeves! They are a study within themselves. In fact, sleeves are providing most of the novelty which distinguishes this season's frocks and coat a, suits and blouses. Necklines, too, are attracting a lot or attention In that they are mounting higher and higher, adopting a built movement which calls for entirely new designing tactics. As to skirt lengths there Is no realFor daytime nine ly radical change. to 10 and sometimes to 11 Inches from the ground are being generally accept ed, with Instep length sponsored for dressy afternoon and evening wear reaching to the floor for very most formal occasion. As to color, a goodly share of the honor Is going to the browns which re that varied In tones they Include every gradation from durkest, deepest dye to a range of those lovely russet and radiant shades which are so high ly flattering to most every complexion. Handsome bronzy greens also appear on the color register. The college girl who elects to Include the trio of styles pictured In her early fall wardrobe may be assured of having made three correct choices. The coat of dull red diagonal wool Is as practlcn' as It Is smart. Note how straight-er-sklrted- the-thro- d tion." the sleeves are capped to achieve the proper broud shouldered silhouette. With the ensemble Idea In mind the designer lines this coat with the Identical brown wool fabric which fashions the frock. A - Item of outstanding interest In connection with the young-lookincampus frock to the right, made of coco brown rabbit's hair wool with white angora for the blouse or gulinpe. Is Its high neckline and the fact that the sleeves are full and In contrast It Is taken for granted that every college girl will Include a velvet afternoon gown In her wardrobe. The model pictured Is of that vogulsh mat velvet, brown In this Instance, the dull finish of which carries an air of refinement Brown mink fur forms the ornamental bow at the neckline. An unusunl buckle of brown composition and rhlnestones fastens the belt As a climax to this recital of fashions we call your attention to the stunning footwear which adds so decided a note of chic. The fact that In each Instance the handsome shoes worn are of patent leather carries Its own message of what's what In smart footwear for falL Patent leather and suedu oxfords In blended browns with the cont. With her gulinpe frock Miss Is wearing brown patent College-gir- l leather shoes with fancy openwork design. A sandal like lacing enhances the brown patent leather shoes which tune so beautifully to the charming velvet gown. g 1SJ. COATS DECREED FOR FALL LUMBER-JAC- K W astern Newspaper Juit Like a Woman "John," said the missus, who had dragged him along on her quest for a new hat "hold this one. It's the first I've tried on and I'm going to take It." "Well, then, for the love of Mike, pay for It and let's go !" he growled. "Not on your life," she retorted, "I'm going to try on all the others before I'll admit this one suits me," Sam Hill, Cincinnati Enquirer. Creating an Appearance "Do you feel capable of leading the public?" "Certainly," answered Senator Sorghum. "The art of leadership, as I now see it, Is to learn which way the public Is determined to go and then keep a few Jumps ahead of the stampede." Washington Star. Broker' Office Type He had bought for the rise, and taken on some new lines after the first upward swing. He paced the floor happily but obviously Jumpy. "What's the matter with Whoozlss?" asked a patron. "Nervous optimist," said the Junior partner. FOOLISH QUESTION Union. CHIC CUFF BRIMS Ut ( I1EK1K NICHOLAS Fall suits will not have the strictly . tailored finish of the suits of last The short little bellhop Jackets and snug models of last year will be replaced by lumberjack coats and loosely fitted Jackets with less formal fastenings and wider sea-son- double-breaste- d Comedian me salary? Blecvea. The h and three-quarte- r conta will be favored both for street and sports wear. One of the new lumber jnck models Is fashioned of a feather tweed, and consists of a straight dress nml Jacket The dress top and lining of the coat are of em broldered cashmere. The collar of the unusual coat buttons high about the throat ttrondclotb Is used for a number ot dress suits and velvet Is a fa- vorite for restaurant dining and formal evening occasions. Fur-Line- shudders." Her Alter Ego Actress (to sour looking dinner partner) Did you see my article In the Daily Splash? Partner Yes. 1 wrote It London Humorist. Cloth Coats Seen in Early Showings d Anyway, He iP.an So your wife shot at the Fur-line- Lovely Outfits Spoiled Using Wrong Accessory Even when one has selected thf Ideul suit, dress or cmt there Is still the highly Important and significant Item of such accessories as the hat, shoes, pocketbook. Many a plovefc. 1 has been completely vely outfit spoiled by giving it the wrong type of accessory, Just as by the same token, many a frok has acquired a new lease on life by being treated to grand and harmonious complementary touches. I'm a Comparing- - Note "You laugh at the way your grand mother used to dress." "Yes," answered Miss Cayenne, "Grandma has all the worst of It She doesn't laugh at the way I dress. She In- and cloth coats are featured In advance showings of winter wraps. They are warm without being bulky, and many women prefer them to the all fur coat, particularly Tor town wear. Fur will he used chiiHy for trim mlng on winter evening wraps, rather than for the entire wrap. Yokes, gil eta, caie collars and shoulder effects are usually of fur pelts, while the wrap Itself Is fashioned of rich, heavy velvet One outstanding model of creamy white velvet has full, deep-jesleeves of dark brown sable Say boss, when do I get Manager How do I know, manager, not a prophet I I.nrke Imrglar? Spnrkes Yes, and she hit the alarm dock, and It rang so loud that Ihe fellow got scared and Jumped out the 1 Los Angeles Boy Needed Help Franceses, Lanncelot and Guinevere, counted the world well lost for the brief ecstasy of love. by The Sequoia forest untroubled Leroy Young, 1H the rise and fall of nations, unconGeorgia St, Los Anof the sulphurous depths of scious Has But Religious Pilgrimage geles, la "regular passion snd woe of the human spirGreatly Changed. fellow,1' active in by the cataclysmic it unchanged sports, and at the changes In the world of human uneven top In his classes at thought mercifully untouched overToday Is Big Quarterly. An that school. To look at sophisticated dimmed and cataclysms terrestrial by dersized, him cow, you'd think one of the whelmed many a mountain and Big Quarterly, true, but In celehe never had a day's few real folk festivals still plain, scattered Its golden pollen 121 in the cones years For sickness but his mother says : "When its our ripened In country. the spring, brated a on the last Sunday In August fall; sang Its Inimitable, dreamy Leroy was just a little fellow, we tumultousonce of negroes, song when the winds passed through found his stomach and bowels were throng emotional, weak. He kept suffering from conit ly devout and Intensely Almost within sound of Its "hush- stipation. Nothing he ate agreed has streamed In to Wilmington, Del., commemoration ing," great civilizations came to ma- with him. He was fretful, feverish by many roads, In the so and puny. of the establishment there of turity and sank into the soil Methoeven now, Colored Free the Union youngest, that "When we started giving him African deep dist Protestant church (the AUMP), is Inarticulate. Alice Day Pratt In Fig Syrup his condition ImIs the Atlantic Monthly. formed by free negroes In 1811. It proved quickly. His constipation and an occasion unique to the Delmarva biliousness stopped and he has had no more trouble of that kind. I have Penalty of Succei peninsula. "Success knows no eight hour since used California Fig Syrup with Thousands came In other days. law." him for colds and upset spells. He Many hundreds came today. They sho all William C. Ducant. the automobile likes it because it tastes so good and gather all down the easternand New magnate, was speaking on success I like It because It helps him so up through Pennsylvania Delaware. at a Kiwanls and from Virginia picnic In Boston. Jersey, wonderfully !" In a religious pilgrimage that used "Yes," he went on, "success, like CaMfornia Fig Syrup has been the to be comparable to the "romerlas" failure, has Its penalties. The trusted standby of mothers for over for instance, ran a small 50 years. Leading physicians recomof Spanish America. In the begina ning Big Quarterly was strictly boarding house. Wave villa, at Ocean mend It It is purely vegetable and church festival and its spiritual City last year, and their success was works with Nature to regulate, tone character was obvious in the decor- very great One afternoon when Mr. and strengthen the stomach and um of the celebrants, who arrived Slnnickson came home from the fish bowels of children so they get full on foot or niuleback or in ox carts, market Mrs. Sinnickson said to him : nourishment from their food and but with the years It became a gen"'I've rented the coalbin to old waste is eliminated in a normal way. eral homecoming for colored people Jake Hodge, Joe. The rest of the Four million bottles used a year of this large region a huge, gay season you'll have to sleep in the shows how mothers depend on It Altrains outing and reunion. Special chickenhouse. I'm sure you won't ways look for the word "California" were run from many points to ac- mind the chickens.'" on the carton to be sure of getting commodate the devotees. Hackmen the genuine. fish grew rich. Watermelons, fried Lice Multiply Swiftly the by and roastin' ears disappeared Believe it or not, but the "bugol-ogists- " Expediency tc". One custard maker, as in "The say that a pair of lice or Doctor No tobacco, no alcohol Green Pastures," would never have mites under favorable conditions, no theaters, a quiet life, plain food, been adequate. There were bare feet become In and early to bed. and slat sunbonnets; gentlemen of four weeks during the hot summer Patient Yes, doctor, and what any Importance wore high silk hats. weather. No hen can lay the maxiIt was a gorgeous, vivid crowd that mum amount of eggs with hundreds then? Doctor Then you will be able to promenaded French street forty years of little biting, sucking creatures Just about then the change, pay my bill. Cleveland News. ago. running over her day and night. the falling away, began. Press. Rural Pacific He'll Soon Learn This Sunday tan face powder and rosewood rouge; plus fours and Wilkes What is the best way to Maine in Name Antibes shirts Instead of ceremonial out what a woman thinks of Athens, Iiome, Carthage, Palmyra finding toppers; plenty of motorbusses and and Canton; Paris, Lisbon, Dresden, you? Brownson Marry her. private cars to save the pilgrims' Palermo and Vienna ; Watertime. The original animating religi- Naples, and loo and Denmark, Oxford; ous fervor has departed ; observance Mexico Is perfunctory, not exalting; youth Sweden, Norway, Poland, Try Lydia E. PinMwm'i Vegetable Compound In of state the all are Peru and does not look wonderstruck nor Is atsee the confirmation Maine. For age renewed. The waning was In- las and the postal guide, not to menevitable after toe younger colored folk lost their strong devotion to tion the railroad schedules. church practice and turned to worldSun Water Heater ly emotional outlets. A century ago water A heater that uses the them of was for many Big Quarterly the drop of honey in the tasteless sun's rays only as a source of heat comb. Now they share with all of has been built and used successfully us a surfeit of diversions, of human in the agricultural engineering de- She contacts, of omniscience. New York partment at the University of FlorNo energy . . . circles under her eyes. If she ida. The solar heater has warmed Herald Tribune. would only try Lydia E. Pinkham's water sufficiently hot for household Vegetable Compound in tablet-forpurposes on practically every day in she could be strong and happy again. the yea- -. SEQUOIA FOREST A OLD FOLK FESTIVAL IS BIG QUARTERLY Call-forn- ia Shouldn't be Tired PEAN OF ANTIQUITY News to Him Bim My wife has been nursing a experts in Paris nre advising their clients to take grouch for several days. Bam I didn't know you were ill baths In strawberry Juice for beauty. Many who cannot afford such He Is a wise man who never arexpensive treatments are rubbing their faces wifh large ripe strawber- gues with people he Is fond of. ries. One berry a day is sufficient for this method. Strawberry Bath in Pari Beauty-cultur- Rise Has Seen Civilizations and Crash. It was, possibly, only yesterday by geologic time when the Sequoia forest began Its definite existence 800,000,000 years, at a guess. Two hundred million years ago it was well established and had fixed habits much as at present. Passing lightly over 100,000,000 years, years ago the genus homo perhaps began to take refuge In Its branches. In the days when Moses was a mountain climber, on a portion of the earth's crust very nearly the antipodes of the Sinai peninsula a region that was not to receive the name of California for some forty centuries a forest of sequoias stretched their green and glossy fingers into the shimmering western sky. Alrervly for an unlmaglned period, through summer and winter, cold and hent, seed time and harvest, day and night. It had pressed inch by inch Into the firmament; ring by ring it had imperceptibly added to Its girth. Ninevah and Babylon, Rome and Carthage, Tyre and Jerusalem rose and fell. Cyrus and Genghis Khan, Alexander, Julius Caesar and Na- - e Salt Lake City's Price of Responsibility "A man who has no cares," said Hi Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "must eventually feel that he has been useless because he was intrusted with nothing." Washington Star. Vewest Hotel "Porky" Disable Auto When Merle Ellison of Titusville, Pa., parked his car too near a porcupine, the animal's quills pierced a tire for a third of Its circumference, penetrating through the tube. Mental and Sentimental Barbara Isn't Muriel suffering from mental trouble? Loretta No, from sentimental trouble. The Pathfinder. rucius and Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed swayed the realm of the spirit Solomon and Socrates, Galileo and Darwin, produced the hitter and potent fruit of the thinking mind. Homer and Vergil and Dante and Shakespeare gave to the world of the Imagination a local habitation, Pericles and Aspnsla. Paolo and TEL TEMPLE SQUARE 200 Rooms 200 Tile Baths Radio connection in every room. RATES FROM JI.50 Just oppoult Mormon Tabtnudt Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcnra Ointment are world favorites be- ERNEST C. ROSSITER, cause so effective in restoring the natural parity and beauty of the skin, scalp, hair and hands when marred by unsightly conditions. (gticur$ 25a. Ointment 25 tad SopSOo. PlraHuhm t Ponsr Drug A Chemical Corp., Maids Mgr. Wanted All Kinds Horses and Mules data t. 26th. Oct. I OA. Oct. 24th, Nor. 7th, Nor. 2 lit. Dec. 5th, Dec. 19th. WHte. Market Bale the bat. Colorado it orta and 9u!eiC&MM,Colo. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 39-1- window. Pall millinery collections are lurge matter of Jaunty little ctmpt-aumade of velvet having sprightly turn hack cnfT brims which oiTer a pleasing variation from the berets whl h have been holding the center of the stage for t long. Sketched at the top Is a smart little gob hat of black velvet. It has the turned back cu(T, with black cire ribbon drawn across the front endina In a small bnw high on the left side. The other sketch shows an ultra hat of rnspherry velvet. It Is worn well down over the forehead. White grosgrnln ribbon trims It with a tiny bow over the right eye. ly a can-titlin- Waitt-Lengt- Wrap Many tf die collections this fall will Include the waist length wrap that Is half Jacket half cape, to be woru over a cloth frock or coat h The Real Cue First Actor In the romantic scene in the first act I don't know whether to close my eyes or not. Manager Just watch the audience and If they close theirs It doesn't make any difference. Surprised at Rating Butterscotch You say that Gaybird loves his wife more since she has sued another wotnnn for alienation of affections? Milktoast Yes, he never suspected before that his wife considered his affections worth $10O,(KX). Modern Kitchen Toiler more when I was married you. Bread Winner o college, either. Education I had gone around single I'd never have If Well. 1 never went the daii 5 Srtiiiniir i i .rn ,1, .an ...inn, , nnniiiiiiirniiiiiiirmnriniiiin mi,, FordeanparUiiigdislaCswiuiIesswo- rttry iheNcwOxydolvithiu 50 or. uda -r- ich, lasting ends that cut grease cleanly and yet are kind to hands. Oxydol never ballanp,IcavnoBcum..ofteMKater. SVKCi. W. i. S"' f ftf?VY PXQ M h (J hC?" ViA) ):' EL. lMW I'U Will ;sprl L cou: Igral cut hurt ?tur iPlai |