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Show low I7L ! f Combined with the Myton Free Press The City's Only Home-OwneVUI Newspaper d LEHI CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 193 NUMBER 21 William Ritter Passes Lehi Democrats Pledge To Great Beyond To Support Schow During Past Week lt i William Ritter, 64, who suffered and Margaret Bailey Ritter, was born jasf Thursday night burglars broke ' another in the car, two others got Evidently, taking heed from the second stroke Tuesday night at at Big Cottonwood In 1868. His early his ran-and away. near split of the Republican party j (he Lehi Drug store m. passed away into the boyhood was spent in and around the place, carrying off about j Saturday night after the dance seven p. which was the town talk last week, Death" Thursday evening that vicinity. At eight years of age of entered the dollars e of Frank "Valley burglars garage hundred and twenty-fivthe democrats met in their primary cash Sharp an relieved the tanks of his after laying unconscious for 55 hours. he was baptized a member of the last Friday night determined to stick frth'of cigarets, notions and the safe two cars of the fes they contained, His first stroke came five months church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y opened till. They i a cpt mitlinA &a nnt.linpd fit the jntfie Saints. On April 15, 1898, he box they also swiped a carburetter from ago. Kll carried off a small strong Harmony prevailed at the primary. His wife, Mrs. S. EJ. Littleford, 'married Albertina Bollager of Sandy, t gf lot of papers which was of no one of the cars. mere were bwjtuijr aunougn meeting Sunday night robbers entered the Mrs. Sarah Ann Green and Mrs. Utah. For a period of ten years they moments over rules. jltfcal value to the intruders but parliamentary office of the .Lehi Roller Mills and Annie Brown were at his bedside as 'lived at various places, during this to as Valuable to the management. No also was an argument There not much carried away the check container; he passed away. After his second time he ran the stage line to Alta, whether the chairman should choose and safe the in was , Utah, trapped for furs and animals stroke Mr. Ritter never came to. big- - nothing else was missed. the committee or the floor which end1 obtained from the tills. The . for the government, and was a state born was 15, Last Ritter William some coal merchan-was April in Thursday Amount being stolen ed in an agreement that the floor must have been stolen from the Denver and Rio 1878, at Big Cottonwood, Utah, the deputy fish and game warden on the should choose the District Chairman, J. I The burglars marshal because switch yard. Inspector Howe of the son of William Ritter and Margaret Weber River. Since 1910 he and his ! Precinct Committee and the District fcng the night the Denver and Rio Grande offices of Ross Ritter. Practically all his early family have made their home in Lehi ' Chairman should choose the district trance was made through lock during Salt Lake City, and Marshal Zimmer- life was spent in and around Big and for the past seven years he has committee. by forcing the t been engaged in investigated and traced the coal Cottonwood-- He married Miss poultry husbandry. te lai.se of time between the rounds man Following the choosing the deleHe died following his second stroke 1900 in of to home the of some local could who Sandy Bollager, men, mashal. This attempt and the instructions obtained 2 gates a. m. Friday morning, September out-made an agreement with the railroad and five years latter in the spring at 4a4e by pofessionals from the toi democrats. The primary was the from he 64 17, 1932, being company and no complaint was enter- of the year moved to Lehi, where years of age. He 4b of town, but is not limited met and men ed. has since made his home. Mr. Ritter is survived by his widow, an adoDted dismissed, and the delegates vote the unit to n4 It may have been local themselves Sunday night officer Zimmerman Was not a pubic man but like the daughter, three half sisters and one pledged released the "ssjocal and outside. until steering by plan entered the routed out two men from stealing friends he knew best, chose to associ- half brother. committee. The big objective of this Friday night two men the his onions wife, with those from ate fiends, an onion of R. J. patch but were frightened apple's being for the purpose of trying to get Brems. Bone. A good descr?p!in of the men animals of "God's Great Out of LEHI H. S. TIES WITH LINCOLN John watch, Peibyfthe night FOR HIGH REGISTRATION A. Carlos Schow on the county ticket there were obtained but no arrest was Doors" and other friends who was Uhas been the watchman as county commissioner. Lehi Demoesthe same things, h years. This store was left for .made as nothing was taken and the interested in are percratic life of the out of Although having a smaller popu- cent delegates i ta4f hour before the watchman men were not caught that night. The pecially the animal A. Carlos Schow as for pledged time his he of the men lation to draw from than most of the spent practically doors. For years Oce lo the store. This night in identity nominee for county commissioner. The im-- l known and they are being watched, as a government trapper, and during other schools Lehi at the close of last an had Brems 'tiefilar Mr. meet is to be held at Payson, which should be a warning to them. the years he did not work for the Friday was tied with Lincln High for county tcn? turn and had asked for an 24th. government he trapped privately and the highest total registered students, Saturday, September 10 r 4ff. Brems had received it a CEDAR FORT STUDENTS The of the results voting at the collected specimens of the animals the list of students for these two to leave, but thought follows: are as primary of. schools each numbering 222. AmeriIN QUARANTINE which he had leaned the habits store !d idea to leave the dog in the New Committee Sylvan Clark, he cured and can Fork following with about 215 which hides of the Many the dog tie gone and was bringing L. J. Barnhart, mounted. chairman; he heads and Pleasant Grove "tailing ' the list Wednesday morning the Cedar Fort te skins and Pening llinjpui in the store- - Upon Mrs. E. Booth Sorenson, secrehis wife, a daughter, with 160. are students were out taken into of the Junior run Surviving men heard Brems TKe district and treasurer. of tary Alice Mrs. Callaster Delta, Utah; Senior Lehi Senior High registration acto return and High Schools and taken Ify b4ck room. Expecting follows: are chairmans District as folthe and home know-ha where in were baby granddaughter, not placed they cording to boys and girls and to nly.fee had not come armed, No. 1 Joseph Anderson, No. 2 S. classes is Mr. sisters: and brothers one for week. or lowing quarantine Monday as follows: Seniors 39 girls Booth many were in the store, Sorenson, No. 3 Roy Worley, well evening one of the Fairfield girls E. Littleford, of Lehi; Mrs. Sarah and 37 boys; Juniors 26 and 33 and No. 4 is r they might be hid or how girls J. Freeman Royle. Mrs. was taken ill with scarlet fever so all Ann Green of Salt Lake City; boys, Sophmores 44 girls and 43 boys. they were, did the right thing The are as follows A. B. delegates ElizaMrs. of Tooele; n Annie Brown The Lehi Senior High School, which for help. the Cedar Valley students, he $ immediately phoned Mrs. A. B. AnAnderson, chairman; Idaho. Teton of beth Stewart in number were placed in City, is composed of the last three classes had kip arrived but the intruders A. J. Evans, derson, Evans, Hyrum William Ritter for services Funeral behind quarantine as a safeguard, to deteravailable in Lehi enjoyed an opening aped leaving the door open A. Carlos Schow, Hyrum Anderson, Ward Lehi held were First the in mine whether more cases will develop. party at Kirkham's farm last Fri- Mrs. A. Carlos Two transients were picked up Thomas Jones, Schow, 2 m. with at Bishop o p. Monday chapel on them day. The is ft nothing could be proved with J. F. Royle, E. B. began The a Garrett, 'Herman FREE SHOW TICKETS presiding. Hyrum Anderson program in the High School Audit if necessitated their release, E. Booth Mrs. E. Goates, Sorenson, auto-bil-e speakers were John Hutchings, who torium at 2 o'clock, wftich lasted for jtodney Allred reported an Booth S. John R. C. Sorenson, Smith, The Lehi Free fress and Cozy also gave the biographical sketch, about hour and then the tire stolen from his car Fri-'- f Mrs. C. R. S. Allred, John Allred, and Carlos A. Schow, party hiked up to Kirkham's where and authorities got busy and the Theatre will issue three family pass- President Mrs. Evans, Fred Sylvan Clark, The Anderson. open games, eats and contests were jl tecame so hot the tire was re-- es this week to three lucky Lehi Bishop Hyrum enjoyKirkham, James F. Peterson, W. W to the owner by night. No families for a pass into the Cozy and closing numbers were given by ed. Dickerson, Ed. J. Southwick, Mrs. Maza Wfcrd the First Goates, quartet, Good ttplaint was entered against the Theatre. These passes will be good was shown by Junius Banks, B. Bradshaw, Virgil judgement h although names were known, but for the show on Thursday, Friday or Emma Phillips, Harold Fox, Bernard Jack Hansen in picking the rope for Peterson, Joseph E. Smith, ; LeRoy I td the public opinion that might Sunday. The family must come in a Webb and Margery Clark as accom- the he didn't want to see Worley, and W. S. Evans. were "Beautiful The songs all at panist. time one the and and group bring any of the students strain themselves, ft he boys future reputation, Alternates Junius Banks, Win. Land'' and "I Need Thee Every because the repentance of them, the names clipping bearing their name. The rope wouldn't hold the Thomas, Mrs. J. F. Royle, C. Hackett, BeA Head Hour." solo, "Lay My fe aeld back. This was probably a names will be found in the ads and strength, but maybe Jack thought the Mrs. Virgil Peterson, W. F. Gurney, neath A Rose" was sung by Mrs. Rose teachers were locals in the paper this week. Mlob. going to do the pulling. Luther Coates, J. L. Barnhart, J. P. , Gail who was Lott, accompanied by An interesting event 0 iatarday night after the dance was the flag Anderson, Mrs. A. J. Evans, Angus Webb on the piano and Floyd Graham rush which took ikei thieves entered the chicken MISSIONARY WIVES AND between the Gardner, George Goates, Mrs. Lott A. place solo "One violin A violin. on a PARENTS MEETING seniors and sophmores; jps of the Lehi Roller Mills, but the juniors Russon and Rulon Fox. ep Fleeting Hour" was given by Mr. won which is another for re caught by local authorities. The The committee is composed Ripley to a stopped at the mill in an auto- - The regular monthly meeting of the Graham who was a visitor of Salt figure out The explanation is that of the steering A. B. Anderson, following: to Lake county paying his respects too many juniors took sides jimbill and one mart stayed in the missionary wives and parents will be with the chairman; A. J. Evans, W. S. Evans, Invocation Mr. and Ritter family. held at the home of President A. winning side. f while the others entered the coop, R. C. Allred, S. W. Clark, Edward The eats consisted of "weenies" Carlos Schow, Thursday evening, was offered by Reuben Davis. Benee man was caught in the coop and Southwick, Mrs. Booth Sorenson, Mrs. diction by Evans Anserson and the (the kind that if bought at a "Hot Lott A. Russon and Mrs. September 29 at 8 o'clock. Virgil dedicatorial prayef- at the cemetery Dog" stand would be called burnt but Peterson. by Bishop Anderson. as it were the "wennies" were very Sketch Biographical tempting.) ailMAKE YOURSELF AN Williams Ritter, son of William HONEST MAN STUDENTS UNDERGO PHYSICAL EXAMINATION WHERE THE BEST SOUND PICTURES ARE SHOWN i "Make yourself an honest man, and We Cater To Particular People 1 then you may be sure that there Is Four doctors and one optician have one rascal less in the world." ; these attempt should be stopped by the intruder or it should necessitate the making public of names and the punishment of said thieves, even though they happen to be your neigh M f bors. I It seems that taking of stealing tempts people. During the past year it was predicted that there would be stealing. It has started when there is no necessity for it. Farm products are cheap and fruit can be had for the picking and yet some one who would rather have something for nothing is causing a lot of trouble to other people, which in return will probably be a boomerang 'and come back and hit themselves in the J j 4 U prac-tica- ly ; ! W Co-o- neck. It has come to the time wnen with the local authorities and give them a chance to catch a few of the intruders. Also, DO NOT TEMPT MEN TO STEAL BUT KEEP EVERYTHING YOU VALUE UNDER LOCK AND LOCK YOUR CELLARS KEY. AND GRAINARIES. j p. one-hundr- LEHI MAN RECEIVES NOMINATION AS J COUNTY COMMISSIONER per-M-isi- Praising the leadership of Herbert Hoover and the acts of the Republican party during the past administration, delegates to the Utah county republican convention in the Provo high school auditorium Saturday adopted the state and national platforms of the Republican party and pledged their candidates to solve the perplexing problems which face the perplexing problems which face the people at vice-chairm- n!ji-do- w 4 forty-seve- 1 Fp; 3 this time. With the exception of the race for the county commissioner post, where but two men were candidates, all of the nominations were hard fought and there were three ballots and eight hours of nominating and seconding speeches before the ticket was finally "get-to-gethe- r" one-ha- lf jjt-ne- named. l tug-of-wa- Contest Close r For the county commisto be filled which was sioner post, end northern the from a candidate by of the county, Edward B. Jones of Lehi won on the first ballot over William J. Cord of Orem. In one of the hardest battles of the day, J. Rulon Morgan of Spanish Fork was nominated for county attorney on the third ballot, winning over I. E. Brockbank, incumbent, Raymond B. Holdbrook and J. C. HalbersSebeik Provo, 'and Mijan Straw, Springville. Another interesting battle developed in the nomination for the post of four-yea- r; yjf - Tonight Thursday 22, and Friday 23 during the passed the students of the Lehi schools. Monday night over 150 girls of the high school had been The examination is being examined. given through out the Alpine district. Lchi's examinations are being con ducted by Dr. Eddngton and Dr. G. Q. Christensen, physicians and sur geons, Uentist WjHiam Worlton and Dentist J. G. Jones and E. N. Webb, optician, under the direction and with the co-- r peration of Couch s, Mr. Ross Neilson and Miss Beth Romnev. been keeping busy week in examining BUCK JONES in KIT' 'M r i High opeed LEAKY S i ) something different! zJp '11 Jones changes his steed for a fire buggy and burns the track. Thrill crashing into thrill in an adventure story that breaks records. A show for the family. Also good shorts. Saturday, Sunday and Monday September 24, 25 and 26 r county commissioner, when three ballots were necessary before Dr. N. C. Spaulding of Provo was friominatd. Other candidates were Benjamin II. Knudsen, C. II. Ward, Inn1 on1 Rwpn f Niel- t? r two-ye- Cozy Th eatre - Let Us Help You Solve Your Roof -- -- m.,.,,,..-.,.,. Carlyle. With eight attempts of burglary in the past week it is time that someone takes this to heart These seven attempts are probably not all that have been tried during the last week but they are the ones that have been called to the attention of the local protection authorities. Some of these intruders have been caught and it is ?n interesting result to find out that in most cases these intruders are not professional men but are supposed to be men of honest reputation. Either ,...,,..- I, i. peo- ple should ar rl sen, all of Provo. Legislative representatives chosen were: Milton Dewey Paine of Divi dend incumbent, by acclamation; Albert Anderson, Pleasant Grove; Mrs. Sadie Bromley, American Fork; Roy .Davis, Salem; Lee Nebeker, Payson. A permanent organization was formed with Judge Christensen as chairman; Annie Holmes, Pleasant Grove, and Mrs. Pearl Bigler, Pay-soWilford Johnson, Spanish Fork, secretary; Laselle Sumpsion, Sprirgville; Thomas Powers, Lehi, and Maurice Jones, Provo, assistant secretaries-j n, n; . , - r I VThe Blonde Captive Amazing authentic sensational romance of a white woman lost among Jescendants of the oldest human race. 10,000 miles of startling adventures. t The most sensational and interesting photoplay of the year. "iih each $1.00 spent at your local merchant or service station you get a Coupon. See this special production with coupons for only 5c and 10c. fcifey Regular admission 10c and 23c. Frank Gray and family will receive a FREE TICKET to the I s Theatre this week. Cozy Problems Guaranteed Fountain Pens from $ .00 up. Automatic Pencils from 25c up. 1 ROLL ROOFING, SHINGLES, ASPHALT SHINGLES and ROOF COATING We Carry A Full Stock. E Lehi Lumber Co. state street phone is Main Street 8 X N O v v E B Jo Jeweler and Optometrist Lehi, Utah |