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Show Thursday. Thursday, October THE LEHI FREE PRESS Octboer 22, 1932 Russon was a F"ir.rnf .end visitor in Provo. i o weelc- - Mrs. E. Booth Sorenson Provo visitor on Tuesday- - fit son of Bishop Hales Myron Hales, while shoeing was injured last week LEHI IXHl Mrs. Ralph Hutchings Mr. and of Provo was a Eerriece Rjssun . ... J Lake visitors, Monday. Lehi visitor, Saturday, Bunaay auu were Salt LEHI Monday. a busiLEHI Bbhop Hyrum Anderson was Mrs. Edward Hutching and three ness visitor in Salt Lake, Monday. LEHI chUdren and Mrs. Vivian Hutching Mrs. C L. Johnson and and Mr. vuitare and baby of P.igby, Idaho, Hancrhtrs. Bettv and Lucille and ir.g relatives in Lehi this week. Mrs. Dean Udell were guests of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Strong of Melvin Reynolds in Provo, Monday. LEHI Chicago, Illinois, who have been Harval Bennett of Mrs. and Mr. Mr. visiting Mrs. Strong's parents, Lehi visitors, were American at Christensen Fork, and Mrs. Frank retheir on started Thursday. Camp Williams, LEHI turn journey Thursday. They made Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, Mr. the trip by auto. end Mrs. Wiliam Hadfield and Dale LEHI Hadfield were Provo visitors, Monin Miss Velda Carson is employed , 5 YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY IF YOU MAKE AT THIS BANK YOUR SAVINGS REGULARLY without a To save i to have and, to spend money when want in be opportunity thought of tomorrow U to calls. of this Start your account today and learn the truth . American statement. day. LEHI LEHI We pay 4 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Loughlin The, George Strasburg family will go as guests of the Free Press and and Mrs. Rachel Carson of Salt Lake, H. Carson Cozy Theatre to a show at the Cozy were visitors at the D. Carson Rachel Mrs. home Sunday. this week. remained for a few days visit in Lehi. LEHI LEHI Mrs. Ethel Bamberry and family Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wing and moved to Provo this week to make their home this coming winter. daughter, Arva, were visitors in Salt percent on savings accounts. Commercial Banking Savings Department Bonds Safety Deposit Vault Insurance Capital Fork. $25-00- Surplus $20,000 0 LEHI Lake, Monday. LEHI Mrs. Hattie Bezzant and Mrs. Floyd Mrs. Lindon Mrs. and Bezzant of Guy Harvey Okey and Mrs. Joseph Walker of Provo, were guests of Mr. Watkins were Salt Lake visitors and Mrs. Eldon Bone, Tuesday. Monday. dalle BBaisk oS Lcli i THE LEHI FREE PRESS Lehi, Utah Phone 8-- W Published by Lehi Printing Co. Every Thursday George P. Price, Manager ADVERTISING RATES 30c per inch Display 10c per line Readers .... LEHI LEHI Telephone 85 Mrs. James Zimmerman and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jerling and Henry Sosenson were visiting in Salt children of Highland were Sunday Lake and Magna, Wednesday. visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LEHI J. W. Wing. LEHI was operated upon Floyd Loveridge David Adamson of Mrs. a for and Mr. Monday appendix, ruptured Miss Lela Coates attended the flowPark City. Dr. Harold I. Salt Lake, were Sunday visitors at at evening er show at the state capital, Sunday. Goodwin performed the operation. the home of Mrs. Adamson's mother, LEHI LEHI Mrs. Alice Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hutchings and LEHI Lake City with Mr. and Mrs. Salt Ford Roberts spent Monday in AmeriMr. and and Mrs. and Mr. Ralph Goodwin reDouglas Scalley can Fork Canyon. Idaho Falls Monfrom home turned Taylor. LEHI LEHI leave will today for Salt day. They Mrs. Louise McCandlass of AmeriThe Mothers Club will meet at the Lake to make their home where Mr. can Fork, visited with her daughter, home of Mrs. J. T. Winn, Friday, Goodwin will attend the University Mrs. R. J. Hutchings, Sunday. of Utah. September 23. Mrs-Herbe- LEHI LEHr LEHI CITY LIGHTS CEDAR FORT NEWS was fhur 2 LEHI Mrs. Dick Holdaway and baby of Mrs. Blanch Evans, president of Sterling Davis, Dick Evans and SUBSCRIPTION RATES Vineyard, were guests at the Alma Carl Evans went to Lehi Mothers Club received a letthe Logan, Monday, advance $1.00 Beck One year in home, Monday. to try to find part time employment ter of thanks and appreciation from LEHI Want Ads 10c Per Line For enter the U. A. C. the Utah Commission for Adult Blind and Mr. and R. J. Mrs. Hutchings First Insertion and 5c per line LEHI for the contribution made by the and Mrs. Bert Hutchings spent Frifor each additional insertion. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Lott spent Mothers Club for the camp for the day in Salt Lake City. Wednesday and Thursday in Milford adult blind held in Cottonwood CanLEHI on business. yon. Mr. Thomas Gray of Lehi was Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson of AmLEHI a guest there this summer. erican Fork, were guests at the R. The regular monthly meeting of LEHI Mrs. I. L. Lott entertained the home, Sunday. Relief Society staRe board will be the Lott and LaPriel Misses Barbara LEHI Athenian Club last Wednesday. held Friday, September 23 at the Goodwin entertained at a "Treasure of Winn Salt LEHI Mr. and Mrs. Alfred home of Mrs. Clara Webb. Hunt" in honor of Miss Phyllis Kirk-haMr. and Mrs. Hyrum Evans were Lake City, were guests of Mayor and LEHI who will leave for the U. A. C. Mrs. I. W. Fox, Sunday. Ogden visitors this week. Lee Ricks, son of at Logan, Thursday (today). Little Howard The LEHI lehi Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ricks who suf- hunt began at the M. S. Lott home Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hunter and Mrs. T. A. Taylor was called to fered a skull fracture in an auto and ended at the Kirkham ranch, son, Lynn, were Salt Lake visitors, East Midvale, Thursday morning on collision in front of the school house where a bonfire supper was served. of her account of the serious illness Sunday. Septemebr 8, was pronounced out of Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Leo LEHI niece, Miss Verla Thayne. danger and removed to his home last Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carson, LEHI Bishop and Mrs. William Hadfield Goodwin, Barbara Lott, Phyllis Mrs. James Carter spent Friday Thursday evening. spent Friday in Salt Lake. LEHI Clell Jackson, Bob Hanson Kirkham, LEHI and Saturdav with her sister, Mrs. and The recent hard wind and Douglas Phillips. rain Mr. Elias M. Jones returned home Lavina Thayne, at East Midvale. LEHI made Lehi realize that people winter LEHI Friday, from Idaho, where he has A large number of Lehi people en is in outthe and some pointed offing Lake Salt of been employed, by the Utah-Idah- o Racker Mrs. Azor attended the Community Fair in weak spots in the roofs of some resid- joyed the meeting held in Provo, TuesSugar Co. ences. Among those shingling their day, when Josephus Daniels, who was LEHI Lehi, Thursday. entire roofs are, Ruel Bvnns, Mrs. M. secretary of war during the Wilson Misses Thelda Evans and Marcille LEHI Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gardner and A. Taylor and the Azor Racker resid- - administration, spoke on Democracy. Gunther, were at Provo, Wednesday ence. Many others are shingling , Senator King also spoke and "Tabby making arrangements preparatory to son, Rulon, left Monday for Lund, furnished the music. parts of roofs ready for stormy and Bun relaand B. Y. U the to visit this friends winter. Nevada, entering weather. Among those present from Lehi were: I rn tives. A. J. Evans, A. B. Anderson, A. Mr. and Mrs. John Chadman of LEHI LEHI Carlos Chad-manSchow, Rodney Allred, Virgil 's Miss Ethel Coates and Miss BoeThe Fort Wfcll Camp of the Daugh Richfield, were guests of Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ing of Salt Lake City, were visitors ters of Utah Pioneers held their open- Peterson, Edward Southwick, Sadie of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Coates, Sun- ing meeting at the home of Mrs. W. L. Russon, Sylvan Clark, Mrs. Virgil Gilchrist, last week. LEHI T. Taylor, Wednesday, September 14. Peterson, Mrs. E. Booth Sorenson, day. Mrs. Esther C. Evans of Glendale, LEHI Mrs. W. T. Taylor gave a life history Joseph Anderson and Eldon Schow. LEHI California, and Mr. William Edwards Miss Thelma Hanson of Salt Lake, of Mrs. Susan Turner. A solo was Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Whipple atof Salt Lake City, were week-en- d was a guest Saturday and Sunday of given by Ms. Ross Buckwalter of Am-hguests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Slade.. erican Fork. Early history of Lehi tended the reception for Gov. Roosesister, Mrs. Howard Ricks. LEHI LEHI was given by Mrs. R. J. Whipple. velt and the flower show in Salt Lake Mrs. Edward La r sen will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Stanley and Prayer by Mrs. Celestia Schow. City, Sunday. LEHI the Social Club Thursday (today). of were Park Hostesses were Jennie Foreman, dauehter, Maxine, City, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Davis enter. LEHI wat-ana oi nir. sirs. Helen bunaoy guests Taylor and Mrs. W. T. Tavlor tained at dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Golden Adams and lace Sorenson. -- LEHI their crandsnn FMnn ,Vi I.EHT family were Sunday guests at the W The following Lehi people took ad- - from the California' S. Evans home. mission last Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Peck vantage of the temple excursion rates week. Covers were laid lehi at a family dinner last Wednes . , w - . inuav hiiu spent tne onv in Mrs. Robert Allred and daughters, anuj Alrsarlos chow and day evening for Mr. and Mrs Rov!sif loi o Y' Miss Mattie Davis of Salt Betha and Clarice, were Salt Lake Terry. Mrs. famlIy' Terry was formeV r .Tosenh , . .. rwfrvn , nir.i t aKe visitors Friday. 1v and tne uavis family. , Blanch Peck. I . n11TQ I J k'nii. Local Items m Lu-Pri- el er ! i t.,, lrv.se l-- ana . a horse, In norse to plant its ;n its kicking managed and Dody several hoofs on Hales' face of American Houston Dr. times. and reported wounds the Fork treated hurt seriously that although all right. U in all possibility be loose cheek The horse tore the right kicked his eye from Hales, bruised his him in the neck, which injured, kicked or on juglar vein and stepped horse's conhim in the chest. The it- duct was blamed to flies bothering w-- i ft The Cjty Power a Municipai Movemeat K. . . i w 1,1.. ed oy tne h ) ! and managed by governed elected the are who ) officerB This ft u t plant of the people. oaid for out of its own rew which revenues are the rates p4 ; those using uiuuivj'' The whole success of this will depend absolutely upon the! 1 of the citizens of Let; 1 support order to accomplish this the valued support will be the and regular payment of light that is tht power bills, in fact realized. be can this way At a recent meeting of the and city council it was deemed J not only for the good of the but for the good of the patrons); selves that a ruling be made cos It inir delinquent accounts. decided unanimously therefore where an account becomes 90 delinquent that either definite be rangements for the payment until discontinued or the service ment is accomplished. The cnH it officers have in thU i ate the habit and desire fc" bills promptly jignt an(j poWer j regularly. Lehi City cous , HERE'S ONE FOR RIPLEY art Vera Cook evidently knows the shown by is of tipping a lar over, as the that the fact (so it is reported) in car which she was driving and Evelyn, her sister, which her mother, and small brother were passengers made a complete summersault light;ng 0n its wheels and man 1 even ten a tire. Although the brother was Scratched up and the mother bruised It and Evelyn's baik was hurt. car of the all occupants mipht be said suffered slight injluy except the driver. The Cooks were out gather- ing pine nuts and while on the trip the car slipped over an embankment making a complete tip and landing on its wheels in the bottom of the wash. "Believe it or not." This accident is pretty stale by now but so is the news service between here and there. The Printer's Devil hasn't an aeroThe press appreciates the plane. of the source of information as it is. The accident occurred last week or the last of the week Leh ex ichs it T xtell Lehi'e state. th ei th "State xhibi The "beaut show taenU jOni j&r wkicr ALTON JOHNSON CONTACT? HIGH VOLTAGE ! pj, Alton Johnson probably rfe jn L?' one of the biggest shock of when he came in contact withn. w the municipal power lines last! day. The line was carrying volts and upon touching h met, dis knocked the spikes on his shoe, In from the pole and he would Abbo probably have fallen to the p. little but the safety strap around hist eet' .. . n'. j L.u ts caught noia ana new uuu. u; Touni treated at the Lehi Hospital. In jured shoulder probably causec,. TSTan! the most pain. t before. Friday afternoon the farmers of Cedar Fort and Fairfield tried to forget the depression and low nrica by letting their work go until the next day and eoing to a baseball game at Fairfield. Cedar Fort beat Ophir by a "good time" score of 20 to 17. Of course the game wasn't restricted to farmers alone but was open to all After the game all went home and prepared for the dance at Cedar Fort in the evening. The dance was sponsored by the mutual with a good Provo orchestra in attendance and a good time was had by the crowd as is shown by the fact that the crowd made the orchestra forget the time until 2:30 a. m., which is a worthy project for any crowd; but an imThe possible one for most places. orchestra's usually have to keep the crowd until a quarter of tweve, and they don't forget the time. T , won ? ce The Clarence Ball family is rsr ?h to attend the Cozy Theatre as f! of the Free Press and the Cozyl. von ""1K ; ,re management this week. ' s les STARTLB BE PROMISES TO , poun K p In What promises to be a truly !e uniet be will the motion ling picture attraction at the Cozy Theatre, h. livi day, Sunday and Monday. The "t" j Zii is 'The Blonde Captive," presente m nd, Columbia, and from advance it shapes up as one of the most Pete Li sational and interesting photoplay the year. Banl The story concerns a whittwo lost in the wilds of Australia to- tn . STAKE OFFICERS VISIT a tribe of primitive people desce Jrs. CEDAR VALLEY MUTUALS from the Neanderthal Man of tin s Stone Age or 50,000 years ago, Mary Maudsley, Arlene Goodwin, white woman living naked in Joseph Anderson, D. R. Mitchell and with the oldest living race is n Howard Evans paid a visit to Cedar ence! j to Fort, Tuesday night. The purpose of The picture is said to have not, . . . me visu, was to see u tney neeaea a dramatic appeal but is of ins iff to and them help encourage along, tional value as well, it being a nr o uioi. mcy ivFwim .picture record oi tne exDecuuu ft; not need much encouragement as they Dr. Paul Withington, of Harvar. are full of zeal and are already see if the ancient Neanderthal t M working still lived. Dr. William L. Worlton, Dr. Lowell Thomas, radio voice and Francis Goates visited Literary Digest, wrote the dish the M. I. A. meeting at Fairfield and did the talking for "The Tuesday night. Their wives chaper- Captive" and he Tntroduces oned them. with a mixture of fact and huiw many strange animals, scientific": Send in your order for Butter coveries, peoples and customs- to the amazing story of the V Wrappers to The Lehi Free Press. I jj $ 1 a. . 1 1 j .w. I " i Ed-dingt- Bi: captive. j LEHI LEHI Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gunther, Mrs. Mrs, Asa Boyce and dandier, John Smith and Mrs. Hazel Allred Beverly, of Salt Lake, spent Thursspent Friday at Salt Lake Temple. day and Fridav at the home of Mr. LEHI and Mrs. Bert Hutchings. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allred and LEHI son, Darald, were guests of Mrs. Mrs. Enoch Russon spent from Annie Beck in Salt Lake City, SunFriday until Sunday evening with her day. husband Mr. Enoch Russon in the L. LEHI D. S. Hospital, in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. John Bradshaw and She reports Mr. Russon's condition Miss Cleora Lewis were Salt Lake not as well as usual. visitors, Friday. LEHI Mr. and Mrs. Lyle B. Nicholes of Salt Lake City, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Taylor. tEHI , Mr. and Mjrs. Douglas Scalley of Salt Lake, were Lehi callers, Saturday. T.EHI Mrs. M. Lott and daughter, Barbara, and Mrs. T. F. Kirkham and daughter, Phyllis, were Salt Lake visitors on Thursday. S. Hunger, Adams, Mrs. Jonas Holdsworth Mrs. Harriet Smith. P;. j ru. rl TV and mm m iftt THIRD WARD BAZAR LEHI The Third Ward Relief Society will The Relief Society Conference held hve a bfxzar in their ward house Sunday was well attended and all Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. They present greatly enjoyed the confer- will have a one act play followed by ence. Annie Wells Cannon of the Re- a dance and have for sale hot dogs, lief Society General Board was ice cream, cake and popcorn, quilts present and gave some very helpful and aprons. A small admission fee of Rc will be charged. Everyone is ininstructions to all. vited and all assured a good time. LEHI The Webb family furnished the proLEH! ROBERT EVANS Mrs. Junius Banks and Mrs. C. C gram at the sacramental meeting in RETURNS HOME Hackctt went to Salt Lake, Wednes- Fairfield last Sunday evening. Vern and Webb were Lynn the speakers day to attend a wedding breakfast Robert Evans son of Mr. and Grace Webb sang two solos, acand Mrs given in honor of the marriage of Robert J. Evans returned home SunLuPriel companied Goodwin by on Mr. Thirl Marsh, Mr. Hackett's the piano. Mrs. Heber Wrbb accom- day from a three year mission to grandson. South Africa. On his panied them. trip going to LEHI South Africa and LEHI returning home to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gough, Mr. an i The Third Ward maintenance com- - Utah Mr. Evans went Mrs. w. h. Johnson and Mr. and completely are Riyinp frw dance tnigrht around the world He is m,ttee Mrs. Cecil Johnson wre visitors of in expected in their ward Miss Verla Thavne of East Midvale (Thursday chapel. Lehi in the very near future to visit " be accepted. friends and Sunday. Miss Thavne who has been ' JlIuntary donations relatives. c and a Rood time Promised very ill was reported on the improve. everyone. Now is the Time to overhaul or repair your car Ma: SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT Service is nod service unless you can have it when you really need it. Our garage is equipped to care lor your car at any time. No matter how suddenly you decide to leave on a long we will put your car m perfect order for you trip at short notice. No extra charge for rapid service. f 0 for Johi FC 5th "Bro" Guy's Garage GUY WILSON. Proo. EAST STATE STREET LEHI, UTAH ?F t"ori IP -- it' |