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Show I Friday, January 24. 1992 The Daily Utah Chronicle Page Nine folks would be well advised to Lavin from page eight She concedes that "Folk will never be mainstream, because, don't want to sound elitist, it seems that the and - I majority of folk audiences are people." However, she acknowledges that folk is gaining a higher profile "in pockets, like in Tampa and Miami, and New college-educate- d York, Boston, Washington D.C., Denver, and Seattle." She is thoroughly in love with, and indebted to, community stations like KRCL, which provide the airplay that she and similar artists receive. Since that airplay is limited, seize upon this opportunity and spend some time next weekend at Snowbird. Christine Lavin is a whirlwind of energy and a very funny person. Two hours with her is guaranteed to blow away the Blues. Plus, if you're Fogged-In lucky, you might get a piece of dried fruit. Christine Lavin will be performing at Snowbird on Jan. 30 and 31. For information please call the 0 Snowbird Office at 521-604- - Amnesty International U. Chapter meeting on Jan. 28, Union Room 312. The play's central locale, for the most part, is in the night courtroom. Flashbacks give us a glimpse of the outside world. There are 10 scenes which are announced, annoyingly so, by the court clerk. There is a lot of history involved in the original production which director LeFeber painstakingly details in a curtain speech. Go see the play and hear the speech for all the gory details. LeFeber's cast has about 22 actors playing two or more rolls each. I've got to hand it to this cast, for the most and produced by the equally intimidating John Houseman in 1937. This time around it is being directed by Scott LaFeber and musically directed by David Lines. The play, which takes place on the night of a big union drive in 1937, has been described as a "play with part they are quite good and Their task was difficult because the music was written and set to the speech patterns of a wide gamut of the social classes. It is also heavily based in sharps and flats. The music is extremely difficult to listen to you can only imagine how difficult it is to sing. Some of the actors, however, are greatly adept at doing so. Take for well-rehearse- music." However, think that is skimping on the description. It is I more like a tragic American opera, not in the style of grand opera, but definitely a period piece. - P.S. To bolster your P.C. quotient in anticipation of this concert, remember to attend the You don't wanna miss this creative and folksy musical character (Christine Lavin) at Snowbird. The cradle rocks the Babcock "The Cradle Will Rock" is a musical walk back in time. In fact, it's black like watching a depression-er- a and white "B" movie. The elements are all there: hard-luc- k stories, good guys, bad guys, total jerks and those who just sit the fence. "Cradle" was written by Marc Blitzstein during the summer of 1936. It was part of one of the WPA's Federal Theatre Project outlets. It was originally directed by Orson Welles . extension 4080. d. $3 00 BARGAIN MATINEES OAILV BEFORE 6 PM COVATS ANO VIP TICKETS ACCEPTED INDICATES NO PASSES AT ALL TIMES instance Alan LeFleur. You can tell when someone who knows what he or she is doing comes onstage. La Fleur is one of those actors. He has grace, poise, character definition, etc. You can tell what his character is thinking by what his face is doing. He and another actor, Sarah Anderson, did a wonderful number about selling out their art for money's sake. It was one of the better understood numbers in the play. Credit must also be given to the actors in the Liberty Committee, who must have eaten arid slept together for a few weeks in order to arrive at such perfect synchronization. The patter is sometimes reminiscent of "The Music Man." Never have I seen better teamwork in a show. This music is hard, hard, hard, and these people never missed a beat. Special mention should also be made of Jennifer Buckalew, who plays the Moll. This actress has a fabulous voice. I'd like to hear her sing a standard ballad sometime. But not all ran smoothly for this play and its cast. The main bad-guMr. Mister (Ernie Doose), is a dark, sinister, and powerful man. Doose, however, gives him speed but no control. He has the physical characteristics but not the command of a man with that kind of power. He wants to go, but he doesn't know where. This character is really the JFK (H) (DOLBY) 100. 1 15.4:25. 4 45. 8 00.815 FATHER OF THE BRIDE (PG) (DOLBY) 1 05.3 05. 5 10.7:30.9 35 PRINCE OF TIDES (R) (DOLBY) 1:15.4 20.7 10.9 50 AGRAND CANYON (R) (DOLBY) 1:30.1:45.4 15.4 30. 7D0, 7:20. 9:45. 10 00 BUGSV 1 (R) (DOLBY) 40.4 20. 7:10.9 50 CAPE FEAR (R) (DOLBY) 1:50.4:30.7 20.9 55 FRIED GREEN TOMATOES (PG 13) (DOLBY) 1 30. 4:10. 7:00. 9:45 LAST BOYSCOUT (R) (DOLBY) 7:10, 9 30 MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO (R)(DOLBY) 7:30. 9:50 HANO THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE (R) (DOLBY) 7:00. 9:20 THE HOOK (PG) (DOLBY) 7:15.7 20.9:50.10:00 FREEJACK (R) (DOLBY) 7:10.9:30 KUFFS (PG-13- ) (DOLBY) 7:00. 9:20 MADAME BOVARY 7 20.9 40 FREEJACK (R) (DOLBY) 1:40.4 40.7 20.9 50 FRIED GREEN TOMATOES (R) 1 10.4 10.7 05.9 40 (DOLBY) (DOLBY) RUSH (PG) (DOLBY) 7 00. 9 30 BLACK ROBE (R) 7 35. 9 50 MY GIRL (PG) BUGSV (R) (DOLBY) 30.4 30.7 15.9 55 1 HOOK (PG) (DOLBY) 1 DO. 4 00. 7 00 9 45 PRINCE OF TIDES (R) (DOLBY) 1 20. 4:20. 7 10. 9 50 KUFFS (PG 13) (DOLBY) 1 50 4 50. 7 25. 9 35 7:10.915 PRINCE OF TIDES (R) 710. 9 50 HOOK (PG) (DOLBY) 700. 9 45 FATHER OF THE BRIDE 7:25. 9 35 JFK (R) (DOLBY) 12 55. 4 30. 8 00 HOOK (PG) (DOLBY) 1 15. 4 25. 7 20. 10 00 GRAND CANYON (R) (DOLBY) 1 00.4 00. 7 00.9 50 RUSH (R) (DOLBY) (PG) HOOK (PG) (DOLBY) 1 00.1:15.1:30. 3 45.4 00.4 15. 7 00. 7:15. 7 30. 9 30. 9 45. 10 00 THE LAST BOYSCOUT (R) (DOLBY) 7 40.9 50 FATHER OF THE BRIDE (PG (DOLBY) 1 30. 250. 3 50. 5 00. 6 00. 7 10. 8 00.9 20. 10 00 FIEVEL GOES WEST (G) (DOLBY) 100.3 00. 5:00 FRIED GREEN TOMATOES (PG 13) (DOLBY) 1:20.4 20.7 10.9 40 PRINCE OF TIDES (R) (DOLBY) 1 20. 1 45. 4:10. 4 30. 7 00. 7 45. 9 40. 10:10 KUFFS (PG 13) (DOLBY) 1:50.4 45. 7:20.9:20 7:15.9 40 OF TIDES (R) (DOLBY) 1 30. 4 40. 7 30. 10 05 KUFFS (PG 13) (DOLBY) 2 30.4 50. 7 10.9 20 MY GIRL (PG) (DOLBY) 105.305.5 05 PRINCE CURLY SUE (PG)1 15.3 15. 5 15. 7 15.9 15 FISHER KING (R) (DOLBY) 4 30.9 40 PARADISE (PG 13) 1:30.3 30.5 30.7 30.9 30 FOR THE BOYS (R) 1 45.7 00 LITTLE MAN TATE (PG) (DOLBY) 20.3 20.5 20.7 20.9 20 1 y, Tj n 11 r-- J n JJ l" H v. 1 - v epitome of evil and greed and controlled rage would be more apropos. Mrs. Mister (Rene Hemrick), and in fact the entire Mister family, was an embarrassment to watch. I think they were concentrating so hard on being clever and funny that they forgot to just be the characters w mm - "! ... PHOENIX REEVES so delightfully different and daring that it Exceptional renews your faith. " Marshall Fine, GANNETT NEWS SERVICE KEANU X3U 1 If HI spoiled, wicked people. I - who were Gus Van Sant makes a big bold leap to join Jim Jarmusch and the Coen brothers in the front ranks of America's most innovative independent film makers. The film itself is invigorating written, directe and acted with enormous insight and comic elan. Vincent Canby. n.y. time; " VwmKm Jennifer Buckalew, Mark Larson and Ernie Doose appear in The Cradle Will Rock. It is playing in the Babcock Theatre. - One of the best things about this play, besides the Liberty Committee, was the production value. The set was very Orson Wellian and the costumes very 1930s. I recommend this play to you, if for no other reason than it will be a different experience for you. It is different, but not without merit. It, unfortunately, is for the 1930s society, riot necessarily the 1990s. By Arlene M. Calkins Real hobbies APPLICATIONS FOR ASUU FROM THE DIRECTOR ASSEMBLY A FILM BY GUS VAN SANT RIVER PHOENIX FINE LINE FEATURES n Due Friday, January 24 at 12 noon JAMES RUSSO UDO mwm imm mm my EER -"- HANS' x mm ALLAN BR1SBLN MDJDEL --HC No, this is not trick photography. The amazing Peking Acrobats will dazzle Salt Lakers during their upcoming ' Jan. 28 Symphony Hall performance. I IKFwrsTsj I I ASUU Offices 234 Union Bldg. asuu .. ..... fr-- J CINEPLEXODEON 515 South 7th E. 364-618- 3 -'- MY MICHAEL PARKER OWN PRIVATE IDAHO' PLEA CHIARA CASELLI r BEATRIX ARUNA PASZTOR vmPS GUS VAN SANT CURTISS CLAYTON JMSBWERIC LAURIE PARKER tr--ri KEANU REEVES RODNEY HARVEY WILLIAM RICHERT asm DAVID OF DRUGSTORE COWBOY SUt ALAN EDWARDS r JOHN CAMPBELL GUS VAN SANT : EXCLUSIVE SALT LAKE ENGAGEMENT! 7:30, 9:50 (DOLBY) f .niI.ni C rn..u |