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Show -- 1 The Daily Utah Chronicle - Mondav, October 21, 1991 Page Two rnnicls Mgws "W6 5 fways on too of things. 17 Abortion Is a legal option in Utah" Women's Health Ce y Today All students are invited to discuss alternatives to student health insurance in Room 101 Engineering and Mines Classroom Building at 7 p.m. fah Student Advisory Councils will Business "The Best Choice For All Your Health Care Needs" present an Open House in the Faculty Lounge of the A. Madsen Francis Building from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Chemistry seminar, "Spectroscopy on the Fly: Resonant Photodissociation of Ion Beams," presented by professor Phillip Brucat, Free Pregnancy Testing Screening Sterilization Problem Pregnancy Counseling Abortion - First & PMS STD InfertilityArtificial Insemination Medifast Weight Reduction Pap Smears Second Trimester Birth Control University of Florida in at 4 p.m. Fellowships and research grants available in 1992-9- 3 will be explained by the EMCB 2006 Gynecological Surgery Utah's Only State Licensed Abortion Clinic Through Second Trimester. Member Of The National Abortion Federation. American Association of University Women in a meeting at 3 p.m. in the 2 Confidential (801) or (801) 363-192- 0 Emergency After Hours (801) 264-552- 0 531-919- Women's Resource Center. Seminar, Biology er 5 5 South 400 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84 "Volvox: Gene Expression 1 and Transformation Experiments," by Dr. 1 1 1 Rudiger Schmitt, professor of genetics, University of Rogensburg, Germany. 212 S. Biology, Conference Room at 4:10 p.m. Cancer Women's Screening Clinic from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Sandy Stake House. 9331 S. Third East, Sandy. DATETIME Screening Clinic from Mondav, October 21 EVENT SPONSOR LOCATION Ute Greetings ASUUSAA Homecoming Queen Contest ASUUAlumni Union Ballroom Emeritus Reunion Alumni Marriott Ctr for Dance Songfest ASUU Union Ballroom U-TA- Alumni Marriott Ctr for Dance Major Day (Frosh, Soph & undecided) ASUUSAA Union Ballroom Hoagie Lunch ASUU Marriott Plaza Little Ute ASUU Bennion Ctr. Marriott Plaza "U" Oughta Be In Pictures Contest Judging ASUUSAA Alumni House 6:30 p.m. Par Excellence Alumni Alumni House EMCB 2429. 7:00 p.m. Night with the Runnin' Utes Athletics Seminar. Chemistry Professor Robert Paine, Huntsman Center Thursday, October 24 NOON Homecoming King Contest ASUU Union Ballroom 8:00 p.m. Crimson Collage (Tickets: $8 and $5; Students less $z) Alumni Kinssburv Hall Bands for U. ASUU Union Patio 4:00 p.m. 3rd Annual Shreadfest: Mountain Bike Race (Registration: $15 Intermediate; $18 Adv.) ASUU U Mountain OSH. 5:00 p.m. Anthropology Seminar. "The Archaeology of A Monitor Valley: House Decorations: Greeks, Residence Halls, ASUU LDSSA Greek Row & Campus 6:30 p.m. Reunions (Classes of 51, 56, 61, 66) Various locations Cancer Women's 1 to 4:30 p.m. at the county government building, 2001 S. State, South Building, Honors registration week. Honors Program Building, Room 124. October 22 7:45 N a.m.-NOO- 7:00 p.m. 5:30a.m.-7:1- 5 Peterson, 7:30 premed students welcome, 2 p.m. at 212 Biology Building. "Linking Academics to Life: 'Can Everday Women Make Life Studying Better?' or 'Who Does the 7:30 p.m. admissions, School of Medicine. All University of Mexico, at p.m. in EMCB 2006. 4 Undergraduate Seminar, mechanical engineering, "State of the Department Message," David Hoeppner in EMCB 101 from 11 a.m. to noon. "Beyond the MIA Issue: Vietnam Today," presented by Sandra Taylor, U. professor of history, the Hinckley Institute of Politics at 11 a.m. in 255 by Duncan Maetcalf in 215ST at 2:15 p.m. p.m. - P-m- LK Wednesday, October 23 9:00 a.m.-3:0- 0 11:00 Dishes in the Ivory Tower?'" Eloise Buker, director, Women's Studies in the Women's Resource Center from noon to 1 p.m. Department of chemistry presents a Brown Bag Lunch with Vice President Jerilyn Mclntyre at noon in Marriott Plaza Tuesday, October 22 Alpha Epsilon Delta Premed Society, Millie -- ' a.m.-2:0- 0 ll:30a.m.-2:30p.- 6:00 P-m- p.m. p.m. m. - Pow-wo- w Friday, October 25 NOON-2:0- 0 p.m. Alumni Critique," Psychology Workshop. Applying to Graduate SchoolCareer planning in 712 BEH S, noon. The Utah Federation for Youth will host Drug-Fre- e its Annual Celebrity Flag Football Game to kick off Red Ribbon Week at 6:30 p.m. at Judge Memorial High School. Saturday, October 26 1 0:00.-- 1 NOON 1 :45 a.m. 7th Annual Alumni Pre-Ga- me Brunch ($6.50) Alumni Football Game, Utah vs. San Diego State ($6) Athletics Crimson Club Room Rice Stadium |