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Show Monday, February The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Twelve DISCLAIMER NOTICE The Chronicle reserve die right to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and 5 words $3.00day , propriety. Rates are at follows: The words $4.7Sday. $l9.00week. $12.00week. 16-3- 0 classified ad deadline is 12 noun prior lo the date the ad is lo run. Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4:00 p.m. workdays. For information about classified ads call '87 1 1 26 1986 FORD ESCORT GT (Lynx XR3) 5 speed, air, stereo or 2624596 25 cassette, spoilers. $3600. 364-49- VW DIESEL RABBIT Good economical car. $5.00 to fill the tank. Good stereo and nice interior. $IOOO$900. 466-295- 4 or WE EDIT SCHOLARLY textbooks & dissertations for 0 39 logic, style & continuity. Window's FOUND: Call FOUND: at Rice Stadium WE GUARANTEE YOU'LL LIKE CABLE TV! 3 Installed free. 30 day money-bac- k guarantee. John 216. I 220 I.G 2 BDR, $289., Carpel, garage, tiled halhshowcr, S. 5th E. 466-547-1 or cvc.wknds. 25 127 S. 8(X) F. New carpel, painl. 633 or 53 -- 43 216 3 BLOCKS FROM U. 2 bdrm. house', garden, 6 mo. utilities. minimum. No dogssmokers $295mo. 27. 28 8 29 PROFESSIONAL PHOTO STUDIO looking lor people for commercial modeling work in advertising & calendars. 2 26 $20 lo $ 100hour. BDRM W SHOWER, kilchen, living room, garbage & 973-88'JOE. 3rd S. 544-832water paid. $200mo. 27 LOVING FAMILY wilh 4 yr. old big brother seeks lo adopt ' 3 infant. Call Collect 415 32 3 I Paul. 2l3 5 ONE BEDROOM $200month Tor included. 2 FURNISHED APARTMENT single & $22()monlh for couple, utilities 29 FOR SALE DIAMONDS: GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN UTAH! Large selection, high quality. Bridal sets, wedding bands, diamond earrings, quality pearls, tennis bracelets, certified appraisals available. Everything wholesale! Rocky Mtn. Diamond Co. 486-352-1 61 MEN WANTED! Hear women's personal ads 24 hours. 223 .98min, plus loll. WOMAN TO WOMAN Personal messages 24 hours. Dial ', 223 $1.98 min. plus loll. VOLUNTEER AT MEN'S, WOMEN'S OR FAMILY HOMELESS SHELTERS Orientations 131 & 212 at . 212 IHXIam, 101 Union, Dave S8 48 NEW IBM COMPATIBLE COMPUTERS custom built, best prices, training, service, warranty, 292-- 4 144, 5 iiL DIAMONDS - DON'T PAY RETAIL Buy a bigger, finer 8 diamond for less. Call 39 DYNASTAR 160 SKIS, Solomon bindings. Scott poles. 1 Nordica boots. (Size 8), Whole set $80. Call Linda at 29 WILD ROSE XC SKI SALE: 25 to 65 skating equipment from Atomic. Ashes. Asolo. Blizzard. 1 Lundscm. Alfa & more. Wild Rose. 702 Third Ave. oil Telemark & 26 FOR SALE: APPLE II C COMPUTER with Monochrome monitor. Imagewriler printer and lois of software. $1000. Contact Dirk 582-59 or 58 22 0 COMPAQ 286 DESKPRO base unit with keyboard. Needs 9 new power supply. $250. Call eves.. 25 SALOMON SX-7- 1 MEN'S SKI ROOTS size 12 worn 4 4 limes. Bcsl offer 26 SKIS: ROSSIGNAL STS 190 cm. $150.: tlkl eonip. 195 cm. $200.: Olin 870 185cm. $60. All wilh Solomen 26 bindings. ROSSI STS 195 CM, Salomon 727 bindings $150. Salomon SX90 hools $50. Trak Mariah waxless skis. Trak 50mm Psprim" shoes. Lcki poles $95. Call leave 26 . message. MACINTOSH II wilh 40 Meg hard disk. Apple extended keyboard, Supcrmac 19" double page monochrome monitor. " 3 3o $3700.00 21" MTN. BIKE. "88 Shimano components. Barely ridden. $ 80obo. 28 leave message. ' make their summer as memorable as yours will be, come to the Union downstairs today and talk with a representative from CAMP CANADENSIS. There are over 100 fantastic positions available. Positions range from general counselors to specialists of every type of sport and various fields. Or 25 Call 531-16- 39 ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word processes resumes. Foreigngraduate studies. 0 students welcome. Specialize in Mid-Ea- st FORMER MARKET DISCOVER CREDIT CARDS ON YOUR CAMPUS. Flexible hours. Earn as much as $10hour. Only ext. 3015 25 ten positions available. Call 39 AZTEC TYPING SERVICE has always been your best source for all word processingtyping needs. Student rates. 364-680Learn lo use WordPerfect 5.0 or Lotus courses. 39 Comprehensive ALPHA-OMEGTYPING English MA; Former teacher. 39 95 cents a page. Edilingcorrcclions free. 268-- 1 49 DOCUMENT PROCESSING BY FORMER ENGLISH and word processing instructor. Professional "preparation of dissertations, theses, reports, and resumes. Letter quality printing. Editing and Desktop Publishing available. Located 9 close to University. 212 WORDPERFECT 5.0 WORDPROCESSING, 7 FAX COPYING. Same day service. Lynn IBM-28- cooks, waiters, dishwashers, cafeteria food line workers; days, afternoons, evenings, weekends. Please apply at University Health Sciences Center. Personnel Services, 50 North Medical Drive, HOB HOTLINE 5812310. Equal Opportunity 25 Employer. BABYSITTER NEEDED - Monday and Tuesday afternoons in my home. Girl, 6; boy, 3. Start February 11 PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSINGDESKTOP PUBLISHING, laser printer. 12 years experience. Call WILL TYPE YOUR THESES, PAPERS, ETC. Word Perfect. Liana, days eves, 25 39 NATURAL HISTORY Utah: 10,000 B.C , AAC Aud., $3 per lecture For more information call 206-- 100 " GLASS ACT , , A divlspn of A-- 1 Snack Bar Worker - Join Primary Children's Snack Bar staff as we make plans to move to the new facility this month. . Evenings only, p.m. - Accepting applications 8 a.m. 12 noon daily .', PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTER Human Resources Dept. 320 12th Avenue Salt Lake City, UT. 84103 Phone ; 1 (Located at Primary Children's Medical Center Annex'off 13th Avenue and F Street) An Equal Opportunity Employer 5 For your time... am 268-624- 2 flight to pay for the Quality Class 582-720- 222 SO. 1300 E. 0 582-720- 7800 S. State 255-590- 255-590- BACON CHEESEBURGER fresh beef patty topped with American cheese and bacon 582-720- 255-590- 0 t Limit One item per $1.19 Coupon Coupon Expires: February 11, 1990 EXTRA THICK CHOCOLATE SHAKE Coupon Expires: February 11, 1990 Utah Holiday says Best Shake in Salt lake 0 7800S. State 0 Coupon . 222 SO. 1300 E. 0 7800 S. State 0 Limit One item per LB fghappy monday! $Compensation Video" 222 SO. 1300 E. 16 SUN VALLEY IS HIRING! Positions available in restaurants. Cooks, wait staff, mountain restaurants, cashiers, kitchen help. Excellent benefits and pay. Housing available. for Interviews in SLC February 5lh. Call 596-579- 6 ' 26 appointment Benefits: Free Physical Exam, Medication, Visa, Mastercard, American Express ' US Travel Systems . '.. P.O. Box 2353 Salt Lake City, UT 841 10 "Save enough on one 26 CASH PAID! For used or new Levis 501, 701 jeans, sports 9 26 trading cards. Call HOUSE BOYS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. Wages, plus lunch and dinner. Call BenyNielsen 532-387- 0 26 Ages:18-3- 00-477-3380 581-880- 580-503- 4 213 2 mornings or afternoons per week. Call QUALIFICATIONS: Healthy Women, Sexually Active Just $29.95 1 Volunteers needed to test new painless treatment. Cash compensation, free medical checkup. U. of U. Health Sciences Center. BABYSITTER 2 Dawn For Oral Contraception Research Systems Los Angeles. CA 90025 ... S8M8II VOLUNTEERS NEEDED United States Travel Windshield Repair or Replacement . afternoons building boats. Must enjoy 25 working with hands. Apply at 4687 S. 500 W. HOMELESS TUTORS NEEDED. Orientations: 26 & 213 at 9:00 am. Bennion Center, 101 Union. Dave Powers, PART-TIM- E 1 for credit card orders, call: Guaranteed Insurance Approved Up to $1 00.00 off your Insurance - Deductible for students 29 $NOW CASTING! TV, commercials, movies" modeling! No 0 Now paying o $75Ar. 35 experience. KIDS, CRAFTS, THEATRE, AND EVERY ACTIVITY regarding the great outdoors all have one. thing in If you want to common CAMP CANADENSIS experience an incredible summer as a counselor, come to the Union, downstairs today and let a camp representative-explai- n how you can experience the number one summer camp CAMP CANADENSIS. Over 100 positions available. Or call 531-1625 days. Prefer part-tim- Everything you need to know is 6n a new video from (213) 3 581-692- 7. how to start your own travel business Ho Equipment to buy ' tto training necessary Perfect money maker for students Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Information 45 S1500MO. PART TIME DURING SCHOOL Flexible hours. Gain experience and build your resume with a rapidly expanding international marketing firm. All students 2 acceptedseniors preferred. Ask for Laura or Russell Equal Opportunity Employer . any destination plus: COO 5 WANTED: MOTHER'S HELPER. Mature young woman to help with two children ages 3 yrs. and 4 mos. Some household duties, errands. One year commitment. No smokers. Write: V. Turbeville, 77 Bleecker Street PH 25, 221 New York. N.Y. 10012 (IxKated at Primary Children's Medical Center Annex, off 1 3th Avenue and H Street) Low Cost Air-fare- s -- 359-- Hi-to- p $5.00 TO $14.00, HOUR GUARANTEED SALARY. S openings at Id. order desk. Pleasant, new South SLC office. Flexible schedules, benefits. Mr. Scon 483-16216 521-165- tf6 February 5 Early Human Occupations of The Great Basin .search ofr;Fc:uMATi:;j in S. 11322 Idaho Ave. sneakers, dress shoes, motorcycle leathers. Human Resources Dept. 320 12th Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84103 Phone 521-165- 29 2 rapC00-351-022-in Calif. 39 CASH PAID FOR MEN'S USED BOOTS, MEDICAL CENTER ATTENTION STUDENTS! Retail openings $9.40 lo start. Customer service poslions for Spring employment. 2 BLACK LACE! One night last summer was the happiest of von kiuw ulwl I mean. Please let me know. my life. 26 Signed. A. Rules HEAD START CHILDREN'S PROJECT needs volunteers anytime from 7:30 am. lo 4:30 pm., Monday through Friday. Teacher's aid. tutoring, artscrafts.' or your specially. Call Ijira Fruz.ier at the Bennion Cenler 58 all subjects Order Catalog Today with VisaMC or MALE MODELS NEEDED FOR INTERNATIONAL SHOE COMPANY We pay you for initial visit. Call PRIMARY CHILDREN'S 39 UTAH MUSEUM OF art. 5-- BARTENDING CLASSES - Fun jobs: Earn great money. Tuesday & Thursday evening classes. Bartenders Incredible - ceramics, campcraftropes. photographyyearbook. Also office, kilchen and maintenance positions, if you think you're tops, contact: 130 S. Merkle 212 Rd. Columbus. Ohio43209. Accepting applications between 8 a.m. - 12 noon daily WANTED FLEXIBLE VOLUNTEER JOBS: Elderly, English tutors, fundraising committee, environmental, youlh tutoring & coaching. African relief, office volunteers, food pantry & thrift store, legal aid 26 projects, etc. Slop by the Bennion Center. 581-48- U. leaders, song 943-324- 2 VOLUNTEER NEEDED for Bennion Center quarterly newsletter. Call Jennifer K. 2 26 or information 19 for creative dynamos for staff poslions June , tennis, landsports, gymnastics, water-skiingcompetitive swimming, water polo, small crafts, piano, dance, drama, 16 hours afternoons and weekends. Position responsible for basic food service skills. 39 PHOTOGRAPHER Largest Library CAMP WEKEELA FOR BOYSGIRLS, CANTON, MAINE. One of America's most prestigious camps, seeks Food Service Worker 3A WORDS EXPRESS - QUALITY Word Processing, 23 years experience. Evening to morning turnaround. 484-471' ACCEPTING 30 PEOPLE!!! The Casting Division needs 35 models, extras, actors now! Big $$$ 484-298- 7 WORK STUDY POSITION: student wanted to do accurate typing, xeroxing, filing, and general office work (15 3 hrs. per week). Call for an appointment. .29 8. - convenient U. location. fast. WORD PROCESSING accurate. Call Theresa at 57 3965. $ I .(X) per DS page. 226 9 MODELS WANTED. Willing to wear hot new looks, new decade, new hair techniques. If interested call 595-029- 9 before Jan 26th. 39 experience in accounting & customer service. Contact hourly 27 hiring at 1030 Annex. Job 19053 39 Claudia 5, 1990 SUMMER JOBS OUTDOORS Over 5.000 openings! National Parks, forests, fire crews. Send stamped envelope for free details. 1 1 3 E. Wyoming. Kalispell, MT 59901 212 29 3 ACCOUNTING CLERK: 6 2 NOTHING WOULD BE MORE PLEASING, my love, than lo bring my lace to you - but, alas! I knowest not where thou art. X 25 HOW ABOUT A SUMMER YOU WILL NEVER and want to FORGET! If you love children (ages dissertations, manuscripts, DIET DISC MEANS NO HUNGER DIETING! 213 4-- 6 WANTED - EXPERIENCED BABY-SITTEhoursweek, additional hours possible. Own transportation.-28 4 Salary neg. SUSHI OF ASAKUSA is looking for experienced waiter, 2 28 waitress, bus person, dishwasher. Call Peter 39 ; WORD PROCESSING - LASER PRINTER. East Liberty Park area. Papers, theses, resumes. Call Cindy. NEEDED: WRITERS, POETS lo volunteer time & work on politicalenvironmental concerned underground 0 22 magazine. Erik FOR YOUR INFORMATION, CHUCK, thai idiot you saw me wilh had just made a major pass at me. I tried lo explain, hul as usual, you wouldn't listen. My advice lo you is lo seek help, ami gel another girL.make that woman. 25 1 BDRM APARTMENT. 8th S. & 8lh E. Newly remodeled kitchen, carpets, levelors, wood paneling. All windows w security bars. Large closets and storage. $270monlh includes utilities, cable TV. HBO. TMC. Bob or accepting applications for summer jobs and career positions. For free information package and application; call National Collegiate Recreation Services on Hilton Head Island, South (9am-SpEST. M-29 Carolina at - 487-756- 3 SOMETHING TO SAY TO YOUR SWEETHEART thai you're loo scared lo say in person? Do you just want lo publicly let himher know how you feel? HEY! PIECE 'O CAKE! Just write out a Chronicle Valentine's Day classified, and for the price of one thin buck gel your love across. Deadline is noon. Feb. I3ih. FURNISHED 3 BEDROOMS, $420.00; 2 BEDROOMS, $360.00; Roommates wanted; 415 University Street, 8- -, SUMMER CAMPS, RESORT HOTELS, CRUISELINES, & AMUSEMENT PARKS, Now WORD PROCESSING, EXPERIENCED. Reports, GOT LARGE, BDRMS, $225 - $285, 726 S. 9(X) F Free 1 cable. Manager B-& 486-785- 5 29 caring for disabled wife. Will provide apt. in home and stipend. Near U. Good opportunity for mature student. For 8 ' 28 info., call Jewish Family Services. resumes, graphs, etc. Laser. Plotter. Rush jobs okay. Christy counseling, medical referrals. Call Pregnancy Resource 3 24 hours. 39 Center 1 BEDR(K)M DUPLEX. Small, clean, quid. Near school. No petssmokers $ 75.mo. Call 364-- 1 724 28 WALK TO CLASS! 2 bedroom, heat included, 227 S. 1300 0 E. Across from Gcpctto's. 28 OLDER GENTLEMAN SEEKING ASSISTANCE 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Word processing. 12 years legal 39 experience. $1. a page. Call Diane 583-078- 6 WORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian, Campbell), editing. 39 Mrs. Ncllcy. 467-13- 20 PREGNANT? FREE SERVICES: Pregnancy tests, 2ND AVE. & "K" ST. Spotless, cozy one bedroom, blinds, 5 air, heal included. $270. 32 PLEX; 1 ADOPTION A caring, secure, couple seeks to adopt a while infant. A loving home, happiness and opportunity arc our promise. Let us help. Confidential. Expenses paid. Call Judy and Ed. collect. 5 211 utilities. secretary-typi- st SUNSTONE MAGAZINE seeking part-lim- e to help produce magazine and symposium. Must work 28 6 through summer. A & W computerized word processing, 26 years Annette. experience. Work guaranteed! Marsha, HEY GUYS! WANT TO LOOK GOOD? Join satisfied people for the best $6. haircul around. Long, short, olden, modem. "If you can explain it, I can cut it." Barney's 2480 2 S. Main. Monday lo Friday. 10 a.m. lo 6 p.m. 39 STA-TA- WHY NOT? I visit $3.. 10 visits, $25. 677 S. 9 7lh E. Phone 49 CONDO i$250BEDROOM Mark SMALL GUEST HOUSE, I bdrm, $260mo. 2465 E. Kentucky (4730 S.) Robin 466-870- TYPING- Those Who Wonder" $4.95 at University and Dcscret Book Stores. 61 QUIET, CLEAN AND SPACIOUS I BEDROOM units with lots of storage. Only 4 blocks from campus. NEW carpets, linoleum, window coverings, ac and paint. Heal 1. If no answer. included. Call 328-10- 1 3 3 - '27 QUESTIONING YOUR MORMONISM? Read "For 172 NEED LOVING PERSON to tend 2 small children in my 1 28 home. 5 Wednesdays. Call Laurie SPEND A WEEK IN RIO! Vacation package for two at . 6 Sheraton. $500 obo. Call Tim at BURNING QUESTIONS? HAVE NO FEARA UNTIE ARLENE WILL BE BACK TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS AND MORE IN THE CHRONICLE VALENTINE'S DAY ISSUE. WRITE TO HER AT THE CHRONICLE, 240 UNION, SIX.'. 84112 NEWER 2 BEDROOM CONDOS $25(1. Close to U. & town, covered parking, Jacuzzi, tennis, weight room, dishwasher, laundry faciliticsrsccurity. 731 S. 3(X) E. Steve English tutors, fundraising committee, environmental, youth tutoring & coaching. African relief, office volunteers, food pantry & thrift store. Legal Aid 58 1 -- 48 II 26 projects, etc. Stop by the Bennion Center PART TIME POSITION TO ASSIST P.T. and O.T. in Lake City working with handicapped children in Salt schools. Send resume lo Rosalyn Heights Elementary O.T.P.T. Services 2291 South 2000 East Salt Lake City. 2' 6 Utah 84106 hour! Act Earn to $80 MODELSACTORSEXTRAS 35 5 now. All types, ages. - TRAVEL- IS YOUR LOVE-LIF- E GOING DOWN IN FLAMES? IS YOUR SWEETHEART I SANDWICH SHORT OF A PICNIC? NEED AN ANSWER TO ALL YOUR Bdrm $2(X. 2 Bdrm $250 dishwasher, carport pool, Indry facilities, 555 E. 7(X) S. 9 Steve 39 595-- 1 25 PERSONAL' FOR RENT monthly. 21, 25 EATING DISORDERS TREATMENT PROGRAM Call the Salt Lake Child and Family Therapy Clinic 52 506839 FOUND: Men's watch. Engineering parking lot. Call to 29 idenlify. after 9 p.m. 298-73- 5 91 FM, KRCL BENEFIT: The Grateful Dead Show" at Cinema in your face, Thursday, Feb. 8. $5.00 28 9 or 57 0918 pro's 466-584- 4 SERVICE- set of keys (DatsunJ. Call - 486-937- 0 FLEXIBLE VOLUNTEER JOBS: Elderly, g $USmo 25 NEED ROOMMATE. Male, utilities. Call FOUND: in Rice Stadium pkg. lot. 131 - Caluclator w 3 25 pens. Come to Chrony office & identify. ENTERTAINMENT ! MONTH FREE w 6 mo. lease. 8 Easy-goin- LIBERAL MALE ROOMMATE WANTED. Will trade private room and bath in luxury condo close to campus for 2 27 houseboy duties. Piece of camera equipment in President's Circle. to idenlify. 25 VOLUNTEER NEEDED for Bennion Center quarterly newsletter Call Jennifer K. ' 58126 2 4811 or utilities. 2 ROOMMATE NEEDED ASAP $112 4 1 after 10 or bedrm house. Call after 5 at 25 pm. Leave message. NEED ROOMMATg LDS standards. Share two bedroom 5 25 apt $ 50. plus utilities. Extras! Call Brad FOUND: at AAC. small black puppy. Red collar, no tags. 25 Kelly 583-- 2 24 or Chris 52 0829 EDITING r. MF LOST: Panasonic tape recorder, left in OSH 202 on Jan. 24th I REALLY need iL Please return to Chronicle offices. REWARD 25 25 Amy. 0 ROOM FOR RENT IN LARGE DUPLEX 3 roommates. Close to U. LOST - THURSDAY EVE. between Union Terrace ad Van Con lobby - royal blue and black wool scarf. Please return to Union 234. 25 '79 commitment. conversation in Kyoto. Japan, Chris Ramsden, ACT college degree needed Send SASE to 27 SLC 84102 E.C.. 425 S. 1000 E. 404-show art an with HELP TO NEEDED VOLUNTEERS Feb. 9 and II rh. in the afternoon. Proceeds go to benefit the 581-4827 homeless. Contact Bill at the Bennion Center. ROOMMATES LOST AND FOUND SHARP 1981 EAGLE WAGON 4X4. Silverblack. Power everything, 20 mpg.. regular maintenance, never wrecked. Excellent in snow. Great family car or 2 $2300. negotiable. 28 interviewing to hire 3 individuals to teacn English PHOTOGRAPHER 29 582-16- 534-86- K1MMIE, The last 18 have been the best yet! I love you " 25 tremendously. SCOTT IF YOU OWN your own business. I would like lo interview Jana. you. Newsbreak. 942-645- IBM XT COMPATIBLE COMPUTER. 640 KB memory, 30 MB HD. color monitor, printer and modem. $ 1 100. Call 583-544- 8 26 afternoons. $Zhr 15th E. 13th S. Bus 21 OR OLDER Cashiers wanted. Days preferred. dishwashers wanted. Start at $4Jhr. Apply in person "The ' . Pie Pizzeria" CHILD CARE One day a week: Wednesday. 1:45 - 5:45 children: 3 yrs. and 8 mot. $40 p m. Next lo campus. Two 27 per month. References required TEACH ENGLISH IN JAPAN. ACT English Center is EARN MONEY! Help others medically. Donate plasma and earn up to $l027month. ALPHA THERAPEUTIC Plasma 9 am lo 6 pm. Center 2970 S. Slate. $20 paid to the first 10 new donors each day when you bring 214 in this ad. PERSONAL COMPUTER AND SOFTWARE. Must sell! 3 $400 or best offer. Call Chris 29 1981 DATNl N 210 Good engine, new tires, sunroof, amfm 0 cassette player. $600. Call 26 Bill. Information "ATTENTION . GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1. Delinquent lax property. Repossessions. Call ext. GH4I77 29 - HONDA CRX 85 Great car. Must seU $4,900. FRIDGE. $75. Large coffee table. $30. 2 29 AFFIRMATION - SUPPORT GROUP Meet every Sunday at 7:30 pjn. at the Unitarian Church - 569 S. 1300 E MOVING SALE! - CHEAP! Electric typewriter, electric heater bicycle; rv; sewing machine; bookshelves; table; 2 pairs skis with bindings; boots (size 9) with poles. Call Dec 9 29 CABRIOLET alarm, amfm cassette. 52 K. 328-4. leave message. 25 VYV .000. Call 1 E Rectiner chair. $25. Near V. 1 AUTOMOTIVE- 27 immigrants from all over the world. Training session offered Feb 17 and 24ih. Call Pat Zimmerman at the Bennion 29 1 Center. ; 359-45- DORM-SIZ- WANTED: BABYSITTER. Saturdays ENGLISH TUTORS NEEDED for refugees and SKI PACKAGE Dynasur 8S's Tyrolia bindings. Scon Equirc poles. 2 pair rear entry boots. 8 12 San Marco. 9 Reichle package $150. Skis only $125.. boots $50. Lee 4. Sunday 9-- Limit One item per Coupon MUSHROOM BURGER 16 Coupon Expires: fresh beef patty topped with February 11, 1990 sauteed mushrooms & swiss cheese LB |