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Show 11k-- Daily I tali 1990 Monday. February - Chronicle I'ac Seven Letters candidate mad at Chrony, students Ex-ASU-U Editor: I am disappointed. ' am disappointed that our "windproof" signs collapsed the first night under high winds (except for the one on the Marriott Plaza that one didn't collapse until I Tuesday). I am disappointed with the cream-pu- reporting that the Chronicle displayed during the elections. But foremost, I am disappointed with the students. I am disappointed I am restructured or not. They don't care whether administrators have too much control or not. They don't care how more than half a million dollars of student money gets spent. ; (Sigh) used to be concerned about student apathy, but now I ' don't care either. . disappointed that those students also don't of education Dualitywhile the cost up. They don't care in care that their has been going has gone so far about whether " . Editor: Since I've been a student at the U., I've never figured out what to think of the Chronicle's editorial stance. Now that I've read your recent editorial (ASUU elections an endless exercise in dullness, Jan. 31) I've finally figured it out. You guys about don't give a the-student- s you serve! Any metropolitan newspaper you can mention, when election time rolls around, will do whatever it can to motivate readers to get out and vote. Most will run editorials stressing the importance of the individual in elections. Many will reaffirm the significance of the election process. And even the smallest, most : rage you've ever read will consider its place in the bo-hun- k community before taking a stand on RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING year to be a great one for the U.. and care about my school. I think. And hate, to come out of the 1 parents? You might loam such unholy values as not hating people just because they're different, or standing your beliefs oven if the majority disagrees, or worst of all, thinking for yourself instead of relying on others to toll you what to up for Dan Maxwell communication Eight-to-Fiv- then thoro are those hallowed values you might miss out on, such as "women are supposed to bo pretty and helpless." and "men are supposed to 1m? tough and never show their feelings." Come to think of it. maybe you would never loam to impair those human traits that are purported not to belong to your sex. With all those whole human beings around, what kind of S(x:iety would wo have then? woodwork on an issue that's boon brewing in the Chronicle so long, but a letter caught my oyo the other day that sot mo to thinking. Just what kind of values would you learn in a family with homosexual You May Not Be an CORPS majoriTY! : Editor: the editor. Senior-mas- s a Homosexual parents teach children respectable values The one thing I didn't expect was my school paper to put me down for making the effort. That's it for me. If that's the best you guys can do. I'll go out and buy the Tribune or USA Today.P.S. The only way you can convince me you guys are concerned' about what your readers think is to print this letter. And if you do, let me call on other, students who have an opinion on the editorial policy of the Chronicle to write onLY cn THe Time... Former vice presidential candidate Students' Partv N Then there's the Chronicle. What do we get from Msr. Southwick, Aggeler, Hunt. Hunt and Allsop on election day? An editorial insulting both its readers and the candidates (". . . these pathetic groups deserve one another"). Well, screw you! I. got out and voted! I got out and made my point! I didn't care if I was the only one! I wanted the coming DOT aLL THe peoPLe 1 an issue. 15 necessary to fool ' Jim Ngo amencan POLITICS, IT I editorial insulting to U. students Anti-votin- g flying f their government needs to be that 96 percent of the student body doesn't care about tuition hikes, the Marriott Library, the cost of books, why so much money has gone to buy a supercomputer that has more bugs than the Great Salt Lake Beach and that they don't have access to the damn thing even if it did work. ff by Dick Wright SHORT RIBS1"1 (linger Gould Junior undecided Person e Neither Are We. CHANGING STUDENTS' CHANGING NEEDS H U TTi fT 1 rH x' x- - " ft ' x' " " " " " ' x' " x' vSekx XJWWL A.,,il,h,l,fl,i,, x x x x x x x x x x " x' " ' x' x' ' x" x' x' " x" ' x' " " . s' " x" " x' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ,mjffiTO?8mjfflM??v jfm 'jFsmmsP xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Y Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Y s&&iSim( N N 'X Y N ij START YOUR CLIMB TO CAREER SUCCESS THIS SUMMER. . Apply for AntiyROTC summer leadership training. Youll develop confidence and decisiveness essential for success. And you'll qualify to earn officer credentials while completing college. X rH For more information, contact Larry Sans one, Military Science Building, a 0 TtI x x x x x x x vffi5r I '"'v xX,y xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx s y xxxxxxxxxxx v Y M--4 s . t$ Ms II IMI xxxxxxxxxx fj xxxxxxxxx Y 581-671- 7. w m& II Km fa gW Is Is is I IS l Mg ARMY ROTC THE SMARTEST COLLEGE COURSE TOU CAN TAKE. n ARCI-.E- S MTISML PACX CA1YCXLAK3S IATIMU PARX This Office is Open Tuesdays Until 7pm DEAD KCSSE PCI3T - rxX ThlSHlavil 1UUU Academic Advising 6 450 SSB Admissions 1 250 SSB Alcohol and Drug 581-728- Education Center n "Earlier in the week we had ridden mountain then hiked for several days n bikes in a remote slickrock canyon. But backcountry skiing high in the La Sals was the best surprise of all! These slopes were as inviting and wild as any ii we had ever skied. . ." 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Center, SSB 102E.N.FieIdhouse 2 0 Parking Services Cashier Student Accounts 5 Bldg. 436 165 SSB 4 Placement Center Center Counseling 350 SSB 6 6 450 SSB Residential Living Center For Ethnic Affairs S114D Van Cott Hall 581-815- 5 581-777- 581-48- 3E n Call for your FREE packet: 270 Union ASUU 270 Union 581-356- 581-887- Relax and enjoy the spirit of life in Moab and s InIo Booth ?e'S 2nd floor SSB 581-814- 581-661- 1 1 1 155 SSB 58 Student Recruitment & High School Services 80 Union 581-876- 1 University Union 255 Union 581-725- 1 Women's Resource Center 293 Union 58 ()SH Copy Center Some Agencies are normally opened later daily An Administrative Service Agency -- |