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Show Monday, February The Daily Utah Chronide - Page Four -- GOINGS ON ABOUT CAMPUS Items for the Chronicle ev ents calendar should be submitted two days prior to publication by 4 p.m. in the Chronicle offices, Union 240. Please note that the calendar, or parts of it, may be cut due to space limitations. Monday 9:55 a.m. in The Organization meeting, Union Topics in geometry, 275. 6 p.m. Chicano Student Association meeting, Union 319. 7:30 p.m.- Lesbian and Gay -- psychology seminar, "Is Career Counseling an Obsolete Role for Psychologists?" Western H. Morrill, MBH 305. p.m. Mathematics "McKean's colloquium, Student Union meeting, OSH 215. 7:30 p.m. Museum of Natural History lecture, Utah 10,000 B.C.: Early Human Occupations of the Great Basin," Don Grayson, University of Washington, 3:20 Caricature for Nerve Conduction: Museum Galleries. P.M. P.M.-- 9 TUES-6:3- 0 Valentine Dinner and program Utah ' our research studentfaculty research if the faculty member has not yet additionally provides students a valuable . program opportunity to make professional contacts within their field of study, Gurney said. "Graduate school applications , earning hourly wages andor LDSSA CARWITAS Kahr-NEE'-ta- Un platillo hs; y con students often perform research professors do not have time to do. knowledge. "Having a student help me with my research stretches my time and Francey, professor of art history. Her research is mutually beneficial because she learns from her .Gurney said. gained from research. the research undergraduate RDT personal research in art history and from the student's knowledge "The U. gives a superb education, undergraduate particularly for those who take advantage of these opportunities. They leave the U. ready to plunge right into graduate school," Gurney said. program. and ASUU presents: favorito mexicano. carne de puerco. Preparada en leche, coca, cerbeza y jugo de haranja. Se serbe concebolla, cilantro, salsa verde de tomatillo, Es . Faculty also recerve benefits by having students perform research for them, Gurney said, because option of applying for additional funding to continue have had their research funded by research, Steiner said. Students can negotiate with their professor concerning how much credit and promises that cannot be kept. frees me to work on more advanced projects," said Mary About 40 students have been placed by UROP in research projects with professors, Steiner said. About 21 of those students earning liberal education credit for more interested in focusing its energies on issues students are concerned with than in making Students work in quarterly time slots and submit reports on their progress to UROP at' the end of each quarter. The student then has research during the next quarter, provides students is the option of ; And many professors receive gratification giving their students the chance to learn more applied the sure if that's where you should be," she said. Another benefit the program Tickets $1.00 is possible, or second, and more probable, it is just a cheap political stunt to shift scrutiny from their own platform, and it is easy for people to believe. I think that is a pathetic attitude to have in college." : "I haven't heard many of their platform come out I honestly think the coalition idea is a campaign gimmick. They have no plans," Wunderli said. "It is time to see who is really being deceptive with their platforms." Stringham responded his party is received a grant to develop his or her research. A maximum of $550 is funded by the program ta pay student wages. An additional $150 is available for research expenses, Steiner said. important than grades. It's very important to have experience in your field before you launch into it. This is one way to know for manufacturing opponents hourly pay they will receive for their research. UROP provides funding for from page one professor. The creative process is exciting for everyone involved," she said. are often considered more institute lounge saying his platform is impossible because "first, they don't know that it Wunderli said, however, he wants weigh very heavily on letters and research experience which with your grandparents or a widow or widower of your choice that is definitely worth a try." He said his opponents could be to encourage students to do something about what they believe in, form a student group based on their ideas and then come and work with ASUU. Wunderli added his party is not proposing cutting any specific ASUU program. "We are a little bit tired of platforms of ours to fight against," he said. "We are just proposing a shift in emphasis, and as I see it, this is an idea that will work. It is something other means," Stringham said. things like tutoring and more The - groups up here, so they rely on services ASUU can provide through ASUU president!, we sent 21,000 of those surveys out, and the response we kept getting back had nothing to do with money for student groups and had everything to do with tutoring and other services.", "Obviously there is more of a need because students kept asking for more -- nfo of survey for Molonai Hola, current - , Educational University adininistration keeps a close watch on the tutoring center, and if it needs more space, the administration will provide it for them, Wunderli added. Stringham responded tutoring was one of the services students at the U. are concerned about. "When I did a Classroom C. 6 p.m. Christian Science Chicago, LCB 105. Counseling services is one of the Coalition's main platforms, but "I talked to the tutoring center and they have never heard of the Coalition Party." Dihydroiolate Reductase," Bob Matthews, Penn State, HSC "Twisted Harmonic Maps," Kevin Corlette, University of Noon Intermediates computers and more discounts and activities more people would want to participate in," Stringham added. "The key thing (the Project '90 wants to do is give more money to student groups, but there is no more money," Stringham said. "They are either going to have to raise student fees or take away money from services that are already ongoing." "We can't forget about people who are not in student groups. Most of the people at the U. are not part of the from page one and are not being met" Wunderli said increasing tutoring Current Status," Victor Moll, LCB ' . 216. , 4 p.m. Biochemistry seminar, "Folding elections- Bucket Dance guacamole, freoles, arroz y tortillas, jque bueno! (Fried Pork with Secret Sauce, Guacamole, Beans, Rice and Tortillas) RIO GRANDE CAFE A FINE MEXICAN CAFE MON.-SA- T. 1 1 :30-2:3- 0, 5:00-- 1 0:00 RIO GRANDE TRAIN STATION 270 SO. 455 W. SLC, UT. , ' V yff '' - r '" iii "...this is a world-clas- s modern dance company worth seeina mm often." H. Simpson, Times-Unio- n "...Garth Fagan is a true original." Clive Barnes, NY Post u cry Tuesday, February 6th Kingsbury Hall $6 Students MORRIS AIR SERVICE . 5 1990 $8 General Public . Reserved Seatina at all Smithtix Outlets and Kingsbury pickets available in is Hall Box Program Sponsored part by the Utah Performing Arts Tour Arts Council, and the National Endowment fo the Arts c Office afederal agencj |