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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Twenty Wednesday, January ftMg DISCLAIMER- NOTICE - The Chronicle reserves the right to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and propriety. Rates are as follows: I IS words $3.00day , $l2.00week. 16-3-0 words $4.7.Vday. $l9.00wcck. The classified ad deadline is 12 noon prior to the date the ad is to run. Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4:00 p.m. workdays. For information about classified ads call 581-70- Alice W 2 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, covered parking, 4 10 19 1 BDRM. CONDO. $230mo. Convenient location, '83 NISSAN STANZA, 4 dr., auto. AC, AMFM cassette, after 5 pwr windowslocks, good condition. $2500. 465-767- 1 19 p.m. CLOSE TO U. 3 bdrms. 2 baths, extra kitchen, large family room, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, storage, new roof, auto 0. Rosemary sprinklers, double windows. Don Coldwell Banker Premier 19 BOOK EXCHANGE GEOGRAPHY 120 "Earthscapc" $35Joba Lyric message. 5 LIB. ED. 101 "Jerusalem Bible" $13.00. Tom 5 15 19 5 W 5 PHILOSOPHY 6 Paul America" l9 "Thought Probes" $ 8.95, I0LSEC. W ENTERTAINMENT ENJOY CABLE T.V. FOR THE HOLIDAYS! Free install! Two premiums for $l6.95mo! John 18 3 P FUN AT 'SCOUNDRELS, 3975 S. Highland. Dance to OUTCOME Friday-SundaNo cover. Ladies drink domestic beersets for $ I . Not private club. Sunday jam sessions. Bring your instrument or borrow the band's. I 9 NON-STO- FOR RENT- MONTH FREE w 6 mo. lease. I Bdrm $200, 2 Bdrm $250 dishwasher, carport pool. Indry facilities, 555 E 700 S. 9 Steve 23 123 NEWLY REMODELED ONE BEDROOM apartment 3 near U. Student discounts. or 16 LG 1 BDR, $239., (2 bdrm$289) Carpet, tiled bathshower, J5 1172 S. Sth E. 583-- 1 954 evc.wknds. CONDO FOR RENT. $150. Mark I bedroom. 127 So. 800 E ll I SPACIOUS ONE BEDROOM DUPLEX with basement and garage. Perfect location 561 E. Kensington (1500 S.) $320mo l9 5 FEDERAL HEIGHTS. NEAR CAMPUS. 4 bdrms. 2 bath duplex. Kitchen, washer & dryer. I yr. leasee earns $50mo in reduced rent. $700 mo. 6494614 or (8 8) 999)7 117 WALK TO UNIVERSITY.' 3 bedroom. $325.00. fireplace. 9 14 hookups. STUDIO: $ 1 75.00 205 S. 1 140 E. I BEDROOM AND CLEAN SPACIOUS units QUIET, with lots of storage. Only 4 blocks from campus. NEW carpets, linoleum, window coverings, ac and pain)'. Heal included.Call328-IOII.lfnoanswe- 39 943-883- 3 r. MODERN I BDRM UNITS in Sugarhousc locations. $2I0-$23- 266-333- 9 COMMUTING! QUIT & Avcs. l24 or 484-353- 9 bedroom marriedsingle parent students. Heatpower apis, included. QUESTIONING YOUR MORMONISM? Read "For Those Who Wonder" $4.95 al University Stores. pa.. CLEAN, furnunfum., parking, new carpet & paint. Eastside 4 130 or Avcs. locations. $185. FURNISHED 3 BEDROOMS, 415 University Street. 19 $420. Roommates also wanted. Bonded Really and Descret Book 61 JESUS CHRIST DIED FOR YOU. Avoid hell. Believe I1B God, the Holy Bible is true. U.B.T.S. PREGNANT? WORRIED? Call Birthright for your free 484-46119 pregnancy lest an help. Evening hours. MALE AND FEMALE ANCHORS NEEDED FOR NEWSBREAK. Good speaking ability and camera presence hclpfulL Audition: 3:20 - 4:30 p.m.. Friday. Jan. Sth. LCB 15 105, Communication Bldg. STA-TA- - WHY NOT? 7th E. Phone I PART-TIM- 19 9 Assemble prodcts at home. Details. W4I77 ext. 19 364-69- AFTER SCHOOL CHAUFFEUR NEEDED for well 6 after 6 behaved 8 and II yr. old girls. 19 p.mVweekends. CRUISESHLPS NOW HIRING 15 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Word processing. experience. $1. a page. Call Diane Ext.S-114- 12 years legal trucks, 4 Wheelers, TV's, Stereos, furniture, computers, by DEA, FBI, IRS and US Customs. Available your area now. Call Ext. (Call 7 days a week) 7. (Call 7 days a week) 39 6 SEIZED CARS, . for spring, Christmas and next summer breaks. Many positions.. Call - A & W computerized word processing, 26 years 3, Annette, experience. Work guaranteed! Marsha, 119 1 ; RELIABLE, QUICK TYPIST will meet or beat your 131 9 deadlines. Two locations. 12:00 Deadline. REPOSSESSED VA & HUD HOMES! available from government from $1 without credit check. You repair. Also Tax delinquent foreclosures. Call for repo list of Ext. your area. (Call 7 days a week) WORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian, Campbell), editing. Mrs. Nelley, 39 resumes, graphs, etc. Laser. Plotter. Rush jobs okay. Christy 3L 3 WANTED " NANNY WANTED: Three young children, working mom. Very active, loving family. Requirements: driving, swimming, cleaning, light cooking and a great attitude. Experience and references required. Gail Leeds, 10 Coves 79 1 112 Run. Syossel.N.Y. BARTENDING CLASSES - Fun jobs: Earn great money. Tuesday & Thursday evening classes. Bartenders Incredible Let our company ship your personal and household goods al reasonable rates. We can provide service or ocean freight including insurance, by packing all necessary services. 39 487-82- CASH PAID! Top prices for used Levis 501's, 70l's and 9 19 Levis jackets. Call . character parts, extras, REAL PEOPLE WANTED personalities, models! To $400day! No experience. 484-298- 7 131 CALL CARGO-LIN- INTERNATIONAL K 537-101- 2 FOR RATE QUOTATION ASK FOR EXPORT DEPARTMENT & OPENINGS PART-TIM- E Various Shifts Between 6 am & 2 pm Apply weekday AM, in person. 705 S. 700 East VISA OR MASTERCARD! Even if bankrupt or bad credit? We Guarantee you a Card or double your money back. Call Ext. M4274, visit $3.. 10 visits. $25. 677 S. (Call 7 49. 9 ATTENTION: EASY WORK EXCELLENT PAY! WANTED STUDENT TO DO WEEKLY HOUSE 15 p.nvReturn 6 TYPING- HEY GUYS! WANT TO LOOK GOOD? Join satisfied people for the best $6. haircut around. Long, short, olden, modem. "If you can explain it. I can cut it." Barney's 2480 S. Main. Monday to Friday. 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. 486-005- 2 39 days a week) DANCE AWAY THE WINTER BLAHS with the Kismet HPER West Belly Dance Club at the U. Thursdays. 13-3- 8 105. Beginners 6-- 7 p.m.. intermediate 8 p.m. Dues $15 per quarter. Take as many classes as you like. Fun. costuming, partner & healthy exercise for all body types. More info call 19 Yasamina at 486-778- 0 l9 581-86- STUDIOS OR I BDRM., utilities for $285. p.m.$l75.Kim485-II8- l5 PERSONAL- - 485-989- 9 532-355- ROUND TRIP TO DALLAS. Leave IMERICK OF THE DA- Y- NEWER 1&2 Bedroom condds $200 carport, jacoz.i. dishwasher, laundry facilities, security. 731 South 300 East current list of jobs and 13 ext. P456 CLEANING Call Frank or Georgette WORD PROCESSING, EXPERIENCED. Reports, WE'VE JUST LEFT THE YEAR '89 with its lows and its . highs so sublime. But the best of it all saw the Tall of THE WALL Gives us hope that the 90s look fine. ' ATTENTION: EARN MONEY READING BOOKS! ext $32,000yr. income potential. Details. BK4I77 19 WORK STUDY ONLY. Opening in Law Library. Call for 19 appointment. 581-65- l4 ATTENTION - GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. Call ext. GH4I77. 581-35- TODDLER AND PRESCHOOLER NEED NANNY 20 hours per week. Flexible hours FREE GIFT JUST FOR CALLING. PLUS RAISE UP TRAVEL NETTER MEDICAL ILLUSTRATIONS Set with case, 1 119 unused, cheap. Anne DIAMONDS: GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN UTAH! Large selection, high quality. Bridal sets, wedding bands, diamond earrings, quality pearls, tennis bracelets, certified appraisals available. Everything wholesale! Rocky 1 Mm. Diamond Co. 61 $5hr. HIRING! Government jobs - your area. ATTENTION Ext R4I77 19 $17,840 - $69,485. Call a application, call 532-186- OUT OF STATE OWNER, MUST SELL! 3 bedroom bungalow, close to U. Large fenced yard, fireplace, security, swampcoolcr, refrigerator, Tuffshed. assume loan balance of 14 $34.000. NO CASH DOWN (602) 9304)630 2. WHY WAIT? LOSE WEIGHT! Quickly, safely, easily. 566-602- 9 Medically approved. Toppfast (TM) Diet Plan. Call 19. TO $1,700 IN ONLY 10 DAYS. Student groups, frats and sororities needed for marketing project on campus. For details plus your FREE GIFT, group officers call 14 ext. 50. OUT OF STATE OWNER, MUST SELL! 4 Unit apartment building 205 South Elizabeth ( 1 140 E.) Positive cash now, rental history, NO CASH DOWN, owner will 0 JOBS! Now hiring in your area, both GOVERNMENT 1 112 skilled and unskilled. For W finance. $75.(KK) Call (602) CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVES NEEDED FOR "Spring Break 90V programs to Mexico, Bahamas, Florida & San Padre Island. Earn free vacation plus $$$$. Call desirable. Must be available weekdays EATING DISORDERS TREATMENT PROGRAM Call the Salt Lake Child and Family Therapy Clinic. A FORSALE -L- - 1 3 $100. deposit 19 AU PAIRHOUSEKEEPER WANTED to help with a newborn and household duties. Small town in the Berkshire mountains. Send resume or descriptive letter with references to: Jesse and Colleen Stoff, 116 West Ave., Gt Barrington, 116 Mass. 01230 WORK STUDY. HISTORY DEPT. Answering telephones, photo copying, filing, and other duties as required. Knowledge of Microsoft word 4.0 and Wordperfect 5.0 UNIVERSITY FOOD SERVICE is now hiring for winter quarter. Flexible hours, uniforms provided, discount on meals, close to school. Jobs available in custodial, line workers, cashiers, etc. Apply 30 Union Building. Equal 117 opportunity employer. NEW IBM COMPATIBLE COMPUTERS custom built, 5 best prices, training, service, warranty. 19 COMMUNICATION 437 "Reporting For Television" ED. STUDIES 615 "Schooling in Capitalist 5 $8.00, Tom or 6 NOW! Earn to 131 0 15 SERVICE1 l9 ; orTstreet parking. Joe required. $18.00, Tom 6 19 blocks to campus, private yard. Doris or Lisann FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED $150.. washerdryer, 13 4 hdwd floor, fire. Kim or Peter, & 2 BDRM. UNITS, laundry, cable tv, parking, close to 131 6 U., storage. For appointment please call Al 544-83- 18 9 INDIVIDUAL ROOMS FOR RENT IN LOVELY HOME. All common areas furnished, washer, dryer, 3 1 smokers. 1981 MAZDA 6241, Runs great. Below Bluebook, $1200. 4 Peter 13 (It. a min. from U. $249. 1900 S. 1240 ATTENTION - GOVERNMENT SEIZED VEHICLES from $100. Fords, Mercedes, Corvettes, Chcvys. Surplus ext. A4 77. IS Buyers Guide. I HISTORY 170 "Bread Givers" $6.50, Tom WANTED: MALE roommate $200 mo. mil, paid, close to U. Call Stan LOVELY EAST-SID-E CONDO FOR RENT. 2 bedroom. Perfect for student. Call 266-72119 $l7Smo. NICE CASTING FOR MOTION PICTURES $90 hr! TV. models needed. Act now! ROOMATES FURNISHED APT., $190. 3 rooms. 3 blocks from U. No - AUTOMOTIVE- llUI HO RENT TO LADY Furnished, Ig. bedroom, bath, kitchen, laundry, utilities. No smokingpets. Busline 1300 E. 100 S. - 3. 1990 APPLY TODAY, AUDITION TOMORROW Extras, No experience. models, actors accepted! Big $$$ 131 PEDALI BICYCLE RAClNti CLUB meeting tonight al Stout Cycles. 330 E 200 S. 8:00 p.m. Everyone welcome! I I Volunteers needed to test new painless treatment. Cash compensation, free medical checkup. U. of U. Health 4 sciences fVntpr II O I JL II I I 1 " ffl I vV l( VVrkVnAh 0 I 295-40- HTr i )jms WTSXV' 582-72- 14 LB o 1 Ul UZX:-.:- : v.-.- . I 222SO.1300E. -- 7800 S. State cr MUSHROOM BURGER fresh beef patty topped with sauteed mushrooms & swess cheese Jan. nsM u . Coupon Expires: 1 I 7, 1990 L N" 222 SO. 1300 E. 5827200 ll I 1 fe 1 7800 S. State fflTw ,N'V -- "ft 222 SO. 1300 E. 582-720- 0 7800S. State 255-590- 0 -- .. . OREO SHAKE Extra Thick Shake!!! & I Limit One item per Coupon Coupon Expires: Jan. 7, ;990 14 LB BACON CHEESE BURGER trash beet patty topped with American chM and bacon Coupon Expires: Jan. 7, 1990 |