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Show Tuesday, November 14, 1989 The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Twelve DISCLAIMER NOTICE - The Chronicle reserves rhe right Id deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and words J3.00dy , propriety. Rates are as follows: $12.00week. 16-3-0 words S4.7Sday. $l9.00week. The classified ad deadline is 12 noon prior u the date the ad is to run. Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4:00 pjn. workdays. For information about classified ads call - AUTOMOTIVE- 1114 -- SNOWTIRESVW RABBIT Snowtires w wheels fits Volvo $100. '77 VW snows & more. $1 .000. 5 1115 1980 BUCK SKYLARK FWD. amfm cassette, low miles. excellent condition. S TOOJobo. Call 1115 355-38- 2 '89 PLYMOUTH RELIANT FWD, 4 dr., 2.000 miles 770 warranty $5500. L air AZTEC TYPING YOUR best word processing and typing choice for value and service. Also take advantage of AZTECS COPY'S one-sto- p convenience for quality House calls by reproduction. 211 E. 300 S. 364-680128 appointment ENTERTAINMENT resumes. East Liberty Park area. Call Cindy, WHY NOT? 129 9 1555 E. 3900 S. 2 bedrms., 2 bath, newly painted, gr. floor, 7 1120 covered parking. No pets $315. CLEAN AND SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM units with lots of storage. Only 4 blocks from campus. NEW carpets, linoleum, window coverings and paint. Heat included. Call 328-10- 1 1121 3 . If no answer. ONE BEDROOM apartment 3 5 or 9 28 364-5- OR 2 BDRMS..utilities pd.. fumunfum., location. parking, new carpet & paint, STUDIO-- 1 1121 U, Word processing, edit. 12 years 6 1121 legal experience. $ I . a page. Call Diane. DESKTOP PUBLISHING WORD PROCESSING Letter quality printing. Rush jobs OK. Call TRISH: 467-75- 2 BLOCKS FROM 128 OVERNIGHT TYPING, accurate, 1123 experienced. $ lpage. Sandi. WORD PROCESSING Laser printer. Papers, theses, CRAIG S. Hope you had a nice mission. I've been waiting 1115 2 years to know you better. Red. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE GAY! There is a way out! For more info, contact The Phoenix Project, P.O. Box 572476, 1117 Murray. Utah 84157 CALL COACHES NEEDED FOR JR. JAZZ BASKETBALL season at Boys'Girls' Club. Orientation Tues., Nov. 21, 1. Kevin Mukai 1122 1 1989. Call SUPERIOR 20 FREE DINNERS FROM SIZZLER!! - for the group or individual with the winning banner. Banners to hang in Rice Stadium Nov. 25. Student Alumni Association provides NEED TYPINGWORD PROCESSING? Reasonable 1 9 28 rates. Quick turnaround. Please call WORD PROCESSOR - QUALITY TYPING, Any job 2 128 large or small. Price neg. Call Mardel Brady LARGE ONE BEDROOM, $195.00, heat paid. 234 E. 100 S. Manager 34. 364-7- 4 5 or 466-45- 4 128 $175. 13 ELECTRIC. Basement - studio apt. Cute 8 small after 5 economical clean. Appointments 1114 p.m. 2297 E 1700 S. CAPITOL HILL AREAVERY CLEAN Urge one or two bedroom apartment. Washerdryer, ample closet space, wood burning stove, parking, utilities paid. $325. . Call or 539-8- 6 0 resumes, dissertations, reports, etc. Rush jobs ok. Grammar 1 3 & spelling checked. Call Christy 28 proofreading quality WANTED- Read "For Those Who Wonder" $4.95 at University and Deseret Book 14 Stores. WORKERS NEEDED PART-TIMespecially 5-- 9 pm shift. Full time & early shifts available. Apply in person 1117 Maxfield Candy Co. IPSO S.. 200 W. 487-82- . J28 . " HOUSEKEEPER CARE for BAKERY HELP 15 - 25 hrs per week. 5 a.m. to I p.m. preferred. Will work with school schedule. Apply in person -Becki Sue's Buns, ZCMI Mall. 1115 STUDENT WRITER with a dramapsychology 1115 background. $4.00 per hour. Call 580-70- 9 WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A SKI INSTRUCTOR? After successful completion of the Park City Ski School e or part-tim- FULL OR PART TIME. We need caring & dedicated individuals to work with troubled youth in a community 2 1114 for an appointment. setting. Call 1120 MOVING HELP WANTED: $5.00hr. Sunday. 111989. 4 or leave message or Ari at 483-548at486-H7- 9 1117 ROOMATES SHARE LG. 2 BDRM HOUSE. 1st Ave between M & N. Hardwood floors, fireplace, yard. $250. includes utilities. 3 1115 Neal $175. I BEDROOM DUPLEX. Quiet, clean small. Fireplace, miniblinds, carpeting. No pets please. 758 E. 4 1120 Browning LG 2 BDR, locked garage, carpet, tiled bathshower. $289. 15 H72S.5thE.583-l954cvc.wkrKl- SALE- - DIAMONDS! Don"! pay retail! Buy a bigger, finer.' 8 128 diamond for less. Call Raylenc at DIAMONDS: Guaranteed lowest prices in Utah! Large selection, high quality. Bridal sets, wedding bands, diamond earrings, quality pearls, tennis bracelets, certified appraisals available. Everything wholesale! Rocky Mountain Diamond 128 Company 486-352-1 NEW IBM COMPATIBLE COMPUTERS custom built, 5 best prices, training, service, warranty, 1115 DIAMONDS WHOLESALE: Certified diamonds, loose or mounted stones, wedding sets. Gemological Institute of America instructed. All shapes and sizes. Call Debra. Mountain West Diamonds ext. 2413 128 e ' (ifn lS3lI- r- 3TTIBI8 llfiHIS: i IHI'LHto 'It ftflJt llfilU --3IrjTl,rC - PARKWEST - Become a $ki instructor! intermediate or Better Skier Wanted. Parkuvst Training and Hiring CHnie $tm SoonUt 649-540- Call Judy at SHARE THE HOUSE AT 955 E. 300 S. with tidy, tolerant. evenings. 1117 grad student. (SI 75. 12 utilities) 1165 S. E. Close to U. Need SPACIOUS DUPLEX 400 Think "peace". two quiet females. 2 bdrm. 2 bath. 1117 ; 0 - Looking for quality people to fill positions in Sales and Management Call 6250 So. State 533-995- 9 SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS WHO NEED rawm wm V the Maintenance department. POSITION REQUIRES BACHELORS DEGREE IN ENGINEERING OR RELATED DEGREE, 3-- 5 YEARS ENVIRONMENT AND SUPERVISORY EXPERIENCE. EXPERIENCE IN HEAVY MANUFACTURING . EXCELLENT COMMUNICATION AND PEOPLE SKILLS ARE A MUST. Every Student is Eligible for Some Type of Financial Aid Regardless of Grades or Parental Income. Tbe successful candidate will work closely with management and union employees. Shift work in mill environment will be required. We have a data bank of over 200,000 listings of scholarships, fellowships, grants, and loans, representing over $10 billion in private sector funding. Many scholarships are given to students based on their academic interests, career plans, family heritage and place of residence. There's money available for students who have been newspaper car. .etc. riers, grocery clerks, cheerleaders, non-smoke- rs. Winniiiim rf,niBw iifitiii in. i to an i inn iiiitm. Law SchoolLSAT We'll show you how Stanley H. Kaplan can help you score high on the LSAT MBAGMAT looking for qualified Shift Managers to work Vz j This week we're conducting our Law School, MBA and Graduate School Seminars at all of our 135 Centers nationwide. and take you through the intricacies of the law school application process. 268-623- 9 ACCENT MODIFICATION - Complete course on sound system of American English. Improve pronunciation, 128 comprehension. Audio tapes included. 272-- 3 09 tNMNt COMPANY Lakes Inc. RAISING 'MONEY for U of U Symphony Orchestra 1990 tour to the Soviet Union. Musicians now available for chamber music, duos. etc. For any occasion (weddings, ). Leave message. 130 dinners, etc.). Call Emily I ENVIRONMENTAL for your used cars and trucks. Drive them in! ALLERGY TESTER. Identify your own food allergies. Send $9.95 check or M.O. to Allergy Sensors. P.O. Box ' ' 128 21344. SLC. 84121-034- 4 MAIN INTERNATIONAL We'll pay cash FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED: responible. nonNo answer, smoking. $125 half utilities. Call . ' 2 1130 call SERVICE- t1!EH:iiir&i SHIFT MANAGER GENEVA STEEL in -- GLASS ACT SHARE LARGE HOME, 3 12 miles from U.. pets ok. covered parking, storage, furnished, nonsmoker, 25 485--141116 APARTMENT SUGARHOUSE. Furnished or unfurnished. All utilities paid. parking, wallwall 1114 carpeting. $152.487-922- 8 I techniques and info, about the geography Dept.Other activities include speakers and a Geography Bowl with BYU, USU and Weber. Check events section for times. 7 UPSTAIRS EFFICIENCY APT. $2l0.mo. All utilities pd. IS 1114 except phone. 160 F si. 328-9- 2 W0fi omm . e employment is available in youth and adult ski school. Become a member of the most prestigious ski school via the Instructor Training Program. Cost is $150. Call (801)649-811- 1 or write P.O. Box 39, Park City, Utah 84060, Attn: 1115 . Craig Pearson or Debbie Robinson. HELP WANTED: Child care providers needed. Experience and transportation required. $5.50-$7.5- 0 per hour. Must be flexible! LauraSyphus 484-202- 5 1115 or DRIVER WANTED FOR PLACING & SERVICING contest entry boxes throughout S.L.C. & Bountiful, M,W & F. 4-- 6 hrsday, flexible hours. Must have good driving record, reliable car, insurance & pleasant personality. Call 1127 for interview. , ENTREPRENEURS WANTED. L.D.S. RM's , you can make big bucks!! Call Lifeguard Health Products. 128 NOW CASTING Accepting for models, actors, extras. 0 GEOGRAPHY, the key to your environment of tbe myslrriet of your surroundings attend GEOGRAPHY AWARENESS WEEK open house activities, Nov. 117. Visit displays in OSH and Union featuring computer mapping To unlock tome MODELS AND JAZZ DANCERS needed for shows. Call 6 Women Susie Modeling for more information. 1115 only. Full-tim- 1120 MAID (MALE OR FEMALE) WANTED, full-tim- e, 1120 salary and benefits. Call 53 1 --7275 for appointment BUS, DISHWASHERS, COOKS, 21 OR OLDER Food discounts and $4.00hr. CASHIERS wanted part-tim- e. 1114 to start. Apply in person The Pie Pizzeria. LOUSY JOB! Radio rep. seeks overqualified person for 115 underpaid position - few miserable hourswk. Instructor Training Program. 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. Must drive. Aves 2 WORK STUDY FOR ATHLETIC ACADEMIC ADVISING. $5.00hr. For more information, call Chariene 1115 364-385- CHILD CARE. Creative, caring person for 2 young girls, my home. MWF. Own transportation, refs. required. Call . 6 1114 after 6 p.m. 25 new people! To $75.hr. Area. BRIGHAM STREET INN. Sat. and Sun. Apply in 1114 1 person 1135 E South Temple. VISITING PROFESSOR NEEDS 2 bdrm apt. or house, 1 preferably furnished, walking distace to U., for year 1114 beginning Jan I. Call 364-38VISITING PROFESSOR NEEDS infant, M-- 9-- 5 starting Jan 1. Nonsmoker. Call 1114 JOBS FOR STUDENTS Come to the E CHILD CARE: ELEGANT FOR THE PUBLISHER 1115 Hinckley Institute Caucus Room $297.00 INCLUDES UTILITIES except lights. 2 Bdrm, - BARTENDING CLASSES- - Fun jobs: Earn great money. Tuesday & Thursday evening classes. Bartenders Incredible SHARE YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER with a homcbound elderly person. Groups or invividuals are 1115 needcd.CallRobat58M8ll. GENERAL FUTURISTS' NATIONS UNITED MEMBERSHIP meeting, wed., Nov. 15th - 3:00 p.m. 2 BEDROOM, BASEMENT. $300. all utilities paid. Laura or Rob 484-202- 5 or 58 -- 28 1115 WORD PROCESSING. Papers, resumes, and editing available. Great rates, professiional 1117 PERSONALITYSEXUAL PROFILE - confidential clinical questionaire provides insights into understanding yourself and maximizing your potential. For questionnaire and interpretation, send $7.50 to Juron, P.O. Box 247, Woods ' 1117 Cross. Utah 84087 QUESTIONING YOUR MORMONISM? APT. 4 RENT 1638 E. Sunnyside (8(X) S.) Clean & nice. 8 utiliies. Call Gleed $325 115 359-785- 5 paper and markers. For more info., call Student Alumni UTAH PRIDE? DON'T LET IT 5 Association 1117 HIDE!! 1 & 2 BDRM. UNITS, laundry, cable tv, parking, close to 29 6 U., storage. For appointment please call Al carport, laundry, storage. 675 Slh Ave. 1116 IBM TYPING EDITING, WORDPROCESSING Computer, Word Perfect, Speller, Letter Quality Printing. Resumes - Equations -Dissertations - Theses Manuscripts Forms - Tables. 25 years experience. B.S. Biological Sciences. Fast, professional sevice. Call: Diana Fox 1130 THE RACQUETBALL TEAM announces "Team Try-ou- ts Tournament" Dec. 6-- Entry forms available at Field House and Campus Recreation for all studentsDCEand staff. 1115 (Qualifying for team is optional.) $270. LARGE 2 BDRM. 4 plex. New carpet. K. sink. 3 120 drainboard. new paint. 141 Coatsville Ave. in PROCESSING WORD PROFESSIONAL Facultygraduate manuscripts, proposals, resumes. Laser 8. 128 printer. Hope WORD PROCESSINGTYPING. GREAT RATES! Ten years experience. MEETS DEADLINES. Pickup delivery 4 128 available. Rebecca Visit $3., 10 visits $25. 677 S. ADOPT - CHILDLESS, LOVING COUPLE wishes to adopt white newborn. We will provide a warm & caring home. Medical Expenses. Call Bebe & Charles collect " 128 1120 is WORD PROCESSING Laser printer. Papers, theses, 487-- 8 50 128 You can have the long hair you have always dreamed of. 100 human hair. Your color, permanently attached to your hair. $150. total cost. For more 1120 5 info, call shawn 4864)55 or bedroom. 650 Grand St. No Geneva Steel 1 ATTENTION: EARN MONEY READING BOOKS! ext $32,00year income potentiaL Details. 1115 Bk4177 .WEEKEND BY PART TIME, 4- -t P.M. AND SATURDAYS. Fairy Godmother's Dress Rental. Retail experience a plus. Need to 0 be friendly, energetic and outgoing. Call Judi at 1120 H20 Inc. Furgts Distributing CON'BlBUTED COLLECTIONS AIDE, Utah Museum of Natural History. Work Study only. Familiarity with computers, training in archaeology anthropology preferred. $6.50 per hour. 0 hourswk. Call Ann or Laurel al 58 -- 3876 for appointment 1117 WANTED - MALE GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR, 277-91after evenings, boys & girls, beg. to intermed. Call H17 4p.m. 9. PART TIME 10-1-5 HOURS weekly. $5.00hr. Call 487-84- best $6.00 haircut around! Flattops, long short, olden, modem. "If you can explain it, I can cut it" Barney's 2480 128 S. Main 2 HAIR EXTENTIONS: - 4 Fax Lynn487-844- WORD PROCESSING (MAC) Experience with resumes, reports, theses, dissertations, Spanish. Near Fashion Place 128 Mall 268-47- PREGNANT? FREE SERVICES: Pregnancy tests, counseling, medical referrals. Call Pregnancy Resource l28 3 24 hrs. Center Free 14 0 FOR Cater to studentssmall businesses. HIS SPACE Student Employment Office 382 SSB, Placement & Career 1114 Information Center. New jobs are posted daily. Must be extremely dependable, detail conscious, type a minimum of 70 wpm. Doot call unless you are experienced & have a good foundation of medical terminology. Great 12 1 wages & benefits. 355-51- 1 WORDPERFECT Copying, binding, faxing. IBM-X- T PART-TIM- E WORDS EXPRESS - Quality Word Processing 23 years 128 experience. Evening to morning turnaround. 1 1 FULL-TIMMEDICAL EXPERIENCED TRANSCRIPTIONISTS needed to work in our office. WORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian,- and Campbell), 0. 128 editing. Mrs. Nelley, WANT TO LOOK GOOD? Join satisfied people for the 7th E. CUTE, MODERN 1 BDRM. East side apts. $210. $215. & 9 1115 or 484-353-9 $230. We pay heat on some. CLOSE TO U. I bedroom apis. $225.00 Covered parking, 9 free basic cable, pels are welcomed. Call Chris at 1120 NEWLY REMODELED near U. Student discounts. ' . STA-TA- pets. of Dimes March wrn afters kximoaiionmhb STUDENT NEEDED IMMEDIATELY of Natural History. Need to set up tables, chairs, run errands, help with whatever. Approx. 20 8 for interview. hrs. per week. Please Call Marilyn at ' ; 1116 YW PERSONAL-- textbooks & dissertations for 0 128 logic, style & continuity. Window's I Support the for help at Utah Museum 128 WE EDIT SCHOLARLY $210. NEAR U. Large, clean, 11990 ; Defects 8 HOUSEKEEPER wanted to clean, do 359- laundry. Some evening cooking. References required. I'M 5145 DRIVERS for Dominos NOW HIRING PART-TIM- E ' IW' Pizza. Please apply at 3300 S. 2043 E. 0 LOST AND FOUND CAMERA FOUND AT RICE STADIUM Call 1117 EDITING FOR RENT- PART-TIM- E studies. Mid-Ea- RAISING MONEY for U of U Symphony Orchestra 1990 tour to the Soviet Union. Musicians now available for chamber music, duos, etc. For any occasion (weddings, Leave message. 130 ). dinners, etc.). Call Emily FOUND: LARGE, FRIENDLY, MALE CAT. It needs a warm home now that cold weather is here. If interested, call FOUND: BI FOCAL GLASSES IN BLUE LEATHER CASE. Found in church parking lot on Hempstead Rd. 117 Come to Chmnit le office to claim. 1120 3 appointment ALPHA OMEGA TYPING. English MA, former teacher. 90 centspage. Edi ti ngcorrections free. Resumes. 268-- 1 149 '79 FIAT SPIDER, great condition, new top, $2500 or best offer. Todd 531-171120 install! Two premiums for $t6.95mo! John FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word processes A It W computerized word processing. 26 years Annette, experience. Work guaranteed! Marsha. 8 '78 GRAND PRIX Immaculate, runs great!, V8305, Auto. ENJOY CABLE T.V. FOR THE HOLIDAYS! 532-64- drive he'd crashedand with Dave gone, he'd no one to blame. 1116 1117 85 PONTIAC FIERO SE, 5 spd., tilt, sunroof, stereo, under 35,000 miles. S4.7S0. 1120 264 Birth 128 MODELS NEEDED FOR INTERNATIONAL for COMPANY selling men's shoes. Call - dissertations, manuscripts, resumes. Foreigngraduate students welcome. Specialize in 128 to bat against Go WORK-STUD- SUBURBAN, conditioninghealing, power windowslocks, amfm cassette. Call Karen or Adam at 298-471117 466--1 8 1 1984 SUBARU HATCHBACK 4WD. Runs like new. Clean. No rust. All season radial s. Snow is no worry. 1120 $2900.00. .532-48- air, amfm cassette. Best offer - Call 1113 1117 Frontrear CASH PAID FOR USED FOOTWEAR! Western boots, 359-- 5 145 -motorcycle, lineman. Also hi top sneakers, loafers. details. TYPING- A HOMEBOY. Roy Kenneth by nameskulked mirthlessly one night in shamethe backshop he'd trashedfor the hard 85 MERCURY TOPAZ GS, FWD. 4 dr., air. cassette, new 1115 tires, brakes, tune-uoil. S29006ffer. 262-4- 5 1986 CHEVROLET LIMMERICK OF THE DAY- - well equipped, 262-4- 5 . THERE ONCE WAS A MAN NAMED STEVE, whose face was loo fine to believe. He's got enormous brown eyes and a great set of thighs, but then everyone says he's a tease. VW CAMPER BUS, honest 1250 or trade for old Ford 1116 pickup. Must sell! Great shape! 466-192- 6 TOYOTA CORROLA 85 Automatic trans, radiocassette 1 player. 75.000 miles. Asking S39O0. Pie: call Heidi 1116 H14 PICTURE FRAMING. BASIC WOOD. Under glass or 1120 9 not Reasonable, very. John VOLUNTEER BEAUTICIAN NEEDED for patient service. Call Volunteer Services. University Hospital for SKIS - HEAD CR RACING SLALOM. Still in plastic. $200,487-403- 6 1120 Nice soft-to- Immediate openings. Movies, T.V 1120 8 all ages. No experience! GREAT HOLIDAY JOB OPPORTUNITY Going home e job? The HONEY for the holidays? Need a fun BAKED HAM CO. is in search of seasonal help to fill our sales counter and production positions. We have stores located in the following markets: Denver, Colorado Springs. Salt Lake City. Las Vegas and other major cities throughout the country. Please check the white pages or information for 12 the store nearest your home. EARN models . SOLVE YOL'R MONEY PROBLEMS, start your own company with minimal investment, unlimited earnings, flexible hours. For complete kit send $24.00 to: Pyramid 1117 Solutions. Inc.. Box 5320. Clinton. N J. OS809 HP- - 28C LEATHER CASE and 3 manuals, $145. Call 0 after 600 p.m. 1117 B1C SKI RACK, size 8. Will trade for larger. TRADE J 6 1117 needs actors, 1 120 THE CASTING DIVISION OF UTAH extras, models! Big SSS IrnrnediMe 484-29- 128 6951 TWO ROUNTRIP AIRLINE TICKETS TO PHOENIX in December. Lower than standard fare 1115 1 81 JEEP CIS White wbiack accessories, and 7 tires. Excellent condition. S3600. KARATE class Man. Wed. 12:30-- " 1:30 p.m. Paia Gym, Westminster College.. Black belt instructor, bronze medalist Pan Am Games Venezuela. Beginners to advanced welcome. More information 485-- - HOME FOR SALE! WONDERFUL, $46,900 - Remodeled throughout, immaculate, located oa a c. alarm system! A REAL "10!" Call Nancy quia 6 0 1114 or WOOD REALTORS. Results GUARANTEED. CALL ANYTIME 9xn For A Free Brochure (800) 346-640- 1 5 t?jiTO.?ifer4fjr, Discover how Stanley H. Kaplan can help you score your best on the GMAT and look your best on your business school application. Graduate SchoolGRE Learn how Stanley H. Kaplan can get you a top score on the GRE and help you to select the right graduate school for your field of study. CallUsToday To Reserve A Seat. 515 S. 700 E. Suite 2E 363-444- 4 ffSTNIH. KAPLAN dk Take Kaplan Or Take Your Chances |