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Show Thursday, February 23, 1989 Chronicle Page flight AUTOMOTIVE XI CHEVY SPECTRUM- - like new. qKLAMFMcasscacaiOdoot S silver. CaB 544-57- 9. nights for more info. 15 JEEP CHEROKEE NO RUST AND 1 call aigtm. or 355-150GREAT RUBBER!!! leave aasage. AA for Maa. VW YXNOGAN VVTSTFALIA engine. Mint, pampered. 2 224 174 VW Bug needs work $500.00 contact Amanda 215 FOR SALE: 79 Mustang U great condition, new Ures- - much more $850.00 OBO call 384-469-5. 222 l M ACVRA INTEGRA LS loaded or 0 EATING DISORDERS- - Free Tuesdays at aooa ThompsonSalt Lake Child k for nformaooa. Clime: 521-50- I Bedroom apt. avenues, tome have gas paid. 521 -- 3299. 52 8708. 45 NATIVE FRENCH speaker and former teacher will tutor French at any level. Call 363-831- S150-2- leave. 33 5 $14 EAST SOUTH Temple large apt free heat, no pets $225.00, -- ENTERTAINMENTDb Plus- - Deejay Systems is a new Dance1arty Sound system in town, we specialize in Dance Music (Erasure, Depech Mode, Pebbles. Bobby 1 for Brown. Cameo, etc.) Call us up at more information or leave a message. 33 VIDEO STOMPS, we provide music videos projection. Dances & parties. Steve leave message. 302 FOR RENT LIVE IN Victorian luxury you thought you couldn't afford. Walking distance to U., large private bedrooms, utilities partly paid, share kitchen, bath, living, dining room. Cable TV. Close to 306 laundry, stores. 483-341-3. TWO BLOCKS from campus. 2 bedroom heat 223 paid. University Gardens $305.00 STUDENT SPECIAL.STL'DIO APARTMENTS $195. Downtown location 130 So. 300 E. Free heat, water, gas, new kitchens in this recently restored group of apartment buildings. Embassy, Embassy Arms, Downing. Contact Dan or drop by. 310 APARTMENT for rent, clean one fireplace, walk to U. Call Controlcom 222 225.00 "G" ST sharp, one bedroom, partially nished, great view, no pets, smokers, kids. fur322-338- 227 223 1 E. MUST SELL DIAMOND RING! .62K soli- taire, UK gold selling, written appraisal 223 $2.500,00. Call Carolyn FOR SALE: hanging wicker chair and frame 224 BDRM. $225 free Feb., free cable, 726 So. 900 33 ManagerC4 874 EAST South Temple refurbished apt. Free heat No pets. $185.00 bedroom I 225 MONTH FREE RENT $297 including Heat-hwater. 2 bedroom carport, laundry, draperies, levelors, individual thermostat, carpeting, storage. 1 month free rent. 675 5th Avenue, manager 1. 1 224 AVENUES DELUXE STUDIO dishwasher, levelors, tile bathshower, laundry, $225.00 mo. utilities 32 APARTMENTS: studio $175. one bedroom 224 $225. close to U call TWO bedroom apartment- - new paint. Washer parking. $265.00. 857 dryer hookups, E 2700 So. Call Terry at 486-- 1 505. APARTMENTS: Studio $175, one bedroom 228 . $225, close to U call HOLLADAY newly decorated 4 or 5 bedroom rambler. Fireplace I 34 baths. Appliances included. No smokers, No pets. Prefer couple or family. References. $550 Mr. Tanner. ' 227 ' . Bed. apt. Heal Paid. NICE SPACIOUS 1523 Lincoln. 228 1 2 BEDROOM, I 12 bath, townhouse neweer 228 $395.00 160 South 12th East 2 SPACIOUS & QUIET I bedroom home. Very clean whookups, yard, parking, storage, $295 1843 S. 300 E 486-17236 RENT $165.00 Lady fum. Mstr Bdrm. & bath laundry, ktchn. facil. incl.. Busline, no smoking. 224 WASATCH MEN'S dorm. Near U, $175mo. includes utilities and laundry facilities. 228 CLEAN, WARM, FURNISHED 1 bdrm. apt. heat pd., 237 S. 1 100 E $250.00 583245. 228 BEDROOM, clean, sunny, large kit, garage, $190.00 utilities pd.. 1802 S. Park (550 E) Lyla. - " $50.00 or best offer. Call Kathy, MEMBERS OF U.S. Freestyle ski team have soloman boots, bindings, and ski clothing. James or mike 942-370MIYATA 10 Speed, 27" excellent condition, $200 or make offer. Call 485-- 8 30. 223 Richelle.581-579- SKI SET FOR sale. 160 Rossignols. bindings, leave boots & poles $80.00 call Shelly DYNASTAR 207Gs w727 perfect $50. Touring leave bike, new $450. $100 mint cond. 531-64message. 223 GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1.00. "U Also tax delinquent property. Call Ext 10464 for info. 223 DP GYMPAC exercise fitness machine. 200 Cost $400.00 sell pound weights. 60 exercises. $150.00. 224 278-454- 3. DORM CONTRACT for sale. Available imme- - ' years legal experience. 0310 QUALITY TYPINGWORD PROCESSING. Reasonable rates. Accurate, fast, ck. spelling. Call Laurie F. 272-7- 8 19. 43 E 310 ph. PREGNANT? FREE services: pregnancy tests, counseling, medical referrals. Call S.L. Crisis 310 Pregnancy Center NEW MOUNTAIN bikes, components, wild colors, wholesale prices. Ph 31 I CONFESS I made a steal on airline tickets to L.A- .- just $55 each way! So you can take call 227 GET INSIGHT Into your life! Tarot card ings. Contact Deborah at read- TUNE IN, save $$ cable tv., free install, basic $5.00mo. movie channels 2 for I until 122089. Call John 364-012-3. 224 STEVIE B. stressed? Relax! You, for only 29.95 can have the JENCO intsa weekend; the proposi-tio- n .. you can't refuse. 223 WHITNEY'S STYLE SHOP 4006 So. Highland Hair cuts $5., perns, $25. Where Dr., .. quality counts. 21 308 h: T Same day 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Word processing, edit 310 years legal experience TYPING English 12 ROOMMATE WANTED woodfloors. spiral staircase, loft, 2 bds., Feb. rent FREE. $50dep. heat paid, washerdryer, avail, now. Parking. 520 First Ave., Pauline 224 $l45.00mo.otjlities FM TO SHARE FOOTHILL HOME. 141 67 mo.,$67dep.l2phone.Cable. WD. No smoke. 227 Salt Lake for Mark. 33 Aam; UofUI.D. tan & get you in for Spring Break ! shape Specializing In aerobics. 7 Open days a week 230 S. 500 E. Get you 9ME2100S high-energ- VCrY ft H1-- ' 1 SALT LAKE'S J ADULT iUI l -- y, low-Impa- ct l DANCMQ Fabio Volpe . Experienced Leadership Increased Communication retail furniture sales position 2:00-6:0- 0 (some Saturdays) $4.00hr. p.m. Mon-Fr- i. plus commission- - call for an appL 224 . PART-TIM- E FOOD SERVICE WORKER Part time,4pm-8pni120 hrs. per week. Position responsible for basic food service skill. Current Food handlers permit required. Accepting applications Equal 6- 8 am-1- 2 Samson Representation Competition Less Talk More Action noon daily. PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTER Bill Samson Human Resources Dept. 320 12th Ave. SLC, UT 84103 521 1651 $3.99 - $4.99 Wed. -- Thurs. Open Until 7pm 1310 E. 200 S. President -- Fabio Volpe . (Located at Primary Children's Medical Vice-Preside- nt Center Annex off 13th Ave. andFst.j 583-645- 4 y Equal Opportunity Employer MFW ROBERT'S DELI AND MARKET 1071 East 900 South ' 1 We serve homemade Middle Eastern healthy vegetarian food prepared from scratch Deli sandwiches Falafel sandwich with pocket Free Visit Savings w to 50 Up ROOMATE WANTED in duplex Sugarhouse 9. $160 per month util. paid. .. location. .31 224 Flowers Today! 355-814- LDS ROOMMATE wanted by March I. $90month 15 utilities. 4004 S. 1300 E Call 3. before 10 am or after 10:30 pm Ask Bill I NEED TO RENT a room. Quiet female student. Will negociate housekeeping, if desired. 228 Pleasecall Bring Home 467-875- 1 224 1. . (Downstairs) ROOMMATE needed to share 3 bedroom house near U. 311 4.a, f"Wjfe studies, Quick and Cheap $3.25 w UofU I.D. Available Day and Night $5.00-14.5- 0 E Per hour. Eight openhrs. ings at tele, order desk. 3 shifts: (15-3No experience necessary. Must be depend1. able and willing to learn. Call Mr. Scott. PART-TIM- CHILDCARE in my home close to U. for 2 chil6 hoursweek in mornings. References dren 2 after 1 pm. 224 required. M A. AZTEC TYPING your best word processing and typing choice for value and service.. Also take advantage of AZTEC COPY'S one-sto- p convenience for quality reproduction. 211 E 300 S.. House calls by appointment 310 WORD PROFESSIONAL PROCESSINGDesk-To- p Publishing. 10 Years Laser Printer. Satisfaction guaranExperience. 310 ' teed. Call Claudia NEED EXTRA MONEY? New product. New company. Get in on the ground door. Great for plants, animals, and people. It has calcium, some 70 trace minerals, arid loads of enzymes. Do not miss out 228 AMT .45 LONGSLIDE HARDBALLER Will pay $1,000 for the correct model Nick 485-268- 0 leave a message. 223 Former Teacher $.85 a page. EditingCorrections free. Anytime. 310 FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER EDITS WORD PROCESSES dissertations, reports, texts, manuscripts, resumes. Also editsrevises chunked-i- n Word Perfect files. Foreigngraduate students welcome. Specialize in 363-SAF- E FEMALE NEED Place for Spring Quarter? Nice, furnished place. Only $12month. ser- MOM REAL ESTATE licensing class starting soon. Guaranteed placement! Terms available. "Call Kristin for details. 228 WANTED: Air Force ROTC opportunities for math, science and engineering majors. We also have scholarships that cover tuition, books, fees and more. For details contact the Department of 6 or stop by room Aerospace Studies at 2009, Annex Bldg. 225 310 . WORD perfect. Copying, Binding, ALPHA-OMEG- $7.00 HR. LPN work at a private residence cake Job you can even study. Leave message. 973-204Steven. 228 TELEPHONE SURVEYORS & appointment setters needed for public relations firm. Evenings Saturday morning. Guaranteed wages plus 2 for appointment 223 bonuses. Call PROFESSIONAL TYPING 90epg. 15 yrs. UofU experience. I correct spelling. Jan- - 228 FL'LL OR PART-TIM- E positions in sales and 33 finacial firm. Call Rob Nelson ble hours, salary negotiable, references required. Call 263-- 3 156 or 228 - used footwear: boots p motorcycle), for sneakers.dress shoes. WORD PROCESSING typing. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian, 310 Campbell), etc. Mrs. Nelley, 467-43- TO THE BLUE HOUSE Elizabeth: OK... so how did your pants catch on fire? ROOMMATES CASH PAID (western, lace-u- WORDS EXPRESS Quality word processing 20 years experience, evening to morning turnaround 3 time. 310 cater to studentssmall businesses. 6 vice Lynn 310 Visit $3.00, 10 visits why not? STA-TA- Word processing, edit 12 $1 page. Call Diane. 223 COOK- - knowledge of menu & dinner, Appx. 4 hrs. a day. Call Mike B. or Rich B. or leave mes-sag- e. Nanny needed for 3 children, flexi- PART-TIM- E WANTED SACTORS SMODELS $ EXTRAS. No experience! To $50.00 an hour. All ages, types. BARTENDING CLASSES. Have fun. Good evening classes. money. Small Tues.-Thur- s. 310 Bartenders Incredible TYPING- FROM U. 228 FEMALE counselor for residential female adolescent program near U o U. Approximately 30 hours per week. Background in social science. Call Robert or Mary. 534-- 1 103. ' 228 LIVE-I- WANTED- - -2 BLOCKS South today! WE EDIT SCHOLARLY MANUSCRIPTS, textbooks & dissertations for logic, style Sc continuity. 310. Winslows. ' NATIONAL MARKETING firm seeks ambiprotious, mature student to manangc motions for top national companies this school year. Flexible hours with earnings potential lo $2,500. Call Usanne or Rebecca at TRAINING TABLE Restaurant now hiring tor all positions. Day and night shifts available. Apply in person at our restaurant at 809 East 400 2 EDITING- ' AFRICA!! Trek to Kenya, see Kenya as it really is. 17 day adventure throughout the country, see - the cities, spend time in the bush. Still 4 spots left 582-85Student run & organized. Call B.D.D. IBM-X- PERSONAL 227485-259- MUST SELL!! 2 round trip tickets SLC to LAX. Leave 315 return 322. $200 obo for both. Call 31 223 message. Last chance!! selling fast. 227 MONEY? save more, make more. Dynamic new concept PO Box 27232 S.LC, UT. 84127-0231- COOK & CASHIER 222 S. 1300 E 7800 S. State. Great Place lo Work! WORD PROCESSING, affordable, computerized spelling, laser printer, editing, beautiful 6. 222 papers! Karen: DONAHUE EDITING & word processing. 20 yrs. experience. Fast accurate. Close to campus. Only $209 8 nights- - 37 6. 224 night MAZATLAN-SPRINGBREAK!- days7 YELLOW LABRADOR puppies AKC. excel lines, males $200 females $175, avail. 225, call SIC 422 UNIV. ST. share 2 bed house, fully furnished & maid. Prefer grad. student or working, 25-3- 2 0 utilities. Call Bob w: yrs. old. $225mo. 521-70- 355-892- 0. 1 228 Day DOORPERSON- - Fn and Sat. nights. Musi be 21 Canyon Inn. 3700 E. 7000 So, 2-8 PART-TIM- E JOBS Janitorial, evenings, hard fast work. 15-1- 8 hrs. wk $4.00 hr. to start. Need 228 vehicle, work in WVC Bob 250-122-6. WANTED: The Aw Force needs leaders. We re looking for pilots, navigators, and engineers to lead us into the future. You may be the one! Call the Department of Aerospace Studies (Air Force 58 1 6236 or slop by room 2009. Annex ROTQ bldg. for details. FAST WP, $.90DS-pagspellingediting, medical termin. copies, notary, resumes, thesis, busi-nes- s. Sue 228 - 22S 223 Employer. LetterPerfect Typingword processing, secretarial service- s- cassette transcription, reports, 484-110papers, multiple letters, resumes. Helen TRIP TO NYC share in a 13 of all expenses. Lve. 310 ret. 327. Call Karen or Rooy 224 4. $25.00. 679 S. 7lh (1) bedroom very nice, pd. heat $220 (1) bedroom fireplace, pd. heat, $265 732 E 100 S. SLL 4. 310 Waller. PART-TIM- E custodians needed for early morne offices, pering shifts. $4.05 hr Apply part-timsonnel, annex "bldg. - Equal Opportunity P Word processing. Publishing Letter quality printing. Check Spelling. Rush orders OK- - Call 467-7- 5 1 3. 331 COLORADO SKI WEEKEND 3 days2 nights, lodging, food, lift tickets, transportation. $169.00 Reservations required. Jerry March History aeeds you far 20hrwk. Typing, filing, deliveries: Musi be organized and dependable. 58 1 -- 4887 (edut abob office). THE LOST Packer Mine, located 40 miles North of Sliey Idaho, is looking for some students lo work th summer. WmeK: Lost Packer Mining Co, I1L East UncolB Rd, Spokane. WA 99208. ' 224 DESK-TO- SPECIAL RATES: Example Denver 39, Los Angeles 59. SFO 69. Spring Break AJ1 7 nights HAWAII 499.00. Cancun 379.00, Mazatlan 3 out of Utah 269.00 Call Tree Travel Available' ri THE PIE is now hiring, tf yoa like people please apply ia person 1320 E 200 S. ask for Kristi. WVC AREA students typing word processing, reasonable rales. 25 yrs. exp. Call Ann 973-010-4. 331 TRAVEL- FOR SALE- - WANTED: delivery person. to deliver lunches lo downtowa 11:00 10 eiecutives. Wages plus tips. Must have car. Call Z-Skool Lunch 4 WORD PROCESSING, medical typing for students or business, event ngweek- ' end work 484-794215 -- 1. diately. Call Andy $240 Free Feb. I block from U, free heat, sec. ' 223 bldg.. parking. LG. 2 BED. neat oak & tile, fireplace. New carpet & paint 776 E 600 S. tripley. Trish TYPING LDITING WORDPROCESSING IBM computer, word perfect, knar quality printsing. Dissertations- - Theses- - Manuscripts-ResumeEquations- - Forms- - Tables. 25 years experience. B S. Biological Sciences. Fast service. Diana Fox (272058). 310 31 SCULPTURED nails $15.00 student supervised by instructor call Wendy for appt 972-- 1 301. apts. DIAMONDS: guaranteed lowest prices, large, selection, men's & women's settings, tennis 1 . 62 bracelets, everything wholesale. 486-35- 2 HOW DO YOU spell Valentine? Diamond! We have gems, settings, C.T.R. Rings, and such for eves.. 3 less. Craig or Eric 484-778-8 days Repair". Family Therapy 6. Moa.-F- Part-ti- Darci, tread-$1.7- 9 Middle Eastern plate includes Taboule Hommus, Baba -GharaioughA Falafel with pocket read-$3.9- uvJ 9 Gyro with frecCoke-$2-2- 5 Chawarma with free Coke- - $2.69 B?Ef!ntei Grocery available 10 DISCOUNT WITH J OF II ID. Mid-EastGre- ek ' 111 l!l D; ft "11151 M n a In Mi 'lit THE OLYMPIAN i li i i 2181 SOUTH 700 EAST PHONE TAKE OUT AVAILABLE - i j, keoi nouo Largest Library of intormauon in all subjects u.i. I -- HAM, BACON OR SAUSAGE & EGGS from 2 l213l 477 8??6 Or. rush $2.00 to: Research Information 206 A Los Anqeles CA 90025 11322 Idaho Ave 1 6:30-- 1 lam $1.99 1 1 DAILY 1 'vote nMrvMr 1 misIAIF1? LUNCH SPECIALS .H'Made IL$2V99 11 says: II For University Students! Order Catalog Today with VisaMC or COD r5WCC3-351-022- uajrEiY 487-140- 7 We Make Eating Out Affordable :i i, - Vote in the AS UU final elections TODAY caiT K $4.99 nr " f !LAJJ Li QiiCMMt) l t Li J v . r IYJ - 228 WORK STl'DY FUNDING? Interested in Natural History? The Utah Museum of Natural 33 es! 310 NEED AN ELECTRICIAN? Quality ceiling fan A fixture installation: repairs, wiring, or what' ever Low rales. Chad 486-- 1 720. 36 31 31 UPSET OWNER In U area says rent these now. Start at $220.00. Call 8 or 38 Russ aet-sio- a . $150,531-0789- -dis- bifarmalioa Call Margaret evenings a week. 4:30 8:00pm- - afl Models, actors, extras, voice. No Two BABYSITTER FOR TWO PEOPLE WANTED- - Earn to $300.00 day! A & W COMPLTtRIZTD WORD PROCESSING. 26 years experience. Thesis. Resumes. 3. Cover Letters. Reports. Disserta-on- s. - 310 EXCEPTIONAL 2 BEDROOM apt., security door, covered parking. 474 4th Ave, $300. dep. .DINING KEIKOS RESTAURANT, Receive a 10 count on any meal with your current U. of U. Located at Trolley Comers 310 SERVICES- LARGE ONE Bedroom $190.00: garagestorage: Quiet east side. Near V and town. 363-- 9 1 95. 31 iaa pop-lo- THE CHATEAU NORMAMME 63 S. 400 E 2 apt, avail., bdrm.. extra Urge living room, dinette, kilch., bath, 1st floor. HEAT PAID. $330. Large audio apt. . spacious living area, dinette, HEAT PAID, $265.00. 18 mundi contract oa bo mm. 363-50333 I r |