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Show Thursday, February 23, 1989 Chronicle - Page Three GOINGS ON ABOUT CAMPUS Items for the Chronicle events calendar should be submitted two -- 2 p.m., U. Study Abroad Program, "The Cambridge Experience," Jem days prior to the event by 4 p.m. in Poster, Union Den. the Chronicle offices, Union 240. Please note that the calendar, or part s of it, may be cut due to space Watch for an look at the Utah Legislature 1 March Wednesday, in the Chronicle. . 2:15 Anthropology p.m., colloauium, "How Inheritance of Wealth Affects Reproductive ' limitations. Today in-dep- th Strategies," Alan R. Rogers, ST 209. 4 p.m., Pharmacology and -- 11 a.m., Mining engineering careers toxicology seminar, "Cell Biology of 11 a.m.. Chemistry seminar, "Fischer Carbene Complexes in Grammas, Wayne State University, SK H 250. 4 p.m.,. Medicinal chemistry seminar, "PET and SPECT of the Brain," Bram Stolk, SK H 316. --4 p.m., Biology seminar, "Genetic Analysis of Neuronal Differentiation in C. Elegans," Martin Chalfie, Columbia, seminar, "Metals Mining Management and EngineeringResearch," Gregory Boyce and Lewis Connelles, Kennecott Utah Copper Co., EMCB 122. Cerebral Organic Synthesis," HEB 2006. -- 11:30 a.m., TGIT presents Harmony Grits, Bluegrass, Union. Middle East Center Brown "The Role of Auxiliary Lecture, Bag Forces in the 16th Century Ottoman Army," Robert Staab, MEC 15D. -- noon, Biochemistry journal club, F. -- noon, Paula Endothelium," BIOL 212. 4 p.m., Physics department colloquium, "Synchrotron Radiation Studies of Amorphous Materials," Linker, MEB 214. Arthur Bienenstock; University, JFB Stanford 102. Today is the Final Day of the 1989 ASUU elections - Vote! fcf FRIDAY NUUN UcVUIIUIJAL g n iic "imin" ana s ntuv ' uUnm I ncic i -- (11 mo im1, onnrl ogi iu ic di 1 1 Salt Palace - 9 pm -- Midnight Tickets $12 in advance Everyone Invited DE)00A NIGHTFLIGHT COMICS ENGINEERS WEEK FEB. 21 272-834- 3 IS Eflfi lie lj m Flat Top 2528 CIBA B0F(SAILS FR0M EXAM' Pr,vlou. offer, xdud Introductory offer now frM ? new rrtent only fc li AMD H TTR RTf APT UYLi LWUILI ... THAT REMEMBER ' only vi A Intro, off osi AMAZING!!! cb mm mm nHTlOnHLEnGinEERS 10Q9' u ll Introductory offer now ecttentt only turn mm a m m gfi!M3 South 0fJ7ATS AfJB co "I 0REM 1353 Soirth 5tate St. 22g8S . EYG6LASSES 0GDEII 3735 Wall Ave. 6274424 E ! 1- - 51 THURSDAY R INCLUDES EYE EXAM! OUR NAME IS MID VALE 26 West 7200 IE complete UM.'MV;iM:)MIM..l:HtJM:i:VJJ.l,',',lj,'W AMERICA'S BGS7 5sS TURnillG IDEHS IflT D REHLITV "Twlm DAILY WEAR SOFT CONTACTS complete pntint U THAT'S EXTENDED r-rr- 2umit l pair ... ... WEAR AND INCLUDES THE EYE EXAMI II M(W BROWN GREEN OR AQUA INCLUDES EYE EXAM!! EYES BLUE REMEMBER COMPLETE 4IM MM H j : ctl SOFT TDOTG contacts 5SS TSSS 2llM,T,PAIR U WEAR SFTT (OTACTS Mm Including Sofcon EW GirFEWG INCLUDING FRAMES, PLASTIC I - 25 Cottonwood Mall Meet Sal Velluto of Moon Knight fame, March 4. pad . Winter Formal Available at: 2 . Sigma Gamma Chi ( Pick her up at: EYE . Coming March 4 " lis GREEN?? ,. J. BRANDT Thy will be done" Institute Chapel SHE'S LEAN! (2 SHE'S MEANn I DR. EDWARD 12:00 Toothpick Bridge (spons.by MEP) 1 :00 - 4:00 Open House (College of Engineering) 2:00 Poster Session (spons. by BMES) 2:00 Egg Drop (spons. by ASCE) 3:00 Cloud Shoot (spons. by ASME) 3:30 Mining and Mucking (spons. by AIME) |