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Show TiMtday, February 17, 1987 Pag 9 Four tfijos from page one Representatives from the national chapter of Phi Gamma Delta came to the U. during fall quarter to start a colony. They spent almost two weeks interviewing potential members and sponsoring Rush activites. Although they have never had a colony at the U., Phi Gamma Delta is one of the oldest Although that they don't have a house and have only been active members since Feb. 8, the fraternity is functioning like any other fraternal organization. They have held elections, informal Winter Rush and participated in activites sponsored by other "greek" organizations. 'Tc placed second overall in the Anchor Splash sponsored by the Delta Gammas. One of our members, Andy Boehme, won first place in the Mr. Anchor Contest," VTreid said. The group also placed first overall in P) kc Days sponsored by Pi Kappa Alpha. Despite the fact that they are a new fraternity, members of Phi Gamma Delta say they have had no trouble being accepted by other 'greek" oranizations. "The national chapter members told us to expect some problems with other fraternities. So far, the entire 'greek system has accepted us," Wreid said. fraternal organizations in the country. Established in April of 1848, the fraternity has more than 126 chapters nationwide. "They have been thinking of colonizing at the U. for over ten years. They are a very conservative fraternity and didn't want to start a chapter if there wasn't enough interest," said Walt Johnson, corresponding secretary. Although the national representatives initially intended to only accept 20 members, they changed their minds when they saw how many people were interested in the organization. "We had 39 people in our pledge class. Last Sunday, 28 of us went active. During w1 f C" litr Miiuuim in "I've been through rushes before sell California. Usually, you are trying to yourself to the fraternity. But the nationalrepresentatives were selling their organiza- ASUU from page one December 1986, this account totaled nearly $36,000. It is to be used for a one-tim- e expense project. The project and how the superfund is to be used is left to the discretion of a far on qunt tntmuuxb Mroom nl W4u-ftrt- Mnung Twnpun l Att prfrmw.r DmrW gjK An nrt tlgr ifimmmt to Urvig tfcfc mi nj of rtrqsnr Mtrwg4 tMftunm tn9 4rt ibl.t l (tm.aj IIW pt I TVrfcm: 110. IIS A WO IS tu ojHror Uilmtl I tenwr uwn II kjr Iki Kliu4 ttudmli I l Ik I students on campus. It's a continuing of and renovation. Each building process the library is in need of, he said. A bill to this effect will be presented and debated at next departments among others. The greatest amount of money is put into the student government operating budget. More than half of the 1159,354 total budget committee of the Assembly, the dean of student affairs, the ASUU executive cabinet and the U. vice presidents for administrative services and academic affairs. The decision then must be approved by the Assembly, fund the library computer center and the emphasis has been in that area, Dahlstrom said. However, funding for the computers a ROT m 581-670- 2 far mtormMlon and iwnvwoni. has turned into a long-ter- m expense. ASUU leaders are trying to move away from that. The money ASUU spends is to benefit Board chair. Although student leaders discussed the revenue-generatipossibility of creating an ASUU Paul the in Union, copy center said a tenative decision to use the superfund account to aid the Marriott Library's media services has been reached. The money would be used to purchase committee made up of the executive week's Assembly meeting. Initially the account was established to mom tion to us," he said. It was this attitude that convinced Wreid that "greek" is the only way go. "When I first came here, I didn't know anyone. Now I have 55 good friends." "Being in the fraternity has helped me learn leadership and communication skills. It is also a great opportunity to learn new aspects," Johnson added. year student money is used to improve areas of campus, he said. Students today are benefiting from what students of the past have paid for. Likewise, what students arc paying for now will not only help them, but future students as well. The total ASUU budget is divided into nine basic areas. The six ASUU board chairs and the Ombudsman arc apportioned amounts they have projected as necessary for the year's expenses. They can also draw money from the ASUU general reserve when necessary. Some of the money goes directly to departments on campus such as campus play productions, the Women's Resource new microfilm printers and readers, videocassette recorders, compact disc players and other audiovisual equipment Capitol Theatre 8 p.m. February 20, 21 Conrfft Cb Iwtjtti vrjr rmuf onm) Co nm mil l irr pledging much more inviting. ng ! ON THE BALL Jr national representatives helped make said Derek Dahlstrom, ASUU Finance Repertory Dance Theatre M firmanI informal Winter Rush, we pledged 19 more members," Wreid said. Wreid added that the attitudes of the Center, the ballet and modern dance is used for secretarial salaries, data processing equipment and other operating expenses. Also, the ASUU president and vice president's compensation of $3,000 each is drawn from this amount. JooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooE . UTflH DAY" mo muiOH Piooiom a COME JOIN THE FUN!!! lection INTRAMURAL ALPINE SKI RACE Saturday, Feb. Foirymm 21 starting at 10:00 a.m. at Park West Ski Resort (all day discount passes-$7.0- 0 Time: Moon Place: Union East Ballroom with student I.D.) Entry Deadline Thursday, Feb. 19 HPER- -E 214, call 581-379- 7 other events entry deadlines: Badminton Feb. 17 Wrestling - Feb. 24 Basketball "HORSE" - Sponsored Feb. 26 ENTER TODAY!!! MJYOK1E. GET-ON- E M EE attention Junior and Senior students Jo who are majoring or minoring in Science, Math or Foreign Language INTERESTED IN SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHING? '"A'.frig fTTTi i ii m M hi ii ti1Tlff11f'"'' For a limited time only. Regular Roast Beef Sandwiches-- hot, tender arid juicy, with a toasted sesame seed bun are now two for the 1987 rxxi sacm. inc. price of one. tus We're out to win you over. enter the Secondary Teacher Education Program on a scholarship, $1,500 awards available. Department of Educational Studies 304 MBH for information and applications, DEADLINE, MAR. 2nd |