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Show JV tM Owiterapent ttCUACE. IS car at $2 500 Sell S&50 50-7S2- f LiAl IkOfJC SMUT CSaiH N trtormaiiM cad S8V7040. 2 25 LFoeoosuie 224 487-t8C- 7. AUTOMOTIVE It IX fi.es SB ftetatrie economical cute. SflOfl itw VMtar H. El 2 Mi lArtaa SulfiUSSES by Eausca ( Lame tor le pr.ee and excellent selection CaN lets el extras (9.300 226 S42S74S. S0234S. Ft C- -m HUaeatleaeSTalPMIZ. Black, Itarmop (.Sunroof), sports package 2al tM. Sbt Ili m. KM i ift P CJ7. IUM 220 lit Ukl V Utat Fl perfectly. Can tar details. Julia 0 221 5824475 kica SEI S4UE1 OTkASIAl .t Laea (SO. SSI SMI ar 485-132- 2 (alter 5 bmo.ni 41669 2, 2 71 IBTITA MAION S spd . hut. good FWss 226 stupe First (36& 486-65- ac. Kim SIC. 72.000 miles. AM 1911 iliie. air. fieri condrt.oe $1 .900 LOST FM FOUND Cr saos. Studded SOttllNflTjeit Horn Hiring Call 1 $16 043 $59 8O5487-600- 230yr 9717 Ext 34 0 Fon nENT St 34 remodel 1 94 CUTE I tIOIO. newty 2774167. 57 Sa 5th E. . OiliOoirouPllL too Pii!j Prices ll we TOltUlltlTlSNCAl OWNEIS Are you tirdmg parts hard to come by, no longer available or uM too costly' CaU us at 487-07937 t plus IuTTdWonO $i95mo MONEY crelt U. of U S3r0 per month. Gas paid. l0nTitCOut smoking now in 5 days without withdrawal or ga ning weiaht Written money back guarantee. 95 STOP ipi lift success rate Call Pat about our price 224 special V0TEHTHAU8i(TCHT and Cord Bauer tor ASUU Assembly. College o Business We can handle rt 220 33 OFT for yoursett or others' Turn your photo into a masterpiece drawing by a skilled fine artist Satisfaction guaranteed. Send photo A $45 to Jeswen Cartel. P 0 Box 8385. SLC. UT 84108 225 CREAT All utils paid, 0 2 Call S215month new interior 733 E. 100 S between 11 30 am -- 7 00 pm t go out without it. Electronic personal defense mechanism. Ron 221 STUN GUN. Don 226 266-376-5 KIEL SPRIN6SUMMER K STUOY and travel meeting Feb 21. spring 6 00 p m . Summer 7 00 in OSH 107. Study in Germany and FOn SALE MACINTOSH MEMORY. 512 $700. 1 year guarantee, 54 2009 Epigraphies. 226 467-201- 224 Traffic coordinator tar advertising agency. Ip.ng 50 wpm. oood spekmg A granuaar word processing A pleasant personality 12 5 p m Can Jooy 363-530- CfiuXI EIPKSS at Research Park, al typing on IBM. PC. with laser printer, delivery II 00 Pll II 221 (ravel through Europe. CAL Happy belated V Pay Willyou still be mine? Good tuck this week. Ms. Egypt. $135. 2 meg 4J Available. 314 ARE YOU THE SALEf Afterglow Antiques. 13 off ladies vintage clothing. 20 ofl men's. 10 off vintage costume jewelry through March. Reductions all through shop 2611 Noon-5- . South State. Mon.-Sa35 no! interested 220 your thesis, teperts. resumes, etc. Call Reasonable rates. 42 9 ' ' m ASIA Ut study 1 travel in Explore kingies A shrines, spend 2 months hi Taiwan. $t 235 work to oft set costs; programs also to Japan. China A Thailand Make it rappen Call etSCOffl Asa SPRTuTiE aAlASVf (At iTtOIT. Sun. pool, tennis, etc. 1 week. $70 per peison. 224 5818i50 lit SPIINfi AK "LAKE MEA8 A0VEITOIE" Join us on a crmse of beautiful Lake Veads blue waters on our luxurious SO houel'oat Piii on our countless water land tevs. or just relax under the warm Aruona sun Cost incliicef all Ureaktafts, n'jr'.tlv parties contests, prues and more. $!95 322326 2i4 1 TYPING PIOFESSIOIAL Ftck-u- 59 PAIT TIME (ALES KELP, womens shoes. 24 ta 33 hours per week Afternoons through evenings and Saturdays Minimum wage and ca.i earn commission Call Pat or Kat 6 or Joyce Se'fy Snoes. between 9 a m and 5pm tor appcirtment Aa equal p '26 EJHIORuU word KM TYPIN5. Accurate yafs Close to experience. procing. 10 the U. Can Ken 314 W6399 pay Siaitaytfe Write AinertcanAx Pair. P O. Bex 97. New Town Bunch, Boston. 224 TYPm FltTwTribTpOCCSSai Can check grammar, soe'lmg, etc M-- KeHcy. pica, elite! rererexes. 3;U PR0FESSl6NALTYpT6775i0$ page IBM Seiectnc II Fast, accuiate Please call Sue. 3 '14 43-7414 TYPlifi. 90C double space page. 24 hr 310 service Joyce and or letter quality printing Leading Edge computer, IBM anytirre. 228 compatible Call C TYPiTg. I ZTl Expert typing, woid processing. Typeeetlinf Reports, resumes pipers, theses, dissertations. 211 E 300 S. WORO PROCESSING .CiflO NEEBU$7(b0e slutting envki.e$t buaranteed Hush stamptn additssed Cvel5pe MeManus Enterprise!, Bei 1458'VC. Spr.rgneld. Ofl 07477 221 MOTnTrS NTTPEI iEEBll lor hevse-hol- d busy it Conn. 1 hr I'omNVC Own room. T Drivers license necessary Cl'l evenings aft 228 pm. (TuTi 225 38tS. OVERSEAS JOISsTmme'. yr. roundT Europe. S. Amer , Australia. Ajii. Ail tie'ds. PXi ?W mo S gh'seeirg Fre ma Write IJC. PO Bx 52 UT 4 Coioni Del Mar. CA Full-tim- BajscniLon Cibasoft e CXirasryt S41.93pwr rmttti ItRsts Bajsch 224 PA 63.97pcir 225 583-186- 9 iTtTnilT fTTsl CSETAIY.6 Mon Tues Wed Tr.urs Sail Catl Mr. Savage. 9 1 m ta 30 8 30 4 '(xtewaed Wear lenee X p m. Fe IlT ION STin)ENTT'Keed AT FJauscr. S iorr-Cooper Vision extra money? Perma'ens CST Djrasoft 3 Genesis 4 Perfect part time positions. Earning ot 170 'hr ski passes. PuWa reiat.ons work. 225 ave-ag- e i LAST CHANCE 221 International! recogned agency now accepting print, ratip and commercial mooeis for the Utah area SEND SKI I00TS. Bad Privets Wanted 224 Paying Too Much For 58 Acres') Also Vi block from U. Seller flexible. Bob 314 LaFortune, ERA Village. 484-098-5 EORSEOUS NEAR U. Auto Insurance? 2 bath house Walk to by owner $66,800 Recent 2. 3. BEDROOM. LARGE University, renovation. EARLY AMERICAN Or Jokes don't nave to be Dtxjut 4 BYU. but rt's OK tt toy arc. i ThTzTpiNYI ciu'lTlTiilNG competent doormen A hostesses Apply M F3to 5p m. Must be 21 or older. 212 FURNITURE Love coffee table. $250. cna-rs- . TUNER MARANTZ. 5 turntable seat, arm 224 comti riim prompt serv. ep 583-078- 6 Pregnant? Birthright ! Course Begins: Feb. 22 484-461- : 6 first quality, and are syppiied in the original factory sealed vi's FOLLOW THESE 5 EASY STEP S 44 1 o. GnuET' GP I fe 2 Compete dco 3 Make Cvck Tvjiev cder or como e'e TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 iujitim 4,xT7, Enc osenaTie ac3a-es- s itjrrbe' wi t n or Oer 5 Wa' a into' mat or "o S U 216248-241- 7 Total for lenses TAKE OFF I- otak jjrA ; - frA - - " i Shipping wafc I Fri. X.I "... by tnt? way.nert- tirre we play RA&c in yoyr room." - in III mi m rOL - wjxw v; I ' &Sal noon & 7 p.m. 7 & 9:30 p m. Sunday 7 p.m. tc'al the following in money order MasterCard' check VISA ce'so"a . . ""-- rcf Charge Acct. s- c s- - 0"f-- ta ec : No Expiration date Signature 3 4 taaaaaaat vfr'i'iiiViiTvy Br Admission $1.50 wUniv. I.D. NOON MOVIE $1.00 2.00 Handling have enclosed payment manner: mm Thursday 12 A Total The French Lieutenants Woman I ' UUSL apair. only jT"n.-!nT.i- i ww phone Contact Lens Suppliers tor 25 years"' Please send . . pairs ot MOVIES - & ' UNION HI. ' oaya-retbCl- S Contoct lens Supply, Inc. 3060 Carter Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44139 ' WITH 14 cedt care m'o'maior. inc 0 CP ill t2iTIS3 CDb Acciutre your ccrTciete contact ien prescription Educational Canter Free Confidential Pregnancy Testing risri All lenses guaranteed Pffi 450 b. 9th c. 363-44- I I I I C?7 Need a Friend? I I I 1 MP 314 1 s Prepare for: April 19 224 xwwswwiwawwwa t con & iit fnH eitw copw wvt'wo" F: 4 M MO" M pcMt Tfs" n 942-44- 84 JVC. $100. -- I -- . 0f DocwMi PART TIME COOK, flexible hours. Apply in 224 person. 859 E 900 S SLC. 0. word processing. 12 $lpp Edit, correct, We have saved some students and faculty as much as 50. Terms Available. Call for Comparison Quote. 224 I 583-S12- MlImTTrOM years legalbus Good Students Wanted Nordica's $5. SIO STOA up; rear entry $38. Ski packages $35. $75. and up: complete w brakes A lilting. Ski truck 4873 So. State. SLC (noon to 9M-) USED S75'pf. 225 266-191- 5 riolESSiONAl W0R0PROCESSING. quality print. One dollar DSpage Close to U. Call Shannon. 42 36 $28.000.581-7367.487-249- $97pr $57pr. J55.pr. IF YCXjn BRAND IS NOT LISTED HERE:. SEND A COPY OF YOUR PRFSCRIP7ON AND Wt WILL t. CHOICE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LOT. 50x120. 660 So. University St Zoned for duplex $67pr. HyJ'OCUive MODELS ATTN: 530 letter $57pr. $45pr AOSotcon Babi7on 437-759- 1 Modeis ciete 301 S. West Temple Lomb year-ro.m- d 5195 EmiQiauon Cyn. Clip'SEiMiPS NlRiilffl Hawaii World' Call for gjirje. revservice' (9ifi) 944 4i4 t UCW"32 Hourly Details & Natural Tints C bascft Colors CruMPrtNalcTairOl'ATTIACtlON. Now hrnng cooks for summer wuik Experience w.Tk available tirtptui. Same 3 6 1 364-680- 1 ASdSTANfsTciETANY Employer 1 82625 American Hyoron AosoM position. Administratis secretarial skills 60 wpm typing and word process.ng experience desired Demon-streie- d writing erganiiti jnal plus cenetat olice dtities Apply at Prsonnel Ctt.ee. 101 Annex Eeuil Opportunity . TYPING Amsof required ANTE I. live in ninnies tor ANNIES pretessionai tamiiies Bosten a i Good 244-515- 4 'Daily Wear Lenses 221 opportunity employer. WANTED Mais. 07258.(17 Fraction of their Original Cost! 6-- thesedissertations. anything you need. tPM Seiectnc and delivery Cayte; 562 34 220 ONE? UftTHE 1 707 AEF. "Ml. IUTTERW0RTN7 Todd is the man' Suey. ERIC Telephoning Part ot full time at home Re: bouse numbering andor window washing Salary plus bonus. CaN 967 0071 before 11 a m . 9 p m. Mr. Palmer. 221 JJ S63-6S3-& lost, DomejttJ, er Discolortd lenstt at a Replocoi 430 (617) 56IV6294 UTE papers, 220 MOVING 2,27 I'll TYPE INetilioCESSI TRAVEL tl you a BOSTON NAN NTT Are arotesMOnal typing I years experience with University of Utah Call Martiyn. 268-9570R9 PIOCLSSiNG. 228 A network of ever 30C people who have come cfwid'en through our agency Uve lever. suburban neighborhoods, enjoy excelled salaries, benefits, yeui awn i.vmg quarters and limited transportaworking hours Your raund-tn- p tion is provided One year commitment necessary. Call er wnte: Mrs. Fisch, ChUdcari Placement Service, tnc tCCPSl, 149 Bockmmster ltd.. Brook km. Ma 02146 9434891 S31-M- IE la Bostoa to care for ffPINS ANI OFFICE MIIK. quick, lop quality, lew rates. East Sandy area FlISEIPAIITS NAIL SALON new open ia Crossroads Mad. third floor. $10 art naii sets tor V students W do tautorma" narfs Call for an appointment at YOU laving, nurturing perse who enjoys spending time with children Join the Expar,ented typing and letter qual.ty word processing Cenlidotiai 0 3 3 $1 rpaga Murray area CAL FBtCAY. EATINI IISBIBEISEVIIBITICI and treatment CaU M Thorrpsun tor information at SL Child A Family Therapy Clmic 5215068 314 221 355-134- CASlitlS A NO COUtTEl PEISBNS wanted tor fMegressive dewntewn restauraM 0 Shifts Iron 10 S and 113 Ca betwtea 2 S $ m. reports- - English degree 20 CaN 364 5567. 318 yrs-e- p by PAIT TIME NECEPTxSltST. pre1snai. 0ss. y urwversity Patent A Preoocl Dcvetopmant Ortxx SSVhr. soa typing requaeal CaN Mrs Antgntoa 58V77S2 tor appoartment 314 OOtAHUE EDIT A MrOKO PIOC auurat 581 1200. W'oniky read their poetry on Thursday. Febiuiry 20th at noon. OSH 215 Rel'eh-ment- s served Sponsored by the English 2 '20 Student Advisory Committee 314 0 226 pesmoAs tea-ke- MAAIEJ. STUDENT II MrfitA STUDY preram la da general clerical wen tar the S96-34- includes utils Msg 3644j56 A bankruptcy 314 CO M Tl tl I CnTiTmeTiiLL and GaTl WALK TO CAMPUS, 1253 East 400 South. $650, deluxe 2 br. 1.400 sq ft AH utilities included Call (619) 27S-0W- 6 (collect), or STUDIO APT. ne fvaoures date entry 20 5t1-6S3- (UAIAITEEI CUAUIT TYPING. 10 years expenence Oveinm sennce aa less than 35 pages Laura liU A PBOCESSiNS tor VOII etgrreers ether science leajers. Special teatfe printer 221 element 262 7280. Tl house aear "U " Launery. furnished. PAIT 2- - TiME tone arid typing skUrs Can Gloria Miyake. tor appt. Travers Insuranca Co 0 Equal Cveorturaty Eenpioyar M FH. 2.' 25 cep'.er weecs 5&V1323 2 '26 SfcAtE 4 beoroam FEMALE lor any reason No Ob or check Visa, Mastercard, venf jit problems Confidential rTTslTAPTTviiaiking distance hom or CaN Linda TODAY capital ve solve credit olinkOCiTFROW U. 2 bedroom furnished apartment $378. includes utilities No 224 smekirs or drinkers 52-6-- 6 FOR 4 STbBiKlS avaaatt AIM COMPUTERIZE! Hill PBOCESSilG. eet al your typing Cad us lust t teem ta 3nn 5834437 221 berj'oorr. forapnce7oi tae Uiturnished. good location, ideal tor students. Ideal for roommates. 1 0U CAN SEE can afford Diamonds, engase'nent tnus. Custom tewelry. school rir.gs A invitations at 'it of retail prices Salt Jewrlry Co Michael Snow 484 6880 Brian Fullmer l t BEDROOM. Private 37 Call 220 UHFUMlSNEO eUPUTnear liberty Pek. four tearooms. washer, dryer, ganje 216 1 440 271 FURnTmoBDRM payment apt $330 unit es paid. 1161 400 S 53M586 (Lmgl 226 BMMsfMENT APT. east side location, I washer A dryer fenced yard $3i0mo 46:7613 221 363-026-6 high Buy from The don I have tt we N find d Waferouse real nice, big yard STSO Trouble finding ATTN IMPORT CAN OWNEIS 2.74 TWO DlolioWb4sernent"aparl-me-!- S (LOCKS FROM BENT 2 gaage, fireplace, wit hookups $450 memf. 1265 tmerson Ave Call Jet 46 5128. 3?4'.71 2'20 Private der Cose to pafi electricity 531 0239 Tl fa. $l5Sn TO PI Ik! SPECIAL Reg $40. now $? Includes Cut long hair extra With Ann only. Hiirct'ts $10 13th Street Nav Co 1674 E 13(10 So 583 9509 32 units near U up. Special t FEMALE cexrposition and Merancas reoui'ed 7 SElrtAAi PEIMANENT kkard FVst he.pressions. IWsjwes 2v21 our spoony 26H363. 2 26 485-113-4 530 STAIT YOUI OWN import export business1 $7 50 to Hwarang Enterprises. PO 95352 Seattle 961452352 221 UAAN Your lock, your key Student rates. SiJ 0900 interne,CaN typeset lor special study hr Call Aduits raid $50 lor approx. 277 9332 Geretfi $170. 47-S3e- 582-202- M0N8 PATH NTS MEOEI 220 STOAASE OArTttsE IAlrS.'TTEI NtlBE 1 $1 5C Wwr ta start hsurs vary. CaU tor interview. Pmcess iseruuons. reperu Graouate SM foreign students starred USUMES TkAT GET BUutTST Protesse-att- y nie ya ad". Mctudina prepared 486-201- tESPINSilLf tcvery Are eays. JI EM FMMEI EKLtSd TEACail KSTOKI VCTOtUI NOME. 2 tis tran Urvv, atswastier. tacrawav. washer A 221 dryer. SEI AMAI f UN SXNC0L kxi keusc. wuaowav. cabw. yartl 1336 E 1700 Sa Dndy SPEEl IFEDIMI More than trip your speed in J sessions, shortens homework, master 3.' 14 teachers, documented. 484 5D49 admission for ladies) Friday University night, hart price admission with "U" 0 MNUES. noor.ir.iATES II HIT furnished bedroom in convenient Sugarkoust location $175 PERSONAL JUST Ttt f ACTt Hoe appearing at Abbies, SC5 So 3rd Thursday lad$ night (tree Sfli j t'ammar. XU S71-729- 9 15 INSiOE. A M-- F tt U 566-785- lor currant teoaral ast. OIL speSing 272-5fc- 4 U pa. 24 ar pos&tna Patrs, m. etc Pckja process! edging tnesis X 14 571 939S. oewvry Pal SERVICES ENTERTAINMENT ST iae years TYPING: $1 rectal 5322262 W 5 00 H 466-250- 12 MtfeEY? Sell top hne Can Manaa. 278-834-7. - PUT TatE. anemoea. positive. MWMHtite wage Cunent Orive'S kcansa im 40 las. Apply at Hansen Planetaria 10 00-Pubkcatians 1398 Sa 20C Doses 22A86 . epeoenc 3-- ervgineenng lite Saenre Biog Can Alei at eves or xt 7754 to claim 221 4d6-124-0 ul TIMS. Cpagc. I correct caicuiator m 2'26 )i 22fl Trfaul fUL'Tf Speum wtcR-- t 2 '24 $1 9 a Oosai Can Lcziee FEMALE If WIETT PACtltl riUIB: 96nl tr anonj iteed are in craera coft&oered Apscai.o tartns ve aauaM fre tr Qrector tt Fwancaal et Ad. ar ai tuse. 1431 1 IX Sa. Campried appiacatrfMS wust be fetjrned a ar beiort Warct 10. 19Stk 7 lUt. locks good runs 71 tONHEOTlOlE good RestoraWe fortune eramisa ceMty Major tid and fmanoai f WSTUTEl IEEI torajori praajcts- MmS PtKEKtt sjxeaak&ne padiaie papers 20 years legal cnescaL GerRaa. Aise iraescrift.ee Carol aner recerf . cetr. Skt.ee la cacptis er m knc. cf . wfieel drive. Coed torn 572 5272. Tn-O- $2X. $ . r o . condition, must sefi this weekend (4.195m best offer 447 3396. 221 m ccbse ceii. f tt AIAkLABLf for APPUCiTllAS A IE Service ScMiarsfts Acaeemc Tn-O- causes cfteaa sa 1 14 $3 9JQ. tow ao Scoa 6a6835. 967?53- 2 "21 MMEL 121SS lECEilff I dual 4tt itiL itmutoe. etc coriftibea. ma. after B.H rue. Far Classified ad is SHC.OOO St 224 invesBBeet mit (ait II tUuTful sieec wirta worB7Seay (110C w, H 30 (4 2Sday. 117 Olwk. Oassrtied ad aeadfane twe days pnor le V15 i L OPAL Rues are as workdays 5V f&P?y SS-S-O atlE. it A.e resume C?pteij 532 562 at (ot taste and arcanei ffi casts Class rfceS a?etsfen!s tiiMM tatea 00 e f AlfltiES 4 reserves the ncs ta advertisements en Ctroaac eety m ad class:! MTSE-- Tt KSU Si K MAXEU 75 cews eusts 35 cents ea toopy ea Dm acacMrs $14 95 ea 2&05TO 3 DISCLAIMER i ".a 4 tocos: 1986 The Daily Utah Chronicle, Thursday, February 20, Page Eight . S - -- i"-Sjklt viuivr n wrt l3lk A QlrK vi ixi'axtii wtia O0-!- s f CifC'tlfh flilrtR ttte'Wt .w.T ' For iingle tern ortfert, ctrvtd pair price in half end tdd S J 00. " kerp s!! prucnpliom on file for reorderj 90o of the (Ms Ofderd ere n our invenfo'y end reaoy to be (hipped in 34 houil We anil) Si |