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Show Th Daily Utah Chroakle, Thurday,' February 20, - " . . v , EVENTS n 'V . - 1984 Please submit items for Events weekdays between 9 jn. and 4 p.m. two days before the date of publication. Items should be typed or legibly written on u bite paper or on a form from the Chronicle office, 240 Union. Please include date, time and place. Tomorrow section may be deleted when news space is limited. For quick U. calendar information anytime, call 581- - U. of U. - ,... , - Speicha, Plateau Mining Company, EMRC Room 211. Noon CAGD Seminar, "N-Dimensio- -4 212. nal Triangulations," Bruce Piper, KS Room 201. , i p.m. Physics Colloquium, "Crystalline H Mining Engineering Seminar "Some II a.m. Anselmo p.m. Engineering JTeck Mining and Mucking Contest, EMRC Shop. 3:30 p.m. Computer Science Colloquium, Tony Faustini, Arizona State, MEB Room 3176. 4 p.m. Geology and Geophysics Distinguished Lecture, "Alpine and Pyrennian Tectonics," Ron Oxburgh, Cambridge University, JFB Room 103 . 4 p.m. Biology Seminar," "Genetic Approach to the Study of Transport of Proteins to the Yeast Vacuole," Thomas H. Stevens, University of Oregon, BIOL Room 1- 9:55 a.m. Hinckley Institute Coffee and Politics, "Politics of the Homeless," Mike Watkiss, KTVX and Stephen Holbrook, mayor's task force on Salt Lake's homeless, OSH Room 255. I la.m. Contemporary Japanese Politics and Culture The Pdiiiciaiu, OSH Auditorium. Film, a.m. and 29 Paschoa, Building 351 Conference Room. Today 11 Radiobiology Seminar, "Retrospective Dosimetric Modeling for Ferroelect-ric- s with Glassy Polarization Behavior," Gerald Burns, IBM, JFB Room 102. Ongoing Projects at the Plateau Mining Company," John Leader says despite advances, blades still suffer from page one A can make it, but not if you only have two dimes," he said. And young men must learn that manhood is not determined from the hips down, he said. It is important to tell young blacks to stay in school because it does make a difference. And young people should leam to use proper English, he said. King did not end on a somber note, said Hooks, referring to that April 3 speech. "King said I have seen the promised land," said Hooks. "And brothers and sisters, we will sec the promised land." He said he believes there are more people than not and more good people than bad. We must keep before the nation the history of racism and prejudice because "we so soon forget where we come from." The administration is trying to roll back the clock, he said. Reagan has singlehandedly created a national debt as big as the debt created by all presidents. He has doubled the national debt by himself, said Hooks. The breakdown in the black family is also a serious problem, he said. The black community and family cannot be strengthened without facing the fact of teenage pregnancy as a major factor in high unemployment, the numbers of high school dropouts and the numbers of r;--- -'':. blacks below the poverty line. Media have a negative influence, he said, with actresses on talk shows proclaiming the joys of unwed motherhood. "X'c must tell young people if you have $10 million, you fair-mind- ed :x"tm lltrunktr photo bv Sirvt lifillu The Chrony, the Chrony Some in old their people wrap garbage newspapers. Others use them to line their drawers. But University of Utah engineering students found a new use Wednesday for old issues of the Chronicle. During Engineering Week's Chrony Bomber Contest, Keith Goodfellow, a mechanical engineering student, demonstrated how the "Chrony" makes a good airplane. He won the competition when his bomber stayed suspended in air for 2.28 seconds. f1" 77' ' : : Jobs Part-Tim- e ! o ; V jt.s 4 4 1 i 3 Pay: $4.25 plus weekly bonuses. Hours: 5:30-9:3- 0 p.m. i Sun.-Thur- s.; ; minimum two nights a week. Work 18 and continues through May 29. 11 Description: Telephone solicitation of university alumni and friends. Qualifications: Interpersonal skills and command of the English language required. Must be and willing to take instructions. Telephone experience helpful. well-organize- detail-orient- d, ed Contact: Ken Rudolph, Development Office, Ext. 4682. v O in i. TOMORROW FRIDAY NOON DEVOTIONAL - . V ' v uta r.lIHV lai'lMlltlk rl r ' . a ( all, M 9 y, itmm ' t' GARY Q. JORGENSEN U. of U. Guidance Center Central Chapel tit ..(if '.I'll 8 P.M. T.H.BELL and former II Stake- - U.S. Secretary Sti s jy-.M- - (Kali i a ' "'' of Education ' MMPiMwM5. niA lf(i 'f im av riali v nr. ' HI . 1 1 k. aji . i; , ?Ji" aatj a,,II. .1 1f t nit (, ll.llrlaat Vtl( KlUKll - b ...... , Kit- ftp il' lm'(aj -- lf)l(il) i I ii'l ;?,niM t(, li in .V A"1 !'t I 1 tjlr- "fifl" ' t.K la M FIRESIDE Pres. Univ t ' Sal 1 i a SUNDAY 4 s. v. 1 On Campus begins Feb. jI ';V |