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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Thursday, October 17, 1985 Page Five EVENTS Please submit items for Events weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. two days before Ellipticine, Aritsoteline, and Elaecarpine," Gordon Gribble, HEB Rm. 102. 11 a .m. Mining Seminar, "AMAX Magnei-suOperation in Gantsville," Edward Hammersley, AMAX Magnesium Division, EMRC Rm. 214. Noon Middle East Center Brown Bag Lecture, "Paternity: A Geretical Approach to Fertility Research in the Middle East," Lee L. Noon-PhysiBean, Bldg. 413 Rm. 15D. publication. Items should be typed or legibly written on w bite paper or on a form from the Chronicle office, 240 Union. Please include date, time and place. Tomorrow section may be deleted when news space is limited. For quick University of Utah calendar information anytime, call 581-of U. m U. 8 a.m. Today Marriott Library reference desk. 9:55 a.m. Coffee and 44 Politics, Why We Need the Central Utah Project," Ed Clyde, SLC attorney specializing in natural resources law, OSH a.m. Chemisrty and Medicinal Chemistry Joint Seminar, "Adventure in Alkaloid Synthesis" Rm. 255. 11 nisms of Aging of Mo-base- d Coal Liquefaction Catalysts," Burton H. Dazis, University of Kentucky, EMTC Rm. 214. 3:30 p.m. Computer Science Collo- quium, "Average Case Complexity," Gregorz Wasilkowski, Columbia Univer3:45 p.m. sity, MEB Rm. 2092. cians for Social Responsibility Philosophy Department Colloquium, " Medical and EnvironmenThe Seminar, "Preference and Choice," Keith Lehrer, tal Consequences of Nuclear War," Lou University of Arizona, OSH Rm.334. I Tour, meet at the general Drop-I- n cultural Study, Carol nd Melvin Ember, ST Auditorium. 3:20 p.m. Fuels Engineering Graduate Seminar, "Mecha- Borgenicht, Classroom C, MC 1:30 Geology and Geophysics Distinguished Lecture, "New Insights on Utah's Wasatch Fault," William T. Parr)', JFB 44. 3:15 p.m. Anthropology ColloRm. 103. 4:15 p.m. Mathematics quium, "Predictors of Warfare and Colloquium, "Differential Operators on Interpersonal Aggression" A Cross- - Afllne Algebraic Curves," Toby Stafford, p.m. p.m. Free health screening for new students, Student Health Service, Bldg. Moot court debates taping University of Washington, LCB Rm. 212. 7 p.m. Christian Inter-Varsi- ty Fellowship meeting, 232 University St. 7 p.m. Marriott Library Drop-I- n Tour, meet at the general reference desk. 7:30 p.m. Campus Recreation Outdoor Program Travelogue, "Trekking Nepal on Your Own," Heinrich Egghart, BEH S Herbert Auditorium. C 7:30 p.m. Kelman Lecture, "Crimes of Obedience: Public Conceptions of Authority and Responsibility," Marriott Library Auditorium. 7:30 p.m. Utah Law Review Forum, "Videotaping the Testimony of an Abused Child: Necessary Protection for the Child or Unwarranted Compromise of the Defendant's Constitutional Rights?" Moot Courtroom, College of Law. Treat yourself to perfect shin. "Videotaping the Testimony of an Abused Child: Necessary Protection for the Child or Unwarranted Compromise of the Defendant's Constitutional Rights?"will be the subject of a Utah Law Review Forum set for Thursday, Oct. 17 in the College of Law's Moot Courtroom. Scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m., the forum will feature a debate between Richard N.W. Lambert, assistant U.S. attorney, and Ronald J. Yengich, a criminal defense attorney. Panelists for the forum will include David E. Littlcficld, guardian ad litem for Salt Lake County, Elizabeth B. Stewart, a psychologist and attorney, and Brooke Wells, a Homicide Division attorney. Scott M. Matheson Jr., University of Utah law professor, will moderate the event. The debate is open to the public. A reception will follow in the foyer of the Moot Courtroom. court-appoint- 5mooth shin and freedom from unwanted body or facial hair forever. Quaranteed with a better wa"1" method of permanent hair removal. Ga for a complimentary consultation and our brochure. o o o o o o o o o o o to register o for classes. o o FRIDAY o DEVOTIONAL NOON o Michael F. o o Moody Church Music Department o Central Chapel o o SATURDAY, OCT. 19, 1985 8:00 p.m. $6.00 advance, $7.00 door The Broadway Theatre 65 E. 300 S. Accredited Dectrofysis Office 160 5outh Tenth Cast 9400 South Seventh Cast ute Enfo o o o oQ C) is ed M!mm4im&&ttf r? ."t.wm. urn Still time S fc.dr--- Tickets at Smokey's Records and the Cosmic Aeroplane . 1947 t ? Student Discount with FREE STORESIDE 1100 PARKING f yep-- 4 1740 So E. Sill Llfcl CHf, Utlfc 54 weekdays 9 I.D. 00 - Sal. 6 00 4674 Holladay 9 00 Blvd. - t j 21 5 30 i. oooooo oooo0 THIS WEEK AT SYMPHONY HALL Y Joseph Silverstein, Conducting Christie Lundquist, Clarinet Are you considering professional school? Friday & Saturday, October JOHN F. KENNEDY and Orchestra Nobis Full Moon from Star Pioneers, SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT Is Looking for Future Leaders in Public Affairs. Come Learn About Harvard's Two-YeMaster's Program in Public Policy, Leading to either the Master in Public Policy or City and Regional Planning Degree. ar Me om tofjdm Also available at Basil's and Deseret Book Stores film Wed. 7 p.m. in room 312 of the Union Bldg. For more info, stop by the booth or call the Denver Peace Corps office: (800) ext. 104. 10-2- 3, 1 Friday, Oct. 18, groups Contact: Career Placement Office 0, 533-640- 5. assignments, see the Peace Corps Date: 9-1- Tickets: $10-$2- 5 Box Office: 7 Symphony Hall, NW Corner 1 to 10-2Monday thru Friday, To learn more about Peace Corps DEAN CALVIN MOSLEY A world premiere commissioned by the Hansen Planetarium Foundation for the Hansen Planetarium's 20th anniversary TchaikovskySuite No. 4, "Mozartina" 9-- Meet with: - cko'm. 61 Peace Corps representatives will be on campus in the Student Union 4 p.m. 10-2- i 18, 19, 8 p.m. BeethovenSymphony No. 1 DebussyRhapsody for Clarinet HARVARD UNIVERSITY ! 7ML 10-1- All Students, All Majors, All Years Welcome! Joint Degree Programs Offered with Harvard's other Professional Schools. Generous Privileges with other Schools. Cross-Registrati- on 525-462- Peace Corps nc a uinei n nDDnnn iuitv KSL p7(Kl mwo 1 Student Rush $5.00 Available immediately prior to performances. |