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Show Page Twelve S2I DISCLAIMER t ncjtt te casstttet anrUimem aa tuts at (eat UiU at proprety. te Oassrfcet M)vrtisneiu att aat t tat attar 4 00 V15 toos 30 reserves Oramc ae oeey ar efi fTCE-T- Kates are as TVfliy H 00w, wrtttfi $2 . lat. verts M 25tay. f 17 Oassrtiet M deadim a lays prior H 1 te en utM rm tne Dcae. Utcea, Qwtet Free Pnanc. Cao ar unt-tit- y ftomea A Caupax. 1C2S 5613006 Anyfame A WEEK 2 SESIIIM II8$E. 363 $300. me S756bt M 30 t 571-7X- runs a8. pat Says. air. ante, good a 24GZ. 7 9 10U eve (4 mt 900 1171 Datsua cally. 100. (3 28CZ. treat car. 1971 excellent mechani- 1014 467 306a 531-06- 6. UCtiHCL M tCltXCl top AetFM stereo, air. 462551 MUST condt-tM- 0. 1015 III 2002. ei eel lent condition. to 117 wiries. red tiwxx t2.50O 46fcM612. 10U lUt 1171 WIITE 9004 cond rear tires 4 replaced, ne . Motor K1 2002ft. great car. aver Si 500 wives ted Absolutely loaded 13 500 b a. 511-704- 1 days. 451-7- 1 53eve Ask tor Robert 1011 71 MTCIIACL looks flood, runs 1017 good Only KM. 3SS-767- lUtTll I cylinder. 3 speed, in Qd condition, runs well. 4 new tires. 2 new 1 10717 snow tires. WOO 72 PIT SUttl ICETLE. Good running condition. Some rust. Call 96- - 7684 after 4 1015 p m weekdays. 1171 f 0M 1171 filTl 2000 cc Looks OK. runs AMFM cassette. 1450 Call 582 3067 ar 972 2634. 1015 OK. V K IUISE. Karman Chu Volkswagon. Sporty, clean coupe. Stereo cassette, mags radials. $2,350. evenings. 1014 71 1S--K 7 582-13- 30 tUU 486-C3- iteal tar Gead iacanaa. till 363-025-6 I aeSreom upstairs Home Gas. water apartment and cartage paid Tan pay eiecfxaty Cat OH i?40. Cat before 700 and attar (00 AREA vet or tan ttm 356394 SPACIttS IRE REIRIIM.Ctaeeaieat local km anty $200 wbis rigft person si A. 335 2nd IMS 328-109- 5C3-M- 484-668-0. XT RUaCJU charcoal gray, loaded, many 4 cond $l0.300orter. Ml complete wit a software and printer $795 Cat Mr. Johnson taytimej (Ourma SAJ tic. t west (it k. 1015 Capitol Hal area $2Mmo. Caoitol 2 bedroom apartment ta renovated 120 yt home 2 bath, fireplace, washer dryer, gourmet kitchen. 1600 sq ft 10U $421 390 franc StaVed OtE iittOOM APT. near U at U At utilities 36 1728. Todd. paid $250 CAPITOL AREA. 359-103- 1018 FEMALE STUOERT1 housing available 1 te U Board included Inquire at 292 3291 088Tlfl CKARMINS close ar 1018 APA1TMEITS ideal tor student aft Quiet clean, secure studios A one bedrooms $225 and up includes gas utilities. See Mrs. Gillett. 120 SoutH 300 East 3614394. 104 I. MALE 81 FEMALE STURERT to assume dorm c. tract Wilt pay deposit 1018 plus $150 Call ARTE 1011 cats . great 1011 It SCMOCCa IT HUE through the today! Call tor $44 Ci IUT JEEPS Get ttie tacts YOU U S government? 142 Ul 9338-101- H JEEP CHEROKEE, cherry. desperate. Makt offer. MUST SELL mi . 363-849- 0 Richard 350-477- 71 OAT 355-781- condn. tut Sta 3000 or 1014 best offer. Call after $ p m Eweilent mectt 1018 77K. $2,000 or lt students TI 0. Newly renovated for New bathrooms, carpet, paint, furniture Private, clean, quiet Rooms with kitchen privileges atari at $175 Room and board $255 1310 E. 200 S 5816433 ar 1018 SLOCK 278-135- FOR SALE FUJI 12 SPIES BtCrCLE. cond.. $250 or offer. TI SIAM THAI If ITAUWJT. lunch Tues.. Wed., Thurs. 11 excellent 19 men, 1017 . $59 900 2 bedroom brick bungalow New $12,000 roof, large private yard with children play area Excellent condition. Can Helen Thornton at Peter Alfeld at txt. 6842, or Envirowest CLSSE U. 583-547- 1016 Realty. MACIITORR 1 $700. yr. 542009. MEMORY. S12K. $135 guaranttl, 2 meg. g tons one stereo ont HI purpose heavy duty table Call Tom or Bonnie h w 1014 MUST SELL TWO ROSE SOI SPEAKERS, multi-uni- t cabinet and 466-711- SAL 973-402- 0 SS TYPEWRITER. 15.000 character memory, two years old. excellent condition, sacrifice, must sell. 582-923- Now open for 30-- 1 30. 542 E 1014 400 S. 1014 MVESTMENT QUALITY DIAMOND w papers. cut $2,800 or carat. VVS2 round-brilliaw. 355-711offer. Mark h. 364-451- 2. 1016 have tun, beat parking, ticket and traffic hassles. Get in shape, feel great, look marvelous Buy a ctmpus cruiser or a clunker. BBC 1031 CRUISE TO A NO BETWEEN CLASS, ENTERTAINMENT 322-116- THAI C00KIM CUSSES it Sala Siam. Next 1015 class Oct. 26 Book now. SIAM OFFERS private parties A catering thru the' holidays. Call Debby for SALA details. 1018 359-265- SMITH CORONA 2200 TYPEWRITER (portable), cartridge correction. Perfect conditm. $100 Arlene. 1018 SOFA SLEEPER, queen size. $75. ions STEREO. Pioneer AMFM cassette. $55 50 watt booster $25. Steve after 6 p m. 1014 YAMAHA units near U. your lock, your key, $8 and up. Special student rates. 1030 SECURE. INSIDE. ACOUSTIC FS 335 II. whard case. Excellent condition $220. Bob 359-956- 1018 533-090- RENTIN67 IUT INSTEAD! Low price brick home great for a couple or duplex w4 bedrooms or a prestigious condo w2 bedrooms. Call agent Dan Judd, 1025 Ramsey Group 298-546- Furnished apartment, jacuzzi, tennis courts, good location. ONE Pregnant? Need a Friend? Sales Ski Free Campus Rep. for ski groups. Salary plus commission. Call ext. 19. Sundance, Utah. Skiing 6 Free Confidential' Pregnancy Testing PERSONAL YRUR SELF ESTEEM IMPR9 at affordable cart style cuts $5. perm $20 Hair Sculpting tree with purchase Cat tor appointment 595-029- 9 10725 is Utah I fiaest. largest IATEMATE matchmaker. Meet that special someone. Cat Students, staff welcome 1025 322-535- Fit At DAL cat 3617495 ar for male volunteers REWARD protocals. reviewed - rtfiFESStftAL Wttl Pt3tttfc at. IS years 115 experience. Cat lathy PSSf ESSiSRAL I YPI88 ARS S.CTATilt. Oeaiity teal paper. Special .ZGZ-CZB- ttlt 364-05- Moat I aUK EASILY we pressure Oefcoous taking mixes biscuits awtttns. ar awn.es 17 Products. Cat 942 5200. Fred. 1011 PtSSIIAL ROOMMATES approved Ages 18-4- 0 t 1015 for tltTASE CLOTH Halloween ar just for wearing 20 off thru Oct. 31. Clothes, hats, shoes, purses, etc. Afterglow Antiques. 2611 South State. noon-5- 1014 . 1031 d SPEEI IEA0III a must for students. Homework no problem. Telic Reader. 1213 464-504- VEISEAS JOSS. Summer, yr. round., Europe. S. Amor., Australia. Asia All fields. $900-200mo Sightseeing Free into. Write Corona Del Mir. CA IX. PO Box 1113 92625. CLASSICAL MUSIC LOVER! Volunteer ushers needed tor the Utah Symphony. Commit- tment to full concert schedule per academe Complete training. Call Gloy Suarter. Box Office Manager. 5316407. 1025 NAIR CARL Cut A Style $10 Perm with cut 1024 $25. Good with Tim. Call WAIT TO SET INVOLVED? Did you miss tall Formal Rush? It's not to late to (oin a Fraternity or Sorority Fall Informal Rush, For men s Oct. women's Oct. registration and Info stop by Rm. 270 Union lOiMIB or call 15-1- 16-1- 1 1. JUNCTION TUXEDO October annual used tuxedo sale. Tux coats 14-3- formal S15-$4- vests, sashs A ties. Come earfy for best selection! shirts $5; 50. $1 SO-S-3 1231 E 33rd S 10H8 Thanks for playing Hambo" with us Thurs. night! tea loved every d second of it! Love, the Alpha Chi t P S. Trahan, you make a grett hostage! Lets do it again sometime! 1014 SIGMA HITS. ACTING AT SOVEREIGN STU0I01 TV commer-cial- s. 8 weeks stage, film, audition tapes. Call 3644522. 1018 PAY FOR r For SCHOOL THROUGH details call HOME Lon. OWNERSHIP. ERA 533-802- National. 1018 area tays a 10A17 467 3377. furnished Murray home, wash dry dish. Prefer grat. 1018 student I0MMATE TI SIAIE Gartea Cats Ask tor Grant ar Craig 10714 3S0411 EARI 1161 M8IEY PAIT TIME! Taylor Caramels aaeds students to auks personal calls at local businesses to set up 266-26T- non-smok-er te share house utilities 1017 FEMALE ROOM MATE WAITER near 17th So. A 3rd I $l60me, 4674446. accounts. Approx. 3 nrs.day. Soft sell approach Commission plus bonuses. John 6 1014 or Tami at evenings. a 5-- 1 7 1 leounf tar awbvtiat amnusastiC aaapta ta wart arte 4 cnuaraa amnj the mttktnt. Gravey art. U aaa stwri Frcay. Saurtay I Saaeay Meaiaat trttau) tpeoaiats. 2 aan ar MNbvrfwa ar earners tor teaa art 12 tours Sahireay ft Sttaeay aaca ar three ttaes a mtntk. housekeeper, spit swft caoune aeamng Appry at Z& art Came atane a Se Sunt 107 ar cat ttftaraaca. 1015 HeaJa Out. amtTUHTT. ft ape UlU ceatmisstoa 'art tune ar tufi fua. pood t t Jm S3? 733t pay atonaay Bira Fn. ltJ IQytl II flHUi aUlf AU TI club Siaeya. 1011 UTU mam.? Laot at ajrtnar. We 2--4 aead anthusia&tic autgoaig people tor aur per a a eent teiepkeae sales pregrt benetmrg Special Of yatptcs Wort atgrrts. Sat t--2 (4hr salary plus tonus. Airerage salary. KS0Hr. Cat Steve brown at KI2S TUCtBtC tklt IT. suit tunoat residential treatment facility tor aubsbc adolescents bve-posntoa Rm ft board plus salary. rw 2-- 1 466-172- 487-63- or S66960S tO16 UMI M CCUfUJ make S5&S200 snoemg 15 minute video 4 times a eek CaH Joyce. 9664831 1015 SECRETARIAL EATINC ItSORSERSSUUMIA PSYCHOTHERAPY 6 ROUP. Mm eves 8 00-- 7 30 Cat M B. WASTES: HEALTHY WIMEI with bladder Mtlectiorrs tor participation ia drug study. Free medcal exam A me (1 cation. Requires 4 visits to Student Hearth Center aver 5 week period Reimbursement for mconven-ten- et Whrttaker at the Salt Lake Child and Family 1 1213 Therapy Qirwc TRIPLE YRUR REAOIRI SPEEI or better. Guaranteed. Full comprehension. No Only $15 95 skimming 1014 10 14 467-220- open tor drivers A order takers, eves. A wkends. Apply in person only. Freewheeter Pizza. Holladay or Murray stores. 1015 POSITIONS PART-TIM- TD.AVEL IYMNAST1CS COACH for boys, girts. Beg to 17 intermed 4--7 p m Mon. A Th 277-917- All VOXRERt west coast cities from $69. Phoenix $39. Dallas $89. Denver $49 Ph. WE'VE SHOWN AND NEED more help during the day. We need someone to waitress, bake, cook and aH kinds of stuff We keep it or apply at 2080 E. 3900 S tun' CaH 1025 534-020-0. 1022 pm. ONE TRIP OR AHOTIIRI Trtvtl or ttrot! Experienced agent Free newsletter on current travel bargains. Hawaii, Peoples Express. Eurait. etc Tarot Card readings include mmi lesson $10. UIU 277-424- 3 10M5 NOUSEPADENTS. earn extra income. Husband may be student one child OK. High energy level necessary. Wort with children 0 yrs. 72 hour coverage needed every nine days. CaH Bertha at 487-777-6 t 111 THAAAII TOUl Jan. 1986 Call Oebby at 1018 Sala Siam tor details. 359-265- 1016 TUT0RIN8. English comp.. eves for Lit. Grammar. $5 hr. 466-04interview. 1016 PERSORAUZEB TYPING TYPHI. BOipage. 12 U of U grimmer. 1213 ytart A experience I correct spelling Jan 272 5954. 1213 I LL TYPE (WORO PROCESSI your thesis, papers, reports, resumes, etc. Call Reasonable rates. 1213 Fist tnd 9417414 tnd or letter quality printing. Leading Edge computer, IBM compatible. Call anytime. 1025 PROFESSIONAL TYPISTS. Theses, reports, resumes, etc. Pick delivery available. Susan 1026 Kathy 467-666- 1 ! HI lit : tennis, hot but, and club house. Plus save U 569-049- TYPIN8 SERVICE at reasonable 8 price. Close to "U". Sherry, 1026 evenings. EXCELLENT 583-678- J j Process dissertations, reports, graduate foreign students preferred. board-certifie- d 1 CUI1UU Cadi 967-616- Races Behavioral Sciences Aud. Thurs., Oct. 17 at 7:30 p.m Travel to the worlcfi highest mountain and deepest canyons, to ancient temple and esoteric Tibetan ceremonies through the adroit camera word and narration oi the University's own Heinhch Egghart. An excellent means of gaining tips on solo and KmaB group travel in this amazing region. "it, Willi AAI, 1 Tickets $1, available at the door or If . . .J .J. m .L. wi auvame uie- r. uuiuuui Program, sponsor for this event money too! J Word will Edit Grcle, Fullerton, CA, 92633. Beautiful Place to live and a large i ' tax break for your j parents. Find out how t you can buy a close to . 1213 ENGLISH TEACHER Menkes, 2530 Coventry Explores Many Facets of Travelling One of Earth's Guaranteed WORO PROCESSING FORMER brief, pertinent resume, references as applicable to: D. TREKKING NEPAL ON YOUR OWN RAW COMPUTERIZES WORO PROCESSUS. Call us first. We'll meet all your typing needs. 5811323. 1213 days evenings. material in U. of U. and HOC archives. Can be done part" time, at convenient hours. Background in history.arch-iva- l sciences useful. Send 942-44- 84 277-074- PROFESSIONAL TYPING 7SCDS PS. accurate. IBM Selectric. Call Sue, wanted to look up So. Utah If you have at least a 3.0 CPA, you may save up to 25 on your auto insurance. Monthly terms available. Call for a comparison quote. TYPHI. Expert typing word processing. Reports, resumes, papers, theses, dissertations. 211 E. 300 So. A2TEC 364-680- Research Assistant Good Students Wanted 2. 582-202- 1213 9; e 1 eye No Credit Q s z 10 OFF with Student I.D. Free delivery to all citv i : hospitals and on campus r f 1310 East 200 South i i SIC, Utah 84102 i 535-817- 7. S ti tours. physician who will treat you with a new drug now being tested in the United States. This drug is safe and has been tested in Europe. To find out if you meet the screening criteria, call 6-- 1 Kt17 STtKIT f II CilttlTtl t HLH it Camenr iltc iparaacaa ttwaaeas SOheout. I 2Strbi! ten? AlTtUL lac Aattsej Ieacfun Hoate WOAL part time, flexible Civil en or. ar earth sciences background FORTRAN and BASIC desired. 1021 must be a good typist SERVICES Are You currently Suffering From An Eye Infection? 1 tram 1 5 p week.. 249 Sa. Mam. Salt Lake. Lunct mctuoed Apply from 3 te 5 at Henries WAITED. PART TIME HELP, snare 3 bedroom duplex ta Sugamouse fast-pace- YOU 582-156- 5 OF PERM SPECIAL. Reg $40, now $21 Includes cut. Long hair extra Wed., Fri. A Sat only. Ask tor Ann Haircuts $10 13th Street hair 111 Co. 1674 E. 1300 So. 5819509. 00 U 298-714- 3. 1014 ISMMATE WAITER, lovely remodeled 1 1015 Aves. home $200 me. ROM WAITE1 US. aoa smoker female ta 322-067- SELECTOR MtitLI tor ha Cutting pr aung aa colaruif ; more tutor mat me cat Oartara Unta 522605. Lisa and Cathy 10lS 2616605 MSPOATM Y TtllAPriT. part time (24 ars week) at e DA Medcal Center. Starting salary S616US4 per hour depanowg aa experience. Tt apply cat Trtsa ar Steve at ext. 1562. The trA is aa equal 1014 opportunity employer. 487-804- NAIRCUTS SA Perms wcut $28 Close to campus. Vallynn's Hair Cottage, 566 3rd 4 111 Ave. LARGE M0ai large home m Sugar-hous- e ether per sea $200 includes w1 aeedel ta ITTENIAIT 4 start ROOMMATE, CARE assist disabled yeuag a tuft living ia 111 Cottonwood area Cat 466-3- it tram ROOMMATE WAITER. 1 block MALE sue eat ruH WANTED -- $185 lights. CaM after 3 00 5812101 Kewances reQured S&2?:3 avenavpL 2f2-72- m 359-504- All by U Must be in very good health. Volunteers will remaia hospitalized tor 9 days during 6 October. November, ar December between 9 A 3 p a. Leave name A phone A Human Rights Committee k! tfltlik Jasmme. tr Frtact. Germaa. Call Practice year 1020 For registration and Information stop by Union Room 27Q or call hi- - ak rat TUrtuac ti Eutsn 649-540- 0 tor drug research trials. Needed men: Oct. 1 women: Oct. aV-I-P Theatre. Far mora WORK OFF PASS AT PARK WEST. information, Sonority Informal Rush 581-BOB- woo, imma 1014 14 a 1 359-031- prices. With activity Fraternity ltifilSl&Xt) Max AJAtLfira-racaur(aeril- e tucaragua teeneay. Oct Utilities. examination by Birthright 484-461- C caa t$-i- mtormatiaa. Deal muss 1014 You may be a candidate for a free eye 1014 363-025- 1011 583-854-4. MONTR FREE. Gareth 747. Marker M40 215 cm easy bindings. pr aownrut sk turiMng parted cand action-packe- 1 CAR FOR nENT 10V18 1 Mon.-S- IRM ELECTRONIC DIUIMG 581-58- 364-142- 1 486-082- 5 sp . AMFM cond. Must sell 3638060. 71 V ar 355-188-8 EOJftttlT Saiomoa 1015 3. IDIM. 10 USE. secluded, good view, ta awe tor Radia Stack Medei ! ILBMCM. new part, carpet tvapes. parking extremery clean, quiet lOts E 221 So rat mi iMFiiMAi liist. act 322-153-1 10H MCE S20L extras, ITALIA 322-446- 0 277-906- 12 t CSMPtTERS. Osaarae Executive aanatMe complete wit software ant arwtar $795. lots el space. 541-547- 1421711 mil Itgaa FRAHL AN SCrCLL Caiumtkis I SU50 frame Campagnew Recat Moaow 2 sets wtewis S39S 95 Aevwi CAPITAL TlUSffllTiTlM. 196S Vuca freea fart Siaueftaapea Strang engine fcear rust fceees exhaust systeaw bracts So tetter toes tuneut Get I censKtarabt rasped aa Ffeef $575- - Mark Barrett 8 ar 1014 Cat I0il4 At e . U.S12& SUM If CSRSE MITCAECAJtE 205 cm. Campagnaia parts $430-s&a mm top at me hat Gcze tVnamc k oe Batags $185. Sana Careea porta 1016 tyaewTnar. $35 Cat A RJKOaJ Tit CAR SEE ior a anct yew caa anart 50 aft retail, outlay aamaats, angaoement wwoamf nwgs A vUtons San Laae Jewelry Ca Micftael Seaw ftnaa Fotower na ream, tveptaca. and tencat tacftvarl 4 people $185 eac. wit eefl arn fewer tl 1014 reomaates- MITI FREL Unturatshat ant. twa tea 4 KIAoOa room males Garatt CHUT .aasett evfi.l 582-0- ti AUTOr.lOTIVE R BP. tOCI FM KIT 1 at tetrtaas. $2250 otter Da 1 fviumi fTVurmsnee teea The Daily Utah Chronicle, Monday, October 14, 185 TWO CUtmm CtXMtl seak avvM TTOMS. Wttl mOXSm. t2 years legal A alary Pampas ti mm eas&itie fae-sacrewtai expedience 2 ms-- tram U $1 attst tare aara utt cat ant te reutw tSB3-e.86-. 1615 5834454 - Bad Credit Cedar ? at iU Valley WE HAVE: Losest prices in the state. Best equipment The safest and most experienced facility in Utah. WE MAKE IT AFFORDABLE Single? No Problem We Finance Students Starting at $99 Down First Class Cars 801 South State 328-009- 8 Across from Sears on State .i i Skydive St :v4a:vv:ifa m ii 4Jijro t ntiS'. lafel- - 1Xdi !H'4: CALL TODAY 756-819- 8, 768-905- 4, or 943-677- 0 |