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Show The Duly Utah Or irir. Thvrsday, Jaaaary lttS Page Seven "ESS l KBOUH) ID NOT ACT UK AGKTHlSQ!Srj?. no wm. MiAT i'MKSFiMyft)um9wr! GZOH DO ABOUT -- BUT HOW APPEARS SOS -- TKATt SOME - ONE LJCCTOU ...tCVE j THfcT BER THOUGHT OF JOINNG tws &we scorjfii A CULT? V wl QUICK IMPROVEMENT! PERSONAL DISCLAIMER Chronklt reMrvei the right to deny or edit classified advtrtittments on the basis of good tasta and propritty. MTKf -- TIm Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4:00 p.m. workdays. Rates are as follows: MS words S2.66day. $10 00wk; 16-3- words S4.00day$16.00wk. 0 Classified ad deadline is two days prior to the date ad is to run. 77 tUMHU 4 0L 2 dr., 80K mil. $1,200 offer. 262-044- or 14 71 TOYOTA CELKA LffTBACK. GT, five speed, air. 55.000 miles, new radials. $3,900. 19 13 534-159- 4. DUPLEX. 2 0E0R001 APT., carpeted, washdryer hkps, covered parking for one car. Dish wash wer disposal, quiet circle yard. On University bus line. One or two small children OK. $325month. $200 refundable deposit. References lease. 530 weekdays, required. with fenced-i- n th Or 265-134- 8. 116 327-282- NICE I BEDROOM, no pets hookups. Unfurnished house on bus line. Good location and quiet. 17 1 U. 2 FROM 3 0L0CKS bedroom and apartments. 220290 mo. $150 deposit. 355-980- HYPNOSIS. WEI6NT CONTROL, sports & exercise performance, habit change, exam 17 taking. Joan Bone MA 3634019. 350-867- COMMERCIAL JAPANESE (315R-I- L Grammar A Syntax (351R-1- ) Register at DCE, Annex. ESCAPE TO JACKSON MASNETOMETEOS: Will student who is working on Dr. Hammond's magnetometer circuit please contact him as soon as possible. 13 EASY SOINO OUT NEEDS a place to stay on the weekends. Small room basement, closet and house privileges. Will pay up to $100mo. Send name, phone and address to 2-- co 1 Burtco call your trashy friend. She's waiting for your reply. Could it possibly be 14 no? KF. OEEMER. EUROPEI Special tour for U of U students. May or June, 1985. Guaranteed best tour at lowest Ask for price. Go for it! Call James. (Toll free). 131 CRUISESNIPS HIRING. Carri-bea- n, Hawaii. World. Call for Guide. 4 Directory, Newsletter. 1 (916) 944-444- 45 xUUTANCRUISE. Stewardesses. Reservationist! Worldwide! Call for Guide. Directory, Newsletter. AIRLINES NIRIN8. 45 xUUTAHAIR. 944-444- 4 TYPING I'LL TYPE fWORO PROCESS) your thesis, papers, reports, resumes, etc. Call 118 Reasonable rates. 277-074- WORD PROCESSING. Theses, manuscripts, C-- monthly meeting A&W Computerized word US FIRST. Fast, efficient, close to 38 583-132- WANTED HELP WANTEO. ments, financial statements. personal. Call Carolyn at docu- Business or 1 363-996- PROFESSIOHAL TYPING. 90Cpg. U typing experience. Jan 272-595- 4. clerical research work study students, up to $5 hr. Behavioral 14 Medicine. x8076. want your intelligence and sensitivity and in return HELPLINE NEEDS VOLUNTEERS. We offer satisfaction and even four hours credit. Training starts January 11th. 5.30. Behavioral Sciences Building. Questions? Call 14 8. WAITED! Students who have low ACT math scores to take an interactive video lesson; answer some questions. We'll pay for your help. Call Carleen. 18 worker and AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL will feature presentation on China. Univ. 1 3 Union "Den" Thursday Jan. 2. 7:30. 277-253- 3 WORK STUOV POSITION AVAILABLE, resumes, correspondence, legal BETAS: Welcome 967-254- CALL 12yrs. 30 U of 38 TYPING SPECIALISTS for accurate, fast, dependable typing call Cathey 410 Marilyn 4844152. 272-612- (part-time- ) supervising 487-576- WANTED: Healthy women with bladder infections for participation in drug study. STUNO 6SMT. APT. in Holladay, Call Carol 277-887- 4, SPACIOUS FOOTHILL 6AR0ENS 14 C0HD0. Two bedroom, two bath, jacuzzi, pool, sauna, covered parking. Close to U. 1200 S. Foothill. Extras, heat paid. $500mo. 531-513- 6 days. 19 evenings. FOR SALE p.m. FREE RENT in 18 . home under repair in exchange for providing meals. Possible your handy too. Mature female preferred. furniture welcome. Big gets, plants,area. Call George. $ if MATTRESS frame. $80. Call 972-830- 2 & 17 box spring with after 4 p.m. 111 to share c bedroom home near University. $190mo. 19 utilities. Fully furnished. 4864)229. UNIVERSITY NEI6HTS C0N00. low down assumes low payment. Call Nan 486-218- 1. 19 968-561- LOST a FOUND FOUNO: LADIES TIME! WATCH 1300 E. 19 PAPERSI 306-pag- e catalog 15.278 topics! Rush $2.00. Research. 11322 90025. (213) Idaho, 1206MB, Los Angeles 477-822- I ff2faftiQpLl CEI SERVICES RESEARCH on Dec. 17 on Dependable babysitter for two small children. Transportation and references required. Variable hours. 19 583-367- 3. WORK STUDY STUDEHTS 4:30 p.m. Monday January 7th. LC8 105. Communication Bldg. 17 15-2- 0 hrswk. Care of live 1st or 2nd yr. student with interest in Biology preferred. Good pay Work Study authorization necessary. Call John M. LAB ASSISTANT turtles. 19 Legler. professor. 5814609. HEEOEO. ProducHair Salon. Ask for Oave or Diane. AFTERNOON RECEPTIONIST tions 19 4664172. THE FIVE ALLS RESTAURAHT. Dr. will interview for Saturday. Jan. 5 1450 Foothill waitresses yrs. exper. preferred. Interviewing tor buspersons. no 1 14 exp. necessary. RESPOHSIBLE PERSOH to babysit in my home. Mon. or Wed. 10 Close to Univ part-tim- e p.m. 19 583-315- ' x v to act as tutors speaking public school non-engli- students. 20 hours per week. $6hr. Call 2684560. 19 GOVERNMENT possible. All 805487-600- 0 JOBS. S15.000-S50,000- occupations. How to find. Call 19 Ext. Qualify to be a travel agent in eight weeks. Internship gives valuable on the job training. Call Institute of Travel. 38 TRAVEL CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. 466-798- PART TIME WORK during school months, full time during summer. Must be available now either mornings or afternoons and all day Saturdays. Call Ming Auto Beauty Center. fit eliM 18 487-875- ie TAKE OFF - 38 WITH Reason 3 No Commuting Hassles z Class begins: January 5 272-784- LIBERAL ROOMMATE KINO SIZE needed for ANCHORS Center over 5 week period. Reimbursement for inconvenience. Call 131 mm WANTED. Much privacy, large area, furnished, new, on bus line. 1200 S. 900 E. $140mo. $50 deposit. 4 AND FEMALE Free medical exam and medication. Requires 4 visits to the Student Health Prepare for March 2 484-893- 4. ROOMMATE MALE Newsbreak. Good speaking ability and camera presence helpful. Audition 3 30 to Mi-4inil- M OR F TO SHARE 2 bedroom basement. 18 $160mo. Call Larry HON SMOKING WANTEO: Ififcielelr lW 364-612- 3. $150month plus utils. case troubled youth. Related experience and 1 14 education preferred. Call ROOMMATES 1300 E. 300 So. Partially furnished, only S210month. Call now 19 LARGE STUDIO APARTMENT. NAVE OPENINGS FOR 7 college men women Must be neat appearing and have car. Work 2 nights a week and Saturday. $12.50 per hour. For personal interview see Mark Benson, president Castlewick. Monday. January 7th only. 10 a m.. 12 noon or 2p.m. Placement Center. Annex Bldg. Please be 17 prompt. BOOKKEEPERDATA ENTRY. Prefer computer bookkeeping experience. IBM-PAverage 20 hours per week. $5 6 50 per hour on experience. Please send depending resume to Utah Independent Living Center. 764 South 200 West. Salt Lake City. Utah 84101. Minorities and disabled individuals 19 encouraged to apply. WE'LL PAY YOU to take an interactive video lesson and test. Students who had low scores on the ACT Math test call Carleen for details. 18 50-$- back! Good luck this 14 quarter. Love your Bag. I New tell Year, SAMMY. forgot to you Happy and I mean Happy Happy New Year. I love 13 you Cynthia. DEAR resumes, etc. Pickup delivery available. Susan 21 Kathy TRAVEL STUDY ADVENTURE dRE YOU ANXIOUS ABOUT MATHEMATICS? Did you get a low ACT score in Math? We'd like 3. We ll to talk to you. Call Carleen. 18 TYPISTS. Theses, reports, TRAVEL Rt. 1 Box 900 Delta Ut., 84624. pay for your time. PROFESSIONAL campus. classes. 18 and stav the electronics 21 268-957- processing. Japanese HOLE Professional typing, word processing. Quality printing. Marilyn RUSH JORSI 14 582-320- 8. 278-408- 5 speed 14 $225mo. Earthtone redecorated, new appliance, new carpet. 563-337- Denied benefits by Job Service? Unfair hour free by employer? 116 consultation. treatment nternational L0. STUDIO. CLASSIC UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE PROBLEMS? Dave Young. Room FOR IlENT in 484-504- downtown at the the Rawhide Motel. 3 days 2 nights. $49. cable TV. phones, easy access to ski areas. Lift ticket discounts or write P.O. available. Call Box 3289. Jackson. Wy 83001. 215 AUTOMOTIVE Success reading, incentive & self definition training, Reasonable reading appraisal, rates. 125 CaN Days, llat an.. Center jjjq TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 Enter The Dragon tvwringt, Weekend 363-444- 4 UNION MOVIES 'Iff!! Thurs. & Sun. 7:30 p.m. Fri. & Sat 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. 13, 14, 15, 16 s f |