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Show The Dly Vtmh Outride, TWrsday, Jaauary I, 13$ Top 10 at the U. with incorrectly registering hundreds of students to vote. On Nov. 7, the day titer general elections, U. student groups running voter registration drives were accused of losing the registration forms of 600 students. The 600 figure announced by an unknown county election clerk was never validated, and most officials agreed the number was exaggerated. Mark Epstein, chairman of ASUUs Public Affairs Board, said the accusations were "ridiculous" and "way out of whack." An ASUU committee was formed on Nov. 29 to investigate the incident but no results have yet been announced. 6. Utc gymnasts and skiers retain national titles. The U. gymnastics team retained a fourth straight NCAA championship on April 6 in UCLA's Pauley Pavilion. During the last week of winter quarter, the Utc ski team also successfully defended their NCAA championship in Attitash, N.H. 7. T.H. Dell conies to campus. T.H. Bell announced his resignation as U.S. secretary of education on Nov. 8 to accept a teaching position at the Improve your eye-forhythm, balance ot in the After losing a bid for ASUU subsidies Student Union managed to school year, the Lesbian-Ga- y earn enough funds to bring Don Clark, psychologist and noted author of Loving Someone Gay, to the university. 9. Snowstorm closet classes. The earliest and heaviest snowstorm on Salt Lake records on Oct, 18 meant no classes for U. students. It was only the third time in 17 years that the campus closed down because of the weather. One of the U.s most popular teachers was ousted for lack of scholarship. 10. of Philip Spartano's 65 students wrote letters was one of the best at the U. However, teacher saying their the Italian associate instructor's position was replaced with a tenured-trac- k professorship this year, and Spartano was not considered for the job. The incident raised questions about the importance of student input on teacher evaluations. Fifty-fo- T & FOOTDAG P.E. 104R-- 2 (1 hour credit) P.E. 4R-- 2 (Noncredit, fee $40) 0 H p.m., Jan. 7:15-8:0- 3-M- ar. ur tyiflfe2 coordination, control. Ev$a o o o Oq 1 co95ai9 ccxf f oyjQr c a O of life e - free Coke? HifcuiMfj r HPRW116P. Holland, certified instructor I3 CI O C o Still time to register Blue, black, or red Orig. $1.09 each SALE 79C each Micro Point Orig. $1.29 each SALb. V9 eacn PORTFOLIO Hazel Vinyl Portfolio complete with pad & pad holder Available in black or brown Orig. $24.95 SALE $19.99 261-57- -- , cf 27 , ' ' , .;' y f fi W' Olr""OWWVltU- ' f ni w '",,"v w I'll nut: TKANSIIITATIO1. WHMI TI'll' JACKS" HOI.I SALT I.AKI CITY T : AT Till BIAI'TIIII. 1 l"''J,TS U" t Ti'AVIIKS - i mm xmmi.i. rw;. wakt at i:o r.n. I'll nrrAf r".iAi sik ii'u.r IMt'UWKl f Zf' '" A: : Jf v J Y'm J:a' vr.-UJcN- t ..f : t &r Xf .. I 7 . 1.11T I 'WW I'Assr-- ; Till in" wi ll'TI'l. ni hav? T)vxrs Till I I oooooo oooo EK? am PENS Uni-Ba- ll Pens 3 wsiniu 1 111 i 11-1- OJ 0 (J it jL. Amsricaia & SncWngRssorO a13 Jan. O O O 7 Register now at DCE pae percentage of their parking space is taken by U. students eight hours a day. He guesses such a plan will go into effect in the near future, but it may not happen between now and summer. "There's not all that much necessity to park in the residential area, except that students don't want to buy permits, said Wright. "There are a lot of legitimate complaints by people who get heated when they can't park in front of their own homes. Wright estimates that when the proposal goes into effect, it could further cramp the limited parking space at the U. But he says the extra cars could be accomodated by the parking lot north of the Merrill Engineering building, which now has about 100 open spaces a day. The pay lot west of the Marriott Library also has the same capability to be converted from pay parking to general parking, but there are no immediate plans to make the change. Also, if it were changed, the lot would be for "A" stickers rather than "U," so it would not directly benefit students. brinsinj speaker Don Clark to campus.earlier KICK THAT BAG a thousand times without missing. 'U' New parking spaces one from U. of U. effective winter quarter. Bell went to Washington to help President Reagan abolish the U.S. Department of Education created by Jimmy Carter but ended up saving it by triggering a massive campaign to upgrade schools with his report, "A Nation at Risk. 8. The Lesbian-Ga- y Student Union triumphs in w fSVO HIGHLITERS FILLER PAPER 150 ct. College Ruled Great Value at only 990 CLIPBOARD Easy Reader reading stand & clip board Orig. $7.99 each SALE $2.99 each all-in-o- ne FLOPPY DISK HOLDER 3.5 inch Microdisk Holder Holds 5 disks Orig. $1.69 SALE 99C Carter Highliters in yellow, blue, pink and green Orig. 75C each SALE 69C each SPIRAL NOTEBOOK Herlitz 120 ct. 2 Subject Notebook (slight imperfect print) No. 47535 Orig. $2.59 each SALE $1.50 each MARKERS Aqua Dye Watercolor Markers in a rainbow nf rnlnrs Orig. $1.50-1.9- 5 SALE 79P each each 0 imiveirso4y Bookstore C77X |