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Show Tht Daily Utah Chronlclt, Thursday, November 1, 1979 Page Five What benefits, Kee? Editor: Concerning the shortage of nurses at the I'd like to know just what Kee calls, "the best benefit package for nurses of any University Medical Center (Chronicle, hospital in the state" really is. Obviously it's something I didn't know about while employed last year. Maybe she meant the great parking facilities they help you to stay in shape while hiking to and from work. October 23): It is no wonder the attrition of nurses is so high. Does any human want to work all three shifts, especially in the same week? Does anybody want to work sixteen consecutive hours with the possibility of receiving no overtime and then double back for a third shift only eight hours later? How about not knowing what schedule you'll be working more than a few days in advance? Holidays are a joy to work, especially if you Wmk Maybe she meant the security at shift change a number of nurses have been mugged or raped in their journey to and from the hospital, either in the parking lot or between the lots and the hospital. Obviously Kee's definition of benefits and mine differ immensely! Former University of Utah Medical Center RN don't get overtime the Medical Center will be glad to work you Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's! These are a few of the benefits RNs receive! .iV.V.' Ptif II l I I ft-i- a .Y fcisrr.1 .S Means you won't find plywood. I n 48" Solid Oak Table with 2 leaves (Men.-Sa- 7 c Now 249.00 WOODWORKS 3999 SO. iili Reg. 340.00 5, SALT LAKE, PH. 266-388- 0 THE NEW SOUTH MA IN STREET PLAZA t. 10-6- l ii : i . . . East Room After Hours Disco, Lightshow and Food 1 2 Midnight - 4 am Fridays and Saturdays 369 W. South Temple ) MAIN " 11 Factory Representatives will be at The Acoustic Corner Friday 12-- 6 and Saturday 12-- 6 for you to lines in the preview two of the most respected Hi-world. x 1,M!l Hill 1. FREE! One pair of Wharfedale 090 Vail IP Fi $yv WHARFEDME Speakers. E-- 50 be given away Speakers sa,e the Come jn and during register. will FACTORY DEMO SALE FREE Rock, Jazz, or Classical album with purchase of 5 Maxell UDXL II 90 minute tapes at $3.79 each -- 111,0 If you know about Rotel, you know about Rotel Hi-F- i. is No. Rotel 1 See for yourself why in Europe. Stereo RX-40- 4 Receiver WHARFEDME Lls(S 290M Reg. $249" -- 6B"6 $224 DEO 1 30 Watts Channel. T.H.D. warranty. 10 DU I .06-2y- r. List $340 6 Reg. $279 10 95 79 each 10 WHARFDALE E-Computer optimized high efficiency 30 speakers. 50 ft. free wire with each pair purchased. Acoustic Corner 145 So. State 328-881- 1 |