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Show HEADED MEDIUM ' man too poor to use No Bain Wagons man wealthy enough to buy better. No Ycur grandfa'hcr as familiar with the good qual.tirs ot T he Bain, and your grandchildren will be. Don't be ni'slrdi there it only one Best in farm wa?,o.is, and expert' ence proclaims Bain always Bain. When need ng Implements, Vehicles or Stoves, write us We save you money, give ycu good good and good treatment. Consolidated Wagon and Machine Company GEO. T. ODELL, Gen. Mgr. Houses at Salt Lake, Ogden, Login, Idaho Falls and Montpelier 1 P. M. The Modern Machinery hve lately installed In our Jewelry Shop makes It possible for us to handle difficult work promptly and very reasonably. We .ESTABLISHED. 1862 mr- 3a nor wrrt&& UWHWrm III 'i-- i I Li at. nAin r ENEMY TO GRASS AND CORN. It Is the Best Form If the Orchard la to Be the Ten or 15 years ago we practiced heading our apple trees very low, or as low as we could keep them, but since that lime we found if. impossible to give our orchard clean cultivation, or rath-iIntensive cultivation, with the trees that way. and we are grad ually working them higher. We vould now call them medium height, are heading them as low as we can give them thorough cultivation and :iss under them with teams, and this is becoming the practice In this vicinity at this time, writes a Cumberland County (111.) correspondent of the Farmers' Review. I think there is very little in high or low head as to borers. High heads are a unless the little more apt to trees be set leaned a little to the southwest. Probably the high headed trees would lose more apples In a storm than ones, but the ones sometimes thresh the ground and knock some of the fruit off and the limbs touching the ground are apt to have poor and bad colored fruit. Would advise to keep the heads as low as you can to cultivate under, as you can do a better job of spraying on a low bead than on a high headed tree, and do it more rapidly, ajso easier to keep caterpillars or other Insects off low fruit trees and much easier to gather the fruit. We aim to keep our tree heads as low as possible to have them so they do not interfere with cultivation, and we call our orchards as they are now medium-headeand have gotten them as near right as we can put them and cultivate. Grass web worms, It will be remembered, were somewhat destructive last Columyear in portions of Kenssi-laer- , bia and Albany counties. New York, says the Country Gentleman. The injuries were In must eases confined to the drier grass lands, particularly knolls, and the damage was emphasized by the prevailing dry weather. The large amount of rain the present eaMtn has prevented depredations of this character from being noticeable, though grass web worms appear to be abundant In some fields, since a report has just come to us of rather seveninjury in Columbia county to corn planted on recently plowed sod land Grass web worms, sometimes known as corn web worms, come from minute white eggs deposited by the moths so light brown, white-marke- d frequently observed flying in large numbers In late afternoon and early evening in grass fields and invariably alighting with the wings wrapped closely about the body, the latter parallel with the gt ass stem upon which The web worms the insect rests. , sparsely-hairedthemselves are sun-scal- Leading Implement Dealers Utah and Idaho WI CLOSE SATURDAYS AT TREES. r-- SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PRUNING. Use of Paint Covering Wounda Prevent Decay and Killing of Trea. in Pruning a tree in a dormant state stimulates growth, while pruning In summer, that is, through the growing season, in June and July, checks the growth. If we understand this principle we are able to do some good prun ing of our trees. But it is a fact that more trees have been ruined by overprunlng than by not enough Union Assay Office W v. taoLss. ALT LA KM GiTY, UTAH Mission Contributions. report of the Student Volunteer movement shows that f S3, 430 was contributed for missions in the last academic year In the institutions for higher learning in the United States and Canada an Increase ot $10,540 over the previous year. Of this amount 126,192 was for city and home and $57,238 for foreign missions. $30,150 contributed by faculties nd friends, and $53,271 by students. Grass Web Worm, anu May Be Combated. How It dull-colore- caterpillars brown-beade- about halt an Inch long. They live in retreats at or just beneath the surface of the soil, and a little investigation in infested grass lands or about hills of corn troubled by this insect should result in uncovering the depredators. They work on corn in various ways, sometimes tunneling the stalks, occasionally eating holes In the sides of the stems or feeding to some extent on the leaves. There were some injuries of this kind last year, and as a rule trouble of this nature may be prevented by early fall plowing, since this deprives the web worms of their accustomed provender before they have an opportunity to go into hibernation, and we should expect a considerable number of them to perish before any green food such as young corn is available in the spring. Another preventive measure would be to delay planting as late as possible, in the hope that a considerable number of the web worms would succumb before the corn came up. Another precaution which might be taken in planting sod lands would be to put in about twice the usual amount of seed. In the hope that a fair stand would be secured, in spite of Inju ries. This would necessitate some thinning on areas where web worms were not abundant, but in any event this would be preferable to replanting. There is no pract ical method of checking outbreaks of this character in cultivated fields, owing to the expense Involved. About the only thing that can be done following severe injury is to replant. A Scattered Subjects. The king of England has In Asia more than 300,000,000 subjects; in America, 7,500,000; in Africa, about 43,000,000; in Australasia, over 5,000,-00and in Europe, over 42,000,000. Classifying them broadly by religions, there are 208,000,000 Hindus, 94,000,-00Mohammedans, 58,000,000 Christians, 12,000.000 Buddhists and 23,000.-00of of various pagan or non Christian religions. 0 0 We Make Travel Easy. Five trains daily via the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, Colorado to Kan Bas City, St. Joe, Chicago. Galveston. El Paso, City of Mexico. Ask me about reduced rales. C. F. Warren, G. A., Block, A. T. & S. F. Ky 411 Dooly Salt Lake City. Utah An Elegant Sufficiency. Slimdiet T.ave some more of the mackerel, Mr. Boarder. Mr. Boarder No, thank you; but I'll take a bucket of water. If you please, N. Y Weekly. Mrs. Insurance Journals. is so well supplied with trade journals as that of Insurance there being over 70 of these Wesklle In the country, It Is said. They depend largely on the advertising of th'i ol companies, and the withdrawal much of the patronage of the three bis life companies of New York as a re suit of the Investigation is caaalni No busines them some trouble Oiats j. ..ui Drills. Mercury tempering is used for drllli Which are to he employed In porforat lng glas plates. The drill Is heated to a white heat and plunged Into the mercury, which makes It extremely hard. The drill Is kept moist with a saturated solution of camphor and oil of turpentine The process require considerable care and labor to produe good results. Whtn Booms Stop. Easterner I understand the great land boon at Dugout City has lapsed. WestPrner--Yes- ; no use keeping II going nny longer. All the land Is now owned by outsiders. N. Y. Weekly. col- Her Innocent Occupation. "I wonder where Sue Is? I hain't seen her this hour an' a half." "She ain't fur.'' replied the old man. "Last lima I seen her she wii kill In" a couple o' rattlesnakes, to git rattles enough to make a necklace to wear to the party' Atlanta Constitution. Popular Pastime. As a revival of the old English custom of shooting at the butls after Divine worship, the Amherley Kng on Sun miniature rifle club Is op-day afternoons rind Is very popular. ( I GRINDSTONE WITH ol PEDAL. Is Used to Transmit the Power from the Foot to the Stone. the tree. It would not have rotted If the wound had been painted. There Is no waj of saving the tree now.) Bicycle pruning. This, however, is no excuse for not pruning at all. Ju.dici.ou! pruning of fruit and ornamental trees is just as necessary in successful or charding and the tree growing as any other work. There is no excuse, however, for the wanton neglect that results in the damage Illustrated above. A little paint smeared over the wound would have saved the tree. reader of one of our exchanges has devised a simple means of turning the grindstone by foot power. As shown In the illustration, the gearing WHAT TO A PLANT. Selection of Variety of Grape Vina Calls for Careful Consideration. vineyardist has this to say about Had I planted planting grape vines: fewer varieties and tested one, I might have been better situated. Out of 7S varieties of grapes that I am fruiting I would not recommend more than six for commercial purposes. The others are only good for exhibition or for experiment stations. This will hold good In nearly ail kinds of small fruits. Strawberries are about the same. Ol the several varieties I have growing five comprise the really good ones Soil and conditions of culture must be taken into consideration, for every one growing strawberries will find out that they are very greatly IntluoncoJ by the locality In which they grow The strawberry that does well on light soils may not thrive on the heavy soils The grower must study his soil as well as his varieties. The best strawberry I ever grew would not sell on account of a while tip. I have now discarded It People buy fruit by the eye and not by quality. As to gooseberries and currants, there Is no use In planting the small kinds, as the public Is de Banding tha larger varieties regard Of grapes I would less of quality. Moore's Karly. plant the following: Wordon. Concord. Niagara. Woodruff Hod. Of strawberries I would recom mend Warflelil, Senator Dunlap and Aroma. Of gooseberries I would plant The best currants are Downing. Pomona and Cherry. A ORCHARD NOTES. No stock In the orchard, please! 'TIs more Important to grow a worthless apple than a seedless one. Keep an eye on the trees which wire budded last month. Don't lei the ties choke them. This Isn't pruning time, hut any lime will d to cut out dead or diseased limbs or voter sprouts. Still keep an eye open for tent caterpillar nests on trees And keep a karoaana torch always ready. Now Is a good time to lay In a supply Of barrels and other f;uit packages, Be In reao and 'ii gel the pa king iness for business Farm Journal. First throat. Emperor William himself had infantile paralysis, and has had to struggle with uiany infirmities. It has been whispered that he himeli U troubled with the one malady which ?ai ned off his father. Royal hlo.! is union unately most generally deteriorated llhani knows this as blood. Emperor well as anybody, and is doing his beat to eradicate the bad blood from himself and bis family by the adoption of simple life principles. Through the visit of a countryman of his to Battle ( reek, Michigan! while in this country, visiting the World's Fair in Chicago in 1893, Emperor William became acquainted with the Battle Creek idea of simple living and has to a large extent adopted the methods in his family. His vffil and children live the simple life and take Battle ( reek light baths. Their uncle. King Kdward, also has these baths installed m his Windsor and Buc kingham Palaees for the use of himself and Queen A lexandra. Among other things GOOD HEALTH, the oldest health journal in the world, tells about the Battle Creek idea and the simple life. Every number is brimful of ideas. Sample copy 10 cents. One dollar a year. If you will cut this out and send to GOOD HEALTH PUBLISHING CO., Battle ( reek, Mich., with a quarter you will receive a trial three months' subscription to this handsome illustrated monthly ; health magazine. Write today. About the only way you can arouse a mean man's conscience is to catch him at It. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color more goods, brighter colors, with less . work than others. Great Poet's Letters. Twenty years ago a German pubUsher began to issue a complete col-- I lection of Goethe's letters. Thirty-fou- r volumes are now in type, and it Is expected that the rest of the sletters, which will fill 15 more vo'.ames, will appear within four years. ing, nef'ous feet and Ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery ol; the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet. 30,000 testimonials of cures. Sold by all druggists, 25c. Trial package, FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. tan rviaclaren's Successor. The Rev. Alexander Connell, who succeeds to Ian Maclaren's pulpit at Sefton Park, Liverpool, has aren pastor of Regent Square Presbyterian church, London, since 1893. He was born In the Scotch Highlands just 40 years ago. Geared Grindstone. of a bicycle is used to transmit the power from the toot to the stone. This device, says Prairie Farmer, Is said to work satisfactorily when properly adjusted. A more steady power is secured for the stone than whim foot lever Is used. or(ll-narl- one-wa- THE MILK WEED. KILLING Farmer Successfully cated It from His Fields How One Eradi- of Facial Characteristica would appear that the transmission of facial traits subordinate to a definite law, that is to say, that an- Transmission Ii cestral facial expression and appear ance are more often than not trans the female members generally do not exhibit the same characteristics to the male offspring, and that the younger generations show, as a rule, and signs all the facial conditions which were present in a emote ancestor. North American Review. mitted through of the family, who Butler's Stolen Fee. The late Hon, Joseph Q. Hoyt, formerly of Boston, when a lad attended a circus and his silver watch was stolen. The supposed thief was arrested, and was defended by Benjamin F. Butler, who proved he did not take the watch, and never was at the circus. During the civil war Hoyt was Introduced to Butler at a dinner at the Astor house, in Nev York, and the "This is the first latter remarked: time I have had the pleasure of meeting you." "Oh, no!" said Hoyt. who then related the circus Incident. "Was that you, Hoyt?" asked Butler, and, being answered In the affirmative, Butler laughed and said: "That was an awful good watch, Hoyt. That Is all I got for defending the thief." MORE THAN With reference to a method of exterminating milk weed and morn ng glory, will say that If It is the milk weed that grows from the root as v ell as from seed, and which has the s ed attached to down that scatters wien the wind blow s. I oan give tlje experience we had several years fcgo. My father had a field badly Infested with such milk weeds and pea vlies, says a writer In Prairie Farmer, and be sowed It to oats, rutting the J ats before the milk weed was ripe endugh for the seed to scatter. He plowed the ground In August, when the gromnd was dry, going Just deep enough to turn the runners and roots on the) sur These the sun soon drlefl so face. that they could not sprout agaliji. He then sowed the Held with heat and repeated the operation next August. The pea vines were exterminated and what milk weed was left we pulled here was only an (occa up by band sional one oi two and tin s,. 'itjueve came from seed blown from juthor , I fields. Insect Speciea. According to roisom s the number of insect species already known is unit, and it 1 safe to estimate the total nhmher ofj exist I ing species as at least .lido (on sen atlve observers hold. eknarks Rural New Yorker, thai a majority of Utssa peclea can be found In intend anca at any Sunday school plCDM. : Poison in Yolk of Eggs. Loisel has arrived at the somewhat startling conclusion that the yolk of the eggs of fowls and ducks, as well as those of the tortoise, contains poisonous substances. When Isolated and injected into the veins of rabbits or other animals these promptly cause death. The phenomena produced are those of acute intoxication of the central nervous system. M. G. MONEY. Minister Talks About A Grape-Nuta- s s a s K. Mich. "There's a reason." Boats Using It Were Something Remarkable. Conaid-ere- d Wiley, Atwater and Benedict have done wonderful work, but within a limited sphere, in the preservation of Infant life. While they have worried for a little money to carry on experiments, a million has gone in stamping out cholera among swine. Prof. Norton estimates that during the next census period more than 6,000,000 of infants under two years of age must succumb, yet with proper knowledge of preventable diseases this number could be cut in two. American Poetry. American poetry is occasional, not professional; something aside from the day's work, instead of being the day's work. Browning wrote a poem a day for a stated period, applying his every working hour to the task undertaken. Browning is an example of a professional poet. We cannot boast of such an example. John Burroughs boasts of only Hawone poem called "Waiting." thorne and Webster wrote two or three poems. Cooper wrote three. Bryant had a day's work to do in a newspaper office, as did Eugene Field, while Emerson had lectures to deliver. Sidney Lanier was a flute player in a Baltimore orchestra. Joaquin Miller is writing peems while he plows like Burns. Billiards at Sea. "Can you imagine playing billiards in a heavy gale?" said the captain. "Do you wonder that our new liners, with their elevators and telephones and gymnasium, don't have billiard tables as well? One ship once had a billiard table the Great Eastern. "The wonderful Great Eastern had a billiard table on a swinging deck. This deck was supposed to counteract the ship's motion, and to keep the table steady. But it failed to do so, and very remarkable were some of the shots made on the Great Eastern's table In rough weather. "Nevertheless, the table was kept for years, and was a popular institu tion aboard the big boat. But no other boat before or since has ever bothered to introduce billiards." COULD NOT KEEP l" Eroken Down, Like Many Anothe Woman, with Exhausting Kidney Troubles. Mrs. A. Taylor, of Wharton, N. J., "I had kidney trouble In ita most painful and severe form, and the I went through now seema to have been almost unbearable. I had back-ache- , pains side and in the loins, dizzy spells and hot, feverish headaches. There Bays: torture were bearing-dow- n pains, aad the kidney secretions passed too frequently, and with a burning sensation. They showed sediment. I became discouraged, weak, languid and depressed, so sick and weak that I could not keep up. As doctors did not cure me I decided to try Doan's Kidney Pills, and with such success that my troubles were all gone after using eight boxes, and my strength, ambition and general health is fine." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box, Foster-MilburCo., Buffalo, N. Y. Suffered for "White Lie." Is a white lie ever justified? That at least some people believe It has ao excuse is proved by the following tale: An ancient rabbi came to a city where all the people were truthful, married one of the inhabitants, had two children and prospered. One day a neighbor called when the rabbi's wife was washing her head, and the rabbi, going to the door, was seized by false modesty and said that she had gone out. Thereupon both of his children died, and, as no one died in that city before reaching old age, the neighbors made inquiries, the rabbi confessed what he had done, and wa3 ordered to leave the city immediately Considered the Proprieties. A man in Dallas county tried to shuffle off this mortal coil by hanging himself with a blind bridle. His wife found him suspended from a raftei in the barn. He was wroth at her interposition, saying: "If you had let me alone a few minutes more I would have been in heaven." His wife replied: "Yes, and you would have look ed nice running around over heaven with a blind bridle on, wouldn't youf Thockmorton (Tex.) Times. ME mm , "My first stomach trouble began back In 1S95," writes a minister in Nebr., "resulting from hasty eating and eating too much. I found no relief from medicine and grew so bad that all food gave me great distress. "It was that sore, gnawing, hungry feeling in my stomach that was so distressing and I became a sick man. Grape-Nutwas recommended as a food that could be easily digested. "Leaving the old diet that had given me so much trouble, I began to eat Grape-Nutwith a little cream and sugar. The change effected In 24 hours was truly remarkable, and in a few weeks I was back to health again. "My work as a minister calls me away from home a great deal, and recently I drifted hack to fat meat and Indigestible foods, which put me again on the sick list. "So I went back to Grape-Nutand cream and In four days I was put right again Tha Old dull headaches are gone, stomach comfortable, head clear, and It Is a delight to pursue my studies and work. "Grape-Nutfood is worth more than money to me, and I hope this may Induce some sufferer to follow the same course I have." Name given by Postum Co.. Battle CrW POWER Money for Cattle, None for Babies. These college professors may not be so very far ahead of future legislation. now We spend through Washington $7,000,000 a year in developing plant life, but not a dollar to discover a preventative of pneumonia. In ten years the department of agriculture has expended nearly $50,000,000 in developing products of the soil, but there is no bureau with money for the development of the more than 1,009,000 infants every year. It is true that Drs. a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE- . A powder. It cures painful, smart- In WAS NEW When the Lusitania took Its first plunge Into the waters of the Clyde it could have carried unseen on a corner of ita deck the first steamship built in Britain. The Clyde claims both as its offspring. The Comet, constructed by Mr. Henry Bell, Hashed its four shovel-shapepaddle on each of its four wheels in the year 1812, and carried on its deck of 40 feet by 10 as many passengers as its three horse-powe- r The could negotiate. Comet was so conspicuously successful that two or three more boats of a larger capacity were immediately built, and the citizens of Glasgow Mr. became the envy of mankind. Lawrence, of Bristol, determined that England should not be left behind in the race, tried one on the Severn, and was so delighted with the result that he steamed with it up the Thames, intending to reap a harvest from citv men on their way to and from business. He overlooked the company of Watermen, who made such a fuss about this inhuman com petition that Mr. Lawrence and his steamship fell back to the Severn. From 1813 to 1823 no vessel was built in Britain of a greater tonnage than 500, the average being only about 60. The Lusitania of those days was the Atlas, described by the contemporary press as the "largest vessel ever built." She was impelled, says an "three enthusiastic reporter, by mighty engines of 100 horse-powe- r each." This gigantic vessel (which could be stowed away quite comfortably in the hold of the Lusitania), was built at Rotterdam, and launched In the summer of 1S28. web-line- mis-lion- Tree Ruined by Careless Pruning. (The rotten hole goes into the heart WHEN STEAM , Emperor William's father died of cancer of the web-wor- P. O. IOS I41S MANAUStK. . Emperor William la Battling Against a Dangerous Heredity. How Read the llttl- - hook. "The Road to Wellvllle." in pkgs. Great Singer Offered Job. day Mme. Calve was being shown over a famous grotto, when she thought of Cluck's suddenly opera, and began singing the first act. The boy who acted as guide listened appreciatively. When she hand finished he remarked: "If you went and asked the proprietor If you might sing here while people are being shown the place, I think be would pay you well." "How much do you think he would pay me?" asked Mme. Calve, without a smile. The boy gravely considered the question. "About five francs, perhaps, ,a day," he answered nfter a little pause, and the singer agreed with him that One It waa good pay. rutieura TS0AP To treat Pimples and Blackheads, Red, Rough, Oilv Complexions, a gently smear the face with Ointment, the Great Skin Cure, but do not rub. Wash off the Ointment in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water, and bathe freely for some minutes. Repeat morning and evening. At other times use Cuticura Soap for bathing the face as often as agreeable. No other Skin Soap so pure, so sweet, so speedily effective. s,p rnmhln,, dr'lr.l. mfdlrtr.l rmt .mnl ton-- with the JiX d ill fm of rirsnslnj Inrrnl So. T " moiirrtrnhlng ot Unwrr odors. Cuti-cur- "Denatured Women." It la said that BOOM of the club women of New York complain of the way in which the parks of that oity are littered up by parties of children. No doubt such complaints have been made, for there a e finicky womdtli-iiren everywhere, but we doubt If the , whole burden of the attempt to block the childish fun should be laid at the ion. Tiill "w "".'-Wi.lso..niliv,.. r fAsrttrhow. IU7, 1.7.?, door of the club women, who are often the objects of unjust criticism. We should rather suspect that the A Idea originated with those denatured DO YOU WANT JOB? with Hip MOMf of tbe people women, whether MUIVH'I of clubs M bank ere Ii mm emlout to The mm ninnMi not, who jort dtp Instead of chJl kltid of laborpalcttmmiintlibuilding.. from 13 A la a iat 16 98 u from a da, ,,r "W-n.:e- d-- ret from P tiettertotbe t ! Ami u0a 8i NPAi l"raa- -, bnrktarert and If tou want the fart direct r I'i bmcitt. K 514, Union o, and gel fall partloulare |