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Show TKEMONT TIMES TWO THOUSAND LIVES city, however, narrow and crooked streets are still a feature, but BY C. E. SHERMAN. the newer sections of Valparaiso have LOST AT VALPARAISO NAUGHT! IN WYOMING an attractive, modern appearance, the UTAH. TWEMONTON buildings in the business quarter beIN AN ing massively built. The port of Valparaiso is the terand Fire Bring Death and Band of Seven Hundred From White UTAH of many imiwrtant NEWS Earthquake minus lines of Desolution to Chilean City PropRock Reservation Stock Killing for steamers of the by way Europe erty Damage Estimated at From and Robbing Ranchers. David A. Johnson of Magellan and Panama, and straits baa been ap to Fifty Millions. Twenty-fivof City 10,000 People Nea. Shakes Down Many Buildings is the center of the South American pointed postmaster al lloab, Grand Valparaiso is Destroyed county. coasting services. in Valparaiso, Causing Salt Iake City A special to the It contains a numerous foreign colby an Earthquake. Madge Hamilton, a denizen of Sail Valparaiso. From the Plaza De La Loss of Life Herald from Cheyenne, Wyo., says Fearful ony composed chiefly of British, Gerlake's half world, suicided Saturday Victoria as far as the plaza in the seven hundred I'te Indians are slaugh man and French merchants. There Is section called Las Delieias. four fifths taking morphine. cattle and sheep, robbing tering a custom house wharf alongside of of the houses deare The thirty-sixtannual conference completely Seriousness of Catastrophe at Santiago ranches and committing other depre- One Hundred Thousand People Are which a steamer of any tonnage can of the Methodist missions was held in stroyed, and the remaining fifth are Can Now Be Appreciated, as City dations in the vicinity of Douglas, on moor, but most of the loading is done Homeless, Sixty Per Cent of the Bait Lake City last week. badly damaged. From the Plaza De Resembles a Camp Awful the Platte river, 150 miles north of DeCity Being by lighters trom a quay surrounding La Completely Victoria down to (he custom house Harold Jones, aged 10, of Salt Lak, Shocks Continue. Cheyenne. They are in an ugly mood Death Roll is the town. The harbor is defended by stroyed about of only the houses City, is dead from lockjaw, caused by and refuse to return to their reserva modern, well mounted batteries. SeHeavy. sustained damage. The banks of the a small splinter in his foot. tion at White Rock, Utah. Mesisko, a vere storms and a tidal wave at Valand the customs warehouses Lima, Pern According to the lat- Ute chief, is at the head of the band. Grasshoppers are doing consider city paraiso. June 30, 1899, wrecked the were not With the excep est reports received here from the damaged. able damage to the second alfalfa Jiggleston, a Sioux renegade, and Valparaiso, Chile At 7:52 p. m. railroad and did great damage to the tion of all Santo the churches Espiritu scene of the earthquake, the town of crop in the fields near North Ogden. Redcap, who are said to have driven Thursday. August 10. this rity was city. in the city were destroyed aswere the about twenty-siQuillota, situated Work on the waterworks system for the barrel stave through the head of visited by an earthquake of great sehospitals and the theatres. The num- miles from Valparaiso, and Monroe Is progressing having a old man Meeker at the Meeker mas- verity, and during that night eighty-twDamage at Santiago. rapidly, tht ber of dead is more than 2,000. last carload of piping arriving last population of some 10,000 people, has sacre, and Red Jacket Jane, the squaw shocks were felt. Santiago de Chile. It is known that The offices of the Havas agency, al- been week. completely destroyed. who gave the Indians the alarm when Most of the buildings of the city are eight lives were lost in this city by though seriously damaged, are still be At Lima Wednesday morning there the soldiers came, are also with the either burned or The United States Ozokerite comdamaged. The loss the earthquake, but it is believed that ing used for the company's business. was a slight shock and Huacho was party. The three latter are trouble- will be enormous, probably reaching many persons were killed by the fallpany has purchased 1,015.000 feet ol The tragic scenes of the San Fran shaken by an earthquake Tuesday. makers and hate all whites. lumber on the Uintah reserve in the cisco disaster Two thousand persons ing buildings, and that their bodiee $250,000,000. were reproduced here. Is Only now can the seriousness of the killed to be a fair esti- will be discovered later. Several pes. The considered have Indians vicinity) of Colton. no little or money There was the fight against Are, the to be appreciated mate of the casualties. or sons became so panicstricken during begin catastrophe sell provisions. The public schools of Salt Lake Cit Occasionally they lack if water and robbery and pillage The greater part of the modern houses a pony and with the Viena del Mar, three miles from Val the tremblings of the earth that they will begin a week later money buy flour than the The authorities are now beginning usual time this year, the date set be to get in nrovisions and wafer a pa in are unsafe for habitation and the au- and ammunition. All are well armed. paraiso and having a population of threw themselves from the balconies is being supplied. All the fires have thorities have organized a special Agent Hall of the White Rock agency over 10.000: Quirihu. 225 miles to the of their homes and were killed. The ing September 17. been extinguished. corps to pull down the tottering build has been following the reds ever since southward with a population of 25,000; fires which followed the earthquake It Is expected that 1500 delegates The first shock lasted four minutes ings. In most of the streets it is not they entered Wyoming two weeks ago, Santa Limache. fifteen miles to the in this city were promptly extinwill be present at the annual meeting and a half, and the second two min safe to walk on the pavement, owing but they have repeatedly refused to northwest with a population of 6,500; guished, but while they lasted they Of the National Wool Growers, which utes. Most of the houses were thrown to falling debris. twenty-nvmiles to the north added greatly to the terror of the return to their reservation. will be held in Salt Lake City in Jan-nar- down by the second shock. Agent Quillota. Estimates of the damage range from The Hall wired the department for instruc- west with a population of 10.000, and Santiago resembles a camp. $25,000,000 to $50,000,000. The Al public squares and the principal ave- tions, and in all all around were destroyed. probability troops will villages PEOPLE GROWING CALMER. Wholesale dry goods men say that niendral quarter has been absolutely Most of the damage was due to fe. nues are crowded with people sleeping be hurried to from Crow the Douglas fall deliveries will be heavier in spite destroyed. The people are still camp in the open. All kinds of carriages Creek maneuver camp. Ranchmen which started immediately after the Principal Section of Valparaiso a of the fact that prices nearly all round ing on the surrounding hills and in first shock. The whole population is the streets and plazas, but calm and and cabs have been requisitioned to and Mass of Ruins. are higher than at tils season last townspeople in the vicinity of courage are returning. in the hills, the parks or the The declara sleep in, or even under them. sleeping are Douglas rear. arming and a conflict apLima, Peru. The latest advices re tion Is made that 80,000 people will Buenos Ayres. The Nacion pub- pears to be inevitable. Should an out streets. ceived here from Valparaiso say that The fall campaign in Utah will be leave the city. The lack of food Is lished a special dispatch from La Pez, break occur the Indians could niassa Pood Is very scarce. Milk ccst two not yet serious. Bolivia, announcing that 2,000 persons ere many settlers before troops could Chilean dollars a liter, and it is al- the panicky condition of the people is formally opened this week, when the state committees will meet and issue CUBAN TROUBLE GROWS SERIOUS lost their lives as a result of the reach the scene, although there are most impossible to obtain meat, even ameliorating. Great damage was done in the Almendral quarter, the princiearthquake shocks and fires at Valpa- 1,000 infantry, 1,200 cavalry and 800 at calls for their respective state conven high prices. raiso, thai 170 deaths from the same artillery in the Crow Creek camp, 130 pal section of the city, and in Victoria tions. Insurgents Capture a Town After causes occurred at Limache, forty at miles away. The railways are all destroyed. street few buildings except the manFierce Fighting. at Conchali, eleven Abe Jones and Royal Hanson, Provo Quillota, thirty-fiv- e Rain, which began to fall imme- sion are at at AT REEF standing. La STRUCK Placilla and ISLAND RABBIT Petarda, ninety Havana. The insurgents lads about 11 years of age ,were se in Hie diately after the first shock, stopped six at La Calera. Advices from Santiago say there an hour afterward. The nights are verely scalded through the explosion province of Pinar del Rio captured Large parties of convicts who eswas a tremendous earthquake there of a can of boiling water wlih which their first city there on Wednesday. caped from the prisons in Chile have Steamer Manchuria Went Ashore at very cold and windy, and the people which did considerable damage. There Tide. High 9 At o'clock in the morning the force been committing robberies and other they were experimenting. sleeping In the open are suffering were few victims. The funds collected crimes at Valparaiso, Casa Blanca and Honolulu. The Pacific Mail Steam- greatly. Because the Garfield smelter re led by Pino Guerrera, an in Chile for festivities in connection Vina Del Mar, but the majority of ship company's steamer Manchuria is and an The influential a man and who thorn captain of steamship which CUlred 5,000,000 more brick in the con have been captured and sum- on the of President reef at Rabbit island. The has arrived from San Francisco says with the inauguration struction of the plant than was at first was thought to be many miles east- marily dealt with. Upward of fifty elect Montt will be distributed among a Manchuria bow on during struck the situation here is- worse than that the sufferers from the calculated upon, there is a serious ward, and sundry other insurgent uave ueen puonciy snot, and this seearthquake. bands attacked San Luis, which is sit- vere action on the part of the authoriheavy rainstorm about 4:30 Monday following the disaster at Sa,n Fran- srlck famine in Salt Lake. is ties Erection of Monument to Wlrz Re. exercising a salutary effect on morning. was She uated on the railroad about ten miles considerably cicco. The threatened trouble between the west the convicts who are still at large. of Pinar Del Rio City. A sented By Northern Soldiers. of her course. Rabbit island is a out is a fortified of Valparaiso sharp seaport All the public bodies in Chile are employes and the officials of the Utah and decisive engagement followed, small to sea in the the close Chile, and the most important com speck Minneapolis. The Grand Army of in the relief work and Independent Telephone company at during which a numher of men were the sufferers from the disaster are en- windward side of the island of Oahu, mercial town of the western coast of the Republic completed its fortieth or killed, wounded. The town dewas is to be averted and the Ogden likely on which Honolulu is located. fended by less than 100 rural guards, gaged in repairing the damaged build The South America. It has a population encampment late Friday and addemands of the men granted. fifty of whom surrendered to the in- ings and the telegraph and railway coast quarter here is unusually danger of about 150,006. It is the capital ot journed to meet in Saratoga, N. Y., in While returning from a visit with surgents and are held as prisoners. lines. It is that the Chilean gov- ous owing to the onshore seas. The the province of that name and is sit- 1907. The encampment, after an exneighbors, George Wahlen, about 35 The insurgent forces are in possession ernmentreported steamer lies about 300 feet from th uated on a large bay in the Pacific citing debate, decided that a protest svill a bill in conintroduce of the railroad station and of the years of ape. dropped dead Sunday miles west-nortwhich is resuming its normal gress providing for the remission of main shore. town, against the erection of a statue to Among her passengers ocean seventy-fivat noon just as he was entering the condition. By the eantnre nf San $8(!,0OC,00O in paper notes. The proj- are Major General James F. Smith, the west of Santiago, with which it is con- Henry Wirz should be sent General S. gate to his own residence at Ogden. Luis, which has ahnnt R nnn ir,i,i. ect also proposes a new national loan new governor general of the Philip nected by rail. D. Lee, the commander of the Southto enable the government to meet all pines, accompanied by his wife and The Kaysville Canning company hat it nts, the insurgents have obtained The of ern whieh Veterans' association. This action is well bay Valparaiso, an important base for future operaemergencies. Judge M. W. Gilbert of the court of Deen masing a successful run on tions first instances of Manila, with his sheltered on three sides, is bounded was decided upon only after a long beans and fruits during the last twe WILL USE NAVY IF NECESSARY. bride. by ranges of hills rising to from 1,600 debate, which at times became enerTRIED TO KILL GOVERNOR. months, and last week the first carload to 1,700 feet high, on the slopes of getic and acrimonious. The proposiRussia Determined to Stop ImportaWEEK'S RED RECORD. shipment was made to a Boise, Ida., which a considerable portion of the tion to deprecate the action of conAssassin Makes Assault Upon General firm. tion of Arms. On the gress in abolishing the canteen from city of Valparaiso is built. Nunez Nearly Sixty Officials Murdered at Havana. The sixth annual meeting of the Washington. The Russian ambassasouth side of the bay are the spacious the old soldiers' homes was laid on Russia in Seven Days. Havana An attempt was made dor has informed the department of Utah State Pharmaceutical suburbs of Nuevo, Malecon and Gran the table without debate. associ St. Petersburg. Last week's to assassinate state that the Russian government, in tion was held at the Hermitage in Wednesday evening Avenlda. from which pass Is cut one Profits Amounted to Millions. t show that officials were of the finest of General Emuio Nunez, governor order to more effectively check theiun-lawfu- l Ogden canyon last week, pharmacists of thoroughfares of Val New York. Amid scenes of frantic were wound paraiso the Avenida de las Delicia6. being In attendance from all parts ol the province of Havana. A man had importation of firearms and! ex- murdered and forty-threon the stock exchange, Union trading a revolver leveled at the governor as plosives into the Russian ports in (the ed in Russia proper; that fifty bomb The lower central section of the the state. city Pacific common stock rushed upward were he was entering his home. Another Baltic, has decided to extend to (the depots discovered, six safei is constituted by the Almendral, havWhile painting a smokestack at th 17 a share points and that of flotilla of revenue cutters man sixty-threrifled of who was and money changed per ing regular and attractive streets and passing by saw the With inland t rystal Salt company's work Southern Pacific 6 would-bthe surveillance and prevention sons robbed. These official assassin and points do cried Friday, out, figures the rear Salt air beach, John White, containing principal business after an whereupon Governor Nunez turned of smuggling, the assistance of the not take announcement of dividends in houses, the Plaxa Victoria and the account the intj pillaging fell a distance of twenty-fivpainter, and, drawing his revolver, fired over warships of the imperial navy, jrhe far in excess of what the traders had the country. The St. Petersburg National theatre. Xeet, susiainiug injuries which may the miscreant's head. The latter was ambassador adds that there is nothing reason to expect. The result was any In this so surprised that he and That prove ratal. says that 2,300 persons were banTo the northwest of this section, in dropped his re- unusual that a large number of traders who volver. to the instructions He was promptly arrested. issued the officers ished on Saturday from St. Petersburg the quarter of the city known as the Councilman A. H. Moves and Rob His had sold the stock short suffered i Identity is not known, but he is a of war vessels are in every case 750 were placed on ilone and that Puerto (or port), in which are situated ert Paine presented their resigna white man and was well nt with the provisions of the Rusrains bound for the interior. dressed. sharp losses, and a pool in Union Pathe tions to the Ogden city council at the sian custom law and the general rfiles greater number of public buildings cific stock The police of this city are being realized profits amounting TREPOFF of international law. maritime vast the and warehouses GETS which line to $17,000,000 DOSE OF POISON. regular meeting last week. The res- trained in the handling of rapid fire and a similar pool in guns in an arms factory outside of St. the quays and docks. In this portion Southern Pacific $10,000,000 lgnations wen- accepted and the men were Attempt Made to Hasten Exit of Hated GENERAL GOMEZ LEADS REBELS. Petersburg. General From the World. Lewis Morrison is Dead. lne Committee appointed by the TARTARS KILL ARMENIANS. Defeated Candidate For Presidinoy San Francisco Aids Valparaiso. St Petersburg. A story Is in circuMiners' union has succeeded in ralsNew York. Lewis an Morrison, Stirs Up Trouble. San Francisco. Members of the ing sufficient funds to guarantee a big lation here that an attempt has been actor whose work as Mephisto, In Destroy Villages and Ruthlessly MurHavana he Cuban government of forty appointed by May-""ommittee to made der Inhabitants, celebration at Park City on Labor poison General Trepoff, com"Faust," gained him fame, died sud has been positively informed that Gen Schmltz to devise ways and means Tiflis. day. Addresses will be made and all mandant of the Imperial palace, whose News received here from in St. John's shock of denly Saturday for the relief of San Francisco during Kinds of iporU pulled off. iltness has just been announced. The eral Jose Miguel Gomez, who was for the presidency, has left the fire of last April, met Monday to hospital, Yonkere, after undergoing an Sangesnr districts says that the Tarcandidate While mixing a combination of - general's cook and three other serfor a disease of the stomach tar nomads of three neighboring disYaguajay, province of Santa Clara, ac- arrange for San Francisco's contribu operation vants have heen arrested. It Is said. He was 61 years old. He was tinder tricts have Quids and powders for the manufac the market town tion to the stricken people of Chile engagement to sart for San Francis of Kaarakilisdestroyed General Trepoff is one of the most companied by a band of Insurgents ture of fireworks, K. Sanaw, a Jap and killed eighteen Arhated men in all Russia, and there His visit to the United States last Within fifteen minutes the individual co Friday, hut thought he would delay menians, anese restaurant keeper of Bait Lake, are many of the Inhabthousands of Russians who daily winter is said to have been for the members of the committee had sub a few days. Mr. Morrison was born itants andwounding destroyed much property. was badly injured and the room plMB and pray for his Thtl of of A at arms. au purpose English parentage purchasing seeond band rtttartia th. m Kingston. death, owing to scribed $2,505. It was announced that us wrecked, the chemicals exploding. with dis of Khanasak. The Tartars also comcruelty toward the peas-in- t thorities of Santa Clara province have the Canadian Bank of Commerce had Jamaica, in 1845. He in Unction to classes. Cnion armv. been ordered the aires! General Qognei already telegraphed to the president mitted outrages in other small towns. Joseph Barker of Huntsvllle, who His secretary, Juan Mencia. t ar- Ot Chile the sum of $10,000, advanced owns one of the biggest private fish NO RIGHT TO INTERFERE. Refers Request to War Department. rested Wednesday night Smuggling of Immigrants. of thf at the request of members hatcheries in the mountain country, committee. Oyster Bay. The message from a Washington. Counter-TerroristDiscovery has been Send Letter! to received last week 400,000 trout fry Bulgaria Says Porte Shouldn't Meddle committee of citizens of Brownsville. made by James R. Dunn, Widow of immigration from tht Amethyst fish Russian Leader. With Not Af Movement Valparaiso Earthquake Will hatchery Id Tex., requesting that the negro troops Inspector in charge at SL Louis, of a Colorado, to be planted at his hatchSt feet Hartford M. The widow Vienna Companies. Petersburg. The Politlsche Correspondwho committed an outrage there wholesale smuggling of Immigrants ery the murdered C enz published the following Conn. Fire Hartford. insurance night be replaced by while from Ml tlco Into the United States. dispatch Hert.ensteln, Burglars entered the West Jordan M Sofia: "The porte has addressed tionai Democratic loader, and companies having their home offices Ie soldiers, was received by President Every one of the was immigrants of the outlawed parliamen ber meeting house Wednesday night of a note to the Bulgarian has state are not losers by the earth Roosevelt. He at once referred the 'his bj the law from entering th government last week and stole three quilts made ., letter a cc trom iterreceived (Jolted Its States because of trachoma. A expressing displeasure at the piakes in Chile, as none has written dispatch to the war department with by the Ladles' Relief society. her risks there. Officials of Connecticut a request that an Immediate report on contagious disease of the eyes. Offl- movement in Bulgaria. Bulgaria terrorist organisation, instructin The to contribute $2. one to the fund me immigration service are quilts are of ornamental design, with " T six" regards the Turkish say that most of the Ilrit the matter be made to him. He will eni tged in locating the Immia picture of the temple worked Into note as a non avenue, as the porte has relief of families of victims of fevo- 'ompanles sh companies earning risks in South take no action upon the committee's who no right to Interfere with Internal nf. lutiotiists. upon pain of the d iltructhe goods. smuggled into the merlca have clauses In their policies request pending receipt of the report grants, with Were a view to their tion of the life and property of I se fairs of the Principality." country, war tse Irom to loss earth department. by directly relating Information has been filed in the and her famlb litakes. total exemption being the rule dlMrict court at Provo Travel in Syria Unsafe. Outlaws Take to the Woods. against Oeora Will Bring Suit Against Germ t InMay Be Forced to Take Action, Ferre. charging assault with a deadColored Transferred. Troops Washington. Brigandage is so com- Havana Dispatches to the Post surance Companies. st Petersburg. The activity of the ly weapon with Intent to murder. men near Orders were issued on from Pinar del Rio confirm the re. Smyrna. Syria, that Amen Washington terrorists and revolutionists and lack Ferre is the man who stabbed young cans have San Francisco. The trustees f the appealed repeatedly to the Monday hv the military secretary. Hi ports that three bands of outlaws have of Policy-HolderWright with a pocket knife on the American consulate there ffir tirnine support of the public are steadily ided lor General F. C. Alnsworth. for thf taken to the woods In the league have central and the evening of July 24. it will forcing be that necessary to hi in ion In the licorice n.oi Bsjgs and to Tansfer of the colored troops frotr western portions of that province One direction of government's hands in the Herbert Hogan, aged 18, a dniry bacco in Germany and Austria tiand suits The events SAM is repressions. headed ai:i containing thirty Fort Brown. Tex., where there hat plantations adjoining the city, by Colonel Pozo; the second, consist- In Poland have given a new impetus wagon anv. r. who lived at Bountl. and the foreign txipulBtlon is G man Austrian ine rnoenix. .North been serious trouble between citizen? ing of seventy men. is led hv t on to moving the talk of a military dictatorship, mio tne city rroni the suburbs because of New York. North Gen. i, in oi II lair ful. was nrnwn.d in the swimmlns. and soldiers, to Fort Ringgold, Tex, pressman Pino Guerra, who is the Inof the fear that the brigandage which which, Pool at Berk Rhine of Moselle Hot Springs while Ik according to the Comrade and tin tans which Is about 100 miles above Fort stigator of ninny attempts to foment has been visited only uiw.n Ottoman burg. Atlantic insurance companies, the Nashi Shlsh). is one of the ad company with In an his two San Insurrection Juan Martinez, Brown. subjects so far will be extended to the dltton to suits in the United youngej One Company of the Twenty objects consideration enumerated ites. tdxth brothers nnd the third, made up of a dozen Hogan could not awlm and foreign, population. Americans have Is BrOWl to Kort ordered Infantry in a call The losses admitted, in gross. a meeting received by the the men. Is commanded by got into de. p water. been advised that travel In the In to the of take the colore,1 I.ora. piaee members of the military council Fri tie (.nip, uiies in San FraBCil terlor Is unsafe troops. The company ordered to Fori leed 10, day Brown made up of white men. PLUITA m STATE OTE GOES INDIANS of the AC1ING IT CHILE VISITED RUINS EARTHQUAKE one-thir- o e e h - fifty-eigh- e 8 e e 8 e Ga-tett-e con-sisi- - - I r 11- nam d s Anti-Gree- - titti-iem- i - anti-Gree- - . (for-mer- fr X h |