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Show Tre mc it Time i il TREMONTON, BOX KI.DKIJ COUNTY. V'T.Yll TIU ltSDAV. Town Locals. editor of the (iarland i ftobe passed through Treiunnton Sunday. .1 A. Wivoni , v Sherman Dear Sir: , Several Important Matters dune Hansen of Brigham, was seen on Tremonton streets last Friday. Came Up I Vol Monta Cristo The bears are now very around Monta Cristo. The her ; n and the bears are known to follow them up as they ripen in order to pet them. On the 19th of Aug a young man 28 years of age, was Anc 14th Another Death In Tremonton vicious smtea am 1M0 Fish-bur- n In Race , few word i Box Elder County Man Pro- - Times. poses But we bud weather last couple weeks. and Were Cause many damages. Spoil bay out It in field, and wheat stacks spoil too. We was get is start to prowJng now. Dispensed With. An epidemic of whooiag cough is pre valent at 1Ojfan . A few eases are also reported in Garland. Hon. F. W. Washakie. County Court Proceedings Al OUST 3ft, To Cet Into Con- Race. gressional The Family of W. O. Wyatt Are Again Stricken By Hand The Of Death. sheep on the east slope of Monta Cristo. He had left his sheep in the d, and went tu Lis camp morning, as hi reling Tin' S5i.lt Lake Tribune says that after Harold, theinfant son of Mr and Mrs our stack clear open up last week and Joe Howell am! Parley I' u!1 ul,:'"' Pscm uu WO Wyatt, died after a short illness, See the new line of Stoves and Ran ires US 'have completed their camnaiirn for the seem to lie drviuff verv slowly. in the o'clock about and until taved Mondav morning, August 27tb, of at Hardware store. tf Messrs Andrew Funk and Arthur C heard machine bum to days. It would L'ssminatiuii at the hands of the Itepu'.i he w en! out to tend his Cholera Infantum When afteruoou. i We have eely appeared as a committee from the be long to thresh our wheat. party the first (or re nomination Big Labor Day Dance at the Academy The funeral service was held Tuesday sheep, hjp came in contact with a grizzly am of council Pro two machine here now staring in ; and the second for an original Brigham City .f at Brigham, Monday Sept. city a bear which was walking up canyon. j.lt 2:iW p m from the M F Church with il same U posed upon behalf of said city that day. I hope we will have a good tiM, they will have to figure with F 3Itj at- his sheep, lie found (.v R F (lilpin officiating and was Furnish uhovilcrs to haul travel from after all , well it to much better in our pPphhuru, State Committeeman of Bos where he had left Prof. Chris Christensen of Brigham, the bear la I killed oi e his of flock, and tended by a great many sympathizing creek in Watery Lane provided county beet CI'OpS, Klder county Mr Fishburn is a audi was in Tremonton on business Friday she and her little ones were eating it . friends and neighbors. would furnish teams to haul same .iff. tor the nomination as Congressman Our base ball player want going out date last. The bear was behind a bunch of brush This is the second child Mr and Mrs 1175. whs appropriated by the lloa rd for Nevada to play ball out there with In- and proposes to come into the conven and he was unable to see her until he al vYratl have been called to part with in a .100 to pick said A Good Whip for 10c. tion solid for his county purposes, being the estimated cost dian I time have :. good hope they hoy nio-'- t ran over her. She then turned on jne over H year and the whole eommun-hitf of graveling road from Duck ( reek to lMU It is also a certainty that Weber counout their. a battle and as be was unarmed. lly sX mpathize greatly with them in their for ,JX E,det I'rcek. Dr Freitlay of Collinston. accompani ts will no w ith him, that is, that Weber was she i winning the battle very rapidly, hour of trial. They start out to morrow morning, will not unanimously indorse Joe Howell d by Dr Wright of Michigan, who U Lewis II Getz, Chairman of Board of when my brother and myself w ho weie The little one was a bright promising o clock train . and that Barley Christensen, while he the guest of the former for a few days, rir(.ctois of Rawlins Drainage District t months and H days en riding around looking for feed, hap; baby and was but Our arc doing nicely so far no bod v has been doing good work here. (Og- wore visitors in Tremonton last Thursday. amt presented plat of district up appeared ed to be coming up the canyon, in their I 1T Frelday expects to leave Collinston which was contemplated to bo drained den) will not receive the indorsement direction. We could hear some very loud The floral offerings were profuse and permanently in a few days. and asked that the privilege be given! The road was muddy little while It the Weber delegation. o b uses so our il and started beautifully arranged and the little girls Tile above article is written from Weber screaming, dries up pretty fast now. We have got our competitors going said Board to construct drains on county before on a in the immediate neighborhood acted an good gallop, but .. . ! .1. ... C Willic Ottogary. County, but Mr Fishburn U a iipx Klder .some on price on lead and oil. Wc are oatl, ana tnai county umi.su .uu.uv. we reached the spot he was unable to The interment took place man and one who has represented our .vcuou u ctor culverts make crossings, at the Hardware th delivering goods; veil, we i.appcncu to nave our guii it t he Ehvood cemetery eountv well and faiihful. Let us all Store. tf ferred ind thus made shorl work of berand lici N'oTK'i: put our shoulder to t he wheel and push deferred on petition No 7. babies. After the killing, and. w hen w Action is from It Collinston that his candidacy for a member of Congress. reported CARD OF THANKS. w e picked ii Ii pars to get your horse shoeing done We do not know of a better Candida e or were free from all danger muck of the grain is so badly damaged Philip Quayle appeared in behalf of could not tell whether Ik Jesse N Smith iu behalf of p ctilion No 1 by a man who understand-- ; the anatomy one that will work harder for the inter- the body , but by rust that it is hardly worth harvestWe desire to extend our heartfalt we then went to a saw was dead or alive, deferred for Action all his a ami by of us horse's investigation foot, guarantees bi of ests ing. constituents. thanks to all who so kindly assisted mill and got a rig and look him to Han Hoard Tremonon Robert work, of our ('all Burge, Ben McQueen's "colts" went to Fieldduring the illness and death dolph, w here his home is. He is now V tab. tf be shown ton, Mr $200. motion was of Hart apUpon baby. Ma the kindness ing last Saturday and beat the home under t he care of Dr Helma. He had . ov i t tn to road as hour to all in sqirun per petition tfrtt to the tune of 21 to C. Perhaps the propriated gravel three libs, bis shoulder blade and on Mv and Mrs W O Wyatt ,' Might Have Seen Worse. local boys can't play ball, eh? They Xo 13. arm broken in several places, ami wa took the standi out of the Fielding boys. Petition No 11 of Fred Eliason et. al. uneonsious twenty-louhours; bill it it P p Olsen returned home Sunday from Ira Anderson, Walter Fridal, .lobn iii that road the is Harold Jensen will he recover. .county repair that rapidly convalescing asking thought The Associated Press are universal in his ten days stay in Salt Lake City Bronson, Bert Garfel, O Christensen Mr and of . . i son ii . . from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Middle Canyon. Referred to Board as a the . The ... boy .i injured m rwl Mr ueir suoemeiH inaiineiowns ami ..,,,1 v, T),..,,ri, rf pi.,,il Joseph StoM CMse up from Brigham Mrs J E Sll:llk It is expected that he will be up and whole for investigation. UBS mn of were Chile which by destroyed aBd will remain ia Kirkham of (birland, had a lively ex ages Monday on business around in a few days. name is .lames Shark. rePetition No 15 Mosiah Evans, ct al. ,.,: be will recent the earlhcuiake, again Tvi.ii, v.,,,,! ;,i(n i.,,, trenumtca tot fe dys. The tiis were given to the young man Word cornea old sites. hlii" 'heir in '" dressed all Miss Gertrude Lindsey of Salt I ake asking that road be opened up on north on 1(,ar jjj,.. were They s We have not only got plank and turned over to Dr Helma lor the side of Sec Almon L Wight aph.ir Sundav best and floating down thst President Hlesco expressed the be City is visiting at the home of Mr and III froHv Look 'mt. we have painted ones. that effect. He also said that the young man 's benefit peared in support thereof, Action di! stlTam vlicii the boat became unruW l Mrs Hcbcr N .Stohl. tf BlJ C A M KHSON if the best store in Tiemonton. ti ferred. ic light system w ould soon be in and as it approached a very deep place ... . . A Ocq Meldrum has some of that Brown -.i - . the live-i ..u. ik.i il... We take pieasure tt announcing tint , ".Mr J'.oiit capsize l ami, aa''l" II Giiiz road iao ,v'.iu L. -- ilJ i".', oil .ki,,V. j. ,1,,. lilt ir.ll kinds i the trtim we are now in a position to do all tics District appeared and asked lV.V-- oceupauts went in up to their necks, city v4uld speedily establish weU tf J over the world our in ohototrrauhv ser If Jii..t o 5100 be appropriated to travel road Qnt correspondent pictures the boys a way service, and that the customs "" l ikk Hi The Fori.' vice .would soon be reorganized. equiped studio. nv Gilpin of the Methodist Church across Silt Creek. Upon motion ofC&r wetand sorry looking lot. We now the lots town have L'tafc courts formerly before the that Garland, long promised bas been returned by the conference to Valentine said amount was appropriated The pris ow ned by Mr N ihart, but later purchased would resume their sitting. former l this charge for another year. His return to raise grade on culvert and to gravel n .'1 Bimni, e n and fnUjilV. Hospital At Brigham oners in the Valparaiso jail, except such by Sam Sehrenk for sale. If all are tftk Lake Salt oi oily, is is hailed with pleasure. now Mr across Getz creek. road was instruct Tremonton but en we w ill make a very cheap price; one and be to those known asare dangerous week. a for rvisitlng friends here It is estimated that the heavy rains re ed to make till leading to bridge between Box Kl.nEU NEWS: who arc serving secoud terms, have been that will guarantee a large profit to th 3 & 0, T il, 3W. a Sees we mentioned Sometime that ago cently did over $1,500,000 worth of dam For prices and terms call at set to work ou the improvement of the purchaser. movement was under way to convert the Notice of Registration. age to the crops of the state. Nearly nil Upon motion of Chr Valentine the appli-thOffice, is and the Commerce Tjmcs picking up, port. farmers in this part of the county arc cation and b nd of J F Bans iher for re John Anderson building in the south' matters arc beginning to move with regEhvood ac-Tnc regi8try book ol the tail liquor license at Hot Springs un- end of town into a hospital for the complaining. ularity at Mrs be Barnes and daugh my office Miss Ault and c imniodation of Ilox Elder County pa-- i open voting precinct will is an abundance of food, and When you want shells and guns thai approved and license to issue. There h w on the followtor of Owatonna Minn .. are visiting it tients. This has now been accomplished In the Post Office Building distribution of provisions arc made daily, will go off just when you want them to, Communication from State. Board of and two and October .ult oi ing dates. August thcir pBri.nls Mrand Mrs j patients entered today. :...! w vi.. i 1 ' .1 man : tf Health regarding contagious and buy them at the Hardware store. TremontOIl The building is large and roomy, just DU( every wor'k. It is believed that the number of resolution adopted regarding contagious suited to the K It. sui.iiMAN. Regtatra. purpose. It has been fixed The"!.. T. L."will meet, at the M The Bear River Valley I feres hlng u in Valparaiso will not exceed diseases in animals was read. wounded up so that it is pleasant and inviting. E Church, every Wednesday at 2:30 p. threshed I4i? bushels of oats per acn 700 most of whom are being cared for There are seven rooms for patients be-Fd Mr and asked that All are to invited attend. Ryan appeared m. FOR SALE. for Mr Petingill, on the Geo Austin cordially it is impossible to by tii eir own people sides be a room nurse's and a built across Creek L. T. L. Sec. large operating bridge Sulpher farm near Garland, the number of casualties. A trained nurse has been engag-Har- t state exactly west of Corinne. Upon motion of Com room SALE A good Id acre farm Pre! idlent, Rieseo believes t hat as a eon The Republican State Convention will miles ed to take charge of the nursing. The a bridge was ordered put in. with fruit and improvements. &i nee of tl.C preventative measures lie held in Salt Lake City on the 20th of Iu NOTICE ESTRAY ieqa f business will be managed by a board of west and mile SOUt o Tremonton The application and bond of Theodore authorities the taken immediately by September. Box Elder County is enti( directors elected last night, consisting of quire at. Times Ifflce. Anderson to conduct a retail liquor busiaft the earthquake, danger ol an out STATE OF ETA II, tled to twenty-twI delegates. Dr L II Berg, W L Eddy, Flias Jensen, ness at Dewcj villc was granted. County of Box Klder. ) FOB SALE two good business houses, bred ; of sieknos lias been averted. The A L At the Inst meeting of the County ComEddy and Oleen N Stohl. The comsaid In Manila of the precinct County of has been eood location. One blacksmith shop The application of S N Cole, county Valparaiso watqi supply missioners an order providing for the pany has tiled its articles of incorporation in the have following my possession com etely restored and the sewerage wm, t,,,, and five lots and boUBf treasurer for the ratification of bis ap- and is payment of ?1 .00 per bushel for grassready to do business in a businessif ' animals rav not described est which, v stain will be soon in operation. pointment of Ada Johnson and Adella like wnv . hoppers was passed. Meldrum's. All social events iu Geo be sold at Get your wall paper at Valparaiso will be claimed and taken away will Clark as assistants in petting out las -t is all the th1000 do to Ceo Meldrum for siMi of public auction to the highest cash bidder He has Ihc latest styles impended tor six mont - a payers statements for year 1000. was upat Ehvood. in Manila I'recinet on Mou Tromont Mercantile Co. patterns of wall paper. All latest patterns on motion ratified . ning for t be ictims. rag'-of 10th the tf day at the lowest prices. (lay, September, 1906, al INCORPORATEDAdvertise with us. It pays FredC Nelson and John Forrest p 1"' I'"1"' -' o'clock p. in. in Til band of ere was a town brownies d new Edison phonographs The peared as a committee from the B (' Mi! (lur Fall and Winter line of Gent's Wet iiesday. Some of the yoimc folk' DESCRIPTION OF ANIMALS: records for sale; the best the world bftnd ,,, iUry nd and asU(.(, tIiat are now arriving daily and had heir fortunes told. Thev will prob Furnishings One sorel horse, strip in f.we, about six ever knew ' flO. 130, 30 and ?50 at ably onie true. given the privilege of finishing one of our prices are right . Billic Barlow s. ,,, years old. branded with the letters II and tut iuuun ,.,!.,in ,,,, ,uwmiuoub. 01f .,iiie ,.v.ouri. I.eirrand Wood took a line bunch of .1 combined, (laying on side of letter) on That'B the story, and an inter-le- ft Complete line of Conklin's Gloves. draft horses to Brigham Wednesday, Two High Grade Sewing Machines at House for a practice room. Action deshoulder. Thev will he shipped from their to Los t f eating one too at this time ferred for investigation. the Hardware Store. Try our "dead Shot" fur mosquitoes. of ihc year when there are Oneerav mare about six vcars old Angeles. An ordinance providing for the paynn manv little thintrs around Just received at the Tremonton Me re. Sells: Six sheets of Tanglefoot Fly wit Ii sucking coll . branded i A i'U light to he touched up. Big thinp-ft'o. a fine line of (ients Furnishing Goods mcnt of il. 00 per bushel for grassbop- - Paper for 5c PL 3ASE TAKK N'OTICK toothigh. and Hats. Wc are going to be in the pers within the county was passed. ' Cause we ean sell you enough Eldorado Castor Machine Oil for 10c. fall. One gray mare about eight years old, Don't forget it. win this Col Board adjourned until September 1th. per gallon. Bring your can . paint to cover your whole mencing September 1st. B.HIrt, all H on rk'ht shoulder. branded The Military Band of Brigham will w I lockhouse, inside or out and the pal rolls of lie Post Office ho have Boiled Lenseed Oil 65c. per gallon. hoses.' me in ham too. for were send children and who Said taken tinth( eve estrays tip hy play al Ogden Labor Day and in MUCH WHEAT RUINED, we'll sell you as little as 1'Hint and will Hut and send the at bottom remember Wagon Buggy mail, Laj, please Precinct on the 29th dav of Augusl iiing a liig dance will bo given at the kcv. ITIiosc bavins boxes too hiL'h.oan 1906 you want, just enough to prices. Academy f Music. a hi touch exclultM to a statement out can for tlicni others that given According hy 'ip chair or bench. We have the most complete line of CUARI.KS KltOKSIt, We'll sell you paint that won't reachfd. Also, those having large fam A large assortment of Quecnswtre ex- Charles A Stnurth waite, the leading proShot Gun Shells in Northern I'tah. illes niust see that only one from thai undkeeper of Manila I'recinet. peel or crack, the first time pected daily . Dont buy until you see duce dealer and commission man of the w tt?e hot sun striKes it. We ish mail lo , calls tbo tot fantfrj We also carry a fall line of Drugs, of the wheat yield our line. tf city, about oiilodate everybody, buteannot afford a Oeo Meldrum is suffering from a bad We have a hip assortment. from irrigated bind this year will be a Seines. Perfumery, Toilet Articles, 10 MWfN calls irom three or four mem most any color you cuius J V Ferry oT Corione, was Tremon-fnoesse of rheumatism . I ,,. A great deal has been expected CutKv. Fishing Tackle. Stations etc. ,.r failure. 0DC fan,n ,,,, majl fancy. ths, caller Saturday Wm Miller, of Penrose, was f;,!l uns already t, n a.l. d , r. Tic e from tbc wheat yield, but it is MCer- - Just recelvedthe latest creation-i''"'COMF IN NO (il: T A COLOR CVRDANJ ,,)S Wm Davis of Ogden, is in Tremonton o If brothhk Street Also Hats. montcn, a line of ,: reports ps :..: Tuesday. to rust sur.nosed tained that has havin sent are complete MLL TALK PAINT A UTItA deadly and will open business herein a ton days, work. There MJUcr on i more m list. the sick one silk. inch cy Twenty hat betn a floe yield of Embroidery ktr wkB sending for mail. We ask regular session Aug p,014ni niet in 01st Chrii-tensc- . i 1 . j . ( ; . j ' j j - - . . . Chilean Towns Vill i Be Rebuilt r . i c,i,. 1 j side-walk- - j . . j 1 ' . A For Sale. . . ' o-- ' e . -anic-oooic- di.-ea- i a . . I o I n- . . ' Paints Ready ffse Rilcr Bros Drus Co Li,-- - ' . two-third- s l n i KfiN rt Purge has bought the black milh business of I'easnml and Drake tt l wfll run the shop ir the f ir!;. re 11 . loek-hoxp- ii dry land wheat and the rust ban not af Ostrich plumes for 11.80 each, at Mrs this '.In favftr from our patrons. fected it to any apparent extent. Utah F A Cook's. Hespectfully , TRBMONT NEXCflNTiLG COMPANY, Journal. E, U, StfRMA!r, P. North Qarltad was iu Wednesday. ol M Tremonton I (JVlilAXD. TTAlJ |