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Show I j THURSDAY, JUL Y, -- BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER S2-J- 1. j p. unsak now on. lipBERRIES Tl L. C. 4 Jbiam iarm. M1-R- collect. :, 1 6- -: 47 GOOD USED FARM ndcrsn machinery. FIRElNsTfRANCETRO I used hay rake, 9 'n char?. :tp "A ft.; 16 hole IUM WILL NOT BREAK grain drill; hay derrick in good YOU." "A LOSS MAY." See shape; rubber tired tractor spread'idling tulip bulbs. Contact Mrs. James Fire Insurance er; 6 sections harrows in good 14 Jones, East Termonton. Agency. Brough, shape, steel; hay loader, John )ione73-JH- . 2tp McCormick-Dccrin- g Deere; rot! FoTsALEAlTkinTI feeder, new; new grain feeders; jfsAUiillike new. Toleodo equipment. Robbins Implement. scrapers and hand and tractor 3 blk. N. of R. R. Station. later heater Phone plows. Robbins scale a and Implement Co. ib. computing 1. tfr Phone 1. coal range used tfc Cash A Anderson Store, registered, year. black "WE INSURE EVERYTHING Catcher. Phone 2tp American saddle stallion. Harry BUT THE HEREAFTER." . Tavlor. owner. Phone on old James Roy Brough, Fire Insurance j?OBALEApricots tfc farm. Call Agency. iM ltc FOR SALE Used studio couch AT THE MORTENSEN farm two in good condition. Phone Cross Road mites north of Bear River City. at sJpWANTED ltc i Women or for Men Apricots are now ready. $1.25 Service. FOR H.. Hadfield SALE No. Call a J. 8 work. per bushel. You pick 'em. Intimation ady 2tp al combine with bin in good jjl52. ltp condition at Jessops in Pocatello I WILL SEW backschool 'ASTRICAN APPLES for Valley. ltp clothes for children. Lois Phone fsale. See Fred Hansen. So. of Tremonton. FOR SALE Call ltp ' 4 mi. interest !' 3tc in cutter and stationary ensilage FOR SALE 5 foot fence slabs ! CANTED Job on farm. Has corn binder. Delbert S. Walker. 5c each. Stove fire wood ltp at $5 per cord. length Leader. some experience Barn timbers ltp FORALEertifieTastch and a limited amount of lumber. seed wheat at Garland Ware- Bell Saw Mill, south of Golf tnST Grey and white kittens, n 4tc iiii house. 4tp course, Logan, Utah. half grown. iteium 10 ltc FolPsALlEIsto Beard. Reward. UTAH will pay ltp cash for dead or useless cows, hor- Phone or Tremon ses, sheep FOR SALE Weiner pigs. $10.00 hogs. ton 159-- J or Garland tfc R. B. Garner. Phone 725 ltp CAStT7o7liv71ou Garn, 453 N. 2nd West, Brigham iHsecond Phone 698. to KILL MAY CARE PEOPLE, ) p sets, sharpen lawn mowers and repair furniture and everything BUT DON'T CARE ) in that line. L. A. Dodd. 4tp KILLS MORE. At no obligation our sales van will Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Shaw have stop at your door and you can choose a piano from among six. as their house guests, their Write today. HART PIANO CO. granddaughter, Ann, from Salt 6 tfc Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. NorPreston, Idaho. man Shaw and two sons of BrigS. NORMAN LEE GLOBE FFJnTanT BabyChicka ham. at Utah Hatchery, Brigham City. ABSTRACTOR Capt. and Mrs. J. T. Abbott of Established 40 years visitME BEFORE YOU Salt Lake were week-en- d "SEE BRIG HAM CITY, UTAH BURN." James Brough, Fire and ors at the home of his parents, Automobile Insurance. Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott. IS 7-- 18 -- stmag Fryc--t f for Anthi I will be Leste 72-R- 1 wer. ' 7-- 18 7. 38-R- davj 84-R- 8 4. 7-- 25 Becki h celei 114-R- 2. 7-- 25 I Jensei trip ij I 7-- 25 I arl "ble 6-- 20 er ! 't 5- -0 72-R- Ijleal-Mast- 7-- 25 7-- 25 fee. Sel-ma- n. ille ba! 66-R- one-four- th 4. 7-- 25 7-- 25 Dewey, ernoorc rious. 1 7-- 25 g rela 7-- 25 i lid anjj dinne X J s. Cla- -; 1 B 7-- 25 7-- 25 7-- 25 n Sunt 84-R- Ervi visitor! n Sun 35-J- i aidestel 7-- 25 3. 96-J1- 1. 7-- 1 parent iter anj d Sun 7-- 25 Marblf SundaJ nd Trei 6-- 1 ilTll d am s icf t frorfi I i Jensen and they wer? building, fracturing and Mrs. C. bones in his foot. were dinner John Isaacson's family from Mrs. Hamp Honeyville, put on a very interT.... tjr.aay. esting part of the program in Sacrament meetin? Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Woodhead His five daughters evening. and family and Billy Cusac of played th? accordian and violin Bristol, Va.. wer? at Bear Lake for several numbers Mr. Isand for three days last week. aacson spoke. Mrs. LeRoy Atkinson gave a very timely and talk. EAST GARLAND interesting Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Peterson of Bremerton, Washington, came Mrs. Jerry Jensen and Mrs. Jack Rhodes of Brigham City spent Friday afternoon visiting their sister and family, Mrs. Al- Tuesday. Thy and Mr. and Mrs. Eph Peterson and Rex, and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rasmussen of Tremonton, Mr. and Mrs. L. Francis Peterson and Mr. and oiar,v va Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hansen were Lopan visitors Monday. Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Grover and Mrs. Mart Riser were in Ogden where they visited with FIVE PAGE Utah-- Mrs. Grant Bowen of Beaver Dam, spent Saturday night in Logan canyon and attended the Peterson reunion Sunday. Rex Peterson entertained a few of his friends. Thursday afternoon at a watermelon party. The occasion was his eighth birthday. LIGHTING FIXTURES Residential Ccimmercial relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris of Portage spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lafe COLUMBIA ELECTRIC Grover. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Riser and LILENQUIST BROTHERS children spent the 24th in Bear River City where Mart roped calves in the rodeo. A number of other East Garland men participated, Dave and Gene r, Isaacson, Vern Oyler, LeRoy Jr., and Carl Rhodes. Mrs. Doris Peterson and children, Mr. and Mrs. L. Francis Peterson, Mrs. Eph Peterson and Rex and Mrs. Will Bowcutt of Riverside, spent the 24th in Ogden. They were at the Park and attended the rodeo in the evening. Laralee Hansen is spending her vacation in Logan with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Oyler, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Isaacson and son, Burke of Ogden, and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Oyler of Tremonton left on the 24th for a trip to Yellowstone Park. Weldon Grover met with rather a painful accident last week. He fell from a beam in a barn FIXTURES FOR EVERY ROOM Come in and see them DISPLAYED AT Phone Tremonton 2-- Oy-le- NOW 20H.P. AVAILABLE AIR-COOLE- D GAS MOTORS SEE THEM AT LILENQUIST BROTHERS Phone 125 Tremonton m iting ia Tie monton, SELL Your freshly dead anj use- SEE MEL FOXLEY For all Mr. and Mrs. Ellis less horses and cews to White's kinds of fire, auto, crop insur- son, Brent and Mr. trout Farm for highest prices and ance and loans. Phone A. Nielsen of Ogden Phone Hyrum quick pick-utfn guests of Mr. and CLASSIFIED ADS ry ar.f 5. 2 Pauti and Mrs. Mr. John Barnard and two sons of Heher City called at the George Abbott Wasli bratorii EVERYDAY SAYS home, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chiodo, Elaine Gephart and Emma God-daenjoyed an outing at Bear Lake, Sunday. rd ux MEMBER FEDERAL WAREHOUSE SYSTEM , tIFIEK Wholesale and Retail able Mr. and Mrs. Russ Waldron, the Jack Fronks and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drew spent the 24th in Logan canyon. GRAINS . . SEEDS . . FEEDS IX MRS Mrs. Lola Adams of Dallas, Texas, and Winifred and Mildred Neely of Santa Monica, 000 Li STEAM ROLLING GRINDING CLEANING 1 TRI-STA- Since modern notions came to stay w'r TE SILAX COFFEE MAKER better off in every way California, visited last w.eek with Mrs. Carrie Drew and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drew. Sunday, with Mrs. Thera Allen and Mrs. Sara Hadley of Los Angeles and Mrs. Maude Woods. They enjoyed the day at Bear Lake and in Logan canyon. t. verside AT '. Ivory or Black $2.95 to $4.10 Rods Filtering Cloths Bottoms Tops WIIHiniB Now Becoming Available! WE BUY ALL KINDS OF GRAIN PHOftE 41 Extra 5!LV5HWAn!S SET Silver Plated or SfalrJess ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS $9.75 Only Kitchen Knives of All Kinds Made Especially for Farm Use TREMONTON Stael CRYSTAL Patterns To Choose From 90c each Cookie Jars Dishes Crockery & : a mi ! WMmm P l&W I" imm'S A SWELL TRICK 5 . Si)r ( ZGG PRODUCTION" Electric water heaters in various ) Usi Standard Poultry House Spray to kill mites, ticks and more fleas. Comes mixed, ready to use. A dime's worth covers Stand-ar- d use And for than 1D0 active days. square feet and stays ' White Oil No. 9 U.S.P. to step up egg production from listless hens. Mix with feed. It's mineral oil that, bowel movements, , helps f Profit by match QETTER FARMING es i .. FARRELL . MNlIi VSP H ... the demand water r ri. Ha 5- TRIAZ farmers realize the tremendous LIr --- for saing WALLPAPER time-savin- advantages Ready-Paste- d No Pasting-- No of 3 heated automatically at such low cost. electrically Tools No Musi boxes for an average room $2.19 Box and up Tremonton Phone 11 J. BESS Phone S3 Tremonton 121 MOUt k ) DISTRIBUTOR OIL No. m t Dat'iroom Many Colors To Choose From C7c and 40c sq. ft. sies for a variety convenience and 1 BOARD for ycur of uses in the home and dairy barn are now becoming available. The supply doesn't non-irritati- I 45c and up Oil Mnm Dust Mods rusn Brooms Drooms I Kitchen , V X., TILE 123 ) 70 STS? UP ! ?5JNiTUR5 POLISH ns i VAX AND OOK .. UM Tl " 11 ' " L A "" .'Ttdi-statiT- UTAH JO. ilCHT CO. MESSAGE r z. a ! LUMBER CO I iKiHwmn I |