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Show JULY .rURSDAY B ' EAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER tflONAL FARM SAFETY WEEK "SMOKEY" COMING PROCLAIMED FOR JULY 21st to 27th TO LIBERTY ON AUGUST 4 to 7 L.,,?rvisors of the Northern I ,:Jsoil Conservation District President Tru-r,- s each farmer to for plea safety nate at least one fCd a day until his farm is fe a place to work as he can Ct endorsed 4. it. e President has proclaimed f'21 to 27 as National Farm : vy Week. the Sojl Asking and other agencies of t Department of Agriculture (cooperate in helping fanners ! oroiHpnts and firps J iiuui P. Anderson Clinton Vetary (iared, "Time and again acci-f- -t rates have been cut in half fmore by safety programs tiCh taught people to remove iftiard against hazards before t sccident happens." According to a national sur- farming is the country's dangerous occupation. AL employing only 16 per nation's workers, of the j has 24 percent of all national deaths. first two 'During America's tji's participation In the war, were more farm people 'ed by farm accidents than C( were fighting men killed More than ithe war itself. f were killed by $ farm people last accidents year, and tj fnnn mom "-Dnp out IninrpH j ;tery 100 injured was crippled irtce .- tAV--v ! ag-Cjtu- re jU(yyu :2fe. , accidents and fires cost farmer money. For each $10 total income, farmers lose a- j$l from accidents and fires, on the iccidents and fires food will take this year 3 a the mouths of Americans jell as of starving people in .ravaged countries. Host dangerous work on the h is with machinery. Acci-t- $ with horses and dangerous iicome next. Other serious bs of farm accidents include overheating and lighting. irffl s, Bathtub Ring Con might be able to prevent that I around the bathtub by sprin-- 3 a couple of tablespoons of wall icftener in the bath water. M ESTATE 00 Liberal Repayment Options O Representing hard-ridin- 270-pou- nd f Mac-Donal- Mortgage Loan Corporation Logan, Utah Home Institution ed RADIO REPAIRING home auto Both and Quickly and Expertly done. A T d. was published in 32 editions and traveled 6000 miles. They staged cattle stampedes in the Paiute visiting her sister, in almost every language. Mrs. Vida Forsgren enroute to For both Fred MacMurray and Indian country of northern Utah; penetrated into the rarely Yellowstone Park. traveled wild mountains of the Clotile Hawkes and Mr. and Moon region in Utah; explored Mrs. J. P. Jones attended a famthe gorges, mesas and mountain dinner Mrs. ily Evan given by valleys around Kanab, Utah, and Christensen in Fost Valley. IN filmed rodeos in Cheyenne, WyoTHE DISTRICT OF COURT A large number of Howell peoTHE DISJUDICIAL FIRST ming, Ogden, Utah, and Flagple turned out to help Snow- ville celebrate the receiving of TRICT, OF THE STATE OF staff, Arizona. The thrilling screen play baselectricity. Howell's float took UTAH IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOX ELDER ed on the Will James novel, was first place in the parade. writen by Lillie Hayward, Dwi-gIn the Matter of the DisCummins and Dorothy Yost. NOTICE TO WATER USERS solution of the TREMONThe following applications TON HARNESS AND AChave been filed with the State CESSORIES COMPANY, a Engineer to appropriate water Corporation. in Box Elder County, State of NOTICE OF APPLICATION the entire Utah, throughout Mr. and Mrs. Russell ChristenFOR DISSOLUTION year, unless otherwise designatsen and baby were week-en- d ed, all locations being from Notice is hereby given that the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis SLB&M. Tremonton Harness and Ac- Christensen. 17399 - J. Arlo Rummers, RFD cessories Company, a corporaMr. and Mrs. Roland ChristenNo. 2, Tremonton, Ut., .015 sec. formed under the laws of sen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chris-!nsetion, ft. of water for domestic use the State of Utah, has presentMr. and Mrs. Oscar from a well bet. 150 and ed to the District of the County Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. 250 ft. deep at a point N. 49.5 of Box Elder, State of Utah, an Russell Christensen were Sun1240.5 ft. and E. ft. from the SW application and petition praying day evening visitors of Mr. and Cor. Sec. 7, TUN, R3W. for a decree of said court dis- Mrs. Lewis Christensen. 17412 - Melvin W. Homer, and disincorporation solving Lorin and Donald Anderson RFD No. 2, Tremonton, Ut., .03 said and that Fri- left Sunday corporation, night for St. George sec. ft. of water for miscellanthe 13th day of September, where day, will spend a week they eous purposes from Salt Creek 1946, and of the hour of 10 relatives. visiting Springs, tributary to Great Salt o'clock a. m. of said day or as lone Anderson and Delora Lake, at a point N. 725 ft. and soon thereafter as counsil may Marble left Monday for Nevada, W. 1990 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 6, be held, has been fixed as the they will visit Mrs. TUN, R3W. The water will be time and the court room of the where Charlene Tanner. piped a distance of 1000 ft. in a above entitled court, County Barbara and Arva Rae SumV2 in. pipe and used for domes- Court House, Brigham City, mers left Sunday for Salt Lake tic, stock watering, irrigation Utah as the place at which said where they will spend a week and milk cooling. is to be Ijeard. application relatives. with 17443 - Reuben H. Fuller, Treor corporafirm, Any Mr. person, and Mrs. George Hemmert monton, Ut., .015 sec. ft. of water tion to the week-enwith Mr. and any having objection the spent for domestic use from a 2 in. or said of Lola Sumpetition Mrs. Summers. Ervin granting 300 450 at well bet. ft. deep and said claim to against any mers returned Ogden to visit a point S. 35 ft. and W. 2615 ft. having must file the same with them for a week. corporation from E4 Cor. Sec. 17, TUN, La Dene Cutler has been prior to said time when said R3W. will be heard. petition spending a few days with Mar-ge17537 - Peter McKellar, I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stark. Ut., 2 sec. ft. of water for have hereunto set and hand my Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Ellis and 8 an irrigation purposes from Disof said seal affixed my Roberts and childClaude Mrs. in. well 64 ft. deep at a point S. 17th day of ren are visiting with Mr. and this trict Court, 1320 ft. and E. 99 ft. from N'4 A. D., 1946. Mrs. Clifford Stark. Cor. Sec. 12, T4N, R19W. The July, EDWIN Clerk J. BAIRD, 160 water will be used to irrigate By LYSLE RICHARDSON, Fresh Ice Cubes acres of land embraced in Sec. Deputy Clerk. sure be that ice cubes are fresh To year-roufor 12, T4N, R19W, and WALTER G. MANN, Attorwash the tray with and tasteless, incidental domestic and for above corporation. soap and water each time the reney stock watering. 1st publication, July 18, 1946. frigerator is defrosted. Scald ber, 17538 - Peter McKellar, fore refilling. 5t. Ut., 2 sec. ft. of water for JACK & RADIO PAT'S SHOP Located at Sandall Motor Co. Mrs. Veda Wooflnden of Gar- ANNOUNCEMENT I have moved my shop to A location at my home LEGALN0TICES l'j BLOCKS NORTH OF HARRIS SERVICE Where I will specialize In 1 BODY & FENDER WORK AUTO GLASS WORK OFFICIAL STATE INSPECTION ht DICK DAVIS SPRAY PAINTING HOUSES - - GARAGES BARNS n, 2-i- CHICKEN ETC. FENCES OR MACHINERY RENTED BY HOUR COOPS BID JOBS - - SPRAYING Is Very Satisfactory KEM-TON- E PAINT CENTER Acme Quality Paints Phone 6-- Lin-- X J IIom Brightener Tremonton COLUMBIA ELECTRIC I, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING er, irrigation purposes from an 8 in. well 68 ft. deep at a point S. 2640 ft. from N,4 Cor. Sec. 36, T4N, R19W. The water will be used to irrigate 70 acres of land embraced in Sec. 36, T4N, R19W, incidental and for year-roudomestic and stock watering. Protest resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications, with reasons therefore, must be in affidavit form with extra copy and filed with the State Engineer, 403 State Capitol. Salt Lake City 1, Utah, on or before August 31, 1946. Ed H. Watson, the Intermountain Since 1892 Region STATE Aug. 1st ENGINEER WIRING LIGHTING FIXTURES WALT MATTHIAS Phone Tremonton 2-- Prepare Now For the EB2 IEMen? (Smm&sf IE! MM last publication. REPAIR HEADQUARTERS FOR TRACTORS POWER UNITS 0 COMBINE MOTORS MAGNETOS o CARBURATORS at'Tremontosi M onday - Tuesday - Wednesday ACETYLENE AND ELECTRIC WELDING ho:'ne 90 well-balanc- land was nd PETERSON "We homemakers can heln in Crashing new frontiers of range. Jack Marlen of screen romance and excitement, for her Anne, of today's critical food situation-c- an the neurotic portrayal Draper, Utah, were week-en- d the eagerly-awaite- d help feed the starving peoTechnicolor girl in "Guest in the House." this ple abroad and at the guests at the home of Mr. and filmization of Will James' time same time g portrays the lovely Mrs. Rule Jay Gunnell of How- "Smoky" opens an continue diet which adequate Sunday, August ell. ust 4, at the Liberty Theatre. which owner of the ranch on is essential to our health, by MacMurray works. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Olsen of The film stars Fred growing and canning more food" MacMurray introduces to movie- says Miss Hattie "Smoky" Ogden are visiting at the home with Anne Baxter, and introKilgore, who the troubador, will lecture and demonstrate their daughter, Mrs. James duces famed ballad singer, Burl goers Burl Ives, who was described by home E. Nessen. Ives, in his first motion picture Carl canning at the Box Elder Sandburg as "the greatest high school caleteria on August Mr. and Mrs. Reese B. Mason appearance. ballad singer of any century." of Kansas City are visiting with 2, at 2:30 p. m. Produced by Robert Bassler Ives spent years roaming the The meeting Is open to all intheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mirl and directed by Louis King the country to collect his unidue re- terested homemakers. R. Mason. The young coupLe same team that unbrought the pertoire of American folk songs. Miss Kilgore is a graduate of arrived in Ogden July 15, and forgettable "Flicka" pictures to He sings four of these unusual Oklahoma were accompanied by Mr. and the screen, "Smoky" is a mag College for Women at tunes in the film. Mrs. Mirl Mason to Idaho Falls nificent story of the West Chickasha, Oklahoma where she today, The picture boasts an out- received her B. S. on Friday where they went told in the great tradition of the degree in through the Idaho Falls L. D. S. West of old. Will James, auth- standing supporting cast headed Home Economics and for severBruce Cabot, Esther Dale, al years has been a staff member Temple. After a short visit they or of the novel, was himself a by of the Educational Department will netum to Kansas City where cowhand, and he wrote of the Roy Roberts and J. Farrell of the Kerr Mason Jar Company. tney both are employed. people he knew and loved. His To capture in thrilling Tech- She has further broadened her Beth Burgess of Tremonton is thrilling tale of a man who lived a great adventure and of a nicolor brilliance the natural knowledge of food preservation visiting with Lois Forsgren. Mrs. Arlene Gunnell returned woman who shared his heart so beauty of the story's original by supervising canning centers to her home in Howell Sunday stirred the imagination of peo- setting, a company of 100 play- where foods of all kinds were with her new baby girl. ple everywhere that the book ers, cameramen and technicians Wen-dove- JAMES BROUGH TREMONTON 1 n Eddie," MacMurray is seen as Clint Barkley whose life is the nd Prompt Service Interest, Long Terms, Irving ng canned. In addition to her scientific knowledge, Miss Kilgore has a very practical knowledge of the purposes, methods and proce dures in home canning. All methods of canning will be demonstrated or discussed and no homemaker who struggles with the problem of serving meals or who is planning to can the surplus from her garden can afford to miss this opportunity to gain pointers that will be helpful the year around. ne Conventional, FHA, Loans on Residences A globe-spanni- MISS KILGORE TO DEMONSTRATE HOME CANNING Mr. and Mrs. Wen-dov- 3,1. Utah con-tras- THREE PAGE Utah d ON FARM OR RANCH HOME, APARTMENT OR BUSINESS PROPERTIES aw HOWELL Tremonton, Anne Baxter, "Smoky" marks an exciting change of pace. In t to his role as a flying enthusiast in "Cap-tai- TRACTOR SERVICE ALBERT EARL, Mgr. Tremonton MONTE YOUNG'S CARNIVAL SHERIFF'S MOUNTED POSSE CORINNE JUNIOR POSSE HORSE PULLING CONTEST ADULTS . . ADMISSION $1.25 CHILDREN State and Federal Tax Included 75c |