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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER . FOUR PAGE ELW00D BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER at Tremonton, Utah, PnWished no Thursday of Each Week for Friday Distribution Phon First West Street at the Post Office at Tremonton, Utah, as Second Entered Class Matter October 15, 1925 Eli A. N. RYTTTNG, SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) SOLDIER RATES - ONE YEAR - $2.50 Mrs. W. E. Fridal and son. Norwood, returned from Cam? Lewis, Washington where they visited with Lydia. who is in the recreational work of the Red ROSS LEONARD HONORED Cross there. The International Association Mrs. Peter Vanderhlde and of Game, Fish and Conservation son, Ralph, of Ogden sepnt SunCommissioners have asked Ross day with her mother, Mary Fish and Game Utah Leonard, celebraMrs. Mortensen to a paper unDirector prepare 79th ted her birthday Sunday. der the title "Resume of of Big A few neighbors called on Mrs. Game of for Nation" the Species Mortensen Monday evening to asthe annual of the meeting offer congratulations and wish her many happy returns on her sociation to be held at St. Paul in September. 79th birthday. Mr. Leonard's paper will ansMrs. Thomas Woodsides of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Russell Hunsak-e- r wer the question as to whether and children of Honeyville or not big game is holding its and Mrs. Janusine Petersen en- own or falling off in numbers joyed Monday in Logan canyon. throughout the nation, ai4 parMiss Leona Petersen, who has ticularly in the west. Mor-tense- $1.75 BOX ELDER'S RESOURCES The July issue of the County Officer, official publication of the National Association of County Officials is devoted to Utah and Utah which distribution, communities. The magazine has nation-wid- e should give Utah considerable publicty throughout the nation. The magazine is printed at Kaysville, Utah. Box Elder County's resources were listed as follows: holds a of the state, desprominent position in the extreme northwest corner of the county's area is occupied by half pite the fact that Lake and a Salt of Great large portion of the Salt Lake desert. The balance of the county is highly productive and its taxable valuation is listed at $34,351,783. Brigham City, with a population of 7,511, is the county seat and is located only 23 miles directly north of Ogden, and 60 miles from Salt Lake City. The city is served by Highways U. S. 89, 91 and 30"S( also the Utah'Idaho Central Railroad and the Union Pacific Railroad. Brigham City is proud of her fine residential districts, d streets, sewer system, municipal power and water paved low her tax levy mills, her excellent and modern business dissystem, In trict, public library, courthouse, hotels, churches and schools. fact, Brigham is one of the choice residential cities of the state, and heads a list of some thirty-tw- o communities, among which Tremonton, Garland, Honcyville, Deweyville and Willard are thriving communities. Tremonton, the county's main northern metropolis, with a population of 1500 is a prosperous and fast growing community and lies in the heart of the wheat and beet producing section of the Bear o River Valley. At Garland is found the Sugar factory, where more than 100,000 tons of sugar beets are processed annually. Box Elder County, often termed LItah's "bread basket" two-thir- Spotlighting UTAH 23 ds tree-line- n. been working in the Ordinance Depot in Ogden, has quit her job and came home to be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Derrick and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kim Cannon of Ogden were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Petersen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagstaff of Perry are guests at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Crossley and family of Smithfield, visited among friends here Sunday. Mrs. Wayne Francom entertained a group of little people at a lawn party Tuesday afternoon in compliment of her daughter, Joan and son, LaVar, for their birthday. All the children enjoyed it. The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers gave the program Sun-danight in meeting. Readings, All told, the county has 186,579.61 acres of dry farm land, and songs, instrumental music and 64,440.23 acres of irrigated land. The grazing acreage is listed at talks help to recall pioneer days. 511,386.64 and there are 1000 acres of fine orchards in Box Elder. It was instructive as well as In fact, the Elberta peach has made Brigham City and Box Elder Utah-Idah- y the west. famous throughout Precision-Smoothe- d The dairy business prospers in Box Elder and is supported by 6,744 A steel ball of the type used in a ball bearing is the most spherimilk cows. The county has 100,000 sheep, 21,510 head of range cal object in industrial science, precattle and produces approximately 145,000 turkeys annually. There cision - smoothed to of are 100,000 chickens in the county, the majority of which are egg an inch. producers. Cheddar Cheese About 85,000 acres of wheat are harvested annually in Box Elder, Cheddar cheese was introduced into the United States by early Britalong with 1,221 acres of corn, 1,506 acres of potatoes, and 6,958 ish settlers. acres of sugar beets. The county is a big producer of alfalfa hay, and harvests more than 37,000 acres each year. More than 16,000 acres of barley are produced annually and other crops are listed as follows: ats, 2,172 acres; tame hay, 4,981 acres; cropland pasture, 4,156 acres; peas, 1,992 acres and tomatoes, 1,001 acres. mmli According to statistics, Box Elder's main industry is "producing food" as attested to by the following figures: fruits and vegetables shipped out by rail potatoes, 188 carloads; peaches, 178 carloads, green wrapped tomatoes, 41 carloads; celery, 64 carloads; apricots, 44 By Carmi oarloads; onions, 32 carloads; cherries, 22 carloads; mixed fruits, 7 carloads; plums, 5 carloads; mixed vegetables, 1 carload; melons, 2 car Friends; after spending a few days in bed with the flu, yours bads total, 548 carloads. truly defines the' word "FLU"' as Box Elder's Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, a 59,000-acr- e rea winter sickness one catches in claimed swamp land, is famous for its millions of ducks, geese and the summer. You roast and freeze at the same time. 200 other species of birds. The county, strongly Mormon, has Catholics, Lutherans, Presbyterians and other faiths. THURSDAY, JULY Utah- - Tremonton, the matter would have to be set- -, tied by popular vote of the peo- pie, for it would require a con-- 1 stitutional amendment, to shift the site of the state mental hos-- ! pital or the state reform school to another location. told pioneer story, "Five Calico" by Mrs. Roma Perry.15 the speakers were c. De of Tremonton and Leon jHun.-er of Deweyville. I 'f J " J Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth son, Mikle of Brigham city h ited at the home of Mr. UINTAH BASIN A. R. Burbank Sunday ATTRACTS GEOLOGISTS Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bvrba Completing a tour of th? Uin- Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dustl tah Basin, University of Utah and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad iwl geology students declare that of Ogden, left on Monday fo:1 there are more formations ex- few days vacation to st ArtH posed In Uintah Basin than are ony, Idaho, where they wm hi found in the Grand Canyon of the guests of Mr. and Mrs the Colorado. Also, more ter- Burbank and family J tiary strata are found in this Tuesday, Mrs. T. R. Ault area than any other place in to Ogden to spend a few the Rocky Mountain region. with her daughter and hu" band, Mr. and Mrs. John Bee? er, and to attend the 24th celt CEDAR CITY TO ADVERTISE oration at Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Printing Is to be started soon Jensea at Cedar City of an advertising have gone on a fishin trir, ;J folder the purpose of which will Idaho and Woyming. be to publicize the area's atMr. and Mrs. Alvin Marble tractions. The folder will be vacationing at Pond's Iodse published by the Cedar City Honeyville and Deweyville ba' Chamber of Commerce, and will teams played ball on the Dewev contain Information about ho- ville diamond Sunday afternoon tels, tourist cabin accomoda- The home team was victorious I tions, industry, scenic attractJoyce Barkle is visiting relal I ions, etc. Ten thousand copies tives will be run off on the first edi- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Child an tion, it Is reported. family of Hooper were dinner guests of Bishop and Mrs. Clarf ence Fryer and family on SurJ -- andJ J jJ J,i a- -I STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT FORTIFIED An epidemiologist and two dis- trict health officers have been added to the state health de- partment, Dr. Wm. M. McKay, state health commissioner announces. The new medics joining the organization ar,e. Dr. A. A. Jenkins, former district DEWEYVILLE health officer at Cedar City and Richfield; Dr. Joseph P. Kesler, also a Utah man, and whose Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Litchfield headquarters will be at Ogden; and Dr. Seth E. Smoot with are happy over the arrival of a son born recently in a hospital headquarters at Provo. in Brigham City. Dale Blackham spent a week $25,000.00 IN UTAH as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gene FAIR AWARDS Leavitt, Fielding. For the first time since the Saturday, Mrs. Peter Jensen of Har-wowar, Utah will hold a full and Deweyville and Mrs. Beth of and son, Ogden, Billy, complete state fair this autumn, visited relatives in Logan. and $25,000.00 in premium Fay Gardner of Washington, and cash prizes will be is visiting her grandmothUtah BrewsR. Sheldon distributed, announ- er, Mrs. R. N; Gardner and Lay-ne- tt ter, secretary-managGardner. ces. Mrs. Thomas Stokes and childThe fair is scheduled for Sepren Mr. and tember 16th to 22nd, and prem- Mrs. of Penrose, visited Horace Gardner. ium books are now available to A number of our town folks all prospective exhibitors. enjoyed the celebration held at Snowville on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dewey of UTAH LOOKS TO Tremonton visited with Mr. and BUSHNELL Mrs. Rupert Blackham and famGovernor Herbert B. Maw has ily on Sunday. asked the U. S. Veteran's AdminSunday afternoon, Mr. and istration to "freeze" Bushnell Mrs. Duett Loveland and sons, General Hospital until the state J. Robert and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. could investigate all of the pos- Walter Sudbury and daughter, sibilities of the big multimillion and Mr. and Mrs. C. Dorothy, dollar institution as a home for P. returned from a Jensen, a "state mental hospital," "state week's fishing trip at Ponds and reform school" or other state in- Yellowstone Park. stitutions. In the meantime, the At Sacrament meeting Sunday Box Elder Chamber of ComD. U. P. of Dewey the evening, inmerce at Brigham City have ville, sponsored a special pro-- 1 dicated that they will fully sugram. Captain Pearl Perry was pport any action taken by the in charge. The program consisstate to purchase Bushnell. ted of a duet, "Mother's Red Should a decision be made to Shawl" by Mrs. Etta Gardner acquire the big army hospital, and Mrs. Emma Schoefeld, a re- od out-of-tow- 'I day. Ray Loveland and Ervil Gardner of Ogden were visitor! of Mrs. A. A. Loveland on Sun! day. and Mr. Mrs. Gene Chideste! of Brigham visited their parent! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chidester an family on Saturday and Sun I day. Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marbii had as their guests on Sundaj relatives from Fielding and Trei monton. RHEUMATISM er and ARTHRITIC suffered for years and am 4 thankful that I found relief froi I this terrible affliction that I vril gladly answer anyone writing m for information. Mrs. Anna Paut P. O. Box 825, Vancouver, Waslt Pd. Adv. NUE-OVLabratoril 1 . NEW MODELS ELECTROLUX CLEANER & AIR PURIFIER Are Now Available For Electrolux SERVICE AND REPAIRS Call or Write R. E. HALES Phone Bell 32-R- Riverside 2 rFl' -- 0- Do you know why a horse seldom a cold, Too many people catches Box Elder offers much to the newcomer, for it has adequate water their shirts on him. (Joe have for culinary or manufacturing purposes, cheap power rates, fine homcsites, adequate transportation facilities and roads, excellent creation area and a friendly and prosperous people. Adam's Drug Announces a ts 4 REPEATER PEN ITERSARP n a Miller's joke book 1888). V When a rich man has a cold it's acute laryngitis. When a poor man sneezes, it's just a cold. Mi ' ., . -- 0- the amazing new a re- Whether your rich or poor, there is a good bargain for you in O. K. recaps and repairs. Try them and see. 1 VTg&t. " " V .jC3,;;.-jiV- l " I I " I i , j i l"f,',;' ' iiiimiiwltJ'yi8jWBt n xii V r,y" v- trni I f ; il It j ill i mm es ..':UV.,- - AMI' H I i! is World'i tmoothett writing ptn. .r.wv i Rolls tht It's Even write water. for 3 month to 3 ytars on ont rofill cartridge. Reload with a cartridge in IS seconds. Writ Can't leak al any altitude. You con'l even shake the ink out. ..mi n snow a B 1 t II B .! IN IS YCV:'-!rr- Write en any paper or mate linen, textiles, etc. A"a'-4 to I carbon copies el r si rime. JfW" es it! CA means Action Capillary ... en exclusive Eversharp 8 patent i I I IIIOMUPW I with Repeater I 15V, 0 a II B I ' i I fttPIATIR FFN 1 I '"'I ADAMS DRUG Tremonton, Utah y BDDPBIIQD1., it If's - LOANS an ink on dry! dry whtn tubmerged under a X ,?JOio$300 Furniture Auto Livestock Monthly Payments to Suit Income. Term Loans to Farmers. Loans Made Anywhere By Our Representative Or By Mail. Loans Can Usually Be Made Same Day as Applied For. BRIGHAM LOAN CO. E. L. Petersen, Mgr. 43 So. Main Thone 443 Brigham City Under Supervision of State Of Utah a buy! -- with engine!" OIL-PLAT- ED You want an eyeful of 1946 style. . . . And you're taking in many an earful on chassis features. . . . And you can have an engine a J by simply saying a mouthful. Just say you want Conoco Nth motor oil because you want minimum carbon and sludge, plus fat mileage. Those gains depend largely on and that's exactly what is for. Here is how it works . . . Oil-Plate- d CONOCO rpm m 1 ,x LJ VJ OIL-PLAT- MOTOR Oil ES YOUR ENGINE wear-fight- er wear-resistanc- Oil-Platin- e, g In any make of new car or equally well in g your old car will make an addition to inner engine surfaces. That's where it's fastened durably across the path of wear by Conoco N' h oil's magnet like action. This power e to and protect comes from the added Conoco N" ingredient. It will add to the safety of your new car investment. It will add to your veteran car's chances! . . . And the cost it odds is a few centsl Get Conoco N' oil from Your Conoco Mileage Merchant. Continental Oil Company Oil-Platin- -- Oil-Plat- ... |