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Show Page Eight those present. FETED Members of the Town Club were delightfully entertained WednesPecken-paugday evening by Mrs. Don h. Luncheon was served to the members and Mrs. D. R. Waldron, a special guest, after which four tables were in play. Prizes went to Mrs. Owen Johnson and Mrs. Guy Johnson. LIBERTY Friday and Saturday CHRISTENSEN FAMILY MEET IN REUNION More than forty members of the family of Mr. and Mrs, Hyrum Christensen family met Sunday at the home of their parents to enjoy a family reunion. members who were Donna Brough Mrs. were present and two children of Los Angeles, Mrs. Rhoda Wimmer and 3 children of Ogden, Mrs. Sarah C. Lowe and 3 children of Logan, and Mrs. Clifford Jensen and 3 children of Bear River City. IIENRY FONDA and DANA ANDREWS to "Ox Bow Incident Sunday - Monday - Tuesday ALAN LADD and LOKETTA YOUNG In Out-of-to- "China" Wednesday and Thursday SIMONE SIMON and DENNIS O'KEEFE In MRS. EARL ENTERTAINS "Tahiti Honey" - I June 80, 1!M3, a State of Tmnonton, Utah, at the close of buhine under the banking and institution operating organized banking Federal of the member a and laws of this State cull System. Published in accordance with a the Federal by the State Banking Authorities and by Reserve Bank of this District FOR SON'S BIRTHDAY Mrs. Albert Earl entertained 16 members of the Kindergarten class of which her son, Lester, Is a In member, on Friday afternoon ASSETS Loans and discounts (including $353.99 overdrafts) United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed stock of Corporate stocks (including $1850.00 Reserve bank) Federal 6. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection 7. Bank premises owned, $7246.27, furniture and 1. 2. 5. With Pure Washed Air Low In Economical In Cost Operation New Shipment of OfJARCH RAWGES you can qualify for a new range, now is the time to buy. . . Indications are that stoves will go on ration about August 15th If TV of individuals rvomanH riprmKita r 'Dartnerships.- and corporations 1A Tim rtenosits of individuals, oartnerships. and corporations . is rwnositji of United States Government (including postal savings, Federal Reserve Defense Bonds) ., 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions is other deposits (certified and oincers' cnecKS,. eic.i $1,256,920.60 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS (not including subordinated shown below) 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES obligations CAPITAL ACCOUNTS - 25. Capital' 26. Surplus 27. Undivided profits 28. Reserves (and retirement account for JjQg N GOOD SELECTION of Ladies' and Men's 0. P. A. Odd Lot ale of Shoes atGEP AITS o Men's White 0xf0rd pair 3.00 Large Selection of Ladies' Shoes 1.98 o "Buy For Cash And Pay Less" r.n dm io,ovj.os $ preferred capital) 32,000.00 29,000:00 4,844.95 7,507.35 I VISITOR FETED The Misses Peggy Jeanne and Jill Johnson entertained a group of friends Monday evening at a lawn party in honor of Miss Betty Lou Rasmussen, who has spent the past two weeks visiting with relatives and friends in Tremonton. Games and an outdoor luncheon were features of the evening. Corporal James Kent Hansen, a nephew of Mrs. D. R. Waldron, visited at the Waldron home during the week. Cpl. Hansen is located at Drew Field in the Air Corps at Tampa, Florida. His home is in Brigham City. CARD OF THANKS 9 We wish to express our thanks and deep appreciation to our many friends who have extended to us kindness during the dark hours of our sorrow in the passing of our son and brother, Carlos. To those who called upon us in our home, those who wrote letters and all those who participated in the Memorial Services. For word3 of comfort, for sweet music, for thoughtful acts, or beautiful flowers which make a sweet memory, we say, "Thank you, and pray God to bless each one," Mr. and Mrs. Marinus Hansen and family. NOEL COWARD'S "In Which We Serve" on Next Thursday, Friday, Sat "The Leopard Man" "Gildersleeve's Bad Day" Greatly add to the appearance of any exterior surface Fireproof . . . Serve as Insulation . . . Economical A Permanent Outside Finish that the above PUBLIC HEALTH Accorling to reports from local health officers for the week ending July 16, health conditions in the State continue to Improve. Only 244 cases of communicable diseases were reported as compared with 314 for the previous week. Incidentally, thi3 is the fewest number of cases reported for any week during 1943. Uintah county reported one case of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. According to the attending physician, the patient is a housewife, 30 years of age. The patient had not been previously immunized. Richfield and Ogden City each reported one case of epidemic meningitis. The patients were 2 and 9 years of age, respectively. A total of 113 cases of this disease has been reported since January, 1943. This is the greatest number reported for any year during the past 10 years. Beaver county reported one case of tularemia. According to the attending physician, the patient is a sheepherder, 42 years of age and has the pulmonary type of infection in which the lungs are involved. Two cases of poliomyelitis were reported from Provo. The patients are 3 and 5 years of age, respec- tively. Seven additional cases of malar-l- a were reported from military hospitals in the State. The totals for the week were as follows: chickenpox, 37; measles, 20; German measles, 9; mumps, 31; pneumonia, 1; Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 1; scarlet fever, 7; tularemia, 1; whooping cough, 93; gonorrhea, 17; syphilis, 13; polimoyeutis, 2; trachoma, 1; malaria, 7, and epidemic meningitis, 2. Open Stock Dishes Buy as many as you like, cups saucers, dishes . . . open stock can be added to whenever you wish. Morton's This A Good Supply 0f HAY SALT STEEL POSTS Also Salt Blocks Makes For Stock Durable Fences. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE We Sell the Famous Line of BENNETT'S PAINT AND VARNISHES A Declaration ' COLUMN : See Our Beautiful Patterns in Tremonton Lumber and Hardware Duane Bunnell was a guest last week of his grandparents, Mr. Bunnell's parents, in Provo. , - Wed. ASBESTOS GLA-TE- X Mr. and Mrs. Claude Iverson have been extensively entertained during the past week, prior to his for military service. leaving Among the functions held in their honor was a party at Crystal Springs Friday night, given by Mr. and Mrs. Mart Hansen, a dinner Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Adams, and a dinner attended by Mr. Iverson's brothers and sisters on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Christensen Jr., of Layton, came for that event. A group of friends entertained at a party in Logan Canyon Sunday for the couple. Mrs. Iverson entertained a group of friends at their home for luncheon after the dance Saturday night. Sixteen guests were present. MRS. QUENTTN ALLEN ENTERTAINS FRIENDS A Bridge breakfast was enjoyed by a group of ladies, guests of Mrs. Quentin Allen, Monday morning. Prizes at the game were awarded to Mrs. Landy Harris, Mrs. Reg Brough and Mrs. Parley Archibald. Tiie. o,i.o Directors STATE OF UTAH County of Box Elder Sworn and subscribed before me this 3rd day of July, 1943. ESTHER S. HARRIS Notary Public STATE OF UTAH Office of Bank Commissioner I, RULON, F. STARLEY, Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the statement of the above named company, filed in my office July 17, 1943. RULON, F. STARLEY, Bank Commissioner. EWERS ENTERTAIN FOR CLAUDE IVERSON Honoring Claude Iverson, who left Wednesday for induction, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Ewer entertained Monday evening at their home. Ten guests enjoyed an evening of games and cards with prizes going to Stephen Hales, lone Iverson and Maude Hansen. Tasty refreshments were served by the hostess. American Empire" 57,652.50 24,039.93 JACK SHUMWAY. CORRECT ATTEST: J. J. SHUMWAY ALMA THEURER D. E. PECKENPAUGH, honor of Lester's birthday. Luncheon was served at the school house where the group enjoyed a social hour. Sun. - Mon. - Mrs. Hadley" Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hansen and daughter, Lola, of Los Angeles, visited Tuesday with his brother, Leland J. Hansen and family in Tremonton. 4ft 373,196.96 - bank, hereby certify - op . $1,330,272.90 d Mrs. Rhoda Wimmer and family of Ogden, have visited during the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Christensen. Tre-mont- This bank's capital consists of $7,000.00 of capital notes and deben tures, and common stock with total par value or $s,uou.uo. above-name- "The War Against Mr. and Mrs. Austin Seager and children, of Ogden, were in Thursday on business and visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seager while here. $1,256,920.60 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS BIRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN BY MRS. ORVAL EWER Honoring the birthday of Orval Ewer Wednesday, Mrs. Ewer entertained a group of mutual friends at their home that evening. A delicious luncheon was ser- ved and the guests enjoyed cards and other games. &MM 10,016.14 396 00 953.10 LIABILITIES IT'S THE KEEPS FOOD FRESH 404,323.49 r statement is true to the best of my knowledge ana oeuer. For Modern Refrigeration 1,850.00 $1,330,272.90 I, JACK SHUMWAY, of the COOLERATOR 281,325.18 than bank premises 12. TOTAL ASSETS Mrs. Kenneth Cornwall and children left Thursday morning for Salt Lake, where they will visit for a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. McDermakL $ 631,409.99 -- fixtures, $2769.87 8. Real estate owned other 11. Other assets Orpheum Friday and Saturday jn'e -- TOWN CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Delores Harris and Mrs. H. N. Stohl visited last weekend in Rexburg, Idaho with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stohl and BEAR RIVER STATE BANK followed by table games. A pleasant social evening was enjoyed by FRIENDS ENTERTAINED AT V ATKINS HOME Mr. and Mrs. Perce Wat kins wre hosts Saturday evening to a group of friends at their home. A delicious luncheon was served V 20 ID; LOCAL NEWS NOTES REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Local and Social Items NON-RATIO- inursday, July BEAR RIVEIi VALLEY LEADER of Policy To The People Of $ Bear River Valley More than a year ago, the authorities of the L. D. S. Church, by letter to Stake Presidents and Bishops, advocated the discontinuance of Sunday L. funerals. At a recent D. S. the Funeral Directors and Association of Utah, Inc., the Utah State Florists Association, and the Utah State Cemetery, Association went on record as desiring to eliminate funerals and interments on Sundays. In cooperation with the above actions, the Presidency j tuc uucu iuvui- oiciKe ana me x asior iu me ,uv" Methodist Church desire that people do not plan or "request Funeral Services or Interments on Sunday. Therefore, in view of the above expressed desire of the religious leaders- of the valley, we pledge our cooperation to this worthy endeavor to eliminate Sunday Funerals and meeting-- , rs - - Interments, except by special order of the State Health Commission. SHAW & ROGERS Funeral Home Tremonton, Utah Harold B. Felt Funeral Home Brigham City, Utah KORTH FLORAL SHOP Tremonton, Utah RIVERVIEW CEMETERY Tremonton, Utah |