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Show 22, 1943 siay July BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER FIELDING Earl had as her guests John Weaver of rLli l fr and Mrs ..rrha and child. ' Mr r .,T! Kuriv"6' Burroughs and two Miss Hean Weaver, all 1' ides. California. Lemuel I the weekend visited ' yZviie and family, returning : "post of duty m Salt iaite city, . ii4-.- Lemuel If uncle. , i t L weekend in Logan Canyon with rel aUves and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Germer vis- iiea last Saturday and Sunday at oyrmgs, laano. Cleo, daughter of Mr. and v Alvin Norr, spent a week here and on Saturday, July 17m had her tonsil removea at the Valley hospital. unfla snow, of Brigham City, at the home of her eranrinaronto Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wheatley, of this Welling Mrs. Wesley Garn were tad ( 3 to Brigham City last Friday. who has jlonaham. of Idaho, weens in neia- J 7 the past several f.-- Mrs. Ray Moore and two sons. Mrs. ' of Bingham, visitel with Mr. and Mrs. Leora Hansen and Mrs. Augusta Iv- Engvar Petersen Tuesday. ersen spent Tuesday in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Albin Bergstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Simpson and twin soils, Rolon and Rulon, were baby, of Ogden, spent Sunday at the dinner guests Monday evening of Mr. home of Mrs. Simpson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Engvar Petersen. and Mrs. Heber Hailing. The Blue Star Mothers of this ward Mrs. Jacquline Kemp and baby re- went to Elwood Sunday to attend turned home Thursday after spending the Memorial Services for Carlos a month in California with her hus- Hansen, band, Corporal Dale Kemp. Mrs. Sarah Shuman spent a few Mr. and Mrs. Heber Hailing, Mr. last week at the home of her days and Mrs. Fred Hansen spent TuesMrs. James H. Miller, in loaugnter, in day Brigham City on business. Alfred Jensen is confined to his East Garland. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Grover and home suffering with an attack of Mrs. Jesse Grover returned Sunday heart trouble. Mrs. Lola Beth Newman was taken from a trip to Texas, where they visited with their son and husband, to the hospital in Brigham City Sun- Pvt. Jesse Grover, who is soon to day, suffering with high blood presleave for over seas duty. sure and complications. Miss Merle Miller, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Elva Jackson returned home Friday from Richmond, Utah where and Mrs. C. E. Miller, left Sunday she has been staying with her sister for Southern California. She is now Mrs. Leona McCarrey, who has been stopping in Las Vegas, Nevada. Miss Oleta Miller went to Brigham quite ill following an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Claud R. Iversen, of Monday to work at the Bushnell hosTremonton, were the dinner ruests pital. of Mr. and Mrs. Golden Petersen on LaVar Christensen has spent the Monday. past few days at the home of Mr. Mrs. Shelley H. Atchlev and three and Mrs. Fred W. Petersen. children, of Driggs, Idaho, are visit Mrs. F. W. Petersen, Mrs. Morgan ing with Mrs. Atchley's mother, Mrs. Miller and Bishop J. F. Petersen and sma Thorsen. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Petersen attended a farewell at the Evans Chapel Monday evening, given in honor of La Var Christensen who leaves this week for San Diego, California to serve in the Marine Corps. Mr. and Mrs. Engvar Petersen Ensign Hall Miller, of Ojrden. who is in the Navy Air Force at Hudgi-se- were Brigham visitors Wednesday. Kansas, spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Petersen the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perrv and family visited in Brigham City Stanfill. Sherma Stanfill accompan Wednesday at the home of Mr. and ied him to Ogden Saturday. Mrs. Virgil Pierce and picniced in Mrs. Wanda Palmer and children Brigham Canyon.. and Mrs. Veda Smith and son, Mike The program at Sacrament meet j ing Sunday evening was given by the Scouts. Bishop Marble of Both-we- ll was the main speaker. Musical numbers were furnished by Jed Stan-- I fill and Leon Miller. Five boys re- -j ceived awards from the Scout Master, Ersol Berchtold. Doyle Stanfill spent several days last week fishing at Blue Creek, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Petersen visited the Thatcher Ward Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson and son, of Logan, are spending a few days here with her mcther, Mrs. Rose Peterson. E. H. Furse and two sons, of Salt Lake City, are guests this week at the O. A. Seager home. S. NORMAN LEE Mrs. T. E. Adams accompanied her son, Leo, to Brigham City Wednesday, where he left for Fort Douglas to enter military service. J Mr. .ane and Mrs. LeVon Hnnsak I and Morris Hunsaker wneatley of Salt Lake DeBrv. a rislung trip in Idaho. enjoyea weekend with the over Twisted Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Wheatlev hal and family, Mr. and Mrs, as their guests recently, Mr. and MLu Pa e Five airs, u. Kichardson of Elwood, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Christensen and family of Layton, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Kichardson of Tremonton. Mrs. Myrl Perry visited relatives i t the DOniC in salt Lake City. Mon"returned to his home last Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Perrv enter tained with a dinner honoring: their f Frank Wood and Miss Dona Mrs. Oliver Peterson, of daughter, oaii r uluf i left last Aioiuuiy JetersDoro. Besides the guest, mem . l', California. It and Mrs. Frank Cannon had bers of the Perry family were itnr ruests last week, Mr. and Mr., and Mrs. C. P. Jensen received f Krause and children, a telegram from their son, Glen, say it Lake uiy. txaugiiuci he was well and not .to worry and Mrs. Rulon Cannon, of ing but he would let them know where Mr. On Sunday last, ake City. he was when he landed. weDer ana two jjrs. Mondell Mrs. Lillian Gallop, mother of Alvin of this place, passed awav Norr, of also Logan, f of Mr. .Weber, Thursday evening. Funeral services at the Cannon home, were held Monday at the Shaw and f jop and Mrs. Earl were visitors funeral Rogers chapel. Burial was in of on last Tuesday j ilt Lake City the Deweyville cemetery. Mrs. O. G. Harwood, of Salt Lake Ula Jamison, of San Diego, visited relatives here Sunday. City, ner to nome, piia, has returned Merle Conger, of Tremonton, spent having spent several weeks In the weekend at the home of Mr. and was called here due to 5g She Mrs. Duett Lovelanl. of her death sister, jness and Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble had Nathaniel Garn. relatives from out of town as their S L : dinner guests on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Renea Lish and DEWEYVILLE daughters, of Honeyville, visited with relatives here on Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Ault Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland entertained at dinner Monday for Mr. anl re-lj Saunders Blaine and rNorr from California, where they Mrs. John Becker, of Ogden. Mr. Becker leaves for the service Thurs. 4 relatives and friends. and Mrs. Warren Haycock day. Wayne Norr came home to attend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J Newsome, of Salt Lake City. his grandmother's funeral Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Campbell, of Mies are sisters and are daugh-iMand Mrs. Chris Hansen of Salt Lake City, spent the weekend here with their parents, Mr .and Mrs. grille. Walter and Mrs. Alvin Norr spent the Sudbury. Mr. Campbell entered the service Sunday and Mrs. Campbell will visit with relatives here for a few days then she will go to California. Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Duett Love-lan- d and daughter, Mildred Jean and son Garry, and Mrs. T. R. Ault were in Brigham City. Gloria Lish returned from the hospital in Brigham Saturday. Mrs. H. A. Lish is in the hospital in Brigham City receiving treatment "--" . l ABSTR CTOR A Established 40 Tear BRIGHAM CITY. UTAH Mrs. Adam Brenkman and her father, F. E. Kespler, made a business trip to Ogden Thursday. Are You Planning Your School Wardrobe? In just a little over a month, High Schools and Colleges will be opening for the fall term. We invite you to call in and look around . : . We are sure that we have just what you will need in replenishing your wardrobe for the coming school year. PENROSE LA GRA SHOP n, LADIES' Tremonton READY-TO-WEA- R Utah I C3 4H, :, rSteN A r. Produce guarantees refreshing salads Qua fan teed-Fres- h mlateNow! ORANGES n i wmm ! CANTALOUPES turned with. -- CARROTS 4 iting in this city with Mrs. Reaves' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Han- Rationed Foods sen. Pvt. and Mrs. Clyde Jennings are the proud parents of a baby boy born July 10th at the Bushnell General hospital in Brigham. Pvt. Jennings is stationed at Ft. Bliss, Texas and has just recently been home on a furlough. Mrs. Jennings was formerly Miss Vaudys Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Hailing, Mrs. Augusta Iversen and Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson were shopping in Tremonton Saturday. Pvt. and Mrs. LaMont Yates are the proud parents of a baby girl. Mrs. Yates was formerly Miss Elisa Bott, of this city. ' cm install ZONOUTE insulation your-fehours. But order NOW! Vi'e your ordcri nn hi if mot nnl Ki Nelater when the e mad, buy- m rant. i HI , Lumber & Hardware fremonton tie 130 Tremonton 1 CANNED MILK 3Iorning, Sego, Carnation, 1 4 Gerber's - 3 cans ... 1 BABY FOOD Clapp's Strained - 3 cans .... 4 TOMATO JUICE 46-o- z. bottle PAROWAX pound GRAHAMS Honey Bee box b. SALTINE WAFERS By Purity - b. box SUZANNA FLOUR Pancake and Waffie - 56-o- z. pkg. Sleepy Hollow Syrup Pure Cane and Maple Tr&S" AHE LOHG-LIVE- RcmU TOO D, . et buytoday, our tirei tomorrow, and alter th ... pro-'ctio- O. K. RUBBER VELDERS Phone 94 J NEAL "Your Trained Rubber Welders" V. n, - t'Un! inn OU! CCWC WHIL I ?v wtftw Premium Sodas - tsp. salt a tsp. cayenne pepper a tsp. garlic salt i4 tsp. celery salt !4 tsp. paprika 26 pkg 44-o- z. BREAD Julia Lee Wright's 2 loaves 20-o- z. COFFEE Airway, Smooth Flavored - lb COFFEE Sanka - lb. MATCHES Buffalo - carton ox 17 20 36 23 CLEANSER Sunbrito - tall can .... BLEACH White Magic - 5 10 15 qt BLEACH dorox - qt FRUIT JARS WKY- m V.J - 1 KNEW HOW TO IAN rrdiri f ing y3 cup enriched flour 1 , . No. need to rule parties out for the dur ation. Julia Lee Wright's new Family Circle article is all fibout parties designed for NOW. Simple'', but with new twists. Get your copy ,. ' today. Safeway Homemaiers' Bureau- - JULIA LEE WRIGHT. Uiwctor I 1 I r I " I I DlDN T KNOW A THINS IT. BUT I SAW AM AO ABOUT TOOWN omA J KNOW THAT 1 1 WOULD YOU LIKE TO CIVI A PARTY? 79 Kerr Mason, Quarts - doz. tershire sauce cup vinegar cup salad oil tbsp. shorten- Vi cup water e. Combine cp,R yolks, seasonings and vinegar in deep mixing bowl, b. Add oil without stirring, e. Make sauce: Melt shortening in double boiler. Add flour top of and gradually add water, stirring until smooth. Cook over rapidly boiling water until mixture is thick and smooth, about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, d. Pour hot, cooked sauce into bowl with oil and vinegar mixture and beat with rotary beater until smooth and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Store in covered jar in cool place. Makes 1 pt. Beat together 1 HOMAYONN AISI egg yolk, 1 tsp. salt, t tsp. dry mustard and yt tsp. sugar. When frothy, add 1 tbsp. vinegar" or lemon juice and beat again. Beat in salad or olive oil very gradually, adding just a few drops at a time to cup oil prevent curdling, until has been added. When mixture thickens, add another tbsp. vinegar or lemon juice and beat again. 31 box b. CAKE FLOUR Softasilk - 45 -- YOlive TM CRACKERS 10 12 12 31 31 19 17 CANNING! iw ON IN THf KITCHEN FINISH J2 tsp. Worces- - 2 egg yolks 2 tsps. mustard 19 Kellogg's - Ige. pkg J - AT CANNING NEVER MENTIONED war. deserve the best ... our quality workmanship and ultra modern equipment gives you 'ne best the best in service, tir casing and tire mileage. z. Jar ALL BRAN tFUWONE CAN -- YOU OW perfect circle free from high and low spots insures high mileage. 2 . . . properly applied heat and pressure 'he right cure with uniform density even wear. These iwn lriA, .lr O If TiMrlwtlJi' vour . 2-l- b. COOKtO MAYONNAISE 1.75 I Because: 1 12 PEANUT BUTTER Real Roast - ( ed Foods ed Kitchen Craft Enriched, 50 lls. 20 20 .... JELS - RITE 1 38 . FLOUR 1 CM can Large Bath Size - bar z. If you want those summertime salads to be devoured right down to the last shred of lettuce, then use a dressing that will change the ordinary salad into one of those delicious creations which every member of the family attacks with gusto! Doesn't matter whether it's the kind or a favorite from your grocery. By the way, the cooked mayonnaise given below is a cross between mayonnaise and the salad dressing that's so popular nowadays. 1 BABY FOOD Sunny Dawn - 10 lbs. mid Siitl Save don-Ration- QQ0 - & cans PALMOLIVE SOAP 0. New Utah - SOT Dressings give sparkle to salads I 8 POTATOES 5 yWWWeSk. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Reaves and two daughters, of Utopia, Texas, are vis- tin average cosi of insulatine a home ZONOUTE, which reduces fuel bills k 40 in winter and makes homes :ii dtgrees cooler in summer. LETTUCE lb. lb Mrs. C. W. Brailsford 3 New Utah - lb. lb. BEAR RIVER CITY be SURE of COMFORT next fsar despite the impending fuel thornee aJait four home ow while delivery CABBAGE 8 Sunkist - lb. $ !wa flS&ff These warm days, what's more appetizing than a fresh salad? But the "makings" must be fresh if that salad is to be delicious. Safeway's produce is as fresh as can be try it for salads this week! SAFEWAY ADVISING BOOK! ET SO M I DID jT .?tL YSEETHAT! WHY-I- T TELLS I .l M0 I fcw I Xi HOW TO DO PRESSURE HOW TO MAKE JELLIES II CANNING PlCKUNG OH, COLLY, MARGE-QUIC- HOW CAN K, f(?lW " eir f BOOKLLPTS I Ij'-v- j S SS I 1 1 T! m7 Fr.f vi'J s . jr. wizi'jtff'. II LtrrL just mail TO JUUA is i If E cents WftlGHT. 60A66O-SS.0AKLAN- O 4. CALIFORNIA, ANO SICUSENOYDU a copy f j f |