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Show July 22, 1913 v, if" BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Page Seven X 1 THCR&TCN W. 8URGESS r4rrEEER REMEMBERS 1 jSCf1-- L.TTERER THE RED SQUIR I rEL 'as disgusted with him-tb all his neighbors, and with fJorld n general which is 10 say f Chatterer was very much put '''.tout something. There was no 'about it. He couldn't see any-cheerful in the sunshine or blue rLg pleasant in the blue, with That was the trouble There was a great deal his iil in heart. was filled with Cthe first place, it and anger, you know, will all joy an- - pleasantness out K H ' Everything- - And then Chatterer mortified. He was both angry U mortified because Sammy Jay proved to have smarter wits t ? r lt had. as soon as he could being seen, he slipped J new home in the old house Wmmer the Woodpecker, in an f..j tree in the Old Orchard, and - he sulked for the rest of the lf' You see, Sammy Jay had h, him go over to Farmer Vs corncrib and get him some fright in broad daylight, and he I very narrowly escaped being Brown's Boy. He 5 by Farmer - An it hprause Sammv had rv w ww " that if he didn't he would tell jow the Weasel where Chatterer So, without rat to mi P '!'!;- U a J4A Km1 i eeiiiiiiiiEiw r airier I a good run along had 3t Next time you're sore at the Nazis or Japs, just sit down for a minute. And if there's a pencil handy, do a little figuring something like this Sure, taxes are higher. You're paying more than you used to. And the cost of living hasn't gone down That's costing you any either. more. But ... living, nothing If " r wff : v 3 :ky home right now than there has been for a long, long time. What's more . . . Maybe you were going to get a new bus this year. Every year, you ... the stone ;I and Chatterer was afraid and nobody else quite so ,:h as of Shadow the Weasel. only I hadn't promised to get corn whenever he asked me he said over and over to as he sulked in his home in "If only I hadn't! apple tree. yet I couldn't help myself I v.tei to. Now, whenever he feels it, he'll make me do as he did I won't be so :ay, and perhaps always. Oh, dear, oh, dear, ; got myself into a dreadful mess, I've just got to think of some o o o r ,3 j v. Chances are, you're making more, too. And maybe somebody else in the family's working. Maybe one of the girls is bringing home a pay envelope every week and pretty good payat that. Chances are, there's more cash coming into your know, millions of people did get new ones. Or radios. Or refrigerators. Anyway, it's a cinch you'd have spent some money this year on things you can't buy now. So what? So maybe you can put more of your family earnings into War Bonds! 20 NotlOorl2orl5or and can! If but all you every you other American who has an income will sharpen up your pencils and figure out how you can save an extra dollar here and another there tha: can go into War Bonds if you'll keep on figuring and saving you'li provide a weight of metal that will snap the Axis' spine like a rotten stick! Let's pour it on! And keep pouring A it on till the murderous fools who have defiled our soil, butchered our sons, broken up our homes who have refused to let us live and work in peace are smashed utterly to dust! Get ouf that pencil! See charts below! . 3 it." out of ? suddenly a Then an. great idea came a. Mr. w hat comes in . . Here's stupid, stupid!" he mut-- i, meaning himself. "Why didn't ;member it before? You won't pine going over to that corncrib Stupid, . Heres what goes out Jay! j' ght away he felt so much better mind that he had a good run "S the old stone wall and then ) ) '""""" ls for a good night's sleep. day Sammy Jay appeared middle of the forenoon and in next ed f 'Jie more corn. Chatterer that he didn't dare go for when Sammy insisted that What comes in What goes out "anded ended but he suddenly, suddenly for where do you think? 7. for that storehouse of his in hollow rail on the edge of the jield. It was a long way to go, jjthat was better than running the ? of being seen by , Farmer pa's Boy. It took him some at last he was back with f aeeks puffed with corn. Sammv P pretended to hp pms hecaiKA iad been kept waiting so long uv, ..... .: nil mc -fnimhld ou nine uc- waa He pretended to think that TOrn was not as onnd ns that Farmer Brown's corncrib, and (Wed something about telling .;;w the Weasel if Chatterer q get him some corn from the we next I day. ( Ju can't!" cried Chatterer in '?x "You promised not to tell $ I must 5corn I? 1,5 but whenever you asked I didn't ?-,- 1 ma mi-mi ybob rr smffjgi 1 BOOST YOUR DOHO do. ysk THR0UGH THE PAYROLL SAVHWSMdF chuckled to smarter than V ; maae mm ana a little iineasv. hut thfnt SI" get the best j of him now, so he rgot n; and all the rest of the thought of how lucky it was L nad remembered that store. ut . ui :Uldn't if " the hollow 8ALLY L rail. TROUBLE ome down ha Uay. the way you on your life. u Da- A I came up ain't going down wasn't President VY ssassinated once? '"'Tommy, just once! -, 1ST! 1 tf l Jay. Iyate aseveryhe grain and then went Chatterer C ? heard something very V WAR BONDS After all, U. S. war Bonds are the safest investment the world has ever known return you $4 lor every $3 invested at the end of 10 years. Use that pencil to help jvr-te- lf as well as Uncle Sam. say where I ir mat7 he hadandbeenhe for U. S. This Message is a Public Service Feature of the Bear River Valley Leader |