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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. TIIURDSAY. FEBRUARY 9, 1823 EIGHT 9 . " '.jr-v- r TVTfxMKD TT1TU7 77) SATURDAY, FSBHUARY 18 DANQUET G PICTURE SHOW - 7:30 TO 8 P. M. TO 7:30 Mrs. N. E. Shaw was hostess to th Woman's Christian Temperance Unfo,.metting on Thursday, February 2nd. A special program was planned In order to observe the Frances E. Wiliard Centenary year, the Same to be held on Friday, February IT. Committees were appointed' and they are hoping to make this an event, thus honoring the founder of our organization. Nearly all members reported having written letters to our Washington representatives urging their support of temperance legislation at the present session of Congress. Many replies buve been received in which our representatives gave assurance that their vote would be cast to curb liquor advertising both over the radio and in the printed pages. It was moved and seconded that oar Secretary write a letter of to the National Broadcasting Company for their refusal to accept any liquor advertising over their programs. A. report was made that more than Hid names were secured to the peti-tlrecently sent to our Congress, 'tirping the enactment of laws cuib- ine; liquor advertising over the radio or In the printed pages. Much interest has been aroused ov- er the road signs which are being) ptaced by the W. C. T. U. over the entire nation. The local union home to have their sign put up aa soon as th weather permits. This sign will challenge drivers by the most pop ular niu;;a.ii ji iuii ui ive utu l Think." rivery Christian Citizen should respect and support the efforts of the Women's Christian Temperance out-?tandi- m DANCING PROGRAM - 8 TO 9:30 Tickets 60c per plate Box Elder County Mrs. N. E. Shaw Entertains W. C. T. U. Legislators Active EEAE EEVEE HIGH SCH0-r- - TIIAIIKS TO j "1 t n ) n if r. huh non-partis- i- .1 - S . 3t 'it t. " .' j j $ . iv imriuutlS Of the. receive honors were KenrhM o Pv son lrvl Ransom A Slmi.lar nuniber from the wam enJyed the same prograiE.'rR In honor of the National Bow.. Vet . j v.uuls or the re8lliar sacrament meeting Seer- tt- Representatives Mason and Milton J. I home voted yes on all measures passed on in the house excepting that Mr. Thome was absent and not voting on a measure extending registration of plumbers throughout the slate. j I """" anernoon. The program is to be of a naiure ana win be interesting inotn irl-'ennfun In the First Ward the regular a, rament services will be held Bishop Welling. of Carlanrt awarded advancement badges. Among Principal speaker. them many of the members of Troop No. 140 of which fact the Methodist ance and Problems of Behav:rr Church and all of Tremonton is just- the high school and one in Trer on Leadership. ly proud. As the order of Boy scouting is inMiss Hazen also conducts a ternational and educational in its cast from KSL Saturday at 2 4'' scope, reasons exist xor Relieving tnatj uran congress of Faients andTa i.'erein may germinate tne seeas or ; ers on "Today's Children, Tornpw- universal peace and human brother-- ; Adults." hood. It is one cf the most worthy and promising democratic movements influencing mankind in these unsett- Or tile IaH" ; iuu limes. f .ien jjd l 'nap ' ae efi e, j lie nS er 5 "on s i toe: Subscribe f v : t, :: 'THIS poster, showing how ".Scoeting .Csrrlcs On Aaaciiccn IdcJ B- theme of Eoy S.ui V,'k from Feb. 3 io ! J, r.ar!v3 ths 29th an-- niversary of ir.cciiia;L.. oi Loy Scouts of America. Boy Scout Troops, Cub Packs zivl Sea Scout Shias now include 133,950 boys and men, a mctr.bcrsh''t gain of better than 13 in the past year. Since the cf Scouting in. America 8,400,000 boys and men have been identified v,iili the Movement. r te j en-M- ". i THROUGH THE LEADER FIRST T itir mm n Profits on Your Farm - j,tc GRINDING Miss Winifred Hazen, state cooridi-natin Parent Education, of the Extension Division 'of the University of Utah, will meet with the parents and teachers Thursday evening, Feb. 16. at 7:30 at the Tremonton school. She will conduct a discussion on parent-teach- 1 -- Applications for emergency crop and feed loans for 1939 are now be ing received at the Court House at Brigham City on Monday of each week by Vemal Willie, field supervisor of the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan section of the Farm Credit Administration. The loans will be made as in the past, only to farmers whose cash requirements are small and who cannot obtain credit from any other source. The money loaned will be limited to the farmer's immediate and actual cash needs for growing his 1939 crops or for the- purchase of feed for 2IT oreii idi ! I' s M. Hed a. ih ELEVATOR relations. Miss Hazen will be remembered for ner classes last year on Child Guid- - Phone"" 41 CO. Tremonton, ;efer ti Uta! I F"es tor) f and l .ed a February Only "N( jtangl: naint leiybo NOW VOU CAN BUY THIS selves I Tf( fpathy 1039 re "SPEED QUEEN" LAUNDRY OUTFIT FOR THE PRICE l'OD WOULD ORDINARILY PAY FOR WASHING MACHINE ALONE. fpeoplf I peace! onomi nation I Twt I mud - t 7- Chief - I Chief Farmers who can obtain the funds they need from an individual, pro- duction association, bank, or other concern are not eligible for crop and A few committees have already been feed loans from the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan section of the Farm appointed as follows: Organization County Poultry com ' Credit Administration. The loans will e made to standard rehabilita- mittee with Leslie Nelson, chairman and Wesley Anderson, assistant chair Ion clients whose current needs are man. provided for by the Farm Securitv Advertising County Agent Robert Administration, formerly known as the Resettlement Administration. H. Stewart and Howard Call. j As m the Past farmers who obtain Program Howard Kelley and Eu- -' gene Perry. emergency crop and feed loans will Luncheon George Johnson and the give as security a first lien on the Merchants' committee. crop financed, or a first lien on the Culling demonstration Russell T. livestock to be fed if the money borJohnson. rowed is to be used to produce or Killing and dtessing contest Ed- - purchase feed for livestock. X'ii rrl Wn'.-nrA T Where loans ure maHp tn t t.i Pictures-Rob- ert H. Stewart and the landlords, or others having an interest in the crops financed or the Leslie Nelson. ; livestock to be fed, are required to Arrangements Ed Anderson. Watch press for further announce waive their claims in favor of a lien monts. totthe Governor of the Farm Credit Administration until the loan is repaid. THATCIIEIl SCHOOL NEWS Checks in payment of npproved Osive Program at Garland loans will be mailed from the Regional Thursday, Feb. 2, the band went to Emergency Crop and Feed Ixian ofGarland and gave program. We play-- 1 fice at Salt Lake City. The interest ed 8 numbers together and 3 quar-- : rate on these loans is 4 per cent. t t ' and two mixed numbers. Wo al- m li i.l Mr. Jackson's brother piny his! RUr.SCRinR FOR THE EADKR guitar and his daughter sang. Hej i'lfo sang. We hope they enjoyed it much as wo did going over there in ; i.;y tor tiirn; - Oav ana nocy Sth grade! I?AI)JO elt tJ STEAM ROLLING er f democ tr She I In I Increase CLEANING ANNUAL POULTRY Crop, Seed Loans SCHEDULED Are Now Available j A; , Winifred Hazen to Meet I Parents Thurs., Feb. 16 I or bc-?n- nin eltl the in , 1 betwei j nt r1- - fatific j VA the Co 7 foi tfy I 1 c and, n '4 , - ' A 1 t Care i I Last j itself i bate oi I Kcret I s char j Pede S and I ot: GROUP INCLUDES j CIENCE end invention have made it poa- - sibte for every farm family to enjoy life more 03 electric "hired men," relieve everyone drudgerous chores. of d At the same time, elec- "Speed Queen" Washer Double Drain Tubs Clotlies Basket 3G Spring Clothes Tins 24 Pkgs. White King Soap "Save-Ur-Eal- ALL FOR ;'&ted j I more i t" 7493 f tricity enables every fanr.er to increase farm vviil show you. Ccr.ia ia J have benefited by getting tha feels, Jiiit 03 you will, too. sun Foun cratun on EXPEUT SERVICE tlv. Buy On Our Easy Payment Plan 1 shoutec jui pre d LUNdl . ROO?.I NOW OIT.X FOU IU SINKSS MONEY TO LOAN roinuMly the HEAL ESTATE FARMS Oil HOMES Western Cafe Ju.t i:nt of Western Pool Hall Ottr Specialty Coffee Sandwiches - i I f 1 1. all JAMES KROUGII A OENC Y FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE LUMI5 Ell INSURANCE TREMONTON, UTAH echoed ; evelt- "YOUR GOOD WILL OUU BEST ASSET" the j Uke th j grtat . j k"Ier : Union !- Mi; j '5 f Home and Farm Supplies Farmers' Cash The ; I liUILDING BIATERIAL GLASS AND CHINA WAIM-- PEAUL'S Hundreds cf farmers in ihh tenitory if had i - let's discuss the individual prcblor.':? cf your farm. pie T profits. How can electric appliances help ycu? personal survey lef U j A lit - to be 1 in-- s t , . iJP j Itni5n! 've boy scouts were ( tek en by the Boy Scout r'J t0 committee nf tho Ward to the Ogden Livestl' in the aftfmrwm" "u ... n aitendcrt Court of Honor held at the ne den High School in the ' Firemen's Auxilliaiy Association will be the guest speaker at the next luncheon to be held March 2. A snlen- The wives of the Tremonton volun-- ; di(l musical program has also been teer firemen ment Thursday evening, arranged. Tt is tno object of this February 2, for organization and ! organization stallation of officers for the ladies tn bring to the people of this valley some very entertaining programs con- awnJUiary. Tlio following officers were elected, listing of lyceum numbers seldom Ann Slmonsen, Mrs. Ethel Mil- -' Jyed here. Some outstanding talent DAY ler, Mrs. Valoy Newman, and Mrs. nas already been contacted and dates Bertha Thomas, president, vice presi- - of performances will be announced in Annual Box Elder Poultry Day has dtftjt. secretary and treasurer, respec- - the near future. Watch for these an- - been dated for Wednesday, March 8, nouncements. tively. The board of directors is com- at The exact place has Brigham City. of the following: Mrs. Alberta i ' not yet been determined. The County Poultry committee, the MrZsw,LnUCiUe Keller' andiSHOP Extension Service, the Merchants' The president of the Utah State' ADS committee, and poultrymen are very to make this day a real eduanxious fitrr m n m".i ox cational success; and the committees in charge will be grateful to all if no other major function will be allowed to conflict with this institution on that date. An educational program, consisting of poultry films, educational talks, culling demonstrations, competitive killing and dressing demonstrations, and other items of interest to poultry-memight be arranged. Also the regular buffet luncheon is yet very Banish Drudgery and i s j Firemen Aisxilliary T Organized, Thursday r1 v, No. 140 of the Methodist Episcopal as Church attended church sen-icea group, in uniform, on Sunday evening, February 5. Troop No. 1 girl scouts and cub pack No. 1 also were in attendance and joined in making the scout pro-gram inspiring and entertaining. Short skits and contests by both boysj and girls were much appreciated by: the parents and friends present. Merit' and attendance awards were present- ed to the snappy cubs. Lyle Johnson was the winner of the essay contest "How to Improve our Scout Troon." prize being scout shirt, given by Mr. Li. G. Rose, a member of the troop, committee. Two carloads of scouts and their leaders attended the Ogden Area Scout Rally, held in the Ogden High School auditorium Tuesday, February ! ' Hive As part of its week's celebration j 1 ' ! j j i i Scouts of M. E. Church Boy Scouts Attend Observe Anniversary Court of Honor Ta r - i ff GET YOUR TICKETS EAItLyt TO 12 Includes Entire Program - All America Marks 29th Boy Scout Anniversary Activities of legislative representatives from the first district centered during the fourth week of the twenty-thir- d Utah session in the introduction of several new bill voting on all measures before the senate and house, and taking part in discussions on those debated. Senator Will R. Holmes introduced three three bills and others. S.'B. 162 places the bureau! of criminal investigation and identi- fication under civil service. S. B. 164 specifies that prison work must not conflict with private industry. S. B. 170 allows free fishing licenses to' persons over 70. measures amend the direct primary law, retaining run-o' elections, but requiring registration of party affiliations; authorize voters! to list party affiliations when registering, anil combine judiciary and school board elections on a separate ballot. Representative Wayne R. Mason introduced a bill providing for election of county commissioners by districts. He also joined with other legislators in sponsoring a. house memorial asking congress to tax incomes from government salaries and securities. On motion by Senator Holmes, S. B, 63 relative to litigants filing im pccuriious affidavits was tabled. He; voted no on a bill establishing a state department r.f justice and yes on a measure requiring claimants Cor damages to undergo a medical examination in court where claims are based - 9:30 , alizer ia t! side en, I Jo. i.. j sic !athe' !6cta la-e- re j fc : I . Pi-.- , 'ft |