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Show bear FACE FOUB B. E. COUNTY COMMISSIONER PROCEEDINGS February riter valley leader, thurdsay, g, 1m By DWIG 'SCHOOL DAYS Pay fircr.cn answering call. Jl.OO per hour per maa for five nun accompanying equipment. $.25 per mile mileage. $10.00 per hour for equipment depreciation. Permanent offer: interest in equipment Buy (approximately J5000.00). Pay cost of county calls and the cost of maintaining equipment. In both cases, the city will house the equipment and department and SUMMoxg la the District Court of Judicial District cf County of tb.. b. Box Elder EDITH BATJGH, Plainti,f vs. At the regular meeting of the Box OLIVER F. BAUCH, Elder commissioners held Monday the application of Frank Hall as carpenter and truck driver of the road deThe State of Utah to the Said Defendant: partment of Box Elder county was presented to the commissioners by You are hereby surrorcn . the county clerk, whereupon motion M within twenty d.v.-pear was made by Commissioner Jensen of service this Summons" sonell (drills). upon that Mr. Hall be retained in his presserved within the county The subject of the request was disent position at his present salary. Mothi3 action is brought where tion duly seconded by Commissioner cussed at considerable length, within thirty davs after upon the commissioners arrived at no Mioiann r'n.jsd unanimously. matter the and conclusion definite awve the! actionI The commissioners instructed case in of unoer advisewas tanen failure so to do therefore your to instruct County Attorney clerk " icuucreu against vr Walter G. Mann, to proceed to make ment. F. Joseph Law appeared as a repcording-- to the demand collection on the contract between Elco Ir inr mer Nielsen and Box Elder County, resentative of the building committee This action is brought for or commence proceedings against El- of the Box Elder War Memorial home to dissolve the marriage bt mer Nielsen to remove him from the and requested the commissioners to extend to the building committee the plaintiff and defendant. premises which he- is occupying under authority to appoiint someone to oc B. H. JONES, contract with Box Elder County. Plaintiff' Attop The following delegation of gentle- cupy the caretakers quarters at the P. O. Address: First National men representing Brigham City cor- Box Elder County War Memorial home. The commissioners Informed Eldg., Brigham City, Utah poration and the Brtgham City Fire Mr. Law that they were doing everycomthe before Department appeared to bring about a workmissioners, F. Joseph Law, John B. thing possible between the Ameriable agreement TilMathias, W. W. Smith and George once each year, and during the can Legion and Veterans of Foreign and council of the ler Brigham City 7 VI use of this a. guuu uju;c, J3.J.LS. isairows Wars active regarding i. William Bott and OrviJl E. Merrell tjai wit.- ma. iisi oi urgentadv.. of the Brigham City Fire Depart- building and that a solution to this needs hould come tho: e repairs wH ment. These gentlemen presented to problem was evident in the near fu to therefore wished will check deterioration: fw Tl ture, delay they for the a commissioners the request of of this the type authority granting chimney. Is it solid or loose and V establishment of a plan a for caretaker. limselecting of outside Diy, imposing nre nazarcis? Therw fires for fighting city William E. Tracy of Yost appeared Are there any leaks, broken stinrv. its. The proposition for the commissioners to consider was the purchase before the commissioners and requesta house settles a little. This maysbV of equity on the Brigham City Fire ed them to improve the road condition between Naf, Idaho and Yost, Utah. around the chimney. Chinks must Department as follows: The commissioners informed Mr. Tra- filled up with mortar or roofing K; For current year only were aware of the situa -' ment and flashing nailed tighly $1000.00 for year's equity in equip- cy that they tion prevelant with respect to road ment. place. On the outside walls'" a fa conditions in the area and that road nails will tighten loose siding andprf. Buy 500 feet of hose at $1.10 per improvement in this area will be givvent serious damage. Gutters foot. en utmost consideration. will last longer if atio Alger" opportunities offered Fred Miles, district engineer of DOUGLAS DpteirioratiOTl are cleaned and painted, Mrs. ' . . the United States where efficient Northern Utah, for the Utah State lows says. work and attention to duties still Road commission, and J. X. GardOn the foundation of the hoiis ner, district engineer of Zone No. 1 brings rewards which are an inspirCOMPANY SUGAR bricks may be loosened or timber to all workers. ation and No. 2 for the WPA appeared berotted. Repairs to the foundation an fore the commissioners for the purMr. Fred G. Taylor, who retains In making repairs around the home important and cannot be permitted (Continued from Paae One) and asthe duties of pose of discussing the creation of side walk projects along state highways good results. By 1917 he had defi- sistant general manager, to which of- consider first those which will protect wait. Window frames can be mi sound firm, solid, and rain proof. Outfe in Box Elder coun- nitely started his climb up the ladder fice he was appointed about a year the property, making the house s at different points Effie steps are often weather-rotte- r Mrs. advises and bs was and vveathertight, superintenappointed plant ty. During the course of conversaago, has also spent most of his life S. are easily repaired. homehad specialHis Barrows, at furnishing dent ability Sugar City. tion the following projects were in the sugar business, rising from with the Utah State Agricultural to come to light in Outside painting is one of the k& old Holstem heifer, LOST the ranks a a day laborer. He is na- ist Deweyville, where approxi- further chance circle H on left hip. C. G. Eldrcdge. mately J of a mile of sidewalk would this position, and, in 1921 he was tionally recognized as an authority on college extension service. After all tenonce jobs that gives considcraH be laid; Mantua, approximately 1 sent to Idaho Falls where he became sugar marketing and related prob- needed repairs have been made for weather protection as well as improv WASHER PARTS- We carry pails mile of sidewalk would be laid; Bear superintendent of the company's op- lems. For nine years he held the po- protection, one may consider those re- ment in appearance. Wood trip and improvements which are de- door frames, window frames, pord and repair all makes washers. River City, approximately mile! erations in Idaho. sition of executive secretary of the pairs lj sirable and convenient, but which can floors, and roofs require painting, is Schoss-ReaElectric Co., Ogden, would be laid; Tremonton, approxi-- J In 1922, Mr. Scalley moved to Salt Sugar Institute in New York City. without wait injury to the structure. terior improvements can go overro Utah. mately 3 mile would be laid. In all, Lake City, where he became assisA gcod plan is to make a systema til these essential repairs are take: cases Box Elder county would act as tant general superintendent, return-- Cream separator, Get tic inspection of the home at least! care of, Mrs. Barrows suggests. very sponsor of the project with the in- ing to Idaho Falls as Idaho district FOR J. M. Mortensen, Phone dividual city acting as manager in 1926. Two years later, he 65.0-Materials necessary to the work of. was transfered to Salt Lake City second time. It was then that said projects must be furnished by Work the sponsor, with WPA labor, FOR SALE OR TRADE the headquarters office felt he should andj horses, C. Richardson, Phone 67.0-- 2 Utah State Road Commission furnish- assume the office of General Agricul5 tf ing y and supervision. Mr. tural Superintendent where he has Gardner informed the commissioners served until his present advancement, FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANER and that he would be ready and available As General Agricultural SuperinAIR PURIFIER parts, supplies or at the earliest opportunity. Mr" .Scalley traveled extentendent, a demonstration, see H. D. Thomas, The following delegation from Er sively throughout the five states, Representative. Garland, Horace Richards, Robert J. Utah, Idaho, Washington, Montana ALL Totter, Eben Wilcox and Warren Han- and South Dakota, where the comFOR SALE Choice building lots, 1 sen, appealed before the commission thorHe factories. became has -- 124 ISSUES block from Main Street. Inquire ers and presented the request where-- ! pany ALL NEVVSPAPERS-7oughly familiar with all phases of James Walton. Phone Residence, in the oiling of a strip of rood 5i the activities. . company's S9.a-1- ; business, 23 J. miles long, beginning at a point in this time, he became widely During Fielding where the read was oiled to recognized throughout the industry SOCIAL SECURITY Etched Bronze a few years ago and continuing in for his constructive "efforts in the dename a southerly direction following the Plate, with your and Social Security number. Per present state highway through East velopment of cultural methods of ' manent, lasting, beautiful. See H. Garland to the road junction immed- growing and harvesting sugar beets and for the aggressive part he has D. Thomas, Leader Office. iately east of the Malad River near the Garland Sugar factory. These played in the development jf the White Fly resistant American beet t'ASa PAID for dead and useless gentlemen stated that this had been ' cowa and hbrses. Call Maple Creek discussed with the members of Utah seed during the past dozen years or Trout Hatchery, Brigham so. This new seed proved a vital faccommission and that aci Reverse Charge. tf. State Roard tor in the survival and rejuvenation to state road officials the of cording tthe western beet sugar industry cost of said oiling would be approxi in that period. mately $16,000. The commissioners inHe has also held important posiformed this delegation . that it was their desire to study the request and tions on various regional jand national boards and committees, and at presdelay disposition of the request until ent is chairman of the 'ft it Curly Top at such time this could be discussed Resistance Breeding committee, a with members of the State road comSi V of the West Coast Beet Seed mission. Commissioner Nielsen stated member on the advisory council of committee, he was in favor of improving the that American Association of Sugar the 52 rond in question. Commissioner Jensen of Beet Technologists, stated that in his opinion this was the committee to and a member represent the United 12 among the meritable roads of the States Beet .Magazine association for the Sugar county for improvement. A delegation from the American development of sugar beet machinery. 12 Mr. Scalley was born in Lehi, Utah, Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars and resides 24, 1885, today asked an appropriation of $3G0 to January 12 at 1327 Yale Avenue in Salt Lake complete Memorial House. The matCity. ter was taken tinder advisement. The new executive's appointment Good 12 Jess Hess and Melvin Udy of Plywas announced by President Heber J. mouth appeared before the commispresident of the company, and! 12 sioners and requested the installation Grant, followed the death over a year ago MAIL COUPON MOW cf fence and cattle-guarsaid fence of Willard T. Cannon, former ExclcU Baauly School, 12 being to fence off a county road which and manager. Mr. general Main and Broadway, Mr. Hess claims is the responsibility Salt Lak Clif Utch. If you prefer you can have THE FARMER'S WIFE magazine, one year, instead of Woman's World. of Box Elder county. Cattle guards Fred G. Taylor has served as and acting general manager. to be placed at the entrance of Mr. PUai land catalog. He will continue as and $5.25-Y- OU Nam Udy's farm, where trespassing occurs assistant SAVE $2.25 manThe manager. general because of construction of county will in close work Addnn cooperaYOU GET ALL SEVEN publications for ONE FULL YEAR . . . and if you are already road in this vicinity. The commission- agement Cltf ...Stat. ers unanimously agreed to visit this tion with the company's executive to ANY of these SEVEN publications, your present subscription will be exa subscriber area and investigate the above request committee, headed by Eric W. tended one full year. Mail or bring the coupon below to our office AT ONCE, and you will receive THE SIX BIG MAGAZINES each month, and THIS NEWSPAPER each week Mr. Scalley's long and efficient service up through the ranks made him that's 72 magazines and 52 newspapers 124 issues in all, for only $3,00. HURRY! We the outstanding selection for the immay soon have to advance the price of the offer. portant office. There is no better example of the opportunity afforded in America for advancement from the Wc CASH Call COUPON SAVE $2.25 ranks than in the case of Mr. ScalBEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, ley. His rise typifies the equal "Hor- COWS HORSES one-ha- ' lf "-;- " ... fi jVT - w f.--t CecV in Kepamng nomes, Suggests Specialist SCALLEY NEW MANAGER OF iLCIassified iAd Column! i down-spou- ts the" Bar vice-preside- nt - dis-cu.ss- ot d 2-- 9 U le. 1-- 1. Results Leader Ads j SALE-reasonab- for-th- j HereS A Real "Humctor'Of an Offer j 1-- I right-of-wa- j IZI 1 52 2 FOR ONE YEAR MAGAZINES IN j "Life-Tim- e" 493-J-- i 2. 6-- Here's What You Get! iiM!i iuj.lil!l! Bear River Valley Leader Issues McCall's Issues Pictorial Review Issues Issues Woman,s World !::w d vice-preside- nt Stories Issues The Country Home The Farm Journal Issues Issues All Seven For One Year vice-preside- nt .REGULAR VALUE vice-presid- Ry-ber- g. fJOTICE TO FARtVlERS Will and Pay DEAD or WORTHLESS for USE THIS and Just Ring Iogan Enterprise and then give a definite decision as to disposition of request. 30 This Is Our Private Long Distance Number the Operator Already Understands That We Pay for the Call COLORADO ANIMAL We Also Buy BY-PRODUC- TS About iyt Mile South of Logan East of the Sugar Factory Tremonton, Utah rti uciiui m magazine Pictorial Review ... ,V0m,anS MAKE GOOD OR WK IX) Fronk Chevrolet Co. Trf monton. Ttah . Thon 28 Date I accept your bargain offer and enclose $3.00 in FULL PAYMENT for a ONE YEAR'S subscription, new or renewal to your NEWSPAPER and the following SIX MAGAZINES: -- CO ... HIDES - PELTS - WOOL - - Ol'R AND V 0rild l i 1 year ycar yr Good Stories The Country Home The Farm Journal you want THE FARMER'S WIFE magazine, one ycar, instead of Woman's ily name is Address Town estate ..... 1 Jcar 1 car ear 1 orld. |