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Show ' BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, TIXLTIDSUY, FEBRUARY 9, 1939 PAGS FIYIf Thatcher School News1 IEWEYVILLE Dance every Friday night at Elwood. Elwood. at Dentil Card Drive Lust year we night Friday vis-- f had arcvery pocr support on the drive Johnson Carl relatives in Calif or- - for dental cards, for some reason or fSnis other the students did not stem to feel the importance of it for there a is spending Gardner ?1L relatives in Salt Lake. were very few brought in. This year we nave made a large poster and if535 .... intives of Mr. and cm Sunaay, printed everyone's name in big black their at Hansen gathered - letters on it and as the cards are annithe birthday tO CKKTU r iv All CII !U tu signed by bethe dentist and returned they will posted over the name. "and the day was Mr. dinner Jackman has also appointed two different, sides and the losing side, G. Perry or and Mrs. Marion the ones who don't get all the cards of BS Ponhursday at the home in, must give a party for the other at Plain side. Mrs. C. E. Rawson, Arlene Waldron CL and Mrs- Horace Gardner and L at the home of Mr. and Lrt Stokes of Penrose on Sun-f- ? theOperetta Date Set OfThe date for operetta "Sunny annl-LSunnyside" celebrate the birthday has been set for for the 17th of Feb. Peterson. Elmer 8:00 o'clock p. m. The prices are Mn, at ,fSe, little son of Mr. and 10 and 15 cents. There will be spec is recovering from his J ial and dances as well as the StionattheSt. Marks Hospital in two songs acts of the operetta. We are look Lake City. of Ogden ing forward to having a big crowd. r and Mrs. John Eecker, Bessie Nelsen 8th grade here Friday, calling on relatives relatives attended the funeral of Book Reports This year we have Austin Burbank, of Richmond, a new way of reporting on books. We ffl Tuesday. - R Ault spent the weekend with read some books and the one we like best we make a report on by pasting , w Ault and family in Logan. or drawing pictures that resembles of a girls group afternoon Sunday some Snow and character or scene in the book. at the home of Barbara There in have been some very good posdinner, given Lyed a birthday ters made. Donor of her birthday. LuD'ene Anderson 6th grade was given here A scout program to be are They evening. a Sunday Plans Made to Visit Washakie commended on their parts rendered. The sixth, seventh, and eighth grades of this school are planning to visit Washakie just as soon as we have BEAR RIVER CITY I finished the operetta. Our unit in Social Science has been about the InBy Mrs. C. W. Brailsf ord 1 dians of Utah as they are today, and by going to an Indian school we hope Elwood. at Dance every Friday night to leam more about them than we Anderson returned can from Mrs. Georgina any books or written after visiting in Salt home Friday we may find. Mr. with weeks Uke City for three Leone Petersen and family. and Mrs. L. Koford is teach Miss Gayle Holmgren, who Bothwell Wins Basketball Game-Janat Paul, Idaho, is ing high school 25, Bothwell came over affending a few days in this city with ter school and played basketball. It ier parents, Mr. and Mrs. neuoen was the second game we have played Holmgren. this year. We lost it by the small end Mr. and Mrs. John T. Anderson of of a 20 to 12 score. February 8, we Tremonton, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Andare returning the game and hope to erson and three children of this city, do better then. ieft Friday morning by auto for Kay Shuman 7th grade Beach, California, where they mil visit with Mrs. Etta Indurff and Visitors Tell of Coal Mining and family. Mrs. Indurff is a daughter Utah Farks Mr. Jackman, our teachMr. and Mrs. Jchn T. Anderson er's brother from Dines, Wyoming, and a sister of Mrs. Merlin Anderson. us last week. He has been emvisited Bishop Charles Checketts and coun seilor Robert N. Gardner and Claud ployed in a coal mining town so we had him tell us how they remove Barker met with the presiding bishthe coal and different of in Lake Salt opric City, Wednesday the mine. We found it workings very interestto discuss the renovation of the Ward ing and hope some time we will have Chapel and amusement hall. Mrs. Eliza Hailing spent Wednesday in Ogden visiting with Mrs. Phenia Hartmann. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Anderson have moved from Elwood to this city to ELECTROLUX make their home. CLEAXER AND AIR PURIFIER Richard Christensen and Laurel Iverson spent Friday in Salt Lake The Most Efficient Machine City. Ever Built Mr. and Mrs. Fii'do Anderson had as their dinner guests on Sunday, Mr. 0 and Mrs. Jacob Pella, Mr. and Mrs. Air Cleans and Shampoos Kugs Frank Larson and son of Brigham Cleans Furniture, Draperies, City, Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Jensen Curtains, Tapestries, etc. and granddaughter Joann, and Mrs. Air Washes, Demoths and Georgina Anderson of this city. Mrs. Rasmus Hansen has been con Mothproofs Clothes, Bedding, For to her bed for several days, fined Coats, Woolens, etc. suffering with an attack of flu. o Sunday evening in our M. I. A. AS EASY TO meeting, the program was conjoint OWN AS IT IS Bear River High School, the given by TO USE which consisted of ladies chorus, Double quartet and two solos, under the direction of Mr. Nye, with Miss WAX - RUG SHAMPOO Shirley Watland at the piano. Two CLEANER FOR LINOLEUM readings were given by Mr. NewcomEXPELLO FOR MOTH er. A large crowd was in attendance. Mrs. Elreta Anderson, wife of Vero nal Anderson, of this city, was taken FOR A DEMONSTRATION to a hospital in Brigham City, sufferSee ing with a nervous break-dowMr. and Mrs. LaMont Miller atH. D. THOMAS tended a birthday supper held in ' Representative Brigham City, Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Miller's parents Mr. and Tremonton, Utah - Phone 23J Mrs. Tom Reynolds. The supper was in honor of Mr. Reynold's birthday. t .' Screen Starlet (Right) Priscil la Lane, whose versatility and charra have won great iavor with movie' goers. - Local and Social Items CM. t BETTY ALLEN, Local CcrrtEpcn.it nt . " l''-.- ' : : I.ince everj' Friday night at Elwood. social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. L. Madsen entertained Sat- Ezra Harris. Ariel Sorenson, who recurday in honor of the eleventh pirth-d.- y ently returned from the Hawaiian cf her twfns, Duane and Blaine. mission gave a splendid account of j A two course dinner was twelve young friends. ..tft . 5a Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Calderwood enMr. and Mrs. Adam Brenkman retertained Tuesday evening at a famceived word Friday of the commls-sioily dinner in honor of the birthdays of their son, Carter England Jr., of their son Richard and daughter! in the Ogden High School R, O. T. C Mrs. Aileen Boss. He has been made second lientenant. L i n Miss Norma Summers is leaving this week for a two week's visit in California, where she will visit Miss Helen Christensen, a former employee of the National Farm Loan association of this city. Later she will visit with her brother, Rebinald, and family in Los Anegels. She plans on visiting the World's Fair in San Francisco before returning home. - rf - ' f ' jsador Claire Trevor, lovely screen and radio star, smiles at the expert i " - V administrations ol Leri, Eugene maitre a notei ol me lamous Far Avenue hostelry. . First Child Art Gallery Youngsters are given a free chance to express 1 4f llery, which opened recently jin Washington, -- D- i A Utah King Coal helps keep the basement as wen Q3 uiu muuiu .iwww cleaner . . . for it's sized, blended and dried, washed, waxed. Try King CoaL Then you be the judge. RECOMMENDED AND SOLD BY TREMONTON TEM0NT COAL CO. - Phone 9 GARLAND ifA. MICHAELIS - Phone 23 Mrs. R. D. Anderson entertained G. F. Club at her home Wed nesday evening. Mrs. Wanda Giles, Mrs. Juliana Harris and Mrs. Dee Garfield were special guests. Delicious refreshments were served to ten mem bers and three guests. the V. steel-enclose- Cold-Make- the privilege of examining one of. these mines. He also told us of Zions) National Park and the Mt. Carmelj Tunnel in Southern Utah. We found this interesting. The government and state has constructed this wonderful tunnel so that more people may enter this park and see all these natural wonders. Orin' Adams 7th grade - FIELDING Bv Enid Welling it, I I . Dance every Friday night at Elwood. Miss Madge Earl, who is attending school in Salt Lake City, spent the weekend visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Leo Earl. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Welling, of Salt Lake City, visited briefly with relatives and friends Sunday. Miss Enid Welling, who is attending the University of Utah, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Welling. Eben Wilcox and H. L. Richards made a business trip to Salt Lake Citl last Thursday. W. M. Welling and Leonard Welling were in Ogden on business last Friday. Mrs. Elmer Richards was hostess to the Social Development Club at her home last Wednesday afternoon. After the regular business of the club was completed, the following program was enjoyed: Piano solo by Mrs. David Jones, reading by Ray Peterson, after which Jess W. Earl of Garland gave a travelogue of his recent trip east and south. Mrs. Vem Bourne sang a solo. There were present about members. During the sotwenty-tw- o was served by the luncheon cial hour, hostess, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Gene Munns of Garland. Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Hansen spent the forepart of the week in Ogden, attending the livetock show. Mrs. Wilfoid Fain&woith, of Los here Angeles, California, is visiting with relatives and friend?. Last Thursday and Friday our ward officials conducted a very successful Ward Reunion. On Thursday the day was devoted to the school grade chilendren, giving them a real day of conducted were by joyment. Games Mrs. Vernon Hansen, who is play lead er on the Stake Primary board. A hot dinner was served and dancing was also enjoyed by the children. Friday the adults of the ward were entertained, commencing with a splen did program. During the dinner nour. and approximately three hundred nu wen twenty were served. ine jm the set ward of the Girls Gleaner tables and attended to the serving of the dinner. The dinner was prepared hv thA Rplief Society members, and everyone declared there was nothing w missing. After dinner, tne ume re- men the of snpnt socially, many turning to their homes to aiiena w chores. At 7:00 o'clock in the evening a and a large crowd had egain gathered num-Kmusical of program, consisting hoth Instrumental and vocal readings, and brief talks by members or 3 j d mechanism being The small, New Super held by the young lady is the result of ten years oi work by household refrigeration engineers. It is called a "Polarsphere" and is claimed to be the most powerful electric refrigerator unit for its size ever perfected. It revolutionizes household refrigeration, and is being introduced this year in the new Kelvina'.ors, one of which is shown. Re-jon- n. them- selves in paint ings and drawings at the Chil dren's Art Ga- uary e 1 I ns R. j The "Gathers of the Honey" of the Tremonton Second Ward Bee Hive girls held a party Tuesday at the home of Irma Stenquist. The evening was spent in play games. Chili supper was served to twenty guests. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harris Jr. entertained Tuesday evening at a house warming party. Baseball, followed by other progressive games furniEhtd Mrs. Alma Theurer entertained 24 the evening's entertainment. Delicious of her friends Thursday evening at refreshments were served to sixteen the Midland Hotel, at a steak dinner. guests. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing . bridge. Mrs. Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jettie left this Watland won high prize, cut prize week to make their home in Salt was awarded to Mrs. Barbara Stuck! Lake City. Mr. Jettie is a graduate and Mrs. Harry Drew received con- of the University of Oregon and he solation prize. has been employed here at Tremonton the last few months. Miss Hazel Hartvicksen, of Logan, was a weekend visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Effie Giles and daughter, HelMrs. A. L. Cook. en and Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Gik, Porter Giles and Mareen Johnson Mr. and Mra. A. L. Madsen, Mr. gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Oyler, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kay Friday evening to honor Daniel Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Mrs. Kay on her birthday, at an oysAdams, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ter supper. Stokes were participants of a sleigh riding party and a progressive sup Immediately following the Green per, Saturday evening. Shipper began and Gold ball Saturday night a numat the home of Mr and Mrs. Madsen. ber of friends gathered at the home then Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Mr. and of Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Waldron where Mrs. Oyler and finished at the home they were served a very tasty lunchof Mr. and Mrs. Briggs. eon. jx , of refresh- ments were served to approximately forty guests. IT'-nc- -- jPs sered to his experiences. Dtiightful I Relief Society News The regular Mr. and Mrs. Leon Rogers are viuit-in- g in Tremonton and Garland w'.th their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Meister and Mr. and Mi's. Carl Rogers. Mrs. Rogers was formerly Miss Lydla Meister. They will leave shortly for it :V their home in San Gabriel, California. Hi The M Men and Gleaners of the Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Thomas were Tremonton Second Ward were guests dinner guests Sunday at the homo of of the Bothwell M Men and Gleaners Mr. and Mrs. Alf Manning at Blind h Sunday evening at the Springs. after-churc- 4 monthly meeting of the Relief Society officers and teachers of the First Ward met Tuesday February 7, at 1:30 p. m. Mrs. Rose Kerr, the teachers supervisor, gave the lesson very ably and interesting' ly. The subject was "Ye Are the Salt of the Earth." The regular meeting convened at 2:00 o'clock. A very special and educational scriptural lesson was conducted by Mrs. Dora Brough, our scriptural supervisor, on "Know Your Bible." She was assisted by Viva Munk with a general class discussion. The program numbers for the meeting were two piano solos, very nicely played by Miss Donna Allen. It being the Theology and Testimony meeting, the lesson was given by supervisor Mrs. Sylvia Christensen, she being assisted by the fol lowing ladies, Viva Monk, Louise Nelson, Verna Woolley, Orpha Stohl, and Rose Kerr. The remainder of the time was given over to some very thoughful and sincere testimonies, A special invitation is extended to everybody next Tuesday at 2 o'clock The lessen will be on Education for Family Relationship. A very special invitation is extended to all younger who are or women and in interested become "Family might Relationship" problems. non-membe- The Tremonton Second Ward Re lief Society met Monday, February 6, in the Theological and Testimony meeting. The Scripture lesson, "Paul's Epistle to the Thcssalonicans" was discussed by class leader Marjorie Sten- quist Hilma Dorothy Munk Initiated To Lamba Delta Sigma HOSPITAL NEWS Mrs. Wilford Miller returned home PROVO Dorothy Munk of after undergoing a minor operation. was one of the 71 students Mrs. Arbon Bovcutt returned home after having her appendix removed who were initiated Sunday night into Lambda Delta Sigma, as the L. D. S. January 24. made its .first sponsored Mrs. Irvin Diderickson returned appearance fraternity on the campus of Brt&hAm home last Saturday after undergoing Young university here. medical treatment for a few days. With chapters at the Universities of of Park ValMrs. Harold Tm-monto- . Kunzler, ley, hps been under medical observation the past few days. She was able to return home yesterday. Charles Roberts is still confined to the hospital but is much improved. Fred Dutree, of Blue Creek, is un- dergoing medical attention. Walter Scott has shown considerable improvement the past week. Margaret Jenkins is still confined to the hospital but has shown some Improvement the past two weeks. Mrs. Tommy Adams will return home with her new daughter. Friday or Saturday. Mrs. Kim Daley underwent a minor operation Saturday. Allen Tinly and Opal Trease hed their tonsils removed the past week. Utah and Wyoming and at U. S. A C. the fraternity Is designed to give opportunity to college youth for participation not only in the best social activities, but in the realms of intellectual and cultural development as well. I Nam lor Olive Rhead led in the discussion of the teachers' message. The reports showed every district had been visited in the month of January. Next meeting will be for work and business. On that occasion we will honor Grandmother Stenquist, whose birthday comes two or three days later. We invite all the Relief Society members to be present. The class on Family Relationship will u.ct i as usual on that day. Fern McDcrmsid will be class leader. At our Social Service meeting held January 30, May Dalton of the First Ward gave the lesson and led the discussion on "Why Should I Fear." It was a very interesting lesson and very ably presented. There were 54 ladies present. Anderson and Marcella Thompson sang a duett, accompanied by Faun Quinney. The Theology lesson "These Twelve Jesus Sent Forth," was given under the direction of Class Leader Isabella Walton, assisted by Helen H. Allen, Catherine Watkins, Mary Harris, Harriet Harris and Emma Shuman. It was announced that the Singing Moth Man Born for His Country ers would begin practicing for the Man was not born for himself 17th of March program at their next elone, but for his country. Plato. practice, February 14. Because of the blizzard and the closed roads, a number of the members were unable to be present. There were 40 in attendance. At the teachers' meeting, Counsel- - i WINTER SPECIAL Have Your Old Mattress Made Into an . . . Everton Spring Filled WATTRESG Prfced for a Short Time at S7.95 up We Also Make New hi Spring Filled Mattresses We Call and Deliver FREE! DROP A CARD TO EVERTON MATTRESS CO Brigham City, Utah Phone 27 MEW MILL OEMS cf the outgoing bibshopric and also the new bishopric were enjoyed. At nine o'clock the hall was cleared for dancing, music being furnished by the Johnson orchestrra of Bear River City Evfryone voted the reunion a huge success and hope that it will be an annual affair. The bishop, Leo Earl, expressed his gratitude to all the aux- illlary organizations for their assistance in haking the reunion a success. William Linford, who has been in the hospital In Tremonton for the past ten days, has returned to his home, and ia able to be back in the school room with his students. n Our Tremonton Mill, Which Was Destroyed by Fire, and New, Modern Machinery Installed Has Been and Is Now Operating. Re-bui- lt SEE US FOR ROLLING AND GRINDING OF GRAIN and FEED MIXING Garland-Tremonto- n Milling Co. ': |