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Show Mr. and Mrs. William Larsen, the! L Eckland family of Newton! Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Udy of Ogden; Joseph Lar fp'CAMLS kins. Alma Larkins, Nephi Larkina and their families of - Snowville; attended the funeral services of Mrs. Martha Mantlo .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gephart and Mrs. H. J. Johnson and Eunice Johnson of Richmond, spent two daughter .Elaine, spent the Fourth of weeks visiting at the home of Mr. July at Twin Falls. and Mrs. Guy Johnson.. Glenn Davis of Salt Lake City, is : Mary Dewey returned last week visiting at the home of his sister, from the east where she has been Mrs. Marion Summers. spending her vacation. She spent most of her time at Washington, D. Mrs. Zina Nelson motored to Salt C She also toured many of the large Lake City Monday to attend the eastern cities. Standard Oil objective meeting. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Burns of J Maple-woo- d, New Jersey, visited at the their mother, Mrs. Barbara Burns and family over the weekend. They were en route to Alaska where they will spend their vacation. home of ! wrapped. However, an exception was doubtless made the other day when police raided a nudist camp on the Island of Loban in the Danube. The nudists dove into the water followed by the police who captured them and "after wrapping them up" took them to the "boose-gow.- " ever, this wise and generous gift recalls an account overheard recently concerning a very wealthy woman who lives in a Western city. .She told a friend that in her latter years, she had learned the "folly of wealth." Last winter she saw to it that all needy children in three Western cities had shoes, hats and overcoats and a certain amount each day for a warm lunch. "In a way," she said, " a large share of my husband's wealth belonged to the poor. Much of it might as well have been put In their BRIGHT SPOTS JN NEWSLAND Dog takes rattler fangs in the nose but saves girl. Tears snake to bits before dying dies in flames Fifteen to save sick father Two sons drown at sea trying to father rescue Bird whose broken wing was set by Illinois prisoner returns regularly to visit year-old-gi- rl - WORK OR WORRY! German girls are given their choice of a period of service at common labor in uniform or that of getting married since only the married are exempt under the new ruling. Those in wealthier families don't like the FRANCE WORRIED idea. It ought to be easy for a boy France is a bit worried over the to get a bride in Deutschland now. ' apparently friendly relations between Germany and Great Britain. She is particularly perturbed over the fact AT THE PLO YG ROUND that Britain promised Germany she would not reveal the latter s plans concerning her seven year navy proActivities at the playground are gram. Britain is however, merely now in full swing. During work perkeeping her pledged word and has no iods many interesting and useful desire to offend her former World have been made. At the presthings War ally. ent handkerchief boxes, tie boxes, and vases are being made. The boys are MAY REGRET IT engaging in an airplane and boat Mussolini seems determined to an- making contest which will end on play nex a sizeable portion of the lush day. A lot of practicing is being done lands of Ethiopia for his growing for the horseshoe and shuffle board farming families. He practically tells tournament which will soon be played t o urnHH tViof if tVi am artv intpr-- off. Baseball- - and soft, ball has been he from f er played and now another interesting . T e league ui i. a ii ui uvuik; v,uinuaic uic game, Indian ball, is getting under Q JM Ipierialism way. toe Britain j Dancing classes were started Mon; the day and will be held every Monday Americang m Uki .f and Thursday. to' take over For The average daily attendance of 60 gon hQwever to is increasing and everyone is trying Qf tt enlightenment and fair play hard to make play day in August, fee smea something very unusual and interestj tL over Mexico. A friendly in ing for the community. position . . . , , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sorensen and family of Arimo .Idaho, spent Sunday GIRLS CONFESS at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe BurTwo girls broke down under police gess and Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Meldrum. grilling and confessed that they rifled Howard Carter Dickson's pockets afMrs. Judith Strand is spending two Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gottfredson of ter Wm. Lee Ferris shot him. Young Margaret Ririe of Logan, spent the weeks visiting at Salt Lake City. weekend visiting with Miss Floe Luke Los Angeles, visited at the home of people may be getting bad in some at the home of Mrs. William Wads Mr. and Mrs. R. Z. Heppler last cases but United States police are Mrs. Zora Luke and Zina Nelson worth. Thursday. getting good in more cases. Not onspent the Fourth of July at Camp ly are they getting good but they are Kesiel. William Jenkins returned to the Mr and Mrs. Wesley Gephart left getting the goods. Stolen booty does military training camp at Washington Sunday for Ephraim, where Mr. Gep- the thieves little good nowadays. The boy scouts .under the supervis- after spending a month visiting with hart will manage the Gephart store Moreover, the press is playing up the ion of Scout Master Darrel Heaton, his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Jen for the next 10 days. police more and more and not the left Tremonton Monday to spend the kins. thugs. week at Camp Kesiel. Mrs. L. C. Winters and family reBurke Gephart and Calvin and Mel turned PARTICIPATION ENHANCES Friday from St. Anthony, Mr And Mrs. Clarence Brough Mr. vin Jackson left for Detroit, Monday. Idaho, where have INTEREST the spent they past cars. and Mrs. Rudy Miller, Mr. and Mrs. They will return with new two weeks at the home of her parsays that the al- Bishop Manning Quentin Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Parley Mr. Mrs. D. and W .Williams. most complete absence of congrega-- , Mr! and Mrs. Glenn Mason recently ents, Archibald and Mr. and Mrs. Bill tional singing in churches is "disas- Goldsberry left Sunday afternoon for returned from the east. They report Mrs. L. J. Cummlngs entertained at trous." That seems like putting it a Bear Lake, returning home Monday having had a wonderful trip. a bridge luncheon Friday at her httlestrong-b- ut there s no use con-jnight They report a very enjoyA delicious luncheon was tradicbng a Bishop home. Besides, come, Miss Gwen Laub returned last Fit able trip. served to eight guests. Corsages to think of t, the churches we know dav after spending a month in the were received as favors. that have sizeable congregations re- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drew delightnorthwest and California. gularly where one can sense a truly, fully entertained a group of friends ' from Tremonton at a wiener roast son atmosphere, are churches spiritual The Relief Society held a social Mr. and Mrs. Earl Palmer and is considerable congrega-- , there where the visited at of of the Tuesday afternoon, celebrating Kaysville, Buddy Saturday night, given in honor Where honal singing Jesus said, Clyde Mulvaney. A delicious lunch- home of Mr .and Mrs. J. H. Rhead completion of a successful year of is treasure will there heart your your 4 hunMore eon was served at the fireside. one work. and than study Friday. dred and thirty members and guests be also." In order to sing one has to crif iced for a little added power and were present. Under the able direc- Invest some interest in the service. It pelf. Th epossible social isolation is tion of Mrs. Fawn Quinney a num is easy to see why it multiplies the too great a price to pay for it. ber of her pupils representing cele more it is invested. Participation in brated musicians and movie stars, a period of worship enhances one's "THE SILENT WOMAN presented a pleasing musical program interest. SUCCESSFUL" after which games were enjoyed in Last week Richard Strauss's, "The WEALTH OF LEARNED FOLLY the recreation hall. 17 members, unJohn D. Rockyfeller, Jr., recently Silent Woman" made a successful bow der the direction of Lula Taylor and 700 acres of Hudson River land in Dresden. It is now reported that turned Bertha Harris served delicious re between the George Washington he will not lose his Minister of Music FOOT-WEA- R freshments, carrying out patriotic and the state line to the Com- position because of permitting Stefbridge ideas. . an Zweig ,a Jew, to be his librettist. The social was arranged and direct missioners of Palisades Interstate so was done This Park. that everyed by the Relief Society supervisors, THE A MAN IN EIGHT SHOES one might enjoy the beauty of the Sophia Taylor, Rosa Hunsaker, Ada Langmuir of the American Irving The Palisades. lower has part Garfield Mary Keller, Viva Munk, Upper General Electric Company has been AT GREAT SAVINGS! been and with covered long dwellings Ono An and Barlow. enjoyable time factories. honored with a membership in the was had by those attending. The humanitarian interests that British Royal Society of Scientists. have been served by Rockefeller mil- There are but seven other American Mrs. Mildred Black of Salt Lake lions make a bright spot in the his members. The New York Times says City, formerly Miss Mildred Stone, is tory of American capitalism. How- - that Langmuir is responsible for tung sten electric lights and improved vaspending a week visiting at the home ONE LOT of her mother, Mrs. Mattie Stone. cuum tubes and ha3 "honors from ASTOUNDING physicists .medals from chemists and the Nobel Prize (1932) for his work Mr. and Mrs. James Rice of Salt DISCOVERY in surface chemistry." Lake City, will make their home at Tremonton, during the campaign at Doctor Discovers "Breatheasy" CELLOPHANE WRAPPED? the canning factory. for Relief of Asthma and Many things today are cellophaned Mrs. Celeste Martin and daughter, Hay Fever Verna, left Monday morning for Yel After having suffered years himself lowstone park. They will also visit their brother in Washington, and go with.asthma and hay fever, Medical Doctor at last discovers secret in down the coast to San Diego to spend treatment of these symptoms. the a few days at the fair before returnis a new preparation BREATHEASY ONE LOT home. ing vaporized directly into the lungs from a special patented vaporizer. It is a Mrs. Alice Persson entertained new principle entirely ,and really a the members of the B. B. bridge club to those who suffer from revelation at her home Wednesday of this week. allergy. It is so simple a child may delicious luncheon wa3 served. use it without fear of harm; so effeccannot afford to be without tive Brothers of the late W. E. Getz of it. you ,Wi ii inn ail Kaysville, spent the weekend at the The preparation is different in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ellison. 1 Swiss fact that the relief is lasting. It does not wear out in a short time as all Mr. and Mrs. James Smith accomGiven other preparations seem to do. It ONE LOT panied by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of may be used for months and even East Garland and Lawrence Wortly years because it supplies a balance and Milton Snider of Boulder City, of glandular secretion to the body so spent the Fourth at Blacksmith Fork necessary to the health of every huline canyon. man being. Simply squeeze the bulb a few Mae Calderwood and Margaret times while inhaling deeply and quick Pack entertained at a theatre party relief follows. ONE LOT Our Sleep returns by night, Friday night at Brigham City. Af- exercise- - is again possible by day, ter the show a delicious luncheon was strength increases, fatigue diminishserved to eight guests. es. Eat what ever you desire, use "BREATHEASY" whenever you need Mr .and Mrs. Trevor Richards, Bill it both are essential in life. Christofferson, Glenn Day and two Go to your druggist today and have children of Richmond .spent the 4th him a free trial treatment. of July with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. If give you and suffer you really want relief. Kendall. 11 The City Drug Co. is the exclusive dealer for Breatheasy. (Adv.) Mrs. James Ransom attended a luncheon July 7 in honor of Mrs. Tess ONE LOT Carlson of Wilmar. Minnesota .the naJ tional president of the American Legion Auxiliary. A meeting followed M the luncheon In which citations were awarded twnty-fiv- e units of the Utah Department for going over the top in membership. M MEN'S WHITE . .. V? i of : o CLEARANCE SUMMER WHOLE FAMILY FOR Childrens Shoes $1.00 " : M LOST FAT Fooled Gossipers Mrs. J. R. McCausland of Pittsburgh writes: "I took off 8 lbs. in two weeks with Kruschen. I ate as usual and feel fine." You, too, can safely reduce as Mrs. McCausland did if you'll only have amind of yourr own. Pay no attention to gossiperefc. who wouldn't want to see you th slender woman you can be if you'll only take a half teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts in a cup of hot water every morning. (Tastes fine with juice of half lemon added.) Kruschen is SAFE it's a health treatment and when your body abounds with Kruschen fitness excess fat leaves. Jar lasts 4 weeks and costs but a trifle any drugstore. The City Drug Co. and Adam's Drug Store sells lots of it. (Adv.) Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Beard spent Monday at Ogden visiting relatives. I WfflLSOHTS A. SPECIAL JULY SALE ON Childrens Shoes .. liar ton Washers $1.19 China Set (value $12.50) FREE With the Purchase of a HARTON ELECTRIC WASHER 32-Pie- ce $1,49 CHILDREN'S SHOES SEE our new of Building Hardware. ATTEND the Free Cooking School Given in New Store, Conducted by Mrs. Thursday, July 18, 8 p. m. Ladies Shoes Mc-Cart- y, Wilson Lumber Co. $1.89 Phone xxxxxx :XXXriXXXXITTYTYY n $2.29 LADES SHOES OXFORDS $2.98 , All sizes in any of the assortments but not all sizes in any one lot If any member of your family need shoes for Pioneer celebration the 24th, here is your opportunity to economize Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Haight and daughters, Joan and Sharon, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watkins at Buhl .Idaho. Mr .and Mrs. T. L. Keller of Brig-haMrs. Helen Stevens of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Wood of Brig-haand Owen Keller spent July 4th at Bear Lake. CITY DRUG CO WE CARRY POSTAGE STAMPS The L. L. Bridge club was entertained Saturday at the home of Mrs. Sophia Landvatter. Special guests were Mesdames E. R. Wlnzeler. Guv Johnson, Vernal Harris and Douglas Cannon. Mrs. L. C. Chrlstensen, Mrs. Mar tin Hansen, Mrs. Melvin Christenscn SUNDRIES: 16c KOTEX (Box of 12) HOSPITAL COTTON (full pound) 29c TOILET PAPER, White and Soft Roll 5c NURSING BOTTLES, narrow, .. 5c 89c WATCHES, St. Regis ALARM CLOCKS, Challenge 89c TOOTH BRUSHES, Extra Quality 8-o- 2 for and daughter, Elaine .spent Tuesday visiting In Ogden. 1SHBURNQ sti rear : mftJjf Mrs. L. P. Knudson and son, Blllie. of Portage .were visiting at the home of Mrs. Knudson's daughter, Mrs. H. D. Thomas, a few days last week. They spent the Fourth of July with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas at Brlghara and Ogden. , Tremonton, Utah M 0 Prescriptions Carefully and Accurately Compounded Prices Slashed for Saturday m, m Tremonton, Utah DRUGS z. 25c TOILETS: Boyer FACE POWDER and CLEANSINGCREAM, both for HINDS HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM, large ' JERGINS LOTION "7. COTY'S POWDER 75c Lady Esther Four Purpose FACE CREAM LISTERINE, large size Pepsodent TOOTH PASTE, lge. BAYER ASPIRIN (100's) MILK OF MAGNESIA (full pint) FLETCHERS CASTORIA CALIFORNIA SYRUP FIGS JAD SALTS, Concentrated . aiiiiiiijixxxxxxxxarxxxxxxxxxxxxi 50c 79c 39c 69c 59c 59c 38c 40d 296 296 49J 49 |