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Show BEAR RIVER of their son, p. Conrad Larson and buss Louise Simmons in Salt Lake City, Saturday evening at the home By Sin. David Larson of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. News intended for last week's edi- L. L. Simmons. The ceremony was tion which arrived too late for publi- performed in the Salt Lake temple Saturday morning. The community cation. Mrs. Myrle Crowther, and son and extends greetings for a happy and a daughter of Perry, are guests of Miss successful married life to this young couple, who will reside in Salt Lake Eva Adams this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Larson and City. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Sedwick of Los family attended the wedding reception EAST GARLAND t Particular Housewives j Knowing that particular, thrifty housewives shop where thpy can find the bet in groceries and meats at the lowest prices, we offer you the highest quality merchandise at the very lowest prices and add cheerful, dependable service. VAT, T IT LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY Angeles, were visiting with their relatives, the Hansen families, on Wednesday. The Book of Mormon Sunday school class under the supervision of their teacher, Edwin Isaacson, enjoyed a weiner roast and games on the Bear ' River .Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hansen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rulon J. Steed in Logan, Saturday. Friday the East Garland players won the fanny ball game played on the local diamond with the Garland team. Pres. A. R. Capener, Loris King, Jack Shumway and Arthur Astle, all of Garland, were speakers in church service here Sunday evening. F. G. Korth and sons returned Tues day from a fishing trip in the Straw-- ; berry region. Mrs. R. L. Shaffer and son Vernon visited relatives in Logan, Thursday. Edna May Smith returned with them to spnd the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Groveri were Logan visitors Friday. i East Garland fanny ball team scor ed another victory Tuesday when they played Riverside at that place. I NEW POTATOES 10 Lbs. Fresh, Red ONIONS Large, Yellow POT ROASTS Beef 5 Lb. CANTALOUPE 2 15? QUALITY MEATS .... Lb. 16? PICNIC HAMS Small, Shankless Lb. "V LAMB ROASTS Shoulder Cute Lb. 1,JV 15? for MELONS Ice Cold Oj. TOMATOES Choice Sanpedroes VEAL STEW V Lb. 12? Pound SNOWVILLE Miss Annie Ilurd I j By & Mrs. Lawrence Anderson spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Fresh, Crisp pkg. Anderson of Stone. TUNA FLAKES, Clear A number of people went from here TOMATOES V Water Brand 3 Cans to see the ball game at Strevell on 10? Quart Can .... Sunday. 1a a PICKLES, Sour, Sweet Wm. Hurd, Jr. had the misfortune SOUP Dill Per Bottle AVV Vegetable 7? to have his chicken coop with almost Can chicks destroyed 300 SALAD DRESSING FLY SWATS fire night. by Saturday 29? Each Quart Bottle .., 7? Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. Jones and of Long Beach, Calif., are children PEAS CORN FLAKES here. relatives Aj visiting AUV New Utah Crop Can A"y Large Package Mr. and Mrs. Alma Larkin, Nephi Larkin and Coe Larkin attended the PEANUT BUTTER TOILET TISSUE services for Mrs. Martha 39? funeral 10? Jar S Rolls Mantlo and Mr. Walter Turley SunSHOP AT THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN day at Tremonton. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Nelson, Jr. and family and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pack and family spent the Fourth at Indian Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hurd, Jr. and Fonnes-bec- k family and Mr .and Mrs. Paul of Blue Creek, motored to Indian Springs on the Fourth. Mr .and Mrs. DeLamar Cutler and family and Mrs. Rebecca N. Cutler were Ogden visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peterson and ZZ " i, H?j .I,, Mrs. A. L. Peterson were in TremonHTMMWuMmMW ton Wednesday. Mrs. Anna Showell visited her son at Juniper Tuesday. Jos. J. Cutler took a number of the Aaronic Priesthood members to x Indian Springs for the Fourth. D. G. Nelson, Sr. is renting a house Home in Ogden and moved his furniture from here Saturday. Wm. Hurd, Jr., daughter Maurine, and E. J. Robbins were in Ogden 8? Lb. POTATO CHIPS j or three-weeks-o- ld in. 2-l- b. food j n x wjsusmysTom uiylr I Hartley- Stokes - "Just Miss Dortha Christensen returned two-ye- Wil-lar- u, WHITE STAR TUNA 15c 10c 10c 10c WHITE STAR TUNA t4 Ft Sma TUNA FLAKES DEVILED MEAT a , 25c 10c 5c PEAS PORK AND BEANS PORK AND BEANS ie smaii Mf! !:d SALAD WHIP p,nt 6c 31c 21c POTATO FLAKES :13c SOUP SALAD WHIP Quart 10c CORNFLAKES SOAP y'L 29c 10c SOAP ??Mmm!lmm COFFEE "l it. COFFEE Tpnd1'"!!:!!'. : 30c 15c IN OUR PRODUCE DEPARTMENT DA XT A MAC Golden Ripe Pound OUR PRODUCE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF (USUAL PRICES) 5c Mr .and Mrs. J. W. Toone of Pasadena, Calif., were dinner guests Sunday of their sister, Mrs. O. L. Brough and family Mr .and Mrs. O. L. Brough and family spent the Fourth of July at Bear Lake. Mrs. P. E. Ault and son, Harvey, accompanied Mrs. T. A. Carter, Miss Jeanette Ault, Miss Mildred Carter and Miss Mary Burns to the Lagoon July 4th. Mi. and Mrs. H. L. Burns of New York City visited their sister, Mrs. P. E. Ault, Monday. They are making a trip thru the northwest, Alaska and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Penrose and children of Salt Lake City, returned to their home Wednesday after a ten day visit with the Woodruff and Kay famalies. Mrs. Charles Peterson and family had as dinner guests Sunday, Mrs. Amelia Checketts, Lawrence Check-ett- s and two sons and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. John Barnard returned to their home in Fillmore, after two weeks spent visiting relatives here. Miss Katherine Abbott accompan-- , ied them and will make an indefinite visit with her sister, Mrs. Barnard. Mrs. Hyrum Tibbetts of Logan, visited from Thursday until Sunday with her sister, Mrs. George Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. R. G .Brough and daughter, Dona, and Mrs. Jess Garfield and children .spent the Fourth of July in Brigham City. Miss Dona Brough returned Sunday to Salt Lake City to resume her studies at a business college there, after a short vacation with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. R. G. Brough. HOSPITAL NEWS is receiv- baby left Wednesday for Beaver City where Mr. Hunsaker will teach in the agriculture division. He just completed his school at the college in Lcgan and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Waldron and spent a few days home before leav- children and Mrs. R. G. Watt were ing for his new duties. visitors over the weekend. Morgan some Pearl Mortensn and friends Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mc Nieley and spent the 4th. of July in Salt "Lake and L. W. Anderson spent family City. with relatives in Ogden. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Figgott and Mr. Mrs. John H. Watt and and children spent the 4th of July and the Minnie of Ventura, Califordaughter the1 remainder of the week heie at were nia the of Mr and Mrs. guests home of Ira Anderson. j A. W. Bergstrom Saturday and SunMr. and Mrs. Elias Andersen and day. daughter, Norma ,and son .Stanley, i Miss Lois Watt accompanied Ross and H. C. Hansen, went to Provo for j the weekend to visit their son, Milton and Alvin Coombs to Fountain Green who is at present working for thei where they spent the 4 of July. Mrs. T. E. Adams is visiting her A. C. at Logan. They also visited' with Christ Dennisen and family. daughter Mrs. Faun L. Hunsaker of " Mr and Mrs. Clare Mann of Yaki- - Los Angeles. Miss Audrey Jeppson of Mantua is ma. Wash, are spending their vaca-- i the guest of her sister Mrs. Floyd Mr. L. Mrs. S. Mann tion with and Adams. and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Compton returnMr. and Mrs. Owen Rasmussen ' ed home Wednesday from Chicago. ana" Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen spent They report a very pleasant trip and Wednesday and Thursday in Saltj visit to points of interest in the east. Lake City attending the funeral ofj Mr. and Mrs. Chas. N. Jeppson of Mrs. Elizabeth Sainsbury, grand aunt ' Mr. and Mrs. Nello Jenand Mantua of Mrs. Owen Rasmussen. Funeral were dinner guests of sen of services were held in Salt Lake City Mr andBrigham Mrs. Marvin Jeppson on Sunand the burial took place in Provo. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Meldrum andi day. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anderson of children went to Idaho Falls Thurs- - Corinne were the guests of Mr. and day to visit Mr. Meldrum's sister,! Mr.s A. N. Wight Sunday. Mrs. D. R. Taylor and family. It returned to her was a happy meeting as they had' Mrs.in Ella Holton followLake Salt home Wednesday wia4- a vtnt aow MVb uivb iv vi manr j. ummij jf wai at her with an visit extended parents ujr ing turned Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson. Mrs. Guy Johnsen and daughter and Sunday evening the Penrose ward Barbara Christensen spent the 4th in rendered a most interesting program Payson and Provo, where they en- as follows: duette, Irene Shutaan joyed the celebration. and Marie Peterson; reading, George Pat Lundberg and family accomMiller; and a talk on the new slogan panied by Miss Myrtle Hall, returned "We Stand for Happiness and SpiritSaturday evening from a ten day outuality in the Home" by Jessie Petering in Yellowstone park. son. Sister Nathella Griffin was The Misses Caddie Robinson and present and spoke of the pioneers and Mary May returned to their homes in their hardships in settling the southRockland, Idaho, after spending a ern part of the state. week at the home of Miss Viva Hall. Miss Maggie Robinson, a nurse from the Americal Falls hospital, visiting at the home of Miss Olive spent the weekend shopping in Ogden, Hall. . j J ; ! f - Takfitt n Pay A SAVING ON EVERY ITEM Come - Shop - and - Save SATURDAY AT PA Y'N TAKIT SATURDAY 6- - d, - FLOUR SUGAR HIGH PATENT UTAH BEET Folks" Rv Mrs. P. E. Ault ar sionary work in the summer. She had an extended trip to Mexico, California and Arizona. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Christensen and her brother, Mervin and wife, met her at Manti, where they all enjoyed a trip thru the Manti temple. She spoke in Sunday school and said she had enjoyed, her mission both as a teacher and as a missionary and her testimony had been greatly strengthened. She is feeling fine and all her friend3 welcome her home. The Francom family received the sad news last Tuesday that their oldest son, Edgar, was killed in an automobile accident in Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Francom, Wayne Francom and Mrs. Sanders of Collin-sto- n and Mrs. Elmer Nielsen left immediately for California. The particulars have not been learned yet. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hansen were Logan visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ulyses Taylor of came up to visit Mrs. Richards Sunday and to take their daughters, Donna and Mildred, who have spent two weeks visiting with their grandmother. Odell Romer spent the week end in Logan canyon along with some friends. Jack Goring was accompanied- by his grandmother, Mrs. John Selman, to Salt Lake City last week where he received an examination to enter the navy. He passed successfully and expects to leave in the near future. Ira Andersen, Floyd Figgot of Salt Lake City and Fred Barfus and son, Floyd, left on the 4th of July on a mininig trip to Mont Talley, Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunsaker and I EAST TREMONTON nvic THATCHER last Wednesday, July 3, from the Texas mission, where she filled a mission for the L. D. S. church, teaching at the Kelsy church school in the winter and doing regular mis- n , PAGE KLWOOD By Sin. IL P. Rasrnussea I in 11, 1935 48-I- b. $J19 Bag.. PINEAPPLE PURE LARD c; ioo-i- b. 2 135 1(K STRING BEANS 9 IF Can' 5 10 TOMATO JUICE SPAGHETTIS 3 5-l- b. MILK NEW PACK MILD CREAM ALL BRANDS 25 Lb. N GRAPENUTS Package DEVILED MEAT a cans CORNED BEEF GRAPEFRUIT Can .......... San Newell Nish of Plymouth ing medical care at the hospital this BAKING PWDR.5& Clarence Cambell, Joseph Erickson, Pr., and Lawrence Hansen had their tonsils removed during the past week. Mrs. Clifton Kerr left the hospital Tuesday with her baby boy. Mrs. Ed Nelson of Howell, left the hospital Monday with her baby girl. Ezra Diderickson of Thatcher, while working with a hay chopper, accl dently got his arm in the belt, break ing one bone In his arm and dislocat ine the other bone of the forearm He was taken to the hospital where the bones were reset. WHITE KING Lge COFFEE Tf 15 15 19 15 10 15 10 TTVT A U A-- 2 Dozen 83 AtfEVNo. QUART JARS CLEANSER JELL-WEL- L Y Ixkivcs 2 JSr TOILET TISSUE 10 .4 T ......4 Package 8 POSTTOASTIES.IO PORK BEANS can2.:!. 10 CATSUP 10 RED SEAL LYE Can -- X & BREAD AIRWAY, FRESH Can 10 10 Can .15 29 week. 6 Tall Can CURTMIK! Dry Pack 15 Quart SHORTENING i 14 Pound .... SALAD DRESSING Qart25 i 13 Tall 8 Can PINK SALMON ct 10 RED SALMON 18 PEPPER 4S 10 IT 6 C AIT Triangle ... 10 Bag POWDERED SUGAR lL 1 9 CHEESE MUSTARD Pound Package PEAS Cans ... ALL-BRA- 5' 49 TUNArcf. 25 8 0 ALL FLAVORS D Bag TOMATOES2'! SPINACH $c-- JELL-- SOAP BRAND CRYSTAL WHITE 5 10 Bars 29 - |