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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER VOLUME X TREMONTON CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1935 Townsend Meeting to Be Held Here Tuesday ANNUAL M. I. A. OUTING AROUSES in the Townsend plan pension for the aged will be held in the L. D. S. chap- el in Tremonton Tuesday, July 16. 'Representatives of the Townsend or- -' p IOr ganization will be at the meeting to,' expmn fuUy Plans of organization MUCH INTEREST ' Underway Gala Event at the Crystal Springs Monday morning the water was turned in the new water works system completed In this city Sunday evening. TIES COMMISSION - iTW-ovn-ill-o : n V W 1 S KJ T JU T? 17 A Agent to be Temporarily Suspended ernment authorities to bring the adoption of the plan. When timas 'ra good, an' you'ra feelin' fine, Plans are nearly completed for the For some time it appeared that the An' the sun it ihinin' bright; A hearing before Thomas E,?Mo-Ka- y, annual M. I. A. stake outing to be Townsend plan had died a natural When every day brings you soma new Joy, of the state utilities commission, lield at Crystal Springs on July 17, death but it slumbered only lone. An' the world is quite all right, was held at the Deweyville Oi S. L. 6 m. to at Alf to come back with increased p. beginning according enough You're glad f know that your friends 'ra near railroad station Thursday morning at Michaelis, stake superintendent, and ' force and intensity and is now sweep- - ' An' will Join you in your fun-- But which representatives of the railroad. Mrs. Mark Nichols, activity director. ing the country . on the wings of a you never learn what a true friend is. Till your troubles have begun! County Attorney Lewis Jones, Box On that date, the early evening perfect organization, who are deter- -' ' Elder county commissioners, i repreliours will see automobile loads of mined that the aged shall be amply A lot o' folks treat you mighty well sentatives ' of the Tremonton Liona j fun seekers arriving from each of the and securely cared for. While you have the cash spend. club and other interested citizens atttwelve wards of the stake. M. I A. j If any one is interested in this But pass you by with a careless nod ; ended. ' When you really need a friend; leaders who have been contacted re movement they are requested to ,be The purpose of the hearing was to They fail you then, as they always will port that their people show unusual present and also bring their friends' In the time o' deep distress, determine the basis upon which the interest in the party this year, that and neighbors who might be inter-- ! An' turn one who can do no harm railroad company asks for the suspeniney win be glad to drop the labors ested. To their pride an' selfishness. sion of a railroad agent at Deweyof the farm and elsewhere for a few! come. ville. The applicant presented figures to wholesome relaxation I've had my share o' the hours, enjoy to show that fhe earnings from that xnd good fellowship. That we all must meet in life. But every time I have suffered loss point, In their opinion, did not justify Outdoor games arranged in track-meOr encountered care an' strife, the continuance of an agent under the style will feature the first part Some friend ha3 come with a cheerin' smile present conditions n R of the entertainment, An' has helped me see it through p. m. Swimming for those who en- -' Following the report of the railHas brought relief in the time o' need. road council, R. B. Porter and W. H. joy it will also be available. At 7:30 as our true mends always do. the evening lunch will be spread ;and Farr, Attorney Jones representing the Box Elder county representatives at 9 o'clock, dancing in the coolness LONG named above and other civic bodies of the outdoor pavillion will begin. not present stipulated an agreement The Merrymakers orchestra will furi for a temporary suspension so long nish the dance music. as the U. 1 C. operated or until such, "This year's outing, because of the Solemn time as the business at Deweyville Respectspecial arrangements and also because of the unusual interest indicatrailroad station would justify the reed ed, promises to be even more enjoyplacing of the agent Solemn and impressive rites were able than those of past years," states This was entirely satisfactory to all Funeral services were conducted in held Sunday afternoon in the L. D. S. concerned with Superintendent Michaelis. the railroad officials the ward chapel Sunday at 12:15 ov- - T chapel over the remains of Mrs. showing a very friendly and coopera TJnlrl er the remains of Martha Ann Man j10118 Ettie M. Stanfill, wife J of the late tive assuring those present John L. Stanfill , Who died at the that attitude, tlo, who died early Thursday morn lYTppfillC WpHllPfifljlV carload shipments of cattle and B. ' home of her daughter, Mrs. Londy any other such business CmUVifiM Ci,--, Jo ir ing of a heart attack The services necessary to vere in charge of Counsellor John O. Harris, Thursday evening following be done at that point would receive of TreIn the hot weather, spite ' a lingering illness of many months. immediate attention and Garfield. Music was furnished by the monton Liong Tremonton remains tied for first enjoyed a very 'inter. dispatch The services were in charge of necessary to to be funeral were services o Impressive in the satisfactory to League by virtue muJames Walton. Bishop Special held Sundav afternoon in the Trpmnn. those concerned and if, and of another winning game Sunday. sical numbers were furnished by a la conditions should warrant and when, ton chanel for Walter R Ti.ri ing ladies, a vocal and violin duet by uhn justiGreenThis one was at the expence of Smith-fiel- d Mrs. who the future .Dr' D,R and Dr. D. B died July 4, after a long illness. Bish- - dies quartette from the M. E. church, fy the replacing of the agent it would and leaves the Lions without a Green George Quinney will be known as the human d an instrumental duet by G. G. receive their cooperative attention. op A. J. Fuhriman of the Ridgedale' defeat in the second half. ten a vocal duet The speakers were President C. EJ duction machine, delighted the Lions Kirkham, Joseph presided out of the a Harris pulled the game of the speeches Following the introduction of the by Mrs. E. H. White and Mrs. C. R. exhibits Smith, Leo Earl, Elder Larkin and, ot "Stub" fire last Sunday when he drove out wahnr, Speakers who told of the sterling gteff setting forth the earning and Haskell, Lions Internation- TamM waitm iTnnv hie-ft solo h Marion Summers a of Mr Turley of his love and. the which appeared to the a home-ru- n with Green on base in the tributes were disat al expenses, qualities the recent president, given duet b Mrg Judith A. Strand and paid to the deceased by devotion to his family his church and, last of the eighth. vm lay men to amply justify the appliv stokes an(J 8Ql0 b the speakers who testified to her trict convention at Richfield. Tremonton started the scoringTn In opening his remarks Doc' said, Stokes. Prayers were offered by El- - cant's claim, the matter was taken as a Latter Day Saint; . ..r 01. " for a later decision, the first inning when Conger reached faithfulness "I will in and neigh-bothe first der and Clifton Kerr and Reverend E. M. under advisement citizen person a speak wonderful as and commission. the Bishfirst on an error and Harris hit a by stake, to as as near you, give possible, a Qonjon op Walton of the Tremonton ward j three bagger . Adams then hit a The deceased was born May 30, reproduction of some of the interest- - Mr. Speakers were Dow Lewis, of Lundberg of the high council of rlrioX. - ing and outstanding things said by single to score Harris. n r, n w the 1864 daughat Kentucky, Elkton, the Malad stake, and Bishop Fuhri- In the third inning Smithfield scor-- . ter of Lion's the International M. and Gordon Eliza president. Carsmey George and m ' ed 5 runs but Tremonton came back tri- Doc was When Beautiful one done James Walton. he had spent through year Bishop Hightower. Except and scored 3 to tie the count. In this in The musical numbers following so and well and told of to his listeneres had the integrity that butes, which youth it Missouri, her childhood inning Richardson drove out a three were spent at the place of her birth, blink their eyes to see if it were not were rendered: "Sometime We'll Un- - the womanly qualifications possessed Band Director C. C. Watkins is on bagger. himself. Doc got a derstand," "My Father Knows," and bv the deceased, were paid in erlowing the She married James B. Mantalo at the job again after attending the Na "Abide With Neither team scored in the fourth Elkton, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Mantlo swell president all rendered Me," by the terms. Her sons and daughter also tional hand from his den of associ- Educational Association con"but in the fifth Smithfield scored 2 Tremonton a "Cast duet choir; for to Thy came in for tributes deserving Utah ates. their eight children came in Denver. vention to take the lead. Tremonton took and was Bread the Water," Upon sung by in settling in Fielding and sinceFollowing the doctor's talk, busi- - La Von Stokes and Mrs. Strand, and a their high standards of conduct thru for the rest of the schedule The their turn at bat and Richardson.who that1902, Rivthe course of their lives and for their time have lived in the Bear ness matters were discussed which in- summer season is printed here and it was the first man up, hit a home solo "My Faith in Thee," by Mr. or care and tender motner was She the always er valley. joying eluded the establishment of a bank in is hoped that all students registered nm. ' Before the side was retired they eleven Prayers were offered by hiblted towards their mother. children, nine of whom survive, Tremonton, and considerable stock for scored again to tie the score at 7 all the work will report at their reS. R. Hansen President and was in M Hyrum born stanfill Iowa, Etta are Mrs. Ethel Snow, Fielding; was pledged for the new institution, schools for help on their inLo- and it remained the same until the They was Burial Calderwood. in the spective L. Mrs. Helen Sandall, Tremonton, Mrs.) aad a uumber 0f uc-nJuly 13( 187g, She married John were named was as won struments. Tremonton when was stanfill at Kansas. They came to eighth Lolela Doman, Ogden; Mrs. Otha to help amount needed or gan cemetery, where the grave dedicated by William Checketts. Monday each week, 9 a. m., Treexplained above rjtah 26 years ago and to thi3 valley monton John.. Mr.O h,3 b- -t P.--Rhythm band; 11 a. m., Junresided. : was since B. have born tseav-1920 October where in Walter they Turley son. Newcon; Mrs. Ollie cowin, Fr(,d c Oenhart chairman of the ' 2 p. m., Senior band. ior snce of the year when he 4 for 4. He er band; , 22, 1S03 in Colonia Juarez, Chihua-- They have been prominent in the real Dam: and Mrs. Floyd Deknland, each week, 9 a. m., Garalso had 10 chances and handled 9 of Tuesday , m Jaae"-"a buu ui sai. auu mm. esutie uuauieoo aim iio Leonara Manuo, iremumuu, conected $406.50 and had promises Of wining, land them perfectly. 'Gardner pitched nice Ogden; Rhythm band; 11 a. m., Junior Edward F. Turley. He left Mexico at Ing been eminently successful in these Wallace Mantlo, Bear River City; another hundred. Fred was given 2 p. m., Senior band. Tall for the locals and except for the and band; MorFieldof of lines. the time the Exodus the two sisters, Mrs. D. A. Cannon, real hand for his splendid work. third innings was never in trouble. Wednesday each week, 9 a. m., Junmon colony and moved with his moth-- 1 She is survived by three children, Elkton, ior and Senior band, Thatcher; 11 a. Next Sunday Tremonton plays the tag :. and Mrs. WM. Addison, to Mrs. Londy Harris, Tremonton; Perry er and several brothers and sisters, who Junior and Senior band, Bothwell; incidently m.t Peaches, fast Brigham Logan. He attended the Logan city and Starlin Stanfill, of Penrose; a 1:30 Alvin Harris, Elkton, Kentucky. R. R. defeated Garland on the Fourth, on and p. m., Junior and Senior band schools. On November 18, 1925 he brother, Henry Lutz, of Moreland, She has a number of grandchildren the local diamond . Deweyville. 1 Kansas; Provi-nine and Miss married of Edna Pickett grandchildren, and one Thursday each week, 9 a. m., JunBurial was made in the Mount dence in the Logan temple. Mr. and Mrs. Mantlo was a woman possessand Senior band, Portage; 11 a. ior JMR. AND MRS. GEO. STENQUIST a genial and kindly disposition, Turley moved to Beaver Dam den cemetery. Shaw & Iverson funJunior and Senior band, Plymm., ENTERTAINED AT DINNER ing where they resided for a short time, eral directors renouned for her hospitality and in 1 p. m., Junior and Senior band. outh; orto Blue moved With the closine of the Federal re- after which they dustry. She was active in tne 3 p. m., Junior and Senior Fielding; "Mr. and Mrs. George Stenqulst enganlzations of the church and lived habilitation corporation office in Salt Creek. In 1929 they moved to HawDam. Beaver band, tertained at a delicious dinner Mon- her of 15 west School miles Lake City and the opening of the of kins' Basin, Idaho, religion faithfully to the end each' week, 6 p. m., Junior bishthe to Monday of members day evening The interment was made in the fice of rural rehabilitation and re- Arimo ,ln which place they lived un18th , Evans. Senior and v . band, and their relief the society funopric, on the campus of the Utah til 1932. The following year they cemetery. Shaw & Iverson settlement City 6:30 each p. m- week, were Mrs. Mr. and Thursday Stenquist to where moved partners. Idaho, directors Ridgedale, State Agricultural college, came the , A cooking school will be held un- junior and Senior band, Elwood. assurea oy uiose present as uie ouui to appoint an they have made their home for the der the announcement a of 1 plan of Hazel On direction were McCarty, evening, August Thursday of departure arrived that they assistant to the agricultural agent in past three years. 7:30 p. m., at the high school gym evening, Lf- -. foT,i .M.n'liome Thursday economist, "not only some wonderful cooks in the Pre-Scho- ol Clinic stualmost every county in Utah. In adliome but also an atmosphere that "th at 8 p. m ,at the Wilson tiaslum, all senior9thhigh school district home demonstration in Ridgedale, Mr. Turley was put In will dition, hold, dents year including made one happy to be their friends Co. B. E. . of the Sunday LmromPany-1t.m their first big rehearsal Every stuassistants will be assigned to aid the superintendency be & H ranges and guests. school, to which capacity he labored1 homemakers under the new plan. will include dent who expects to help put over which demonstration, This new setup was just recently faithfully and diligently until the County Physician Jay M. Schaffer, Wheat Day at Garland, Peach Day at. baking and oven canning. illness under orders from the county com- disclosed by Walter E. Packard, rewill be assisted by Mr Brigham .and Fair Days at TremonBesides8 Turley! Miss McCarty widow, Mr. missioners, visited Grouse Creek, Yost gional director of the resettlement Workman, rePntative oTUw L 4 ton, should be at this first rehearsal Park Valley and Snowville Tuesday administration which was recently leaves four sons, Harlen Boyd. Grant H comDanv- .and John Longdon of the on August 1. clinics created by government officials and Ellsmere, Lowell Reese, and Alan Ed and conducted free On Friday, August 2, 7:30 p. m. Westinghouse company, who will give as- -. niaced was Dr. Schaffer each in under the Jurisdiction of Dr. ward; his mother, Mrs. A J. Hawkes, valuable Information concerning West at the high school gymnasium, all place. HOLLAND W. DR. JOHN By three brothers, Aubrey, Lawrence and nurses, Rexford G. Tugwell. J sisted by two government electrical appliances. Junior band students will hold their h inghoiise Louis .and two sisters, Mrs. Dan Miss Stone. , and Miss Allred state new this us The issues organization for Lumber Wilson The first big rehearsal. company Depressions come to teach of Midvale, and Mrs. W. J. A great many children in each place which is to be under the direction of ladies all to the difference between credinvitation a cordial It is hoped the parents will note very Arizona. Preston of Pima, were examined and advised as to their C- G. Stott, former U. S .A. C. it nnd cash. for the remainder of the seaof the community to attend this condition. ' 8ion economist, will work in close co I nni not so concerned about my son and help see to it that your stuschool. belief In God as In God's dents are being checked on their muoperation with the extension service said. faith In me. Mr. of Packard state the sic education. college, JOHN M. ILWS FAMILY MR. AND MRS. PHILLIP PACK Director William Peterson was inThey who sow the seed of right Mr. Watkins reports 294 students 10 JULY HELD REUNION HONORED AT RECEPTION registered for summer work and inthinking will reap a harvest formed that the new assistants will . of rlplit desires. be placed in offices with or near the CROZIER Mr. and Mrs. George Cro- terest running high. He hopes with Some one may improve on the A family reunion of descendents of permanent county agents as their zier, a girl, born at the hospital, Wednesday evening a reception was full cooperation to present some very way of getting Monday. John M. Haws, a pioneer of Bear Riv- programs will be closely related. gtven Dy Mrs. Leslie Watkins and fine student organizations this year. er valley, was held July 10 at the goodness by godliness, but 1 A Pack in honor of Mr. and Mr. Packard said that the rural re- HILL Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hill, a boy, Mra doubt It. born Saturday. under the direction habilitation and resettlement division Springs, Crystal Pack, newlyweds of a few Mrg phiilip Master the word "simplicity" If Mrs. D. W. Jenkins left Sunday for of Olive H. Haws and Mattie H. Gar- - wifl have two ma1or functions: To The evening was spent in playdays. sumyou want to know anything Mrs. field. There were 135 present. Quinney Logan to attend a part of the by make an inventory of the basic needs Mis. Robert Sirnonsen spent the ing games directedwhich of Interest nbout the mystery and majIn the session school followA family organization was made 0f the inhabitants of rural areas of mer was Mrs. and Walton, of the week at Pocatello, She part early s esty of life. L. as D. organization. Haws A with president. Fay the state and put into effect a piece of the the Ida. visiting friends and relatives, re- ed by refreshments. The youth who thinks lightly of vice president, Olive H. Haws, baked by will take a course in program buildbeautiful cake, of the for utilization wedding proper will home bis parents' opinions morning. Wednesday turning Wm. Landvatter, was given to each ing and child welfare. This will aid secretary, Mattie Garfield, assistant land and water resource!. The amount never think heavily about In making the coming year a greater ' and Jay Haws, genealogist of work done by this division in Utah secretary, guest with a wish for each guest. anything else. interest to all swimwas The afternoon is dependent upon community and inspent in Mr. and Mrs. Lavon Stokes and Many beautiful and useful presents success and of more C. WMtrn Newippr Union. r In the Interested married a and dance and received were the games to ming playing dividual needs as disclosed by the family left Monday morning young by spend in the evening completed the day. couple. the week at Yellowstone park. survey. ' j i ( f f MARTHA MANTLO et ; ; f ; DIES FOLLOWING ; j . ETTIE STANFILL DIES OF HEART hee-Innln- 4 BEFORE UTILI- K ' of A happy surprise greeted the water users because of. the increased pressure and the quality water. The new system was completed at a cost of $25,000 and was a PWA pro" ject. All who had anything to do with the starting and completion of this pro ject and particularly the mayor and city council, are to be highly complimented for the high standard of efficiency set In carrying out the pro: ject. In addition to laying the pipe and building a new reservoir, new meters have been installed throughout the city, which makes practically a new system, and insures an ample supply for Tremonton for many years to f I FORTY-THRE- E HEARING HELD Works System Mon. Whan days " dark an' the clouda hang low. An' the road U rough an' long; When problems faea you on svtry hand, An your plant hava all gona wrong; When troublas coma, an' your luck looks bad. An you don't know what do Oh, than It is that you understand What a true frland means t youl 1 T,l Are r'lanS Water Turned Into New $25,000 Water When You Mzzd , ' a Frien dl ifaivcnce jlaivllo A meeting for all those interested , NUMBER ATTACK, THURS. ILLNESS Beautiful Tributes Paid In Services Held Sunday Services Held Sunday For Highly Matron Impressive Rites Held for Walter Turley Here Sunday interesting Tremonton Defeats i Utah-Idah- , - re-pr- o- Swee-war- , ru r. "; yTeT' TT? W1' tv, I j h. Band Schedule Given For Rest of Summer j ,Ud V- - - j "". j , , R. great-grandchil- d. PROMISES HELP FOR NEEDY IN RURAL UTAH Og-Mr- s. j to be Cooking Held Here July ; 1 . Held . In Western , I , pre-scho- ol , j i Rad-ovlc- I the-sched- - exten-physic- al RECENT BIRTHS j ; pro-Haw- parent-teacher- s, , j parent-teache- I , |