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Show PAGE FIVE Hansen, all attended the wedding dance and shower given at Fielding Saturday evening. The bride received many beautiful present. Miss Mathias, Miss Olsen and Mr. Leonard were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Andersen on Tuesday evening. Guy Johnson and three children of Payson, came up to spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs. J. r. Christensen. They were accompanied back by Mrs. John-se- n and small son, who have been v s iting her parents and relatives tor u.e past two weeks. Miss Ara Andersen accompanied friends to Ogden, Eastering on ELWOOD II. P. Ftasmussen By Sirs. Rhea Woods of Fielding, and J. P. Christensen, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Christensen, were married in the Logan temple Thursday, April 18. They were accompanied by their parents, to the temple. They will make their home here. Their many friends wish them joy and success in life. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Christensen, Grandpa J. P. Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mortensen, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hansen and Bishop and Mrs. Amos P. Helen Thompsen, Ara Andersen and Barbara Christensen tcrk part in the contest in the glee club of the Bear River high school, given at Pro-vFriday and Saturday. The girls were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dinesen while at Provo. Mrs. Fern Larsen went to Mink Creek to spend Easter and wiU visit a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. Miss Norma Andersen spent the the weekend at home from Logan. She was accompanist for the A. C. glee club who gave a program in Garland, Sunday evening. Bishop and Mrs. Fon L. Hunsaker and baby of Los Angeles, spent Easter with their parents here and at Thatcher. Jamie, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Munns was hit by a driver and rendered unconscious in front of their home on Monday. He was rushed to the hospital where he regained consicousness shortly after. He was examined and it is believed he is not seriously injured. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hansen and three small children came down from Mink Creek Sunday to build an addition to their house. The family will move here as soon as school is out and make their permanent home, o, otice to Farmers hit-and-r- We Will Call for and Pay Cash for Dead or Worthless Horses and Cows JUST CALL LOGAN, ENTERPRIZE 30 The Operator Understands That We Pay the Call We Also Buy Hides, Pelts, Wool and Furs COLORADO ANIMAL BY-PRODUC- CO. TS GARLAND Mrs. Geo. A. Seal South of Logan 2 Miles By LoganUtah Lee's Meat Market i Tremonton, Utah 27 1 OUR PRICES FOR SATURDAY, APRIL 4 ! f x POT ROASTS Beef Best Cuts Pound 19c Per S t ... . GROUND BEEF 2 35C MUTTON CHOPS 2 18c Pound 29c Pounds PICNIC HAMS Per 15c Pound FRANKFURTERS Pounds I BEEF LIVER I 9 35c . Pounds Mrs. T. E. Betensen and Mrs. T. W. Innes are representing the Ladies Self Culture club at the Federation con vention being held in Cedar City this weekend. Robert Kirkham came home Mon day evening from a trip to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fryer were din ner guests oh Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Man ning. Mr. and Mrs. Win. King are enjoy ing a visit from Mr. King's sister, Mrs. Matilda Black of Rupert, Idaho. Miss Leah Williams is visiting at the home of her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Wm. King. Mrs. Grace Haws left Tuesday for California, where she will visit with relatives and friends. Mr and Mrs. Alma King, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. King visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Williams of Po-catello, Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Oluf Johnson and daughters, Ruth and Helen, were Ogden visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. O. Nye spent the weekend with relatives and friends in Salt Lake City. Horace Welling of Farmington, was a weekend visitor in Garland. Miss Bobbie Innes spent the week- end in Salt Lake City with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten are Salt Lake City visitors this week. Miss Fay Nye, who has successfully completed a business course at the L. D. S. business college, is home for a j visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i j Geo. O. Nye. Bill and Walt Woffinden. with their friend Denzel Hatch, were over from Logan and spent the weekend at the H. D. Woffinden home. Mrs. Arthur Welling spent the weekend in Provo with relatives and attended the musical festival. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Shumway left Wednesday for a visit in the east. Their son, Jack, who has spent the past two years as a missionary in England, will return with them. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Beal made a trip to Salt Lake City, Wednesday. DOCTOR TOLD HER HOW TO LOSE 17 POUNDS OF FAT t Gossiper Peeved Mrs. Robert Hickey of Roseville, Calif., writes: "My doctor prescribed Kruschen Salts for me he said they wouldn't hurt me in the least. I've lost 17 lbs. in 6 weeks. Kruschen is worth its weight in gold." Mrs. Hickey paid no attention to gossipers who said there was no safe way to reduce envious women who don't like to see others youthfully slim. She wisely followed her doctor's advice. Why don't YOU? Get a jar of Kruschen (lasts 4 weeks and costs but a trifle) and if you don't lose 12 lbs. and feel years younger and healthier money back. Simply take half teaspoonful in cup of hot water every morning (tastes fine with juice of half lemon added). The City Drug Co. and Adam's Drug Store sells lots of it. (Adv.) to-d- ay EAST GARLAND By Mrs. David Larson .... CHAD Julander and children motored from Washington D. C. arriving here Wednesday. They visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hansen and other relatives and freinds until Monday when they continued on to Kaibab forest where Mr. Julander is doing rsearch work for the government. The nature of his work has necessitated his being in Washington the past two winters Where the family resided. The M. I. A. entertained Wednesday evening in honor of the dramatic club. Games were the diversion of the evening. Refreshments were served. 12-o- z. Can DEVILED MEAT TAM AT AFC DP AO i ma .. 3 Cans No.2'2 Can Utah Pack No. 2 Can TADM Standard No. 2 Can PORK AND BEANS POTATO CHIPS FLOUR S mm a 2-i- b. CAT f Package Chum Tall Can CLEANSER Su3"S SALT 5 Pounds WUtf A TIES HllUrtllUO 2 Pkgs. and Glass Dish CANDY 'SdTa!k.. BANANAS H 1 1 1 1 PEANUT BUTTER 10 10 10 10 9 OVALTINE COFFEE 1 1 ' - AS Co. Fronk Chevrolet . Prunes Stokes 24 MUSTARD 10 5 PALM OLIVE ORANGES """" i mh-www- 13c Climax, Wall Paper 3 Cans Wax Paper 40-fo- ot )V Roll 25c 31c 25c 25c - (Cup and Saucer) A Packages, with Tire 2 Shirley Temple Bowl 2 No 2l2 Cans 28c 25c 25c Red Alaska Tall Cans .... 18c SALAD DRESSING QZ MWVV Hartley Mb. 3 Pounds .. IT- - and Stokes Spefcial Package II7T T A Assorted Flavors JCLLU 3 Packages turret 31c 18c 17c Vam PRODUCE Asstorted Flavors Package In Shaker. 3 Ba CARROTS m mniniiii wm -- RADISHES ASPARAGUS LETTUCE Dozen i iOC Lb. Bottle Cookies FRESH Box of 60 Cakes ... Only 17c 1 New Cabbage Solid Heads Pound f .'- - 1 DC Oranges Large, Sweet and OC Juicy - Dozen mJv J Pot Roasts Beef Pound 17c Picnics Shankless 12-o- z. I 10c Phone 28 . Tremonton, Utah Pounds TIN T WET JLLL-VYllL- L Tomatoes QUALITY MEATS SALMON EXTRACTS 10c ... Wonder Brand White King 10 Bars Dl? A fUITC Red Seal 10 Quart Can MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Unwrapped 10 Bars Seal LYE Red 3 Cans PI F A MOFD WIUV Block HONEY Pork & Beans Coffee 50-Pou- LYE SATURDAY BARGAINS Quart Package STRING BEANS 0 AI T 3.a-- 3 Can .... OUR 2 .... PHONE cli- feMjg DA 0,81 CAAD .. WILKINSON & SON I Methodist Church Last Sunday marked a splendid max to the yearly program of the church. 15 members were taken into the fellowship of the church. Following reception of the new members the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. Mr. Charles Niles sang "The Holy City," and a girls quartet composed of Lucile Cropley, Bertha Landvatter, and Mildred Carter sang "In the Garden of Roses." The misionary offering was within a few dollars of our goal for the year, making the small balance assured. The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. L. S. Mann on Wednesday, assisted by Mrs. Kim Mann and Mrs. Drew. The program consisted of de votions by the Minister Rev. E. M. Hartley v Large PWD. SUGAR M s- Painting Tinting Paper Hanging Pounds A A TC Mothers 19 10 10 10 ..... Pound n n m i n i nmAJ" 1 1 10? npi?An 3ay, for Box MAT Argo '2-o- z. Box .; 2 CAAD Large ATVIID 2-l- b. CORNED BEEF Quick Quaker 31 f 13 Bottle CVDITD Amaizo 19 OlllUI 10 Pounds 15 RAISINS White King 10 Bars CRACKERS AATC ! "Just Home Folks" Shopping the modern way at Pay'n Takit . . . Every item plainly marked .". . Fresh new food stocks sold at an exceptional low price no matter what day you do your shopping! 15? I Mr. and Mrs. Odell YOU WILL ENJOY APPLE BUTTER Had-fiel- Swiss-Germa- EVERY DAY PRICES FIT I Mrs. E. S. Hansen, Mrs. W. E. Han- - j Gordon; duet by Mrs. White and Mrs. sen and Mrs. Mabel yler entertained Steffen; piano solo by Mrs. Adam members of the Relief Society andj Brenkman; solo byMra. Jay Schaf-fe- r; duet by Miss Mildred Carter and other guests Thursday at the home ot d Miss Lucile Cropley. The meeting Mrs. W. E. Hansen. Mrs. Mabel ' of the stake board was present! was in charge of Mrs. Thomas and gave a talk and demonstration on Carter, vice president Next Sunday the choir will sing the Choosing of Proper Fabrics and Col- -i ors. Thirty two guests were present. Easter cantata at 8:00. This la a beautiful cantata, and deserves a Dainty refreshments were served. large hearing. Mrs. D. W. Jenkins Bishop Burton Adams of Pleasant; will direct the choir. Grove visited relatives here dumig The public is cordially invited to be the past weeking. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hansen motored present. E. M. GORDAN. to Salt Lake City Friday, where Mr. Hansen goes for medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Rhodes are the remodeling of their home. Ira Somers, June Rhodes and Dean Grover came over from the A. C. U. to spend Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Parley James and daughter Ethel, of Salt Lake City, spent Easter Sunday at the J. W. Lar sen home. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. and W. E, Han-- ( sen were guests at a birthday dinner; given in honor of Mrs. Laura Oleson in Brigham City Sunday afternoon. A large crowd was at the depot in ! ' Salt Lake City last Thursday evening to see Wendell Hansen off on his misn field. sion to the The genealogical committee enterSee Our New tained at a very successful party reWALL PAPER SAMPLES cently. A one act play, projection Sun Tested - Washable pictures, dancing and refreshments to a contributed pleasant evening. Mrs. J. W. Rhodes visited with re Lake and Salt City latives In Ogden over the weekend. Pound IS 3 Bunches Pound 25c Veal Roasts Shoulder Cuts .. Pound 18c Lamb Stew 12c Pound .... WILL BUY FAT VEAL 10c 6c 7c WE WILL SMOKE YOUR MEAT Surety 0 Purity i |