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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, PAGE TERES. 19S5 FIELDING Enid DEWEYVILLE I By Mrs. Thorna Ault Emma Gardner and Geo. Sudbury and Norman Perry of this place enjoyed the trip to Provo the weekend. Norman won high honors as band major. The farm bureau ladies met at the home of president Susie Hansen on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Lund of Brig-haCity and Mrs. Elkinson were present and gave instructions on buying foods. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gittens returned to their home here after spending the winter months in California. Mrs. Edna Beverage of Salt Lake City, came here to visit relatives on I .jr tx Dale and Gale Welling went to Salt Lake City SViday to spend Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Welling. They leturned home on Sunday. Their parents, accompanied them. They returned to Salt Lake City Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Smith went to Salt Lake City on business last Le-R- V m ( r U yyMli Vis-'- " V xsL . u 11 : week. mns-- - p Saturday. Mrs. Thos. Herrington of Huntington, Oregon, visited relatives here during the week. Mrs. Henry Nielson and baby o Brigham City, and Mrs. A. F. Love-lan- d of Logan .visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble one day last week. Mrs. Mattie Hassel entertained at bridge Thursday afternoon. Those present were ladies from Brigham City .and Ogden. Mrs. Grant Evans and daughter ot Magna, Mrs. Harold Marble of Ogden, were guests of Mrs. Mary Marble on Sunday. A welcome home party was given in honor of Miss Vesta Holdaway Mon day evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Harwood and children of Ogden, visited at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen on Sua-da- kQi 7 ri pit CLABK'D.SlAUCHNESSV g.OTT OOMM&V VAOAI. PETEJ2S0M Football y. VjM,H.SPAULpiN3 Friday. We Sell Tremonton Harness & Accessories Co., Inc. Manufacturers of High Grade Harness ' mid-wes- t, Creek, Brigham City and Fielding, on , You should back the ambitions of as their guests, relatives from Blue Sunday. your home city to the limit. a 1 1? th I ; si s amnrai fa mrnnPTm 11 laiimTTnTmfil laimrnTTTrrnll lauiiiiiijuuumi TWO EDA f mJB "9c jaminnffliD' ALE - - - FORKS RAKES SISAL ROPE AND STEEL HAY CABLE CANVAS FOR DAMS GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS .... The FAMOUS SPEED QUEEN WASHER The "Western Made for Western Trade" 111 Read Harness and Harness Accessories wc sell the J. I. CASE .LINE OF FARM MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS We have a number of other implements PLOWS HARROWS CULTIVATORS - MOWERS and RAKES which we offer at -- BARGAIN PRICES!!! It Will Pay You to Vivit Our Store and Yard and Inspect Our GENERAL LINE OF MERCHANDISE!!! FARMERS9 CASH UNION I PHONE 35 "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" TREMONTON, UTAH jatliinniiiiDil iatgnTjccuoroal laaurnmDJjTEl )safXHJjmojial 11 1 I trcmimmfil cm i u im H iKnnimirjmlgl committees and hold regular meetings with discussions of program, costumes, picnic luncheon and so on. Play up the health factor, for this is opportunity. Talk abqnt training through observance of the health rules. And give a prominent place to sportsmanship, for these occasions are truly laboratories of citizenship. For the program, stress the dances and the simple games and stunts dear to children. This calls for minimizing the old type of athletic field day, but in the end you will be more content. What about the boy who it called a sissy? Dr. Ireland wUl tett parents how to deal with him rmX HOSPITAL NEWS Ralph Eakins of Portage, received serious chest injuries Friday in a runaway accident. He is in a serious con dition at this time. The son of A. L. Wilson of Fielding had hia tonsils removed Saturday morning. ADDITIONAL ELWOOD NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Abel and small children went to visit Mr. Abel's parents and relatives in American Fork. They were accompanied by Ruth Munns as far as Salt Lake City where she visited relatives and friends They returned Tuesday. Mrs. V. L. Hansen and Miss Veda Rasmusnen were assistant hostesses to Mrs. Arvll Hunsaker at her home In Honeyvllle, last Wednesday at the ladles club. Mrs. Hansen attended the Ladies Self Culture club at the home of Mrs. Wynn Hansen of Fielding Thursday. Mrs. Orlin Hansen and daughter and Mr. Walter Frldal went to Salt Lake City Saturday for a short visit with relatives and to attend some business. It doesn't take much business sense to start in business, but it takes a whole lot of it to keep in business. up . w.. LOW COST of E L E C T R WATE R I C II E ATI J G Without your risking one cent, we will insall an Electric Water Heater in your home. If you are satisfied, at the end of sixty days, it stays. If not (and you are the J vty PAINTS OILS COAL Stock, Sheep and Hay Salt HARDWARE G. Uwto 0 twMk tmumtm'' 1 f Let Us Help You In Your Remodeling, Building, or Repairing, Through the Federal Housing Act WE GLADLY FURNISH ESTIMATES J. Ktdtt and f t n n nm child. No one Likes to be left oat. If one cant ran, play, or dance, he can serve in some useful c&oa- city. Jfrfen A large share of llllin the planning shqpld fall to the pupils. Let them organ-i- x ROOFING AND ASPHALT EMULSION ill Bf Dr. ALLEN Omkmt. rkymd mi I try Stm Dtfmtmm The Spring Play Day It's time to be planning (he tyring play day. Give thought to making it a happy, jpyoua occasion. To do that, provide some actirity or job for every Quality Lumber and Building Material SHOVELS 6 IRELAND Htm WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR EVERY NEED IN HOES QOOR CHILD and wc school LEIFTT CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT. APRIL 27 m Jy from the Pacific Coast, will teach football during the morning hours each day. Rocky Mountain Conference coaches will be featured for the basketball class which will be held each afternoon. They include Coach Ott Romney of the B. Y. U., Coach Vadal Peterson of Utah, and Coach Dick Romney, whose Utah Aggie team only recently won the conference championship. They will give greatest emphasis to the fast, exciting type of basketball which is so popular with the fan3 in all parts of the coiftitry and which is generally played in the western division. Shaughnessy and Spaulding have both established remarkable records as coaches and as builders of men. Before arriving at Chicago as the succe." sor to Coach Stagg, the "grand old man" of football and coaching, Shaughnessy turned out great teams year after year at Tulane and later at Loyola University of the South in New Orleans. His teams were the first to draw the attention of the country to the versatility and ability of southern football teams. Coach Spaulding, following a long and sui has spent the years since 1924 in building football and athletics at the cesful career in the new California school. U. C. L. A. now turns out one of the great football teams of the coast each year. Long experience has convinced college authorities that the intensive one week school is the most efficient and least costly and that policy is being continued. Aggie coaching schools, which began with Knute Rockne as the principal teacher eight years ago, have been of uniformly high quality. This standard is being maintained with the employment of Shaughnessy, Spaulding, Romney and Peterson. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wheatley a id children were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leon May at Harper on Sunday. Mrs. N. Peter Marble entertained Sunday, April 14th. The dinner guests were Mr and Mrs. Sherly Tucker and children of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pierson and daughter, Betty, Mrs. Darrell Scothern, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sandall and son, Dallas, Mrs. Leon Kerr and children of Tremonton, and Mrs. A. F. Loveland'of Logan. President C. E. Smith of Garland, was the special speaker at meeting held Sunday evening. JJILJST Jay Welling who is attending busi ness college spent Sunday here visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cannon and children have moved to Brigham City to make their home. Mr. Cannon has secured employment their which nec essitates the making of their home there. Leo Farnsworth and David Wood, Jr. left for Detroit Friday morning. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Earl of Logan, They expect to drive back a new car. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Udy of Ogden, visited with relatives and friends Id were called to Fielding last week due Fielding last Thursday. LOGAN Clark Shaughnessy, football coach and director of athletics at the University of Chicago, and W. H. "Bill" Spaulding, football coach and director at the University of California at Los Angeles, will head the teaching staff of the ninth annual Aggie Coaching School this summer. The annual session will open on Monday, June 10 and continue for five days to Friday, June 14, according to Coach Dick Romney, director of program. These two great coaches, one from the Midle West and another Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yates of Salt Lake City, visited relatives here on aiTmnnmiD oy PRATT and LAMBERT PAINTS and VARNISHES and KING WALL FINISH v yr r o sc v? Bishop and Mrs. Marion Perry and daughter, Virginia, visited at Ogden on Welling By to the serious illness of Mr. Udy ' brother, Hyrum, who suffered a stroke. We are glad to report at this writing, however, that Mr. Udy's condition Is improved. Saturday night in the Fielding hall a reception was held for Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Christensen .who were married Thursday in the Logan temple, Mrs. Christensen was formerly Miss Rhea Wood of Fielding. A large group of relatives of the couple and special guests were present ic wish the young couple happiness. Many lovely gifts were received. The evening was spent in dancing, music being furnished by the Buxton orchestra. Mr. Nish of .'Jarkstoa, father ot Basil Nish, spent the weekend with his son and faiaUy. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Richards of Wellsville, spent the week end visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Richards and Mr. and Mrs. Frank sole judge) out it comes, your down payment is refunded. You have lost nothing. ii We make his offer because of our confidence in the efficiency, the convenience, and the tremendous value you will receive for 'jjs the small cost, with Electric Water Heating. electrify your water heating you've taken a very wise step in the direction of greater home convenience and comfort. When you Can you imagine any service in your home that contributes more to the joy of living than having all the hot water you want, available instantly, at the turn of the faucet and you are going to be agreeably surprised to find that this wonderful service is very easily within your reach. It's a tremendous value at a low cost. You can equip your home with Electric Water Heating for only $5 down and monthly payments as Phone Us. low as $2.50. Let's Talk It Over. ELECTRICITY IS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN THE HOME TOffl TOWER |