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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. APRIL 25, 1935 PAGE TWO BZAB RIVER VALLEY LEADER Entered at the Postoffke at U.P.&L.CO. Rates Pri- Compared With vate- Municipal Plants Tre-aaoot- Utah as Second Class Matter. Published at T re coon ton, Utah, on Thursday of each week. Subscription Rates One Year (in advance) - - - Six Months (in advance) Three Uonths (in advance) Mrs. Arvella Mayler and daughter, SNOWVILLE Kiss Annie Hurd ry I Elaine, of Salt Lake City, visited Mrs. Mayler's mother, Mrs. E. A. Peterson J ; j The Yost school came here Friday meet The visitfor the ing school won the drama contest and tnree reaaings. anowvuie won me track meet and two ball games and one reading. All enjoyed the day and the dance at night. Miss Maurine Hurd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wia Hurd, Jr. and Paul Fonnesbeck of Howell .were married Saturday at Brigham. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Peterson are spending the week in Ogden. The members of the Larkin family spent Friday in the Logan temple. Miss Mary Hurd returned home Fri day after spending three months in Liter-scho- . u Free to Public - a Classified Ad Column Nor-wal- ! To Your Town 5-- 4-- Call 138. LOCAL MERCHANTS 5-- 2 4-- 12. J ; j Stake ) ol (Continued From Page One) $2.00 accessibility to water and fuel, JLOO rtinn. conditions affecting costs other 501 many r,t niAnt operation, transmission and distribution of energy, as well as same population of the cities of the ETOUD.' rwinulation NATIONAL EDITORIAL "Dr. Persons paired each of the 290 ASSOCIATION mnnlc'inal Dlants with a nearby pri vate plant serving a city of corresscatterponding size. The pairs were ed from coast to coast and from the northern to the southern boundaries of the United States. were "Among the closest instances ulalofi and Tka only place in tka U. S. wKar. of private with public Ogden. awWtwiriV martrr covering- any line of bu.meaa comparisons sr product can b obtatnod rraa Bad Without rates in Los Angeies, ton wayne, ObJffatioa i. th Anencan Industrial Library. 111.; Bay City and TravWrit for Buatneaa Advertiain Matter Too ar Springfield, interacted in; ftama will b promptly forwarded. erse City, Mich.; Grand Island and AMESICAN IIDOSTRIAL LIBRABY 1 Lincoln, Neb.; Columbus, Cleveland BmAlaMriat Bail dint, Cklco,IUUoi Vt., Ohio; Burlington, and Hamilton, and Seattle, Wash. In other instances Kansas City, Kan., and Kansas City, k Mo., were contrasted, as were but Conn., South Norwalk, and in some cases especially in the larger States, some of the rates compared were in cities far apart. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. See J. T. as well as to your Country 2 'The rates studied were for 1928, Hansen, E. Tremonton. t2p. 1932 and 1934. The median bills for were based on FOR SALE One Con 'B' flat cornet, sixty kilowatt-hour- s 1934." with case and accessories. $25.00. rates in PATRONIZE YOUR Sunday. , quarterly was conference held at Holbrook Sunday. Elder Sam-- ; uel O. Bennion of the general author- ities, was present. Mrs. Rebecca Cutler came home from Tremonton Friday. E. S. Cutler attended the musical festival in Provo Friday and Satur- day. Wm. Hurd, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hurd, Jr. and L. M. Hurd attended the funeral of Mrs. Eliza Nelson at Brigham Thursday. Miss Norma Garbonati was at home for the weekend. Lowell Cutler motored out from Ogden Friday. Wm. T. Robbins of Logan, is here looking after his farm. O. V. Olson left for Fainf ield Thursday to work. Mr. and Mrs. George Tingley of Salt Lake City, were guests last week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse and the officers and teachers and bish opric and their partners were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jl. C. Anderson. Games were indulged Mr. and Mrs. A .W. Bergstrom in. Refreshments were served to 28. went to Salt Lake Sunday, where Mrs. Clarence Reeves and daughthey visited with Mrs. Bergstrom's Geniel, of Centerville, visited with ter, seris who brother, Orson Nielson, relatives and friends here last week. iously ill in a hospital there. Dr and Mrs. Faun L. Hunsaker of Los Angeles, were the guests of Mrs. CARD Hunsaker's mother, Mrs. D. E. Adams the first of the week. We wish to thank our many friends Mrs. Flovd Adams and children are who were so kind to us after the sad visiting with Mrs. Adam's mother at accidental death of our little boy, and at the funeral services. For Mantua. beautiful floral offerings, the kind the in Waldron Sunday spent Virgil words that were spoken, for the singing and for every kindness we express Bishop T. E. Adams attended to, our appreciation. WedLake in matters Salt business Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Deakin. nesday. Thursday "evening the cast of the Wishing cannot reform the world. M. I. A. play "Cabbages or Dollars," Ar-bo- n. John Peterson of Carey, Idaho, was here visiting relatives last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Rogers of Logan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Larkin last week. Mrs. John Arbon visited her daughters in Ogden for a few days. Irven Cottam came home recently after spending the winter in Los Ang- eles. Mr. and Mrs. Virsel Daley announce In Malaya this problem of the FOR SALE Alfalfa seed. Also a good the arrival of a baby boy at the ley hospital. never been so accentuated as has poor Durham bull. See Ervin it is today. And side by side with this tl. Summers. Bothwell. poor.. val- 5-- 5 AAV llf eDSOWtWAITI PC ;. -J "On the flood of prosperity there is a certain amount of backwash. In spite of trade recovery, each big nation is grapling with its unemployed problem and there seems to be no royal road to absorb all the unemployed that exist today. "Each country has its quota of Painting - Paper Hanging - House Cleaning NOW - AND AVOID THE RUSH LATER BEST PAINTS - IMPERIAL WALL PAPER SKILLED WORKMANSHIP AT REASONABLE PRICES AUGUST NUSSBAUM PHONE 73.a-- 2 We Sell PRATT and LAMBERT PAINTS and VARNISHES and KING WALL FINISH Manufacturers of High Grade Harness 1- iUITS for 4-- JjttSL ssf Graduation 4-- Select that new suit now when stocks are complete new shipments have just arrived when the service is best! You'll find every wanted model, including the latest sport styles that will be so popular this spring and . 4-- I Celanese Knit Sport LOST A gray range horse, weight about 1250 lbs, with shoes on front. Call H. A. Hawks, Blue Ridge ranch. tf. summer! A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR SELECTION 2-- DRESSES CASH PAID for dead and useless cows and horses. Call Maple Creek Trout Hatchery, Brigham Reverse Charge. - SATURDAY ONLY $2.49 493-J-- 2. 6-- tf CrKS AND HATCHING We are prepared to hatch your turkey and hen egg. Most modern and equipment made. Quality Leghorn chicks, bred for profit, $10.00 per hundred. All hatching on ojar own place .from breeding hens f r&ca trapnested stock, disease resistant, low mortality, Hanson strains, fp. B. Barlow, Tremonton, phone 74.a-- 2 up-t-da- te Neat small assorted colors plain white and You must see these dresses panel shades. :to fully appreciate the value. Don't Forget On sale at this price Saturday Onlyl 2461 Washington Ave., Ogden, Utah i STUPE Fronk Chevrolet Trade-I- n Ladies Sport Gloves 49c and 69c - The Newest Fad in Gloves Cuff Styles COLORS: White Black Blue Brown - TRUCKS 11934 1': Ton Truck 11930 V2 Ford Truck .. FtSHBLRMC Ford Truck 11933 Vi Ton Truck (long wheel base) 1 1929 1 Vi 11934 MM FOR ICE Beverages & Coal SEE BESSIN6ER BROS. TREMONTON, UTAH 36 : Chevrolet Master Sedan 11933 Chevrolet Master Coalch 11934 Chevrolet Master Delux Sedan (6 wheels) 11934 Chevrolet Standard , Coupe 11934 Plymouth Delux Sedan PRICES LOWEST IN THE STATE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED A IKE (DELEEIKL ATE Offerings 1929 Chevrolet 2 1929 Chevrolet Coupes 3 1928 Chevrolet Coupes 11930 Ford Cabriolet 11929 Ford Coupe 11926 Buick Sedan 11929 Durant Coupe 11928 Graham Paige Coupe 11931 Oldsmobile Delux Sedan 11929 Chevrolet Sedan 1 : DO YOUR in the Newest . SPECIAL i Style, Price and Quality Times-Journa- The Editor of the Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, in speaking of poverty in the midst of plenty, says in part: "Paradoxical though it may seem, it is a fact that poverty and prosperity go hand in hand. Ru-lo- DUNDEE Offers 4-- 1. OF THANKS . Advertising and service sell goods. 4-- 5. " Tremonton Harness & Accessories Co., Inc. 4-- is the problem of the poor, there who equally pathetic problem of those on LOST Bay mare, 12 yrs., 1400 lbs. are not Ukely to find employment J. L. Weidmann, phone 12.3-- 5 account of advancing age or ill 2 t2p. health." It seems that there are many peo- WANTED Coal chicken brooder, size ple who would rather starve than ask about 500. Call Starlin Stanfill, for charity. Some way should be tl. phone 14.1-5found to coordinate relief work so these people would have assistance. See Mrs. GilFOR SALE House. tf . bert Parker. Phone 76.0-D. Smith, Publisher of the Fort Will, Says: FOR SALE 20 acres of good irrigatliam (Ontario) ed farm in Fielding, $2000. $500 "We see by the paper that unless down payment, balance on terms. the newspapers do something to help Write to owner, Mrs. Louise Harris, keep the radio in the public eye, the 2862 South State, Salt Lake City folks will just forget about it and 15. 3 the sales of receivers will fall off. "It appears that after all the money that is spent in magazines, radio, BRING IN YOUR ARTICLES for the Public Auction every Saturday, bebill boards, etc., it finally devolves on 4 tf . fore 1 p. m. the old dependable horse, the newsof the to publicity wagon pull paper, FOR SALE Three bred sows, farout of the ditch. so is because many it rowing about the middle of May. 'Probably Call Fred Weiser. t3p. more people read newspapers than anything else that they have the pulling power, get the public thinking and FOR SALE Large size rug and good kitchen range. See John Rauber, really do things." 4 tf . Tremonton. THATCHER with gigantic new Victory value! 1 NEW 1935 STREAMLINED SEDAN BODIES ALL-STEE- L YOU'VE been waiting for an automo-- . like this for years a Studebaker and a Champion right down near the lowest cost cars in price. You're getting this value now only because the new and greater Studebaker Corporation with millions in new capital is sharing its new found economies with you no bank loans, no burdensome overhead, no excessive plant valuation. This sedan is much roomier than most other cars it's streamlined in the pleasing new Studebaker skyway silhouette and it has over twenty wanted features few other cars offer for the money. Come in and go out for a convincing smoothly the new compound hydraulic trial drive. See how surely, swiftly, brakes bring you to a straight line stop. .You don't have to put up with a lesser car. This sedan's low delivered price brings it easily within your means. ... .... EXTRA ROOMY SEDAN DELIVERED IN TREMONTON COMPLETELY EQUIPPED NOTHING MORE TO PAY (Except Utah Sales Tax) This Caravan delivered price includes bumpers, bumper guards, spare tire and tube, metal tire covers, safety glass in windshield, metal spring covers, radiator emblem and Federal excise tax. Your present car will be accepted as part payment the balance in convenient monthly payments at very low rates. Utah Auto & Implement Co. Tremonton, Utah Local Distributor Phone 28 n, |