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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL PAGS ETGB r WORLD GETS MUSIC MEDAL Award Charle. O- H Connell with medal of A CHILDREN ABE NOT ALWAYS SMART IN THE SAME WAY to A mother and father once had children five their of part with one to relieve the straightened family children were in bed V ' ft ' IV''-- Vk 3 ! Ify ' y "J duct. Which reminds us of two English broom vendors. .One said, "Thomas, I don't see how ye &n sell your brooms for a shillln'. O borrows my handles and steals my corn and yet I has to get two bits." "Well, you see Charles," said Thomas. "I steals my brooms ready-made- ." I if- . A I F J J 1 i dip i T : Mn A ft. f jL v I; 1 BEST SMILES In Paris Winner (left) and ner-uIn "smiles" p i.iNL lit rwri l v run- con- - ,. wi?, uuiiuuuicu inns, riaiiii . ; r--r. i v.:; v. T 'j .v ... nr.. .sv vv.vww .Mr a. v. "w ..u,' BitF DON'T WANT MY PICTURE : Some children have made the above remark without effect. When Frances Perkins was testifying one day last week before the senate Labor Committee, a photographer snapped her. "Will you give me that plate, please?" said she. The cameraman took one good look at Chairman Walsh and decided that he would. CLIMBED 84,000 FEET TO MAKE 340 MILES PER HOUR Wiley Post flew through the substratosphere from Los Angeles to Cleveland in eight hours and four minutes. That is nearly twice as quick as be could have made it at ordinary heights. ttQimnmmffl IfflmmnBgDiil j fan dancer Is carved entirely out of golden butter whieh made It strikingly It was the center of attraction 11 at a cookery and food exIObiUon in London. POCKET WATCHES e. daughter, Luella Mae, who has an attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby H. Atchley and j f By Mrs. C. W. Brailsf ord two children of Driggs, Idaho, are t HaiMrs. afternoon Heber Friday visiting at the home of Mrs. Atchley's ling wa s hostess to a parcel shower mother, Mrs. Sina Thorsen and famgiven in honor of her daughter, Mrs. ily. Cleora H. Simson, who was married Mrs. Mark McCoy is suffering with recently. The afternoon was spent in a very severe attack of tonsilitis or social chat, after which a delicious lunch was served to eighteen guests quinsey. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dugan and son from this city and to Mrs. Tom Dugan of Brigham City, were the dinner of Brigham City. Mrs. Simson reguests of Mr. and Mrs. Heber Hailing ceived many useful gifts. The young on Sunday. couple will make their home in Salt son the fourteen-year-ol- d Stanley, Lake City. of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Andersen of Raeola, the daughter Evans had the misfortune to get of Mr. and Mrs. Golden Anderson is both bones in his right arm broken, confined to her bed with an attack of Tuesday, when he was thrown from a Bcarlet fever. horse. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Peterson of Miss Zula Hansen who is attending Snowville, Utah, are staying at the school at the B. Y. U. In Provo, spent home of her mother, Mrs. P. M. Iver-se- the weekend visiting her father, J. Hansen. during the illness of their eleven- months-ol- d I eight-year-o- ld Hy-ru- n, lisonnnnrTTxmi) larjomninmil fcnnroal laBuxmimoDiO m A Moisture Proof Slip 1. 2. 3. that Saves Your Frock 91 4. They're Shadow Proof ! They're Wrinkle Proof! They're Moisture Proof! Seams Are Rip Proof ! Moisture Proof 9 "BUY FOR CASH AND PAY LESS" No 33, Tremonton Phone Us Your Orders Rctoh! Elgin and Walthan pocket watches; brand new; beautiful cases; jewelled movements; only a few left. $9.50 up DIAMONDS Diamonds are always a good investment and more than ever when you can buy them at the prices featured during this sale. Beautiful rings. $12.50 up RINGS! RINGS! Prices on all fine rings have been reduced... Just as an example a genuine hand cut cameo in 10K gold mounting ($15.75 value) Now $7.85 OPTOMETRIST WILL BE HERE Monday, April 8 Dr. Don C. James of Salt Lake City, one of Utah's leading optometrists, will make his regular visit here next Monday. He is offering the same high standards of service as were established and maintained by the late William E. Getz. The cost of a thorough examination and new glasses is most reasonable. Make Appointments NOW WRIST WATCHES The latest models for both men and women in Elgin, Waltham and other famous makes. All have jewelled movements. $9.95 up LEATHER GOODS Fitted traveling kits or billfold and key container combination the ideal graduation gift for "HIM" finest leather. $2.50 up Watch Bracelets SLMMONS, HADLEY, and PON-TIA- C all highest quality metal watch bracelets reduced! It takes onty a few minutes to fit one to your watch. W. E. Getz, Jewelry RICHARD M. GERBER, Executor TREMONTON, UTAH WE CARRY POSTAGE STAMPS Tremonton, Utah Prescriptions Carefully and Accurately Compounded Laura Bond ALMOND LOTION - full pint ITALIAN BALM and DRESSKIN - both for Gephart Stores Co. itftmrqniaroSl Final Eediicfion Sale Z 19 25 59 Face Powder and Boyer Cleansing Cream both far ... 50 lit 30 stnniintiro TREMONTON, UTAH One White and Shu Milk White Shoe Cleaner . . ITALIAN BALM and DISPENSER - both for SILK SLIPS ggfiTipiimyiB PHONE 11 J. & B. BABY TALC With Secret Service Panel iimc "Everything to Build Anything" CITY DRUG CO. from Wrinkling and Crushing 7 Wiison Lumber Co. igannnnimgl NOW Si THIS OFFER LASTS UNTIL APRIL 13 - 4 BEAR RIVER CITY - - - 38 The already low prices cn the entire stock of high quality jewelry, watches, leather goods, and diamonds have been still further reduced. At such prices, our entire stock will soon be sold. We urge you select your graduation presents and other gifts now! I BUTTER SCULPTURE This figure of a famous BriUsh life-lik- Pint Quart---6- 4 Rhead remained until Monday QUINTUPLETS 90 SCREEN ENAMEL B. Goetzman and P. H. Rhead and wife of Price; son, daughters and grandchildren of Mrs. Susan Rhetd, spent Sunday visiting with Mrs. Rhead who is at the Valley hospital. Mrs. Goetzmann and Mr. and Mrs. A nine months old Dane has been N even- Mrs. Vivian Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. .v: J Pint Quart ing. Cards and games were played during the evening. A delicious luncheon was served to 12 guests. DOG TO GROW UP WITH presented to the Dionne quintuplets in their Callander hospital. This news item will recall to mind a picture so often seen on the walls of homes years ago "Can't you Talk?" The quintuplets have started cut' ting their teeth and will probably talk before the Dane. But, there are dog lovers who will believe that the Dane will know much more about life be fore the famous five will. SPAR VARNISH at an April fool's party Monday X Mrs. Frank Boulton spent four days last week as guest of her sister, Mrs. J. T. Palmer. of ,Mrs. Elnora Bowcutt of Brigham, was a Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, I. D. Dockstader Frank S. Allen, Mrs. Alvin Shepherd, Leila and Frank Allen and Grace Richards of Salt Lake City; Mrs. H. M&w just for fun take these three thoughts of The Children, The Spider and the Bee, and The Broom Vendors and see what thoughts they suggest about different classes of human beings and their activities. You, yourself, can write at least three editorials. ie FULLER PURE PREPARED PAINT Gallon - - $2.89 Quart - - 89 Miss Mildred Theurer entertained Corina Frere, whose radi- - i''k3& ant smile won for her, Is J NEW BATHING FABRIC Miss Iris a Portuguese dancer M Adrian displaying the advantages of a MUe. Unita Chekab, be-- fij new type of bathing suit fabric design-sid- e her, won second &j d to complement the figure. It's a Los prize. gwi Angeles creation. The South Tremonton Farm Bureau held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Lilly Barfuss. The lesson, "Consumers Problems," was given by Mar-jorStenquist end Mae Hansen. Pres. Mary Stenquist gave a talk on the benefits of health insurance, budget books to keep an account of their family illness and medical expenses for the year, were given to the ladies. Mrs. Barfuss served a delicious luncheon to ten members. S. Skeely and family of Logan, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bessinger. - 3 J. Ranson of Preston, is visiting Paint Sale Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Keller of Bingham Canyon, spent the weekend visiting at the home of Mr. Keller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keller. K"6 I believe the construction and might regularity of my honeycombs sweetbe mentioned. Add to this the ness of my product and the good it is to man. I don't believe I need worry about a comparison of my skill wij that of a weaver of a flimsy cobA workman deserves respect web'. according to the usefulness of his pro- Dr. and Mrs. Jay M. Schaffer atMrs. Bob Whiting of Burley. Idaho, tended the funeral services of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, spent Monday of Bountiful on Sunday after- and Tuesday at Salt Lake City visitnoon. Dr. Argyle was a cousin of ing friends. Mrs. Schaffer. Mrs. Conrad Stephen was hostess to Members of the Epworth League of the B. B. bridge club Saturday. Prizthe M. E. church attended the mid- es were won by Mrs. E. H. White, year institute Friday and Saturday high; Mrs. Bertha Harris, cut, and at Ogden. Mrs. Lula Taylor low. A delicious luncheon was served. The Stenquist family attended the funeral last Thursday of their sister's Mrs. Delia Mrs. oldest son, who died suddenly after Dwane Lower ofJosephson and spent Brigham City, View an attack of appendicitis at Mt. Thursday of last week at the home of Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. Russel Waldron, Henry Bell, Edith Foxley and Mrs. James Ransom attended the funeral of Heber Johnson of Richmond, last Saturday. Ar-gy- le , gles, t-- Vi "but extracting sweet honey from such a thing as weeds is quite an accomplishment. And, as to stealskill ing sweets from the flowers, my there is so conspicuous that no flower has ever suffered from so delicate an anoperation. Now about lines and W. at the home of his son, James f ; Up-toe- Mr.-Bee- ' f l?I ' group of her friends at an April fools party Monday at her home. A dainty luncheon was served. 'Mil OCMS ST 4 honor presented by the , Bruckner Society or America for his I achievement In record- In for phonograph T Bruckner's and Man- - 1 lers sympnoiues as iL ' performed bv the Min- - Orchestra. Fneapolis ' of the Victor Book of the Symphony employrA a new "hlrher fid-- ' 4 elity" process which 2 gives a new realism in 1 ft? at When the a lamp and night, the parents took in. Needless to say that afd ter" reviewing the naughtiness and fineness of each child's character, they could not decide. reminds us of For some reason this beAesop's fable of the argument tween the bee and the spider. Each thought himself the better artist. the "just take a look at the lines, curves and angles in that web," said Mr. Spider "I made it myself. Now how'do you get that honey of yours? from herbs, and Y04 steal it flowers and even the lowest weeds." "Quite right, Mr. Spider,' replied Gephart entertained a Miss Elaine GLIMPSES economics. 4, 1933 Ihonminflnfail momm; WD 9 . 490 350 IPANA TOOTH PASTE 390 FORHANS TOOTH PASTE 390 PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE 390 MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE 170 OVALTINE (former $1.00 size) 590 LIQUID PETROLATUM, full pint 490 MILK OF MAGNESIA, full pint 390 PALMOLIVE SOAP - 3 for Ud HOSPITAL COTTON, full pound 390 CHALLENGE SQUARE ALARM 980 GARDEN SET (trowel fork and cultivator) 290 NURSING BOTTLES - each 5 SIX POUND FLAT IRON 1ZIIII $1.49 "YOU SAVE WHEN YOU TRADE WITH US" c 3 |