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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1935 DROUTH AND mm J3, TAXES LOWER SNAPS U. P. &L. INCOME Gadsby Issues Annual! Company Report to Stockholders Gross revenues of the Utah Power Light company, after nearly a $3,- 000,000 decline in four years, turned upward in 1934, but net revenues 'shrunk $302,109 below 1933 due to added tax burdens and emergency operating expenses, G. M. Gadsby. president, said in his annual report to 17,000 stockholders Monday. The report shows operating revenues of the power company alone in 1934 were $305,878 more than in 1933. Mr. Gadsby said this four per cent Increase was more than gratifying because of the necessity of meeting emergency expenditures amounting to $576,000, principal causes of which were: Drouth conditions, necessitating channel deepening at Bear Lake, operation of Jordon steam plant, and additional hydro plant maintenance, which increased total generation cost of $299,000 over 1933. Inventory and appraisal of property ordered by the public service commission, requiring expenditures of $120,-00- By Mrs. Thomas Ault I) t i V- - Mr. and Mrs. James Holdaway are at their home here. Mrs. Holdaway was Miss Edith Anderson of Penrose All wish them happiness. The genealogical committee sponsored a splendid program ou Sunday evening. Mrs. J. W. Spackman returned home on Thursday after spending a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mm. Joseph Johnson at Ogden. Bernice Johnson and Mrs. Ralph Keller returned to their homes in Ogden on Thursday after spending a few days here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble and Mrs. J. W. Spackman and Mrs. Car-lyl- e Johnson were Logan visitors on A live city to work in Is a good Thursday. place to live In. A dead city to rest Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble had as in is a good place to die in. their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Marble and little soa of Brig-haCity. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brough and children of Tremonton, and Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Burbank of Brlgham City. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Johnson visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvil Apply Boothee Tuesday. a few drops. en...just Tuesday evening a one act play titled "Andante" was presented unpeneder the direction of the ward M. I. A. trates deep into Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jensen have the nasal passages, moved to Brigham City. reduces swollen Mrs. Fred Thompson of Almo, Idamembranes, clears ho, visited her sister, Mrs. Ernest awsy clogging muOlsen here on Monday. cus, brings welcome Marion Harwood of Salt Lake City, relief. visited here on Sunday. He was acTwo generous sizes companied home by his grandmother, i ... VM and Mrs. M. A. Lish, who will attend the April conference, arid visit for an In. . USfO IN TIMI definite time. HEIPS PREVENT MANY COIDS Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Blackham and L V & - "SEES" OWN Dur- THEY DON'T CATCH TUB BABE Mize, Music a recent first sacker of the Cincinnati Reds, trying to ( catch none other than George Herman Ruth pnonograpn re- -- . v v t .'Vj uiuinc off base. None. first Result napping sion, ictor en- gineers connected a remarkable new caiho J ray oscillograph device so that Eddie DuclUn, popular 106 young pianist and orchestra leader, could see th wave-forImuses liis playing produced on the surface of the instrument. Engineers are ablo t9 analyze sound and electrical circuits by studying these Unas !tv rw..-:- ,J,I vOT m fluo-resce- nt m When Your Head Feels "Stuffy". . Va-tto-n- o! Va-tro-n- ol n 0. Taxes of company which increased more than $157,000. He particularly emphasized the continuing increase in taxes in the report. "For the consolidated companies the increase was 10 per cent over 1933, bringing all taxes included in .consolidated operating expenses to Vthe high total of $1,633,126," he said. The tax bill of the Utah Power & Light company alone for 1934 was equivalent to more than $15 for every customer served by the company at the close of the year." Substantial contributions of the company in behalf of drouth relief, business recovery and unemployment relief were stressed in the report as follows: 1. Cooperation in emergency Bear Lake drouth relief program which increased value of crops matured in Utah and Idaho by about $3,800,000. 2. Coordination of company activity with national and local effort3 for home modernization, especially thru Salt Lake City's Modernization Exposition, Ogden's Industrial ia.r, and Delta, Colorado exposition. 3. inauguration of traveling exhibit which carried visual demonstration of proper lighting and electric cooking to scattered rural territory. 4. Campaign for eyesight conservation which has literally revolutionized home lighting in the area. The advantageous arrangement between its holding company and the Utah Power & Light company was referred to by Mr. Gadsby. He said loans reaching a maximum nearly $1,000,000 were obtained 2rom the Electric Power & Light company during the year for making extensions and betterments to property and promptly meeting all other financial requirements. "The arrangement permitted your company to secure benefits of available cash," he asserted, " and was an .. srj little son have moved here to make their home for the summer. Helen and George Sudsbury visited relatives in Logan on Sunday. Friends from Ogden were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sudbury on Sunday. Mrs. Myrtle Knudson spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tingey at Promontory. Mrs. Lettie Leavitt and son of Grace, Idaho, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L Dewey, parents of Mrs. Leavitt. The Deweyville Sunday school presented their three act play at Both-we- ll Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank and sons were dinner guests of Mrs. M. A . Lish Sunday. Marion Harwood of Salt Lake City, was also a guest DEWEYVILLE TS l "P fit O PACE THREE jx- :.v yjr OLDEST AND NEWEST Pictured together hflr. are Mexico's extreme in ;.js transportation. Dominique Hernandez astride his burro, first means of trans portation in Mexico, gives directions to J. V. enifi. Wolfram, automotive experimental neer, who is driving his liKji Oldsmobile Sli on a tour of Mexico. rVSSY PUSHES THE KEYS This on usual feline works a typewriter with her paws. fi$ yX fwm 7 HARNESS OIL NEATSFOOT HARNESS OIL One Gallon 5 : . Gallon Lots -- - 75c 70c per gallon Tremonton Harness & Accessories Co., Inc. V , ww vatjk's rnrKTAn. Sailv Rand, famous bubble dancer, cheers winners In the cocktail contest held at Jack Dempsey's famous restaurant by The League For Better Drinks. The victors and their prizes are: L to r.: Tom Underwood, second; Jimmy Smith, first; and Gus Erengarth, third. The winning cocktail, "The Gordon Special," contained half Gordon's gin. Juice of half a fresco lime, benedictine. two dashes of curacao and a piece of CHAMPS one-quart- er ' fresh . olneaDDle. , ( f DO YOUR i Paper Hanging - House Cleaning - Painting 30V FATHER AT Modera-ADVISES tion William M. , Mathues, 80, a PhyUis Marlon of farmer won honors at a GradyvUle, Pa., with New York Beauty the baby girl born to Convention as the year possessor of the V 7 his thirty-eigold wife. It was the most perfectlyninth child born to rtionthe couple. ed back. OFFENSE IF PhjUls Turns Her Back To You NO NOW - AND AVOID THE RUSH LATER BEST PAINTS - IMPERIAL WALL PAPER gen-itlem- SKILLED WORKMANSHIP AT REASONABLE PRICES AUGUST NUSSBAUM ht propo important factor in making possible the payment of the dividend declared at Christmas time. Mr. Gadsby said all loans were repaid by the end of the year through a careful conservation of cash. Reference was made to a saving in total interest charges of $185,774, because of bond retirements, and to a partial "dividend declared on the $7 preferred and $6 preferred stock. After payment of the dividend the report showed remaining in arrears and unprovided for dividends on preferred stock to December 31, 1934 of $3,125,-39- e with government-subsidize- d increases." tax a in and halt plants Mr. Gadsby stressed the company's progress toward the objective of the federal government for a more liberal use of electric energy. He said since 1928 the average annual use of energy per residential customer served had increased about 50 per cent from 493 kilowatt hours to 736 for 1934, and the average price for kilowatt hour for residential service was 27 per cent higher for 1928 than for 1934. Since Jan. 1, 1929 the company and its Colorado subsidiary have made reHe asserted "payment of future ductions which have resulted in total dividends upon preferred stock de- savings to customers of approximatepended upon continued business re- ly $2,250,000, he asserted. Mr. Gadsby paid tribute to the late covery, freedom from competition Anthony W. Ivins, for many years a member of the board of directors of the company and praised employes for a high degree of loyalty. In a separate statement the power official urged stockholders to combat vigorously in congress the Rayburn-- : Wheeler "public utility act of 1935" in order to protect investments in the company imperiled by the legislation "Under title two of the act the fed- eral power commission with head- GARLAND quarters in Washington is given com- -' plete and detailed control of all rates and practices," he said. "State regu-- 1 Seed lation is thereby duplicated and may well be obliterated." PHONE y 73.a-- 2 tax-fre- FORD IlitlllliilS INTERIOR DESIGN 5. 2 - y fv' ' . - "US'- - ' Vy, v- Have Your Seed Wheat Cleaned and Treated at ! Gariaed'Tremonton Milling AT ! t All Kinds of Co. Grains for Sale kic;" j j j If So You Will Find It Profitable to Figure With Us OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE , KEEP STEP WITH THE TREND BUILD, REPAIR OR REMODEL YOUR HOME We Are Headquarters for All Your Needs in LUMBER, HARDWARE, HARNESS, FARM AND HOME SUPPLIES We Are Headquarters for Farm and Garden Seed (IN BULB OR PACKAGE) Tune to KLO Each Thursday at 1 :30 p. m for Our Broadcast X "ir Newell Taylor and Jesse Petersen were Salt Lake visitors last week. Harley Granger has returned home after completing his winter course at the agricultural college. Last Thursday the Relief Society, Primary and Mutual lady officers went to Erigham and surprised Mrs. Fred L. Petersen, a former worker in these different organization. She was given a beautiful emblem pin. Cake and ice cream was served to twenty guests, after which Fred L. Petersen treated them all to a free picture the subtle use of taupe grey a background feminine costumes. for "" Window mouldings, door handles, the Instrument panel and even the beautiful, slim steering wheel, are all finished in Wended greys. This color aehenie eannot clash with the most brilliant ensemble. On the contrary, it will accentuate it. And the upholstery I . . . Here is beauty coupled custom-bui- lt with quality characteristic of you car. In all Ford DeLuxe closed ears cost have your choice of two materials at no extra ON THE AIR "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" g FORD SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, J.T Er--.. A Mrs. Starlin Stanfill and Mrs. Perry L. Stanfill were visiting in Salt Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Baer and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gatherum Fri- nn u ' X , ' "' ' I J I it - ' ' V f j I . . . Mohair, or soft, pin stripe broadcloth in Sedans and Coupes Bedford Cord or 100 Wool Sueda in Touring Sedan. See the stylish, new Ford interiors at your nearest Ford Dealer's today. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS Easy terms threngb Univertml CredH Co., the AMtboriztd Ford FrmtM Plam z mm FRED WARINC.. w incnester or last Friday. i'lff j' rrrmy t;j I Jf ' i; de-tif- fn show. Miss Bessie Shuman has returned home after spending the past two weeks in East Garland, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jabes Miller. Jesse Petersen was an Ogden visit- i1 Ttr Kr. COLUMBIA -- 8 WTWOM otor Co. Tremonton, Utah day and Saturday. ANNOUNCEMENT And does it necessarily follow that homely wit is that which the old man tries out on his wife and kids before Every city has many pesslmista- llttle men with little minds who watch with envy the progressive men of their city. lII,.iim-t- are enthusiastic about long-wearin- , A - , ft: - color design EXPERTS inFord Deluxe interiors. They have "potted" Immediately a new note in interior Prt telling it to the Klwanls. Farmers' Cash Union tK'ijK l THE MODERN MOTIF Red and black I accentuate the instrument making them I eauier to tee. The control knobs and cigar- ette lighter are Ivory Colored Plastic. v "l Center striping is chromium. Convenient y I glove compartment. I j PENROSE REMODELING YOUR HOME ? && Y''"y- - I I desire to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your past supMytuSness interests have been sold to Thomas L. Callister, but I expect to to hac with the company for the present and would consider it a personal favor you continue your re-ma- in patronyjTjgrriT EDGAR WINCHESTER, Prop. L MOTOR CO. TREMONTON, UTAH |