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Show PAGE SIX BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1935 ins me A 3 GROWTH amd PROG of this Town and Cotinty e Depends Upon the Attitude of it c 9,9 z en Get Quotations From These Tremonton Merchants First IIWSHIBIIIIlilOB aMfflBMiiiiiiira LET THE HOME BUSINESS HOUSES SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS i!II!!i!ll!l!JIM maaiimniininniiLTOiitiinKmiSi:nmiiiiaimninniinauiniraii: iiiin fell!! Quality twtT EDITORIAL The amount of progress a town makes and its ability to grow and prosper, does not depend on its location or any exterior forse. It depends more than any other one thing upon the attitude and spirit of its citizens. TREMONTOK. UTAH V" EVERYTHING X'wTF0RTJiE FARM I I Oliver and Moline Farm Equipment KITCHENWARE - TOOLS - PAINT i Western Billiard Hall CAFE IN CONNECTION Draft Beer - Cigars - Cigarettes - Candy . Fronk Chevrolet Inc. SCTvii:e ) S3 3 General Motors Authorized Dealer Look about and you will find towns that are favored in every way by location, natural resources and advantages that have not capitalized on any of these. PHONE - 20 - TREMONTON They have, as it were, sat down beside the road and allowed other towns not nearly so well favored, to press them in the race. They have become known as dead towns. As a matter of fact there isn't any difference between a live town and a dead town, but the attituted of mind. The dead town thinks it isn't any use trying to do anything. The town has the feeling that there isn't any use trying. As a natural result it quits trying. Once the spirit of a town dies, it is difficult to bring it back to life. On the other hand, the town that gets the idea that it can prosper and grow and get the things that makes a modern city, gets these things they seem to come as a matter of course. TREMONTON, UTAH Many a town has pulled itself out of the rut and became a modern, progressive city, merely by changing its attitude of mind, by thinking a little more along the line "we can" instead of alwoys along the line of "theres is no use, we can't do it." wide-awak- e, .4F P. 'HOME OWNED AND OPERATED' DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE Wilson Lumber Go. We Use the Latest Methods in Correcting Eye Fatigue "EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING" Phone ..11 Tremonton, Utah Sanders Service Hardware - Paints - Oils - Glass - Dishes City Drug Co. Fountain Service WE FILL PRESCRIPTIONS m IF WE STOCK IT WE HAVE IT Try Us When In Need of Drugf FOUNTAIN - DRUGS - SUNDRIES Shop Farmers'Cash Union Lumber Hardware Implements - PENNEY CO. J.C. tDSPARTMSMT TO S PHONE 47 - PHONE 11 - Coal QUALITY MERCHANDISE American Petroleum Station GOODRICH SILVERTOWN TIRES R I. at Penney's and Save Gephart Stores Co. Fi "BUY FOR CASH AND PAY LESS" Tremonton, Phone 33 A7i!WM 1 si ymv f'f ESS "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET" t'Tti'.nnuamj 3 |