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Show PAGE FIVE BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1635 Information Given for Obtaining Licenses (NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS OF ALFRED B. LANIUS OF BKIGHAM, AND FINAL MEETING OF C1LRLES A. ANDERSON OF MANTUA, IN PRO"Obtain auto plates now." So states CEEDINGS UNDER SECTION 75.) n C. Lucius Loudie, in charge of the branch of the Utah Tax CommisIn the District Court of the United sion who was in Tremonton yesterMates in the District of Utah day. He also states that the $1.00 Tax fee has not been Income Filing IN PROCEEDINGS FOR A repealed. He urges everyone concerned to ap- COMPOSITION OR EXTENSION. ply for their license plates at once To the creditors of Alfred B. Lanius and avoid the rush that occurs the of Brigham City, and Charles A. Anlast half of the month. He gives the derson of Mantua, in the county of in advice auto for following applying Box Elder, and district aforesaid. plates: Notice is hereby given that the pe1 Have cash, money order or a titions of said Alfred B. Lanius and certified check. Plates cannot be de- Charles A. Anderson praying that livered on personal checks. they be afforded an opportunity to ef2 Have tax clearance receipts. fect a composition or an extension of 3 Certificate of Registration must time to pay his debts under section accompany the 1935 application, pro- 75 of the bankruptcy act, was approved by this court as properly filed perly filled out. 4 Certificate of Title (formerly under said section; and that meetings called ownershop card) remains with of their creditors will be held at Treowner the life of the car, and in only monton in the Bishop's office, L. D. S. used in case of sale or transfer of Church on the 19th day of February car. If lost a duplicate costs $1.00, A. D. 1935, at 10 and 11 o'clock in the same as for a duplicate certificate the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their of registration. 5 Car must be inspected by a claims, examine the debtor and transstate inspector if not previously re- act such other business as may properly come before the meeting. gistered in Utah. Dated February 7, 1935. If personal checks are submitted JAMES WALTON, are held up awaiting clearance plates Conciliation Commissioner. of checks thru banks and plates will not reach one in time for use for There is nothing in this life that reMarch first. The Ogden office is open from 9 turns so much in happiness for the inuntil 5 excepting Saturday, 9 to 1 p. vestment required than a real home; an m., and is located in the county court andindividual house built for the use material comfort and convenience house. of your family. Og-de- Watch Out For By Colds Sequel By Dr. WiUon C. Smillie Professor of Public Health Admit titration. Harvard University School of Public Health of colds may be The after-effec- ts much more serious than the cold itself. In most instances a cold lasts only a 'eek or so, and then the person gets well. Small ohildren are particularly likely to suffer from complications of colds, especially from inflammation of the ear drums. Thus babies should be protected as much as possible from contact with people who have colds. Small children who have colds must be watched carefully, even when their cold is mild, for serious ear infection may appear suddenly. Elderly people are very likely to develop a prolonged troublesome bronchitis following a cold and should take special precautions to avoid exposure to the elements during the acute stages of a cold. Pneumonia is the most serious consequences of a cold. Not infrequently pneumonia follows some careless exposure or neglect by a person who has a bad cold. It is particularly important not to commit some indiscretion or suffer exposure at the height of a cold the third or fourth day. Chronic Cold Chronic colds are quite a different story. They may follow an acute cold, but are nearly always caused by an infection of one of the nasal sinuses and require special medical attention. If your cough continues long after the acute cold has passed, if you have lost your appetite and are feeling badly, losing weigh4; and feel generally run down, don't delay, but go to a doctor and have your chest examined. It may be nothing serious and your doctor will reassure you. These symptoms may indicate an early stage of tuberculosis. We all know how important it is to recognize this condition at its earliest beginning. There is some evidence that resistance can be built up against the ill effects of colds by improving the general body condition, through such measures as the proper selection of articles of diet. Milk, vegetables, fruits and cod liver oil have often been suggested as valuable foods in this respect. ut G WATCHES DIAMONDS v Matched sets of ELGIN WATCH, KNIFE engage- ment and wedding rings; fl white or natural gold. Priced as low AND CHAIN $1750 as '13 A Real Saving at 50 See Our Window for Daily Specials Thorough and Speedy Repair Service Unclaimed A Deposit Watches Sold Holds Any for Repair Charges Selection WW Lee's Meat Market TREMONTON, UTAH FOR SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1935 HAMBURGER POT ROASTS y Fed Beef Fresh Ground 10c Pound ... Pound 10c now In writings print exceed Er-ma- I m Stokes Hartley "Just Home Folks" dered last Sunday evening by aU the Beehive Girls and their teacher, Miss Mathias. Wayne Larsen and Mr. Plegg left last Sunday for Los Angeles for a visit with Mr. Clegg"s father and other relatives. If they find work they may spend the winter there. Clyde Earl of Salt Lake City, visited his sister, Mrs. John Eronsen and family Monday. From there he went to Tremonton to visit his father and relatives. Spencer Harris of Layton, was a weekend guest of Erma Hansen. Fred Barfus accompanied Mr. to Black Rock, Idaho, on a z mining trip, Sunday. Bea-sing- HOSPITAL NEWS January 27th. A three year old child, while playing in a compound at the military barracks at Tanjong Muar was rendered unconscious by a cocoanut falling on his head and was removed to a hospital in a critical condition. However, he is expected to recover. We have a lot of grown-up- s in this country whose skulls are so hard that a tree falling on them wouldn't make a dent in their skulls. SATURDAY BARGAINS Peas Outstanding 1 Quality - Can ... ... 1UC Corn Flakes Fl AIID Tremonton-Garlan- RIB BOIL Choice Beef Pound Beef - Rump, 10c Prime 1 Lean Tender Cw LJK Pound x Pound 4M t H Ht"M-H-H"- H 1 A d $145 Bag bakery RRtfAnLo1 3 Loaves 10c Wheat CHIPPED or BREAKFAST 5-l- b. .. Bag Assorted Flavors Grapefruit 11c 2 Pa'ckages Fresh, Imperial Valley 2 AI7FFI7 Maxwell P L Ur r Lto House - Blend Pound Glass Jar Pure Af A American fLULUi Pound Package - A SOUP cs SODA CRACKERS VF LlL 23c Scan 11c N..2ca NS Special White 10 25c 35c Package 4 Pound GRAPEFRUIT CAAD 3 Pound Box . s RAISINS CORN-PEAS-BEA- ..25c Bars 10c 19c 25c Red Seal 3 Cans ... 29c Dozen Oranges IOC 'sTat'.':.!0. SARDINES , OQ OC 15c Home Rendered Uv 2 1 Mil Lbs 35c IH1IIDIII Tuesday night, February 12, after mutual the Vanguards and the Junior Girls are giving their annual valentine dance. The Merry Makers orchestra from Brigham City will furnish the music. Wednesday and Thursday, February 13 and 14, the local M. I. A. dramatic club will present the mys tery play "Footsteps," in the recjea! uonai nan. Wednesday night will be given over to the children and Thursday to the adults. Lemons Per 9c Dozen QUALITY MEATS Picnics Smoked Pound .. 20c. Pot Roasts Shoulder Cuts 12c Pound Bacon Squares I Per 20C Pound Pork 15c Pound Dozen ORANGES BANANAS ct LETTUCE Firm Head lArf 1UC Fine. Quality and Flavor -- Dozen Sausage PRODUCE Per .5 C ...... for 1 2 LEMONS M. I. A. NEWS 27c , THE QUICK SETTING GELATIN . BULK LAUD PORK SAUSAGE Fresh Ground f CUBE BEEF BEEF STEAKS Choice Shoulder Pound Rib-L- b n. IDC Sliced Lge. Quart Can.... n. OVEN ROASTS 10c .. Pineapple r1 Mrs. Arthur Welling of the stake board held the attention of the audi ence with her splendid reading. The girls chorus rendered two numbers in a creditable manner. The Misses Eva and Ardes Adams and Miss Rhoda Larson attended the county teachers institute in Brigham City Saturday. Miss Larson continued on to Salt Lake City where she viisited with her sister, Marie and her brother, Glen, returning Sunday evening. J. L. Atkinson returned Saturday evening from Provo where he attended leadership week. His daughter, Luella, who is a student at the B. Y. accompanied him home returning t6 Provo Sunday to resume her studies. The one light case of scarlet fever has been released and thus far no other cases have developed here. The seventies who are visiting in the ward expect to complete their work this week. H. L. Moore and son, Ray, of Clear field, were Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Miller. Owen Cheney was in attendance at a meeting in Salt Lake City Monday as a representative of the pea growers committee, who met with canning officials. Mr. and Mrs. Will Godfrey and Mrs. Sarah Wright of Provo, were weekend guests of the J. L. Atkinson family. At the exciting basketball game here Thursday evening Fielding won by two points. Mrs. Fred Grover is suffering with an attack of neuritis. Miss Ethel James of Salt Lake City is a guest at the J. W. Larson home. Ira Somers was home from the A. C. for seevral days last week suffer ing with a severe case of flu. The Junior Girls entertained at a social Saturday evening at the J. L. Atkinson home in honor of the vanguards. A well attended genealogical meeting was held Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M Soren-seMr. and Mrs. O. M. Munk of Tremonton, were visitors by appointment. a. 's ! YOUR HOME BOYS are striving to maintain their standards of selling Natoinally Advertised Merchandise at prices equal to prices of off brands - - Our merchandise is always Fresh, due to the fact that we carry no surplus stock - - We buy daily. KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME! er Mrs. A. N. Robins has been in the hospital the past week receiving med ical attention. Mrs. Aired Christensen left the hos- -, pital Friday with her baby, after ' spending ten days in there. Darwin Hunsaker spent Friday and Saturday in the hospital with an In fected foot. L. H. Rinderknecht of Hansel Valley; was brought to the hospital Friday with two bones broken in his leg. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fryer of Deweyville, announce the birth of a baby girl January 31. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilkinson are the parents of a new baby girl, bora Package A splendid program was presented at M. I. A. conjoint Sunday evening. CASH-RAISIN- LINCOLN'S out-of-to- By Mrs. David Larson every item in the store is We are not "Closing Out"--bSALE and every article included in this be to as represented when sold! is GUARANTEED ABRAHAM in volume of words both the Bible and baby returned from Logan last Tuesa week's visit with Mrs. the works of Shakespeare, according day after by Dr. Loulg Warren, Thompsen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. to information of Lincoln National Life the director leavto her brother Zollinger, prior writes a Fort Wayne (Ind.) ing for Salt Lake to attend the mis- foundation, sion school. He is called to fill a mis- United Press correspondent In 1772, after three years of work, sion in the northern states with headan English man found that the Bible quarters at Chicago. They attended contained Shakewords. 926,877 several parties in his honor. esworks been have complete speare's Miss Mathias, teacher of the intertimated to contain 1,024,000 words. mediate grades was pleasantly surThe written and spoken words of Linprised by her pupils Friday after coln total 1,078,305 approximately school, showing the love for their to Doctor Warren. words, according teacher. While the Bible and Shakespeare's Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hansen accomworks are complete, many of Lincoln's panied by the other stake primary writings and speeches still are unpubpresidency and play leader from Garlished. The count did not include Linland, attended the stake primary concoln's own personal papers, the travention at Ogden Saturday where ditional Lincoln anecdotes, or the many they received valuable instruction to I ersonal letters which are still In prihelp them in their work in this stake. vate hands. Mrs. Elias Andersen returned Saturday after five days visit with her ments were served. son and daughter, Milton and Norine, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hunsaker enwho are attending school at the U. S. tertained at a dinner Friday evening A. C. She was accompanied back by in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hun Norma, who spent the weekend there. saker of Canada. Other J. P. Christensen attended the fun- visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Walter eral of President Shepherd of the Lo- Wuthrich and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd gan temple last Wednesday. Hunsaker of Logan and 3 sons and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Petersen, Mrs. their wifea from here. There were Martine Larsen, Mary Petersen and present, nine children and their famKjestine Rasmussen were Logan vis-- J ilies, out of eleven. Eight of their itors on Thursday. children are married. Mrs. Thomas Abel entertained SatMiss Veda Rasmussen entertained on Friday afternoon at a treausseau urday in honor of her daughter, tea in honor of the bride of last week, birthday. The children enjoyed , Mrs. Owen Rasmussen, formerly Miss the afternoon. Lillian Clarkson. j Andreasen Mrs. Herman Mr. and Miss Rasmussen was assisted by, entertained Thursday evening in honthe Misses Ruth Munns and Wanda or of Mr. and Mrs. Edward HunsaAndersen. Over 30 guests called dur- ker of Canada. A very pleasing program was ren- ing the afternoon. Light refresh-- ! ts EAST GARLAND Quality, Price and Continued Service! f. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Thompsen and Are Often More : us Than The Cold Dar.t' Says Dr. Smillie After-Effec- Lincoln Words ge Beats Bible and Shakespeare ELWOOD Mm. II. Kasiuussen 13c 23c 5c 5c WILL BUY FAT VEAL WE WILL SMOKE YOUR MEAT CLP. fOOO SKAGCS V Vf'ir-I7i- V Surety 0 Purity STORu |