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Show PAGS 8IX BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1933 Ford Motor Co. to Conduct Training For Its Salesmen H00 KU&3ZZX3 rOLLOV CHANGES M CORN mSUCTlOSI bert and was given by Mrs. Mary A. Hansen, accompanied by Mrs. Mar- ZJSO In accordance with the recently announced policy of the Ford Motor Co. to inaugurate in 1935 a nation-wid- e system of intensive and unified training in the principles of intelligent salesmanship. Ford salesmen of the intermountain territory will meet throughout the year in a series of sales training schools under the supervision of the factory branch at Salt Lake City, according at Ed Winchester, local Ford dealer. The first in the series of schools met in Salt Lake City in January, under the direction of Mr. Harold F. Van Atta, in charge of the sales training department. During the year the school, with full equipment, will travel throughout Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, and Montana, giving instruction to groups of dealers and salesmen at central points in the Ford intermountain territory. "It is the purpose of these schools," said Mr. Winchester, "to familiarize Ford salesmen with the recent developments in the automobile industry, in order that they in turn may be better able to help the interested public understand how these new de- velopments meet the needs of the day, particularly the outstanding developments In safety, comfort, performance, and dependability in the 1935 Kord v-- 8 '. "Objectives of all previous systems of salesmen training will be unified and consolidated into one carefully piannea course," continued Mr. Winchester. "In addition to its presentation of the groundwork of modern day ethical salesmanship principles, the course has as its further aim the presentation to every member of the motor-ca- r owning public, through the Ford salesmen, of Henry Ford the garet Johnson on the piano. It was pronounced as the outstanding evening of the year's program. There II'D'CAMLS BUSICLS were 2.25 2--00 1.75 com rto s oyt ' ' foni ow ' ' ' ' l ' I ' v MEAD miujons 515 450 j 373 300 Mot t i itAuoOTKao t i i numbers in the United States closely the changes in corn production. Since 1920-2as Indicated by the bottom line in the graph above, there have been three peaks of heavy hog slaughter the 1928-29- , marketing years of 1923-24- . and 1933-34- . The Increases In hog slaughter during these years can be traced to the big corn crops during the periods beginning In 1920, in 1928, and again in 1932, as shown by the top line above. Over a period of years, a change of one per cent In corn production has been followed by a corresponding change of about one per cent In the number of hogs slaughtered under Federal inspection. Moreover, HOQ master engineer, leader of industry, and fitrure of the ob-- i jectives of the Ford Motor Company and of the product of that company, the amazing new Ford Mr. Van Atta, who will supervise the meetings in which local salesmen will participate, recently return ed from a month's study in Detroit of Ford policies and procedure, and' will discuss with local salesmen application of these principles to local con world-famo- V-8- ." j won i i Ttn KAi wyfcHoii Lj i i VI Og-de- changes In corn production are closely associated with changes in the weight per hog marketed through the following year. Because of this fundamental relationship, effective control of corn acreage Is a vital factor in control ling hog production. contract now The 1935 corn-bobeing offered farmers provides control of corn acreage and, therefore, will be doubly effective In prevent-tn- g excessive hog production during the next year or so. Lack of adequate acreage control in 1935 not only would result in a large surplus of corn and low feed prices, but undoubtedly would be followed in 1936 and 1937 by heavy hog feeding and relatively low hog prices. pppna Og-den- UlUHa M orf nfnr 'M'Men and Gleaner Girls Annual Banquet Final preparations for the annual M Men and Gleaner Girls banquet to be held Saturday evening, Feb. Gth have been completed and everything is in readiness for what promises to be, from presale of tickets and general enthusiasm displayed, a most suc- cut-awa- cut-awa- , - That You Can Buy Boys Jackets Harris. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Madsen had as their dinner guests last Sunday, dS, Simpson and Dean Madsen of Brigham City, Taylor Johnson of Bear ruver City and Roberta Ward ?T!7l!kT VsUaWadsii Let-th- a Tan Moleskin Cossock style - 6 button front Regular 31.69 For a Limited Time Only of Willard. e&A Mr. and Mrs. John H. Laub had as their dinner guests last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. W. McDermaid, Miss Gertrude Laub and Walt Burns of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Burns of Fielding. is a pleasure to announce that we have been appointed by I Ford Motor Co. to sell and service Ford "Ms and Trucks in this community It Valentines Miss Gwen Laub is visiting in Salt Lake City this week. can be had at Gepharts in three great price ranges Charles A. Osmond and family of Ogden, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of their sister, Mrs. A. L. Cook. Mrs. E. H. Cornwall went to Salt Lake City Monday to snenH a t weeks with her husband, tive Cornwall. Mr. and Mrs. William Sandall entertained at dinner Sunday. Covers were laid for eight guests. foir With Envelopes Mrs. Amy Randall of Salt Lake City, has been visiting relatives and friends this week. We invite you to call soon and see the new showing of Fords now on display at our show room 'art Sto Phone 33 2C "'itn Envelopes 'Buy for Cash and ray o CO. Less- - Treraontwi, CITY DRUG CO. WE CARRY POSTAGE STAMPS Tremonton, Utah Prescriptions Carefully and Accurately Compounds SALE OF SOAPS CASHMERE BOQUET LIFEBUOY JERGENS PERFUMED SOAP WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP LUX TOILET SOAP JERGENS LAYTON MEDICAT Winchester Motor Co. 5 for 250 Z1 for 140 70 50 i Jl 250 230 for 14f4 3 . PALMOLIVE IWgr. U :iiiiiiixxxxrrrrfYYY The most up to date equipment will be installed in our service department to keep your Ford humming like new Edgar Winchester Iimw If is V-8- 1 RIVERSIDE j g TE 8 members and 9 guests Mrs. Edith H. Miller visited relaFrank and Harry Taylor left SunGolden and Oral Harris returned to tives and friends in Logan last exfor Detroit, day Tremonton Thursday to spend the! Michigan. They to return in 10 days with their weekend. They returned to Denver pect new cars. Monday. Grace Sargent, daughter of Mr. and A. D. Sargent, left for New York Mrs. ' Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mason enterMrs. Ruby Sandall entertained at a last week to enter the New. York tained at a dinner party Saturday quilting party Wednesday at herj City a post graduate course in for hospital Games were played and home. A hot dinner was served to evening. obstetrics. Miss Sargent recently 15 awarded. were There sixteen guests. prizes graduated from the Grace hospital of guests present. Detroit, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Londy Harris left n Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cook entertained noon for Chicago, Wednesday Saturday night in honor of Mr. and where they intend to visit a couple of Mrs. Lamont Vance. Refreshments weeks with relatives there. Mr. Har were served to twenty guests. ris win return with new cars for a By Mrs. J. O. iladf ield local distributor. Ferris AP.en and Miss Mary Jen The M. I. A. held the green and sen of Salt Lake City spent the week N. R. Homer and daughter, Elna, ball Wednesday evening with a gold end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- of Murray, were visiting at the home crowd in attendance. The hall large bert Allen. of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Homer Fridav was beautifully decorated. Iola Tubbs and Saturday. was selected as the queen with Nina The Tremonton Relief Society meet Udy and Lorella Bowcutt as attening was held Tuesday with 74 memMr. and Mrs. D. J. Homer and dants. bers present. The scripture reading at RriP-haMr. and Mrs. Alvin Bowcutt spent was conducted by Mrs. A. L. Cook. City, spent Wednesday business affairs there. last week in Salt Lake. Mr. Bowcutt attending The special musical number was giv returned again Sunday evening to acen by little Marilyn Watkins. The Mrs. Lester Anderson of Bear Riv- cept a position Monday morning. Theology lesson was given by Mrs. er A shower was given Friday evenCity, is spending the week with her Harry Taylor. mother, Mrs. John T. Anderson. ing at the R. D. Macfarlane home for Mr. and Mrs. Glen Udy who were Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Wood of married recently. The small daughter of Dr. and Mrs. spent Sunday at the home of Mr Brown and Mrs. Oneta Henry Schaffer was taken and Mrs. Frank Taylor. seriously ill at the home of her grandmother in Salt Shurtz of the stake board, were visitLake City last week. Dr. and Mrs. ors at the Tuesday evening meeting Mrs. Bertha Bishop, Helen M. I. A. Oneta Shurtz and Bertha Harris Schaffer were immediately called to of the scouts The gave a pleasing program her aid and remained there until she were hostesses to the ladies faculty evening. ciud xnursday of last week. After a had thoroughly recovered and could Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker and tray luncheon was served Miss Edna return home with them. daughter, Betty of Pocatello, were Burnham discussed formal entertain With Ruth Cropley and Doris Wood visitors at the E. W. Ward home over ing, after which a trio from Garland furnished the music. Mrs. Harry ward as hostesses, the M. K. C. club the weekend. Frank Benson of Logan, is visiting held a club meeting at the home of woodward was a special guest. with his daughter. Mrs. J. H. Ward. Doris Woodward Saturday evening. Edna Mae Ward of Ogden, was vis Monday afternoon Blain and Dwain The evening was spent in nlavinoMadsen entertained at a birthday games. A party to be held instead nf iting here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Tingey and a party, it being their 7th birthday an next meeting was discusser) children of Centerville, were weekend A niversary. dainty luncheon was lightful luncheon was served and ev- visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ca served to eight little friends. ery one declared thev hart va o pener. interesting time. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Allen and Still, if it were the pretty clothes daughter, Leila, and son, Frank of Mrs. E. H. White Will! hnofaDo Salt Lake City, were visiting at the Tremonton - Garland Lite nut) tvoo LU instead of the woman a man was interested in, he could buy a swell dress home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rhead, Wednesday The program evening. to have around to admire and just Sunday. was on lige and songs of Franz Schu- - save himself a lot of money. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Jensen of Brigham, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marble. cessful affair. ditions. Between one hundred and fifty and The sessions of the school will inBr MARGARET E. BRUNER two hundred are expected to attend. clude lectures, group and individual ia Indiana poli j News The visiting representative of the instruction, chart, display, and literauthorities will be the special general ature study, motion pictures, slide world ha honored him a on whou guest. mm presentations, and heart laboratory the which will demonstrations. The complete equip- be Following over banquet Was touched by orrow of a fettered race Reeder Waldion. by presided ,Who, in hi kindness (ought to ease the smart ment of the traveling school includes a dance will be held in the recreation ,01 suffering, nor turned averted face; projection machines and talking re- hall with Bob Merrill's orchestra of For ha was kind to every desolate slide films, a y cords, rear ax- Logan, furnishing the music. 'And hunted creature lonely tre and hill; a and y le, $5,000 chassis. Thers was a hunger he could never This year the banquet and dance sate, Featured also is the recently perfect will be held A longing h could never in the Tremonton banquet quite fulfill. ed Ford laboratory test set, the re;H was a mighty poet, though he wrote and recreational hall. No lines by which the world could know his markable device created by Ford engineers to analyze accurately from Ford Motor Company, are in line with rtj But I am aura he heard the perfect not bumper to bumper the mechanism of the sensational statement made by Mrs. W. A. Kerr returned home afFelt rhythm which the mind could not Iman automobile. Ford some few months ago ter visiting two weeks in Salt Lake Henry part, The traveling school, the laboratory that the Ford Motor Company will City. jA genial bum, and yet with (out depressed, 's in Hi song forever locked within hU breast. projects, and other developments, the produce one million Ford most ambitious in the history of the 1935, according to Mr. Winchester. Mrs. David Stoker and daughter, Mary of Clearfield, are visiting at a ctnnrnTTnJll laoimiirniDal lrnrrrrTTTrnfa the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernal fflonniiimiiffll Lincoln, the Poet 15 2 . im "Aiti ouai' V,. COLGATES CHARMIS or ORCHIS 3 Each S0AI with f ree est bar) imCxERnR 230 MONTEBELLO PURE CASTILLE lb. bar "I. 250 YOU SAVE WHEN YOU TRADE WITH US XXXIIXXXXXXXXXXX ! ! |