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Show RIVER VALLET LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY PAGE TWO BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Entered at the Postofflce at Tre-on ton, Utah as Second Class Matter. Published at Tremonton, Utah, on Thursday of each neck. Subscription Rates One Year (In advance) $2.00 Six Months (in advance) - - - - $ 1.00 Three Months (in advance) - - - - 50 v- - FIELDING By Enid Welling m Free to Public .The only place in th. U. S. where catalog! and Jveftniiib matter covering" any line of bu.ineat or product caa Be" obtained Free And Without Obligation ia the American Industrial Library Write lor Euaineaa Advertiainf Mattel yon are interested in; aame will be promptly forwarded. AMERICAS INDUSTRIAL LIBRARY EaslnMrlagBaiidins, Chicago, Illlaoie Wll-lar- as well as to your Country PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS Sacred Heritage to the American People hundred and twenty-siyears rolled into the ages since birth of Abraham Lincoln. Kindled at the very hearthstone of his being were the fires of two great principles whose flames have burned with a brilliance undlmmed by time through generation after generation the cause of liberty and equality for every man. Believing inherently in these two great truths, his became an Inspired vision. When the startling breath of war's alarm spread throughout the land, In x ONE ami lenaaBvaiau i DAYS The Social Development club entertained their husbands at a supper and dancing party Wednesday evening in the Fielding halL About sixty people were present Music was furnished by the Fielding orchestra. Wanda Johnson entertained a group of friends Wednesday evening. Games were played and a chili supper was served. Twelve were present. The Sunday school superintendency entertained the ward at a program and a picture show Thursday evening in the Fielding hall. The picture de- nicted the first four periods of the church. A large crowd was in atten dance. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Johnson of Lo gan, spent the weekend visiting with friends and relatives. Miss June- Cordon spent the weekend visiting with her parents in taaniaejajM f out-goin- Eight Years of Severe Suffering Corrected; Can Move Without Pain "Eight years of severe suffering with rheumatism in my neck and head during which time I had to take n tablets of some kind conyears of sufstantly, and thirty-fiv- e fering from constipation and extreme nervousness was my lot until I took Williams S. L. K. Formula. "Now I can turn my head without pain, my nervousness Is gone, and I have not had to take any aspirin since taking this marvelous medicine. I have also gained five pounds and feel like a different person after taking four bottles. My constipation has been corrected and I can recommend this medicine to any suffering as I did." Mrs. Geo. Carey, Hiawatha, Kansas. Williams S. L. K. Formula is guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money will be refunded. If you suffer from disorders of stomach, liver or kidneys, including dyspepsia, nervousness, biliousness, distress after eating, heartburn, sour or gassy stomach, constipation, neuritis, neuralgia, rheumatic pain, general weakness or loss of vitality, don't delay. Get a bottle of Williams S. L. K. Formula today. This wonderful medicine is sold and guaranteed by the City Drug Co. (Adv.) anti-pai- Bronze of Abraham Lincoln at Prayer, Gift to Washington Cathedral. defense of these principles, with Impassioned real, he led his country to noble victory. The memory of this rugged man of modest dignity and enqualities, whose broad Ideals suring ' become more clearly revealed with the passing years, Is a sacred heritage to the American people. Though the treasured dust and ashes, once his mortal frame, have long been enshrined by a worshipful nation, his Immortal spirit lies not entombed, for today, in the hearts of our grateful Republic, the inspiration of the martyred soul of Abraham Lincoln to eternal freedom goes marching on. oOo Great For Sore Swoolen Pain - Tortured Rheumatic Joints Mere is a new treatment. Get a bottle of clean, powerful, penetrating Moone's Emerald Oil. Apply a few drops over the affected part, rub lightly till it disappears on its errand 1 of mercy. The first application brings blessed comfort and relief. (Adv.) Classified Ad Column! LOST 300 Fronk Chevrolet Co. FATA There is great difficulty in recognizing the difference between opportunity and temptation. 1 ill I 'WfttHgi 4' . S3L Adam S. Bennion Is Principal Speaker at Teachers Institute The winter institute for this county was held at the Box Elder high school m Brigham City, Saturday, Feb. 2. An unusually large number of teachers were in attendance for the reason that teachers from as far away as Grouse Creek and Park Valley found it possible to drive into Brigham City. The first meeting was held in the assembly room of the high school and was in the nature of an inspirational meeting. Community singing was conducted for ten minutes under the able direction of George O. Nye, vocal teacher at the Bear River high school. Invocation was offered by Bishop A. S. Rich, principal of the Box Elder stake seminary. A vocal trio was rendered by teachers from the Lincoln school Madge Gray, Mary- - Nichols and Regena Jensen, accompanied by Eloise Hoopes on the piano. The teachers were welcomed to the institute by Superintendent Hervin Bunderson who introduced Dr. Adam S. Bennion, personnel manager of the Utah Power and Light company, with headquarters in Salt Lake City. Dr. Bennion, in his characteristic manner, gave a most interesting discussion of the problems encountered in teaching. At 10:30 the institute divided into departments. The high school section was under the direction of Punoipals F. A. Hinckley and Clareuce E. Smith. Dr. Bennion visited this department and discussed the opportunities of teachers to beneficially influence the lives of the young people wijp whom they work. The grammar grades .department was under the direction of Mont Harmon. The following subjects were discussed by teachers as follows: Rulon Manning (Garland) "Coordinating the' Social Science Program with Literature." Ronald Courley (Perry) "Providing for Individual Differences in the Social Science Program." Frank Stevens (Corinne) "Shall we Return to the Old Method of Teaching Social Science?" Miss Lydia Robinson was in charge of the primary grades department. Her teachers met in three groups, where subjects were discussed by teachers as follows: First Grade Group Norma Jensen, chairman. Miss Harriet Farnsworth, supervising nurse "Physical Exami : Re-gin- V Mor-tense- to n, to Candy per ADAM'S DRUG STORE FOR BRONCHITIS WM IF COUGHS, COLDS Buckley's Quickly Loosens Things Up It's different it's faster in action it's compounded on superior, medical fact findings new in this country. Buckley's Mixture (triple acting) is the name of this amazing cough and cold prescription that "acts? like a flash" yet is so pure and free from harmful drugs that a child can take it and stop coughing. One little sip and the ordinary cough is eased a few doses and that cough is seldom tough old hang-o- n heard again it's really wonderful to watch how speedily hard, lingering colds are put out of business. Right away that tightness begins to loosen up the bronchial passages clear you're on your toes again happy and breathing easier. Get Buckley's today at the City Drug Co. or any first class drug store. (Adv.) We Have JUST RECEIVED a Complete Stock of Wall Paper in MANY BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS - Come and Make Your Selections Early While There are Many Patterns to Select From 77 w& Oyerson m m m If that r a man is so nervously wrought he has to make a noise, why need he bring it outdoors? "CATERPILLAR" Diesel pays for itself in low operating costs 5c bone. PLYMOUTH the only car to reach one million (1,000,000) sales in the first six years of manufacturing new "Caterpillar" Diesels operate at a fuel cost of to 6c per hour. Economy? It's just what you and hundreds of other farmers have been wanting...a thoroughly reliable tractor that cuts production costs down to the very THE Have An Airglide Ride In These Wonderful Cars ---- On course, you know that the "Caterpillar'' Diesel burns Diesel oil instead of gasoline. Diesel oil is plentiful here, costing only a few Icents per gallon. Low operating cost, however, is only one of the features of the "Caterpillar" Diesel. The name "Caterpillar" assures a world of power, dependability and years and years of perfect service. lieitz SEE & Write, Phone, or Call at Our Office and Let Us Give You Further Details Winzcler LANBES Auto Co. BESSINGER BROS. TREMONTON. UTAH 36: aientme Candy in Fancy ON DISPLAY AT OUR SALES ROOM FOR ICE Beverages & Coal aAmm Identification by fingerprints is like nations to Insure Progress Under radio. We wouldn't believe it if we Healthy Conditions." Vera Johnson didn't know it. "Pre Primer Activities." Vernell Pea terson "Reading Objectives." Jensen "Retardation in First Grade." Second and Third Grade Group-Be- rtha Jensen, chairman. Thelma Harris "Reading Objectives." Gol-d- a Acord "Correlated Seat Work in Reading Activities." Blanche Ferre "Provision for Group and Individual Select a Box of Sweet's Valentine Heart Candy Needs in Reading." Fourth Grade Group Pearl 50 32,75 chairman. Leona Garfield "Reading Objectives." Lucille Jones Box We Specialize "Correlated Seatwork in Reading Activities." Vivian Maughn "ProFine Selection of Valentine Bulk Candies vision for Group and Individual Needs in Reading." 25 40 lb. At 12:30 all teachers met for a banquet and program at the Fourth Ward Amusement Hall. W. H. Griffiths ably presided as toastmaster, and under his direction a program of community singing, speeches, instrumental and vocal numbers and stunts was carried out. ADAM BREJSKMAN, Prop. 3 One set of used Harness In good condition. Tremonton Har ness & Accessories Co., Inc. gKf yilrfl" e, Dodge and Plymouth i 2. -- Entrance view of the Lincoln memorial on the tite at the eld Lincoln farm at Hodgen-villKy. Inside this imposing memorial ia the cabin in which Lincoln was born. The memorial is a shrine for visitors from all parts of the co;n t v '33S23Bt mm 1 FOR SALE T J SSSfeSSs CASH PAID for dead and useless cows and horses. Call Maple Creek Trout Hatchery, Brigham Reverse Charge. tf Phone 28 .P-H-O-N- -E Word is received from Washington, by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harris, that their son, Lloyd, has received a promotion and is now advanced to the position of traveling auditor for the government. At the present time he is in South Dakota, where he reports that things look very bad for the farmer for lack of moisture. - Lincoln Shrine on Kentucky Farm tip. 7 493-J-- MAKE GOOD OR WE DO ri .a TRADE Will take livestock in trade for horses. ' Glenn Mason Trremon- t4 ton, Utah. 1-- Tremonton, Utah y Red white-face- d steer, weight lbs, left ear cropped. Call 2-- OUR T ,,- - li mm g Ended by Williams S. L. K. Formula - IS tiiiiiiiiiii l iiil fi SAKE. SloP VKlCHlrVt- - Fctt' MDCy Promotion In Services d. Miss Joy Jensen spent the week end visiting with her parents at Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Garn entertained at a card party Friday evening. A delicious midnight supper was served, while the evening was spent Twenty-tw- o in playing pinochle. were present. guests The Fielding basketball team played the CCC camp Monday evening. The CCC camp were the winners. We hope this won't happen again. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Coombs returned from California Thursday where they have been spending the past several weeks visiting with their children in Riverside and Los Angeles. Mrs. Rhea Boothe spent a few days of last week visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Johnson. The Cleo club entertained at the Idle Isle in Brigham City Thursday memfor Irene Wood an ber. Dinner was served and the remainder of the evening was spent in playing bridge. Irene Peck won high prize and Blanche Coombs consolation. In conjoint meeting Sunday night the boy scouts gave the program. They demonstrated the first aid work they had learned this year. A large crowd was in attendance. Mrs. Marcelle Johnson entertained a group of friends Saturday evening In honor of her husband's birthday. Luncheon was served and the remainder of the evening was spent in playing pinochle and solo. Her Rheumatism i 1 aeaamB Lloyd Harris Receives By DWIG - To Your Town mmam 7, 1935 111 1 1' Tremonton, Utah IIHIII llllllll I'H i M TRACTOR &;EQUIPMENT CO. Phone 16 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tremonton 1 1M 1 1 Salt Lake American Falls |