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Show LIEESLW TOEATOE, TSfcmMMtom THURSDAY TUESDAY MONDAY SUNDAY Mrs. Holt is a.- Mrs. Felix Zesiger. I sister of Mr. Zesiger. TREMONTON i NEWS AND SOCIAL ITEMS t Mrs. Ed Nelson of Howell was taken to the home of her sister, Mrs. Golden Frisbey the first of the week where she is receiving medical - :x: Edith Foxley and Aileen Calderwood were visiting in Ogden Wednesday. Miss Alma Laxman of Salt Lake, wad visiting the week end at the home of her Bister, Mrs, Edith Anderson. Valera Randall of Ogden, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Randall, Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. J. H. Keller, daughter, Doris, and Pearl Watkins were business visitors in Ogden last Thursday. Keller, Pearl Watkins and Gladys Mortensen were visiting in Ogden, Wednesday. Doris Mary Getz entertained the Peter Mrs. E. L. Storrer is in the Dee club at her home Wednesday evPan undershe where Hospital in Ogden After the regular meeting a ening. went an operation Monday. dainty luncheon was served to ten Mrs. Sam Getz and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schenkel and guests. were Uva, speccial guests. Mrs. Leland Crystal were visiting relatives and friends in Salt Lake the first of the week. Friday evening the friends of Al fred Kunz gathered at the home of Wednesday an old fashioned quilt- John Thomas then went on to the Kunz in ing bee was held at the home of Mrs. Kunz home surprising Mrs. Dan Taylor. Dinner was served to honor of her birthday anniversary. A very delightful time was had and retwelve ladies. freshments were served to 25 guests Mrs. Mary Newman returned home Mexican crop outlook better than Sunday after spending the past four weeks with relatives in Ogden and last year, as is retail trade. Outlook slightly improved in India. Bolivian Salt Lake City and Cuban situations unfavorable. In Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Holt of Salt most countries abroad there has been Lake were Sunday guests of Mr. and little change in any direction of late. PRICES FOR SATURDAY, FEB. 25, 1933 s ibs Lairdl Swifts Silver Leaf. 48 lb. bag ft wI 55C 1 M. I. A. NEWS Fi.wnnn By Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen -- 1 No 2"2 Can. Tomatoes JLflSc Utah Tack. Peas 3 cans 27c Part of 1. 0. 0. F. Hall Take It Easy As Long- As Bar- Bottle I?(D)tnimm pound 211' Cereal. ILetftfUUCe Mead 7C ; Large, Solid. (CelSffy Bunch 5c Crisp, White. Music By Rubenoff L. D. S. HALL ruary 20th. Prizes given for most original and most beautiful Mr. and Mrs. George of Fielding, a girl, born February 22nd. TAYLOR Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor a boy, born February 23rd. Mrs. Taylor was formerly Miss Norma Coombs) during the Costume Admission Await You at This Old World Isn't So Bad As It Is Sometimes Painted. Gep-hart- s, Special Entertainment M. I. A. During Intermission i a ftn I I AND SPECIAL FEATURES ....... yd HALF SOLES fcte Jance lb With Patterned oilcloth in Standard widths, will be . on sale Saturday at !HC 35c Connie play. Special prizes will be given for the most original and most beautiful Thursday Mar. 2nd. L. D. S. Hall EVERYBODY INVITED Admission ID Per Couple 35c Tickets Will be Given on a Quilt Large size for rubber boots 15c Aviator Helmets n-.- Aviation Helmets, moleskin Hartley and Stokes Just Home Folks Dinnerette. Baking Powder. BALL COOMBS 12 (Caflimmm&& poUnd25' Character Mr. and Mrs. Delbert WALKER Walker of Elwood, formerly of Salt Lake, a boy, born February 17th. JENSEN Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jensen of Bear River, a boy, born at the Valley Hospital, February 19th. RHODES Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rhodes of East Garland, a boy, born Feb- Early June. (C&Ssuap "Everything To Build Anything' Phone 11 All-re- gains Like These Boys' Leatherette lined THINK WILSONT Nesson. d ALLRED Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert of Bear River City, a boy, born February 20th. - 1 When You Think HARDWARE Is Caved in by Snow Due to the extremely heavy snow( :x: has fallen just recently, the rear that The Vanguards of the Tremonton, of the Odd Fellows hall caved in M. I. A., were successful in defeating' part under the weight. Luckily there was com-j all comers in the stake district no occupants in the building when it petition meet held in Ogden, Satur- ; crashed. day of last week, in van ball. Thi9 While the main part of the building entitles the boys to participate in the still standing, it is understood that is grand finals at Salt Lake, Saturday, it will need some immediate repairs chamchurch the February 25th, for and attention to render it safe. In pionship. fact workers are allready employed The vanguard tournament is only a in that task. part of the vanguard jubilee and rally held in Salt Lake on this date. BIRTHS OF THE WEEK I pair rubber "stick-em-on- " half soles with tube of rubber cement Family Blend. Broken Slices. "ROCKABYE" A large group of married folks en joyed a sleigh ride to Bear River City and attended the carnival. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dalton and W. E. Woods and Kim Mann are in daughter, Gloria, were called to Provo Ogden attending to Mr. Wood's ap on account of the illness and death of ples. a relative, Lorenzo J. Dierrant. They Dwain Romer and Merlin Romer returned home Thursday. are in Ogden helping Mr. Woods. Lewis Hunsaker is in Loean visit The Ladies Aid of the Methodist ing, also going to the temple. Vemer Carlson attended the old church, held a silver tea, Wednesday afternoon at the church. A rug dis- folks reunion in Hyrum. He also went to the temple in Logan. play and demonstration was also Saturday, February 25th, the Norman Anderson is visitinc in Salt Girls and Vanguards are Lake City. a Colonial ball. Slight demonstraMists Aileen Calderwood was the tions of some of the costumes to Last Wednesday evening the friends of C. W. Green gathered at his home main speaker Sunday night at sacra at this smart affair were demon- j strated between to enjoy a party in honor of his birth- ment meeting. acts Tuesday evening day. Games were played during the evening after which an oyster supper was served to 15 guests. Mrs. Sallie Gephart has been visiting the past week in Salt Lake City. ... IN CONSTANCE BENNETT AND JOEL MCCREA .... IN "ONE WAY PASSAGE" WILLIAM POWELL AND KAY FRANCIS i SATURDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SPECIALS 80 THREAD COUNT Percale Plain or Patterned 10 c yd Gephart Stores Co. SODAS 3 Pound Box CORN tfr PEANUT BUTTER rnrrrr LUrrCL 1 MILD CHEESE TOILET SOAP LEMONS 2 Pound 1 ItT Dozen ANNUAL FARM BUREAU SOCIAL AND BANQUET MARCH 4th at BEAR RIVER HIGH SCHOOL o- 6:30 P. M. -- 35c EACH ... 0 ZO r- Pound XiiiaHa,iii'',a',,i'',iMM' ADMISSION TO BANQUET, PROGRAM AND DANCE Jar DeiMonte Pound Vacuum Sealed Tin .. "BUY FOR CASH AND PAY LESS" Tremonton, Phone 33 ... 26c 23a 22c (bring knife, fork and spoon) 9t 15d 1 |